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Labre, St. Benoit, canonization of, 243-44.
Lahul, 419.
Lalita Vistara, 397, 513.
Lama: meaning of, 178 fn.; mistreated by Hue, 182-83; on reverence to other peoples’ prayers, 182;—Rimpoche, 398.
Lamad, “God-taught,” 178.
Lamaism: and Druses, 175 et seq.; hierarchy of incarnations in, 185; no anthropomorphic God in, 179 fn.; schools of magic in, 183.
Lamb, of God, and lamb cutlet, 330.
Lamballe, Pricesse de: 129; biogr., 513.
Lamh, a hand, 178 fn.
Lamrim [Lam-rim-ch’en-po]. 186 fn., 513.
Lancet, The, on electricity in humans, 23.
Land. See Oliphant.
Language, foreign, spoken in hypnotic trance, 43-44.
Lao-tze, 420, 423.
Law(s): eternal, unconscious, 423; immutable, of Nature, ISO- 51; natural though occult, 151; of universal sympathy, 192; One, as equilibrium, 313; One great, 436 fn.; One, or Principle, 299 fn.; Space as field for natural, 423; unalterable, and correlations of forces, 151; 246 et seq.
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Layard, A. H., and image of Oannes, 217 fn.; 514.
–, Nineveh, etc., on Tree of Life, 460; 514.
Leaf, miracle-working, 354.
Lenormant, F., 419.
Leo XIII, Pope, 244.
Lévi, Éliphas: 312; acknowledged secret Fraternities in East, 265; derided Spiritualism, 211; died a pauper, 208; greatest Hermetic philosopher in Europe, 282; Jewish Kabalist, 209, 284; knew much, 208; on Jesus, 209; on magic and miracles, 208; on death and Satan, with annotations by K. H., 292-300; on suicides, 210-11; teachings of, essentially those of Eastern initiates, 291.
–, Dogme et Rituel, etc.: 208 & fn., 251; on divination, somnambulism, dreams, 431-32; on effect of pentagram on unborn child, 323; 514.
–, LaClef des grands mystères, 208 & fn.; 514.
–, La Science des esprits, 283, 284; 514.
Levitation: by mediums and Rob- ert-Houdin, 237; cases of, 280.
Leymarie, Mr., on work of T. S., 72.
Lha-khang, 321.
Lhas, several meanings of, 303. Lhasa, meaning of term, 179 & fn. Libel, and English justice, 80-81. Libra, insertion of, into Zodiac, 325.
Libraries, hidden, guarded by Asiatic recluses, 485.
Life: active conscious, and Fohat, 423; four stages of, 412; never recedes, 283; outer, determined by Spiritual Ego, 434-35; Tree of, 460; the One, 423, 424; universal, or jiva, 422.
Life. See Philostratus.
Light: connected with Svara, 401;
Firdousi on Divine, 462; Primordial, Aur and Ormazd, 457. Light (Journal): 271, 345, 365, 366; on alleged spirits, 391; on Elementary spirits, 477-78.
Light of Asia. See Arnold.
Light on the Path. See Collins.
Lights, Three, of Kabalah, 313, 314.
Lillie, A., Buddha and Early Buddhism, reviewed & discussed, 396 et seq.; 514.
Lincoln, and Alexander II, 125.
Linden, C. H. van der, and phenomena, 219-20.
Lingra-sarira [Linga-sarira], 404, 407, 409, 414.
Liquors, meat and marriage prevent spiritual development, 27.
Littré, M. P. E., character and obsequies of, 255-57; 514.
–, La Philosophie positive, 255, 514.
Livingstone, D., Travels and Researches in So. Africa, on electricity in desert, 25; 514.
Logos, as Wisdom, 461.
Lokas, 293 fn.
Loomis, Prof., on electricity in humans, 24.
Loris-Melikoff, Count, 158.
Lost Trial. See Ragozhin.
Lourdes, 113.
Love’s. See Shakespeare.
Luam, as spiritual chief, 178 fn.
Lubbock, Sir John, on superstition and Royal Inst. 74; 515.
