HPB-SB-3-143: Difference between revisions

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{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued |The Ring of Science|3-142}}
{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued |The Ring of Science|3-142}}

ately noticed, at page 384, Vol VII No 39 of Pop. Science Monthly. Prof. E. B. Elliott will show that he was right and Prof. H. E. Davis wrong in the number of young ''Lepidoptera ''which, when placed end to end, will measure a mile, —the true figures being 0174 X b— Y54<sup>2</sup> 1 2 =  A’ss.
{{Style P-No indent|ately noticed, at page 384, Vol VII No 39 of Pop. Science Monthly. Prof. E. B. Elliott will show that he was right and Prof. H. E. Davis wrong in the number of young ''Lepidoptera ''which, when placed end to end, will measure a mile, —the true figures being 0174 X b— Y54<sup>2</sup> 1 2 =  A’ss}}.

The Anthropological subsection will no doubt give prominence to a discussion upon Measles as a Religious Element among the Andamanese; and an adjournment could hardly be reached without a fight over the old puzzle, whether it is probable that the American stovepipe represents the form of the prayer-cylinder of the Lacustrians. If Professor Buchanan, who has forgotten more about Anthropology than any of them ever knew, should attempt to crowd upon them the complete study of Man in all his relations, he will be coughed down and the floor granted to somebody who has a speech ready upon the reticulated button-hole of the Bergalese rajpoot's coat. And yet they are not happy.
The Anthropological subsection will no doubt give prominence to a discussion upon Measles as a Religious Element among the Andamanese; and an adjournment could hardly be reached without a fight over the old puzzle, whether it is probable that the American stovepipe represents the form of the prayer-cylinder of the Lacustrians. If Professor Buchanan, who has forgotten more about Anthropology than any of them ever knew, should attempt to crowd upon them the complete study of Man in all his relations, he will be coughed down and the floor granted to somebody who has a speech ready upon the reticulated button-hole of the Bergalese rajpoot's coat. And yet they are not happy.