Property:HPB SB item notes

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Showing 500 pages using this property.
"Chameleon africanus"  +
"Scribe" in the London Medium  +
3 passages on mesmerism  +
A boy sitting on a chair  +
A boy with saber  +
A camel with umbrella  +
A compilation from several periodicals.  +, Could be from the New York Sun  +
A handwriting, not HPB  +
A newspaper column with many posters  +
A paragraph about H.P.B. illness. Repeated at [[HPB-SB-2-6|SB 2:6]]  +
A paragraph about HPB illness. Also on [[HPB-SB-1-30|SB 1:30]].  +
A passage quoted from Isis Unveiled  +
A portion of the Wallin the Palace of the Sirdar in Erivan, Armenia, – now occupied by the Russian governors (H.P.B.'s bed room)  +
A sketch of a city  +
Advertisement about HPB's book with contents of vol.1  +
After "Rev. Mr. McСarthy" HPB added: "(<span style="color: #474a51; background: #dbdbdb;" title="here the original text is illegible or lost">...</span style="color: #474a51; background: #dbdbdb;" title="here the original text is illegible or lost"> friend)".  +
After "Wallace" HPB added "F.T.S."  +
Alexandre Aksakof added a note after main article  +
Also in HPB CW, vol. I, pp. 56-72  +
Also on [[HPB-SB-1-37|SB 1:37-8]].  +
Also on [[HPB-SB-1-41|SB 1:41-5]].  +
Also on [[HPB-SB-3-111|SB 3:111]].  +
Also on [[HPB-SB-3-241|SB 3:241-5]].  +
An angel from "The Evening Telegraph" title  +
Angel rides lion  +
Another title: "Spiritualism and Spiritualists"  +
Ante and post natal history of the Theosophical Society and the mortifications tribulations and triumphs of its fellows.  +
Bald-headed man in glasses  +
Baron Palm's Coat of Arms  +
Bay with many sailers  +
Calendar 1878.  +
Calendar for year 1877  +
Caricature of scientists and theologists exploring religious remains with HPB's notes all over.  +
Cartoon image of HPB  +
Cartoon image of HSO  +
Chinese imperator  +
Cninese nobleman  +
Collage made out of 7 images  +
Collage of several images  +
Collage of several images.  +
Collage out of 4 images.  +
Colored picture of lizard grabbing a beetle.  +
Copy in [[HPB-SB-1-56|SB 1:56]].  +
Copy in [[HPB-SB-3-116|SB 3:116]]  +
Could be reprinted in London Spiritualist, 13.12.1874  +
Cut without author  +
Cut without title and author  +
Cut without title or author  +
Decoration partly appended by HPB  +
Decorative letter V  +
Description (or title) of volume 6.  +
Dog barking on ass  +
Extracts from Haeckel's «The History of Creation»  +
Facsimile of a letter to the editorial from Wong Chin Foo with Chinese hieroglyphs  +
First idea of TS  +
For the Committee of Seven  +
For the Spiritual Scientist  +
Fountain in front of a house  +
Four deformed faces  +
Fragment of badly damaged text the most part of the article was restored from alternative source.  +
Fragment of the article.  +
Freezing man is running  +
Freezing man is sleeping  +
From the London Spiritualist  +
From "All the Year Round"  +
From "Japan Weekly Mail". Translated from Japanese.  +
From "The Medium and Daybreak", January 12, 1877, where it was published under the title [ "Dr. Carpenter's Theories, and Dr. Carpenter's Facts"]  +
From ''the Springfield Republican''  +
From Banner of Light  +
From Chambers's Jonrnal  +
From Daily Telegraph  +
From Harbiinder of Light, Australia  +
From Harper`s Magazine – S. G. W. Benjamin  +
From Human Nature  +
From London Spiritualist  +
From Macmillan's Magazine  +
From New York Evening Post  +
From New York Tribune of 1875-09-17  +
From Philadelphia Telegraph  +
From Religio-Philosophical Journal  +
From The Liverpool News  +
From The New Haven Register  +
From The New York Sun, August 27  +
From The Spiritualist  +
From The Spiritualist Scientist  +
From The Spiritualist, London, Eng.  +
From The Times, December 28  +
From the "Banner of Light"  +
From the "Revue Spirite" of March  +
From the "Revue Spirite", of March  +
From the Albany Press  +
From the Albany Press  +
From the Banner of Light  +
From the Boston Globe  +
From the Boston Globe.  +
From the Boston Herald  +
From the Chicago Daily Times  +
From the Chicago Tribune  +
From the Chicago Tribune  +
From the Jersey City Journal  +