Lucas, Louis, on living souls, 284. Lucknow Witness: denounces T.S., 240; discussion of its accusations, 131 et seq.
Luke, on right action, 370.
Lyall, Walter T., on studying Russian, 46 et seq.
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“M.A.(Oxon.) ”—See Moses, Wm. Stainton.
Macrocosm: and Jivatma, 326: and microcosm, symbols of, 25051, 312, 319, 321; and occult powers, 403; seven occult powers in, and microcosm, 411; six-pointel star, 461.
Magavas, “mighty ones,” 456.
Magi: 460; Chaldean, and Kabala, 456 fn.; kindle altar without fire, 462; land of, 215 fn.; Mesrobian MSS on, 459; and traditions on deluge, 214.
Magianism: on the six Gaham-bars, 462; pure and degraded, 452; rite of wine and rose, 465; universal religion of Central Asia, 456.
Magic: Chaldea as center of, 150; only one road to Divine, 266; schools of, among Druses & Lamaists, 183; true, feared by R. C. clergy, 254; true, in the hands of proficients in the East, 254.
Magician, practicing, never marries, 342.
Magnet, celestial, or spiritual buoyancy, 211.
Magnetic: affinities, 21 et seq.; correspondences, 220; current conveys impressions of sound, 411; desire of sitters and seance apparitions, 395; equilibrium is health, 285; or mesmeric fluid, and cures, 253; sympathy between planets, 45; vital, current as healing, 285.
Magnetism: abnormal discharges of, by humans, 101; animal, and limbs, 322; animal & terrestrial, and stone-showers, 246 et seq.; and crystals, 100; human, 92 et seq.; pure human, as condition for occult development, 268; radiant heat and akasa, 103; solar, 45; variations of terrestrial, and mediumship, 246-47.
Magusti, 51.
Maha–, as Chief of Esoteric Himalayan Brotherhood, 401 & fn.
Maha-Jataka, 223.
Mahákása, as universe, 318.
Mahd-pari-nirvana-sutra, on Nirvana, 414 fn.; 515.
Mahá-Pralaya, and universal rebirth, 270.
Mahá-Súnyatá, or Space, 423. Mahatma Letters. See Sinnett.
Mahatmas [Mahátmans]: do not direct affairs of T.S., 5; and 7th principle, 414.
Mahá-Yugas: 423; and Planetaries, 270.
Mahinda, and Buddhism, 358.
Maitreya Buddha, 185.
Makara, 326.
Malpas, Philip, on de Saint-Germain, 526.
Man: duality of, key to his inner nature, 434, 438; inner, of mediums, 347; is man’s worst enemy, 369-70; outer and inner, 434-35; 437; as sevenfold being, 321.
Manasa-sarowara Lake: and Kailas, 422 fn.; and Vedas, 419.
Mandir, house of worship, 57, 58.
Mandt, Dr., physician to Nicholas I, 124, 160.
Mang [Mang], 388.
Mano, Chief Aeon, 322.
Mantrasástra, letter Ha in, 413.
Manuscripts, ancient, in Armenia, 218.
Manvantara, and the One Element, {{Page aside|565}}423; beginning of, and planetary spirit, 269.
Mardi-Arabs, 176.
Mariolatry, evils of, 286.
Mark, on powers, 28.
Mark Lane Express, The, and Olcott, 12.
Markham, Sir C. R., Narratives, etc., on Brahmaputra, 304 & fn.; 515.
Marriage, meat and liquors prevent spiritual development, 27.
Martens, on Russia & England in Central Asia, 75-76.
Martineau, Miss, and Ram Mohun Roy, 56-57.
Martyrs, heirs of, become persecutors, 471.
Mary: apparitions of, 354; as Star of the Sea, 187 fn.; called Suria, 461; and Venus & Isis, 187 fn.
Maskelyne: 488; on phenomena, 237.
Masorah, 453 fn.
Massey, C. C., 19, 20.
Massey, Gerald: on distortions of Bible, 486; on elementals, 381, 385.
