HPB-SD(ed.1) v.2 p.1 st.2 sl.8

From Teopedia
The Secret Doctrine
The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Verbatim first edition
volume 2 Anthropogenesis, part 1 Anthropogenesis, stanza 2 Nature Unaided Fails, sloka 8 The forms are destroyed by them
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who are the “ flames ” ?

STANZA II. — Continued.
8. The flames came. The fires with the sparks ; the night fires and the day fires (a). They dried out the turbid dark waters. With their heat they quenched them. The Lhas (Spirits) of the high ; the Lhamayin (those) of below, came (b). They slew the forms, which were two- and four-faced. They fought the goat-men, and the dog-headed men, and the men with fishes’ bodies.

(a) The “ Flames ” are a Hierarchy of Spirits parallel to, if not identical with, the “ burning ” fiery Saraph (Seraphim) mentioned by Isaiah (vi. 2 — 6), those who attend, according to Hebrew Theogony, “ the Throne of the Almighty.” Melha is the Lord of the “ Flames.” When he appears on Earth, he assumes the personality of a Buddha, says a popular legend. He is one of the most ancient and revered Lhas, a Buddhist St. Michael.

(b) The word “ Below ” must not be taken to mean infernal regions, but simply a spiritual, or rather ethereal, Being of a lower grade, because nearer to the Earth, or one step higher than our terrestrial sphere ; while the Lhas are Spirits of the highest Spheres — whence the name of the capital of Tibet, Lha-ssa.

Besides a statement of a purely physical nature and belonging to the

the secret doctrine.

evolution of life on Earth, there may be another allegorical meaning attached to this Sloka, or indeed, as is taught, several. The flames, or “ Fires,” represent Spirit, or the male element, and “ Water,” matter, or the opposite element. And here again we find, in the action of the Spirit slaying the purely material form, a reference to the eternal struggle, on the physical and psychic planes, between Spirit and Matter, besides a scientific cosmic fact. For, as said in the next verse : —