From the London Athenoeum  +
From the London Gazette  +
From the London Spiritualist  +
From the London Spiritualist  +
From the London Spiritualist  +
From the London Spiritualist  +
From the London Spiritualist  +
From the London Spiritualist  +
From the London Spiritualist, Nov. 23d.  +
From the London Times  +
From the London Times  +
From the London World  +
From the National Repository for July  +
From the New York Herald  +
From the New York Sun  +
From the New York Tribune  +
From the Pall Mall Gazette  +
From the Pall mall Gazette  +
From the Paris (Texas) Press  +
From the Philadelphia Times  +
From the Pittsburg Leader  +
From the Reformer and the Jewish Times  +
From the San Francisco Bulletin  +
From the San Francisco Chronicle  +
From the San Francisco Post  +
From the Scientific American  +
From the Scientific American, v. 33, No. 24, December 11, 1875, p. 376  +
From the Spiritual Scientist  +
From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Oct. 5  +
From the St. Louis Republican  +
From the St. Paul Dispatch  +
From the Troy Times  +
From the Washington Herald  +
Greek or Roman horseman  +
HPB crossed out “Helena” and wrote “Heliena” or “Heliona”. The article consists of two parts: the first (phrenological) is written by J. R. Buchanan, the second, where HPB described as author of "Isis Unveiled", by the editor.  +
HPB has added day and year: “2, 1876”  +
HPB illness crisis  +
HPB signed: "Fools or Knaves – which? guess the latter"  +
HPB's comment in blue pencil is mostly lost (cutted off)  +
HPB's note above chimpanzee: "Police!!"  +
HPB's note to the left from lady: "Supposed to be HP Blavatsky!!"  +
HPB's notes over the hawk: "<...> Occultism"; over the fledgeling: "The T.S."  +
Hawk and cock with some birds  +
Head of Egyptian women  +
House in trees on the bank. Note above house: "Temple of Theosophy"; note on roof: "TRUTH"; note above houses on the left: "Roman Cath. Church".  +
Houses in mountains  +
Hunter with a dog  +
Illustrated title of The Phrenological Jornal magazine, March, 1878  +
In "Published this day" section  +
In French. SB pages 129-136 consist of 7 pages from Olcott's book in mixed order.  +
In Greek: ‘Υπό τής Κυρίας Η. Ρ. BLAVATSKY. The translation to Greek made by Angelou Nikolaidou. Text prior to “The Caves of Echoes” translated from Greek by Ifigeneia Kastamoniti. Text in Greek needs a proofread.  +
In Old Russian: "Праздникъ 1 октября въ грузинскомъ городе Мцхете"  +
In Russian. Slade's first mediumistic seance in St. Petersburg  +
In Russian: "На спиритическомъ сеансе у Слэда"  +
In Russian: В.В. Попов, “На родинҍ (Памяти воиновъ)”  +
In Russian: Сурбъ-ОванесЪ  +
In Russian: “Послҍднiя пҍсни Н. Некрасова”  +
In Section "Correspondence".  +
In section "Amusements"  +
In section "Book Reviews"  +
In section "Correspondence"  +
In section "Correspondence"  +
In section "Labor's Evolution". From New York Echo?  +
In section "Literature"  +
In section "Literature"  +
In section "Literature"  +
In section "Literature. Reviews of Books, etc"  +
In section "More spiritual wonders". Includes chart "The Spiritual Charts"  +
In section "Mythology"  +
In section "New Publications"  +
In section "New Publications"  +
In section "New Publications"  +
In section "New Publications"  +
In section "New Publications"  +
In section "New Publications".  +
In section "Original Essay"  +
In section "Our Capital Letter"; one of 4 topics  +
In section "Phenomenal"  +
In section "Publisher's Notes"  +
In section "Review of Recent Publications"  +
In section "Review".  +
In section "Some New Books"  +
In section "Some New Books"  +
In section "Some New Books"  +
In section "The Best Mail Items". From the Manchester Examiner  +
In section "The Reviewer"  +
In section "The Week of Amusements"  +
In section "Variety"  +
In section "Wonders of the Circle". The ending is absent.  +
In section Correspondence  +
In section: Historical and Philosophical  +
Includes many quotes from different periodicals.  +
Inlay with some calculation, probably TS membership statistics  +
Inserted small page with handwrinig on both sides  +
Invitation card  +