–, A Book of the Beginnings, reviewed, 484 et seq.; 515.
Materialism: and intellect, 104; sorting its pebbles, 50.
Materialization: agency of, 392- 93, 395; and medium’s kama-rupa, 347; out of cosmic unmanifested matter, 380, 474.
Mathan, Magian High Priest, 212 et seq.
Mathematics. See Plummer, L. G.
Matimbas, and Akkas, 42.
Matsya, first Avatara, 188 fn.
Matter: as a Duad, 318; as purgation of fire, 315; cosmic, 315; cosmic, and annihilation, 293 fn.; cosmic, and materializations, 474; cosmic, or Prakriti, 405 fn.; and evil are eternal, 299 fn.; particles of, ground over in Nature & transmigrate, 385; passage of, through matter, 16; pre-existing, and idea of creator, 380 fn.; and Spirit & interlaced triangles, 313, 317; and Spirit are one and eternal, 270; unmanifested, and materializations, 380; unreal, 62; world of absolute, 296 fn.
Matteucci, 22.
Matthew, 335.
Maya [Maya], Maia, Mary: 187 fn., 188-89 fn.; as illusion of senses, 328; and Tetraktys, 318.
Máyávi-rüpa, and death, 376. Mazzini, 160.
Mead, G. R. S., Apollonius of Tyana, 175 fn.; 515.
Media, and Bactria, 456.
Mediators: in Druse hierarchy, 184; in Lamaism, 185.
Medium(s): astral body of, 393; and bhutas, 424-25; and elementals, 248; garbled accounts of, 359 et seq.; kama-rupa of, and apparitions, 474; kama- rupa of, and cause of materializations, 347; honest fool better than cheating, 110; levitation by, & Robert-Houdin, 327; mainly so from birth, 29; and newspapers, 227 et seq.; “physical,” and electro-magnetic induction 247 fn.; reliable, wanted for India, 142; spiritual, 437; and spiritual wickedness, 298; Spiritualistic and other meanings of term, 275; and stoneshowers, 248; strongly charged, and animal magnetism, 247; and Yogis, 85.
Medium and Daybreak: 28; art. by J. K. in, 338 fn.; and Dr. Sexton, 480 fn.
Mediumship: dangerous, 28, 52; {{Page aside|566}}germ of, in everyone, 29; genuineness of, phenomena, 146; and nature of phenomena, 50-51 ; not denied, but warned against, 346 fn.; of Pelagueya & Collins, 94 et seq.; of Slade & others, 14 et seq.; of witch of Endor, 284; phenomena of, and scientists, 233 et seq.; and terrestrial magnetism, 246-47.
Megiddo, Mnt., 189 & fn.
Memory: and expectation, 410; and psychic phenomena, 172.
Mercury: as god of wisdom, 187 fn.; planet and Satan, 187.
Mesmeric: force studied in temples, 323; healing and electric shock, 285; and magnetic attraction, 21; or magnetic fluid & cures, 253, 285.
Mesmerism, and Yoga-Vidya, 7-8. Mesrobian MSS, on magi at Etch- miadzin, 459.
Messiah: Persian, on a Horse, 462; symbolized by fish, sea, water, 188 fn.
Michiels, Major W., and stoneshowers, 244 et seq.
Microcosm: and jivatma, 326; and macrocosm, 26, 250-51, 312> 319, 321; and occult powers, 403; seven occult powers in, and macrocosm, 411.
Millenarians, and Spiritualists, 231 & fn.
Miller, W. Allen, on hypotheses, 468-69; 515.
Mind: confused with soul, 404; influence of, upon another mind, 425-26; many stages of, 412; and memory, 410.
Minerva: and crescent, 131; as Budea, 184 fn.
Minos, and cave, 465.
Miracles: Archbishop Seguers on, 275 et seq.; claimed by church, 354; do not exist, 92-93; Europe believes in, 208; Founders do not believe in, 61; idea of, not scientific, 136; idea of, results in centuries of violence, 136; misnomer, 54; seeming, and correlation of forces, 151.
