Template:CTD article

From Teopedia
(Redirected from Template:ETG article)

This template is used by form «CTD article» to create or edit an article of Comprehensive Theosophical Dictionary.

  • To create a new article use form «CTD article».
  • Pages that use this template are placed in category «CTD articles» and other categories, named in "categories" parameter.
  • Module CTD with some additional functions.
To copy Description
{{CTD article
 | term = 
 | term to show = 
 | person = 
 | short name = 
 | initials = 
 | origin =
 | variations =
 | transliteration SD ed.1 =
 | transliteration SD ed.3 =
 | transliteration HK =
 | transliteration IAST =
 | description =
 | short description =
 | image = 
 | image description = 
 | categories =
 | related terms =
 | start = 
 | end = 
 | approximate duration = 
 | library links = 
 | library pages = 
 | quotes hpb = 
 | ctd rus = 
 | tsw en = 
 | wikipedia = 
 | other resources = 
  • term -- term or name in full length in sortable form, i.e. without diacritical marks and if it is a name, it should be in following order: Last Name, Other Names, for example: Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna or Monier-Williams, Sir Monier (consider comma after last name); [[CTD term sortable]], [[CTD term]]
  • term to show -- the same term with diacritical marks (if exist) and stress mark (if needed); if term is a name then put it in a full form in regular order, for example: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky; [[CTD term to show]], [[CTD term]]
  • person -- "yes" if it is a person, in this case term will be added to category «Persons» and semantic properties [[Name]], [[Full name]], [[Short name]] and [[Short name regular]] are set; full name is a name set in term to show parameter or equals term otherwise
  • short name -- short version of name or family name (surname) for bibliography, i.e. Blavatsky or Avicenna; [[Short name]]
  • initials -- initials to add to surname for bibliography and short references; if set, then short name is interpreted as surname and two properties are set:
[[Short name regular]] in regular format N. M. Surname, f.e.: H. P. Blavatsky, or Rev. W. B. Slaughter, or J.-E. de Mirville
[[Short name]] in sortable format Surname, N. M., f.e.: Blavatsky, H. P., or Slaughter, Rev. W. B., or Mirville, J.-E. de

Description, relationship:

  • description -- description of a term, the article itself; [[CTD term description]]
  • short description -- short description, used in footnotes and popup information; optional; if empty, set to first 100 chars from description; [[CTD term short description]]
  • image -- filename of an image; [[CTD term image]]
  • image description -- for person, if this parameter is not set, there will be automatic description generated from name and dates of life; [[CTD term image]]
  • categories -- list of categories where this term belongs or could be applied to (list separated by ";")
  • related terms -- some terms the one is connected with (list separated by ";"); [[CTD term]]

Duration, period of existence, lifetime:

  • start -- the exact date of appearance, creation or birth in any of supported format, f.e.: YYYY-MM-DD (Year-Month-Day); [[Date of appearance]]
  • end -- the exact date of disappearance, destruction or death; [[Date of disappearance]]
  • approximate duration -- set this only if the exact date is unknown, f.e.: around II AD

Semantic property [[Lifetime]] is set if at least one of the above is not empty.

Teopedia links:

  • library links -- wiki pages in Library in user defined style; showed as set, with or without link
  • library pages -- wiki page name; it will be wraped in brackets, making a link: [[text]]
  • quotes hpb -- page with quotes by H.P. Blavatsky
  • ctd rus -- article in Russian

External links:

  • tsw en -- article in English section of Theosophy.wiki
  • wikipedia -- article in Wikipedia
  • other resources -- any other Internet resources in format: [URL1 text1]; [URL2 text2]

See also