Lady's portret signed by cut from some letter: "Very much yours J. M. Alcott."  +
Leaflet with archivist note on this volume.  +
Life and Scenes in Sitka  +
Looks like an accedent fragment overlaped by another newspaper cut.  +
Lost part of text was restored by HPB  +
Lotus in ornament  +
Lotus in ornament  +
Lotus in ornament  +
Man reading a book at sunset on a seeshore.  +
Man walking out the door.  +
Man watching clouds  +
Man's portret signed by cut from some letter: "A Bron fon Alcott."  +
Name in title could be different, due to poor quality of text  +
No ending. Reprinted in "[ The Sydney Morning Herald]" (Australia) in January 11, 1876, p. 7.  +
Notice about death anniversary of Vishnubaba Bramhachari.  +
Notice with quote from Isis Unveiled  +
Only four badly damaged lines have survived in current version of SB, the rest is restored from original newspaper. This text is a foreword for the article “Quid Divinum” by Emma A. Wood, which is not included in SB.  +
Only part of the article was pasted in SB by HPB.  +
Original in Old Russian: "Султанъ Мурадъ V"  +
Original in Old Russian: “Съ сердцемъ женщины”  +
Original in Russian: "В Арханг. Губ. Вҍдом."  +
Original in Russian: "Еще диковинныя происшествiя"  +
Original in Russian: "Петербургская хроника"  +
Original in Russian: Князь А. Церетелевъ, "Зеркало"  +
Original newspaper title in Russian: Голосъ  +
Original text in Greek  +
Original text on []  +
Original title in Old Russian: "Изъ-за Океана. Спириты и курьезный бой г-жи Е. П. Блаватской съ г. Гексли"  +
Original title in Old Russian: "Изъ-за Океана. Похороны өеозофа"  +
Original title in Russian: "Баку"  +
Original title in Russian: "Бҍсноватая".  +
Original title in Russian: "День 2 октября ознаменовался..."  +
Original title in Russian: "Замҍтка о способности женщинъ къ изученiю точныхъ наукъ"  +
Original title in Russian: "Ой Никшицкое ровное поле..."  +
Original title in Russian: "Попури"  +
Part of the article is restored by HPB manually  +
Part of the title is lost  +
Part of title is lost  +
Part of title is lost  +
Photo of the "destitute Arabs". Photo has drawing on it, which restore the missing parts  +
Photos of 2 Arabs out of 13  +
Picture from The Phrenological Jornal  +
Picture of forest in mountains  +
Picture of sphinx and child  +
Portrait of Chinese in color  +
Protest against conclusion of the scientific Commission (headed by D.I. Mendeleev) on spiritualism phenomena, signed by 130 persons. In Russian, without a title. Published in ''St. Petersburg News'' (С.-Петербургскiя Вҍдомости). HPB has translated main part of this article and published in ''Spiritual Scientist'' as ''Spiritualism in Russia''; it is pasted in [[HPB-SB-1-157|SB 1:157]].  +
Published in section: Department of Literature, Science, Education. The title is absent in SB.  +
Red official stamp  +
Religio-Philosophical Journal  +
Reprinted from Chicago Daily Tribune  +
Reprinted from Dayton Journal  +
Reprinted from Medium and Daybreak  +
Reprinted from Scientific American  +
Reprinted from The Eatern Pa. Free Press  +
Reprinted from The New York Sun, August 18, 1875  +
Reprinted from the London Times  +
Reprinted from the N. Y. Graphic, May 4 1875  +
Reprinted from the New York Sun of Dec. 12, 1875  +
Reprinted from the New York World, 1877-01-24  +
Reprinted from “Human Nature,” December, 1877  +
Reprinted from “Religio-Philosophical Journal” (Chicago, April 10th). The answer on H. S. Olcott letter.  +
Reprinted in The Banner of Light, September 11, 1875  +
Rose flower in color.  +
Samurai with daikyū (long bow). Engraving made from [[:File:SB-04-166-5-source-1.jpg|photograph]] by Felix Beato (1832-1909) in 1863.  +
Scheme of the room.  +
See also [[HPB-SB-3-104|SB 3:104]]  +
Series "Letters from America", letter 2.  +
Series "Letters from America", letter 3.  +
Series "Letters from America", letter No. 4; about Thomas Edison and his phonograph.  +
Several boats fishing.  +
She-goose in dress  +
Signed as ''Spiritualist''  +
Signed by ''Honesty''  +
Signed by five people  +
Signed: ''R. P. Journal''. Probably ''The Religio-Philosophical Journal''  +