Miracles. See Wallace, A. R.
Mirror, circular, and Chidakasa, 414.
Mishnah Nazir, on Nazarenes, 451 fn.; 515.
Missing link, discussed, 38 et seq. Missions, real motive of, in India, 69-70.
Missionaries: collection of slanders from, 366; destroy much, 199, 480; impolite to Grand Lama, 182; injustice and abuses of, 137, 153, 154, 240-41, 439, 490; and Olcott, 479 et seq.; and priests of old, 217; role of, in the Mutiny, 153.
Mitchison, on electricity in Negro bodies, 24.
Mithr-Az, cave of, 455 fn., 464.
Modern. See Britten.
Moeurs. See Gougenot.
Mogh Nuedhat, name of Zoroaster, 462.
Mohammed (the Word), 184.
Mokshatana Boha-eddin, 184.
Molecular, force and mediums, 248.
Molinos, Miguel de, 229; 515-16. Molokans, 205.
Monad: and Duad, 318; single, and principles, 406.
Money, and T. S., 2-3.
Monier-Williams, Sir Monier, on religion of Zoroaster, 450; 516. Monotheism, degraded Magianism, 456.
Montfaucon, Bernard de, Antiquity Explained, on title Suri a, 46061; 516.
Monthly Repository, 59.
Moody, 135.
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Moon, and Prof. Deezy, 40.
Morgan, de, 93.
Moscow Gazette: 122, 163, 201; and H. P. B.’s stories, 82 fn.
Moses: 45; horns of, 131; murderer, 27.
Moses, Wm. Stainton: 391, 392, 475; beliefs of, discussed, 272 et seq. ; esteemed friend of Founders, 271; and “Impera- tor-F,” 394-95; on Lillie’s book & Spiritualism in Buddhism, 396 et seq.
Mother-Thoughts, and Cahagnet, 61-63.
Motion, first law of, 408.
Motwani, Kewal, Col. H. S. Olcott, etc., 13 fn.; 516.
Mozumdar, P. C., 55.
Mukta, 326, 423.
Mummies, and astral soul, 282-83.
Murder, and religion, 248-49.
Muscles, and electricity, 22-23.
Mystère. See Baryatinsky. Mystères. See Sue, E.
Mysteries: and Nazarenes, 451 fn.; not divulged, 337; ordeals in, 252.
Mysteries. See Faber.
Mysticism: as reflection of a central doctrine, 382; origin of, in Eastern occult philosophy, 382; practical, 180-81.
Mythologies, vital spirit behind, 105.
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Nâbhichakra, 409.
Namur Nor, and Sambhala, 421, 422 fn.
Nanak Guru: 60, 177; and Buddhism, 179.
Narratives. See Markham.
Nasht Patrika, branch of astrology, 310.
Nasr-Allah, and Druse sacred books, 177 fn.
Natural History. See Pliny. Naturalism, 277.
Nature: aggregate sound of, as definite tone, 434; clockwork guided by immutable laws, 150; closes all doors behind to prevent life from receding, 283; does not proceed by jumps, 282; everything in, triune, 313; expansive force of, 424; grounds over material particles, 385; how to become co-worker of, 297; intelligence of, 294; middle, 313, 314; polarity in, 298; secrets of, accessible to man, 150; secrets of, to be studied, 459;—spirits, 477.
Nature: Tyndall on Radiant Heat, 103; E. Whymper on living at high altitudes, 140-41 & fn.
Nazar, Nazir, Nazarenes, sect of adepts, 451 fn.
Nazaratus, Assyrian, 451.
Necromancers, Spiritualists are unconscious, 293 fn.
Nehemiah, 130.
Neophyte, trials and ordeals of, in mysteries, 252.
Nepat, 213, 216.
Neros, and saros, 150.
Neurypnological, subject and visions, 437.
Neutrality, religious, in India & Bishop of Bombay, 119-20.
New American Cyclopaedia: ackknowledges proficients in magic, 254; on pentagram, 251; on de Saint-Germain, 128; q. Schelling on magic, 254; uses term “elemental,” 251; 516.
