[A correspondent relates the passing of Babu Jogendra Nath Basu Sarbadhikary, which appears, from circumstances involved, to have been a conscious withdrawal of an advanced disciple and a return to the land of the Himalayan Adepts. The dying young man thrice said to his father: “I am Narayan.” To this H.P.B. says:]
Which only means “I have become a spirit (purusha),” i.e., a disembodied man. The sacred formula: Om namo Nârâyanâya taught in the Nârâyana Upanishad (64) has a secret meaning known only to the initiates.
289[Later, he repeated the following mantram: “Nârâyana para Veda — Nârâyana parâkshara — Nârâyana para Mukti — Nârâyana para gatih. To this H. P. B. appends the following footnote:]
Our brother may be now repeating, for all the scoffers know, the formula taught in the first two adhyayas of the Chhandogyopanishad. We mean the two missing genuine adhyayas out of the set of ten which composed originally this Brahmana, of which the world knows only eight.