Signed: A Guide to Human and Comparative Phrenology  +
Signed: Abelard and Heloise  +
Signed: Antiquities of the Jews, lib. 17, ch.15.  +
Signed: Approximation to Truth  +
Signed: Brotherhood of the New Life, Salem-on-Erie, N. Y.; [ text online].  +
Signed: Chicago Tribune  +
Signed: Liverpool Daily Post, Nov. 2  +
Signed: London Globe  +
Signed: Miracles Past and Present  +
Signed: Quoted in Chambers's Book of Days  +
Signed: Spiritual Scientist  +
Some lost words and the ending were recovered by HPB.  +
Some lost words recovered by HPB.  +
Some misprints are corrected by HPB  +
Some misprints are corrected by HPB  +
Source unknown, also published in ''[ Mount Alexander Mail]'', August 14, 1874, p.2  +
Spirit above the river in jungle  +
Spiritual Scientist title  +
Steamer at moorings  +
Story about Raja Yogi 17 years old girl in Northern India. Handwriting resembles HPB, but not quite. The ending of the story is not found yet.  +
Stripped card of James Miller  +
Supplement a l'Initiation  +
Supplement a l'Initiation  +
Supplement a l'Initiation  +
Supplement a l'Initiation  +
Supplement a l'Initiation?  +
Swans and a man on lake  +
TS invitation card to funeral of Baron de Palm  +
Telegram to H. S. Olcott  +
Text copied from []; proofread needed  +
Text copied from []. Need to be proofread against original newspaper.  +
Text copied from [] and need to be proofread against original newspaper cut.  +
Text copied from [] and should be proofread against original newspaper text  +
Text copied from [] and needs a proofread against original newspaper text.  +
Text is partly lost  +
Text restored from alternative source.  +
Text was copied from [http] and needs a proofread against original newspaper text.  +
Text was copied from [] and needs to be proofread against original newspaper text.  +
Text was copied from [] and needs a proofread against original newspaper text.  +
Text was copied from [] and needs a proofread against original newspaper text. In HPB CW published as "A Card from Madame Blavatsky" and said to be published also in ''The World'' on May 6, 1877.  +
Text was copied from [] and needs a proofread against original newspaper text.  +
Text was copied from [] and needs a proofread against original newspaper text. In HPB CW published as "Turkish Barbarities".  +
Text was copied from [] and needs a proofread against original newspaper text. B. Zirkoff pointed a different source: Banner of Light, Boston, Vol. XLI, April 21, 1877, p. 8  +
The Evening Telegraph title  +
The High Court of Allahabad record in Marathi  +
The High Court of Bombay record in Marathi  +
The Scientific American  +
The Spiritual Scientist  +
The Theosophist cover  +
The beginning of this article is not found yet  +
The cut has no title nor author, they are recovered.  +
The end of the article is restored by HPB in handwriting  +
The ending is absent  +
The ending is absent in SB, restored from newspaper.  +
The ending is not found  +
The ending is recovered by HPB in handwriting.  +
The ending of the article is on previous page.  +
The fragment of letter (article) about HPB arrival  +
The handwriting could be not by HPB.  +
The item is unreadable  +
The newspaper title  +
The original title is not pasted and substituted with "The Witch of Endor".  +
The rest of the article is yet to be recovered.  +
The rest of title is covered by оrnament  +
The same cut as on page [[HPB-SB-4-108|4:108]]  +
The title is blacked out and rewriten above. Signed in Greek.  +
The title is unreadable  +
The title of the image could be "The Hen and the Sailor"  +
The whole article is outlined with blue pencil.  +
There is a note beneath a man at the counter: “O.H.S.”, which could be an HPB's reference to H. S. Olcott.  +
There is an archivist mark by the text, which usualy is used for HPB's articles.  +
This article includes several reports, each having their own author and title.  +
This is a part from original article in Russian, pasted on page [[HPB-SB-3-101|3:101]]. Most likely it was translated by HPB herself.  +
This is the first letter from series "Letters from America"  +
Title "India" in rich decoration.  +
Title in French: 1-er Article du Colonel Alcott  +