New Dispensation. See Brahmo Samaj.
New Dispensation, 287.
Newspapers: as mischief-breeders, {{Page aside|568}}83; unfair and cowardly, 227, 232.
Newton, Isaac, indebted to Kepler, 194.
New York Herald, on Beecher & Ingersoll, 138.
New York Sun, on millenarians, 231 fn.
New York Telegram, on Buddhism, 89.
New York World, q. Olcott, 78.
Nidanas [Nidanas], 428.
Nihilists and Socialists in Russia, 159, 207.
Nikolay Konstantinovich, Grand Duke, 167.
Nineveh. See Layard.
Nirvana [Nirvana]: 184 fn., 292, 297, 412, 414; final, and spiritually evil man, 298; and Hell, 88 et seq.; in Druse teachings, 188.
Novoye Vremya: on medium Pelagueya, 97; on Russia & England, 76-77.
Nowotny, Mlle, a sensitive, 100-01.
Numbers: on Balaam, 230; on census, 117-18; on whoredom, 116.
Numbers: See Agrippa.
Numerals, Numbers: abstract power of, 196; Hebrew interpretation of 1881, 202; in life of Alexander II, 201; Kabalistic meaning of, 194-95; occult nature of, 196; power of, 195.
Numerical, value of 1881, 84-85.
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Cannes: man-fish among Druses, 188, 189; or Dagon, 85, 215 et seq., 217 fn., 218.
Obsession: alleged, 278-79; and possession, 280-81.
Occult: classification of, powers, 403; experiences to bo kept secret, 219; mighty mountain of, knowledge, 476; phenomena and future of science, 93; phenomena scientific in nature, 136-37; philosophy and outer mystic knowledge, 382-83; powers and Atlantis, 402; study and “authorities,” 472.
Occult Science: based on law of sympathy, 192; needs union of students, 31; on stone-showers, 247.
Occult. See Sinnett.
Occulta. See Agrippa.
Occultism: as Universal Science, 268; baser branches of, 85; Eastern, never lost key to esotericism, 288; claims of, to intelligent adoption, 473; and theurgy opposed by Christianity, 181.
Od, and Reichenbach, 23.
Odin, confounded with Buddha, 64.
Odyle, and Reichenbach, 98-99, 100, 101.
Oedipus. See Drummond.
Offen, von, and Henrizzi & new airship, 70-71.
Olcott, Col. H. S.: attacked in Ceylon Observer, 302-03; genuine Buddhist, 374; goes to Ceylon with H. Bruce, 154, 481; and missionaries at Panadure, 479 et seq.; not an adept, 28; not penniless in India, 80; on the cowardice of slanderers, 240; record of, defended by H.P.B., 11-13; social status of, in U.S.A., 447; supplies means for T.S., 442, 446; will not return to America, 490.
–, Buddhist Catechism, 358, 516.
–, Old Diary Leaves, 15 fn., 516.
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–, Theosophy, etc., 449, 516.
Olcott, Col. See Motwani.
Old Diary Leaves. See Olcott.
Old Testament, Kennicott MS. No. 154, 453 fn.
Oliphant, L., The Land of Gilead: on Druses, 175-76; on phenomena, 54; 516.
Oliver, George, The History of Initiation, on Zoroaster and cave, 464-65; 516-17.
Om. See Sabhapaty.
Omens, 193.
One, the: 194; as Deity, 318.
Oneiromancy, 431.
Opinions, to be suspected, 226.
Orders, religious, dissolved, 65.
Oriental. See Ouseley.
Origines. See Beke.
Orangoutang, 39 et seq.
Ouseley, Wm., Oriental Collections, on Zaratusht’s Irish name, 462 ; 517.
Ox, symbol of divine power, 131.
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Pacenian corpuscles, and poison, 37.
Pageantry, formalism, against simplicity of true religion, 58.
Paine, Thomas, 257.
Paleologue, Maurice, Le Roman tragique, etc., 168 fn.; 517.
Paley, Wm., A View of Christianity, on Jesus’ letter to Abgarus, 175; 517.
