HPB-SD(ed.1) v.1 p.1 st.7 sl.6

From Teopedia
The Secret Doctrine
The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Verbatim first edition
volume 1 Cosmogenesis, part 1 Cosmic Evolution, stanza 7 The Parents of Man on Earth, sloka 6
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the secret doctrine.

STANZA VII. — Continued.

6. From the first-bornprimitive, or the first man) the thread between the silent watcher and his shadow becomes more

* Phallic worship has developed only with the loss of the keys to the true meaning of the symbols. It was the last and most fatal turning point from the highway of truth and divine knowledge into the side path of fiction, raised into dogma through human falsification and hierarchic ambition.

man, the shadow of his prototype.

strong and radiant with every change (re-incarnation) (a). The morning sun-light has changed into noon-day glory . . . .

(a) This sentence : “ The thread between the silent watcher and his shadow (man) becomes stronger ” — with every re-incarnation — is another psychological mystery, that will find its explanation in Book II. For the present it will suffice to say that the “ Watcher ” and his “ Shadows ” — the latter numbering as many as there are re-incarnations for the monad — are one. The Watcher, or the divine prototype, is at the upper rung of the ladder of being ; the shadow, at the lower. Withal, the Monad of every living being, unless his moral turpitude breaks the connection and runs loose and “ astray into the lunar path ” — to use the Occult expression — is an individual Dhyan Chohan, distinct from others, a kind of spiritual individuality of its own, during one special Manvantara. Its Primary, the Spirit (Atman) is one, of course, with Paramâtma (the one Universal Spirit), but the vehicle (Vahan) it is enshrined in, the Buddhi, is part and parcel of that Dhyan-Chohanic Essence ; and it is in this that lies the mystery of that ubiquity, which was discussed a few pages back. “ My Father, that is in Heaven, and I — are one,” — says the Christian Scripture ; in this, at any rate, it is the faithful echo of the esoteric tenet.