Title in French: Deuxieme Article du Même  +
Title in French: Fragments de Madame Blavatsky, sur le même sujet  +
Title in French: Idées Théosophiques  +
Title in French: Reflexions an Sujet des Idées Théosophiques.  +
Title in Russian: "Изъ пещеръ и дебрей Индостана". '''Letters 10-19 published separately in brochure''' and pasted here without any comment. Letter X on SB pages 3-9; XI on 9-11; XII on 11-15; XIII on 15-8; XIV on 18-23; XV on 23-30; XVI on 30-4; XVII on 34-7; XVIII on 37-45; XIX (mistyped as XVIII) on 45-54. '''Letters 1-29 published in Moskovskie Vedomosti''': [[HPB-SB-6-114|Letter I]] on SB page 114-7; II on 117-9; III on 119-20; IV is absent; V on 121-4; VI on 124-6; VII on 126-8; VIII on 128-31; IX on 131-3; X on 135-8; XI on 138-9; XII on 139-41; XIII on 141-3; XIV on 143-6; XV on 146-9; XVI on 149-51; XVII on 151-2; XVIII on 153-8 (disordered); XIX on 158-63; XX on 163-6; XXI on 167-74; XXII on 175-80; XXIII on 180-91; XXIV on 191-3; XXV on 193-7; XXVI on 198-202; XXVII on 203-208; XXVIII on 208-225; XXIX on 225-231.  +
Title in Russian: "Литературные очерки"  +, Without beginning.  +
Title in Russian: "Новый Титулъ Султана"  +
Title in Russian: "Смҍсь"  +
Title in Russian: А. Молчановъ, "Гибралтаръ"  +
Title in Russian: С. Бобчевъ, "Канунъ Новаго Года Въ Болгарiи"  +
Title in Russian: “Англия. Письма изъ Лондона” by I. Майселфъ. Published in section “Politics”.  +
Title in Russian: “Воскресныя бесҍды”.  +
Title in Russian: “Голосъ съ того свҍта”.  +
Title in Russian: “Городъ Карсъ”  +
Title in Russian: “Изъ Калькутты”.  +
Title in Russian: “Изъ-за моря, изъ-за океана”.  +
Title in Russian: “Изъ-за моря, изъ-за синяго океана”  +
Title in Russian: “Манглийскiя впечатлҍния”  +
Title in Russian: “На сегодня”  +
Title in Russian: “Отрывокъ изъ дневника”  +
Title in Russian: “Письмо къ редактору”  +
Title in Russian: “Письмо къ редактору”.  +
Title of The Evening Telegram  +
Title of The Phrenological Journal  +
Title page of volume 6.  +
To the Editor of The Spiritual Scientist  +
To the Editor of The Spiritualist  +
Transaction from High Court in Marathi  +
Translated by HPB  +
Translated by HPB  +
Translated by HPB. Original: “Letter to the Editor about Spiritism”, Vestnik Evropi (Messenger of Europe), No. 52, 1875 pp. 855-875  +
Translated from Russian by HPB  +
Translated from Russian by HPB from «Messager of Europe»  +
Translated from Russian by HPB from «Messager of Europe»  +
Translated from Russian by HPB; part 1  +
Translated from the “Revue Spirite”  +
Tuesday, December 10, 1878  +
Two angels with an Egyptian woman head to the right  +
Two colored vignettes.  +
Two fighting wariors  +
Two man pulling an elephant by tail  +
Two men moving the boat on the river  +
Two padres in front of fruit kiosk  +
Two witches being burnt at the stake, Mexico, illustration by René Victor Meunier, created in ''Smeeton and Tilly'' engraving workshop and published in ''L'Illustration'' magazine (Paris), No 1637, Volume LXIV, July 11, 1874  +
Two women and a man in a line  +
Uncludes the letter: “Materialization of Spirit Hands” – Review of Rev. J. H. Wiggin  +
Under heading "Literature"  +
Under heading "New Publications"  +
Under heading "The Reviewer"  +
Under section "Spiritualism Abroad"  +
Under the title there is a Note in italic: Lights and Shadows of Spiritualism by D. D. Home, New York: George W. Carleton & Co.  +
Under title "New Books"  +
Under title "New Publications"  +
Volume 4 table of contents for just 6 items in handwriting  +
Warrior on a horse  +
With a big fragment of tragedy "Magian Meroth" by Robert William Hume.  +
With drawing and HPB's note  +
Without beginning.  +
Woman and child on graveyard  +
Woman with a child  +
Woman with a child (or an angel)  +
Written for The Scientist  +
[ The Yellow Fly. A Tale With a Sting in it.]  +
check for charity  +
check for charity  +
colored butterfly  +
colored butterfly  +
colored butterfly  +
colored dragonfly  +
colored dragonfly  +
colored fairy bird  +
colored figures of woman and man  +
colored fishers in boat  +
colored grasshopper  +
colored harlequin  +
colored musician  +