Pall Mall Gazette, 301.
Pamir: as cradle of initiated humanity only, 187; as cradle of human race, 180 & fn.
Pan, all or nature, 296.
Panadure, padris at, and Olcott, 479.
Panchhen, great teacher, 398.
Panchkon, and Shatkon, 321.
Pantheism, 63, 142, 277, 314, 355. Parabrahman: 27, 29, 62, 63, 184 fn., 188, 269, 313, 403, 405, 406 fn., 410 & fn.; or Absolute of Vedanta, 424, 435 fn.
Paracelsus: 264; on man as microcosm, 321.
Paramarthika, 422.
Paramatma [Paramatman]: 106, 142; and jivatma, 326, 409-10.
Parent Society, not Buddhistic, 241.
Parsees (or Parsis): 214, 216, 452, 455, 458, 459, 460, 461, 463, 467; lost key to their faith, 453; and “Pharsi,” 453.
Passwords, of Theosophists partially those of Druses and Lamaists, 183.
Patanjali, Yoga system of, 106, 401.
–, Sutras, 106, 107, 108; 517. Patmanabhan Temple, at Trivandrum, 58.
Paul I, garbled medium account of assassination, 362-63.
Paul, N. C., and Capt. Seymour, 152 fn.
–, Treatise on the Yoga Philosophy, 106, 152 fn.; 517.
Pausanias, Itinerary (Elis), on Magi kindling altar without fire, 462; 517.
Pelagueya, Russian medium girl, 94 et seq.
Pelisson, 243-44.
Pentagram: and animal magnetism, 323; as microcosm, 319; healing value of, 219-20; 252 et seq.; meaning of, 250 et seq., 312, 322, 327; and unborn child, 323; widely spread, 321.
Pentateuch, 443.
Penza, crime and superstition in, 350-51.
Periods, the six, 462.
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“Peripatetic,” views of, discussed, 109 et seq.
Permeability, and fourth dimension, 16.
Perovsky, Miss S. L.: alleged mediumistic manifestation of, 359 et seq.; scene from examination of, 161-62.
Persecution, of those who believe in phenomena, 219.
Persepolis, founding of, 460.
Persia-Iran, called Western India, 420.
Perty, Prof., 236.
Perushim, meaning separated, 453. Peter, and Paul, are they historical characters? 88.
2 Peter, 230.
Pétis de la Croix, and Druse sacred books, 177 fn.; 518.
Phadke, W. B., 49.
Phaeton, 463.
Pharisees: beliefs of, not in law of Moses, and derivation of name, 453.
Pbarsi, 453.
Phenomena: 27, 29; acknowledged by Dialect. Soc., 234; ackn. by professional jugglers, 237-38; ackn. by scientists of repute, 112, 233 et seq.; as facts, & theories about them, 368 et seq.; based upon scientific ground, 113; belief in spiritual, commands sympathy, 113; belief in, and persecution, 219; contrasted with Christian wonders, 230; curious, in the sky, 86; disbelief in, and “spirits,” 228; due to astral light, 37576; and forces of nature, 277; genuineness of, does not establish identity of agency, 146; H. P. B. taught real cause of Spiritualistic, 240; importance of investigating nature of, 50 et seq.; mediumistic, 14 et seq.; mediumistic, and scientific men, 107, 112; natural, 111; no low or high, 136; not miracles, 9293; objective, and subjective experiences, 415; objective reality of, admitted by some scientists, 233; occult, and science, 93; occult, scientific in nature, 136-37; of appearance of “Orientals,” 220; of electricity and human beings, 23-26; of fakirs, 85; physical, their agency, 392, 395; produced by non-mediums, 51; psycho-physiological, and man’s will, 17273; rationale of apparitions, 474; rationale of certain, of materialization, 380; reality of, admitted at Church Congress, 345; reality of, must be proved, 488; stone-showers, 244 et seq.; witnessed by H. P. B., 54.
Philosophic Inquirer: 355; editor of, abused, 67-68.
Philosophic. See Littre.
Philosophy: Eastern occult, as main stream of knowledge, 382; occult, deals with main lines of principle, 383; outflow of religious feeling, 349.
Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana, 175 fn.
Phinehas, thrusts javelin through woman, 116.
Pigmies, and Herodotus, 41.
Pilgrimage. See Purchas.
Pioneer, The: 8, 9, 45, 75, 176; letter of N. A. de Fadeyev about H. P. B., 444-45; on dissolved religious orders, 65; on opposition against church, 66; on study of Russian, 46.
Pisacha, and apparitions, 417. Pius IX, Pope, abusive, 68. Plague, Biblical, stopped by violence, 116-17.
Planet(s): conjunction of five and {{Page aside|571}}three, 197-98; eighth, and wicked men, 298.
Planetaries (or Devas), must live in every sphere before leading conscious Ego-life, 269-70.
Plato, method of, 196.
–, Republic, on Er, 451.
–, Thedges, on Socrates, 279.
–, Timaeus, 428.
Platonist, The, 269 fn.
Pliny, Natural History, on Zoroaster, 451, 461.
Plummer, L. Gordon, The Mathematics of the Cosmic Mind, 321 fn.
Plutarch, on age of Zoroaster, 461. Poison: effect of, and psychological cure, 36-38; gas foretold, 71.
Polarity, in nature, 298.
Poles, and equator, 150.
Porphyry, Pythagorae vita, on numerals of Pythagoras, 195.
Possession, Seguers on, 280-81.
Potato, disease and sunspot cycle, 193 fn.
Power(s): classification of, 403; nobler, in man must be educated, 52; occult, 23; occult, and Atlantis, 402, 403; occult, as seat of individuality, 411; occult, not for everyone, 27; seven occult, associated with principles, 411.
Praise. See Confucius.
Prajapatis, nine, and Sephiroth, 327.
Prakriti: and Akasa, 405, 406, 413, 413 fn.; and occult powers, 403; and Purusha, 269, 318 fn.; and Sakti, 412; and seven principles, 407; as basis of sthula-sarira, 409; as cosmic matter, 405 fn.
Pralaya: and Persian Messiah, 462-63; and Spirit and Matter, 270; and the One Element, 423.
Prananath, Pandit, 36.
Pranava Yoga, 403.
Pratibhásika, 422.
Pravitelstvennaya Gazeta; and foreign correspondents, 163; on examination of Miss Perovsky, 161-62.
Prejudice, preconception and new ideas, 378.
Presentiments, rationale of, 172.
Press, the ame damnée of the public, 238. See also Newspapers.
Prideau, Dr. H., An Universal History, etc., misrepresents Zoroaster, 454, 459, 461; 518.
Priestcraft; fosters superstition, 348 et seq.; hierarchy of, as center of learning, 418.
Primary: colors of spectrum, 40607; six, forces, 413; three, entities and seven principles, 406.
Principle(s): “authorities” on seven, not available, 472; Divine, 27; fifth, after death, 416; fifth, and dreams, 435; fifth, and mind, 410-12; interrelation of 6th & 7th, 408-09; not unchangeable, 385; of unity, 316; One, or Law, 299 fn., 313; seven, evolved out of three primary entities, 406; seven, of man, 322; sevenfold, in man, 400 et seq.; seventh, 321; seventh, & astral ego in sleep, 436; seventh, and term jiva, 423; six higher, of man in earlier ages of evolution, 384; sixth and seventh, 435 fn.; and solar rays and colors, 406-07; spiritual, 424; three, diffused through universe, 313.
Principles. See Kepler. Private. See Hunt.
Privations, and forms, 61-62.
Prjevalsky, Gen. N. Μ., and his writings, 48-49 fn.
Pröbsting, Countess, 444.
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Projection, of astral soul at death, 282 et seq., 376.
Prometheus, and fire, 462.
Prophecy, regarding 1876-81, 201.
Psalms, 203.
Psychic: mutual, influences, 172; phenomena and will, 172-73.
Psychic Notes (Calcutta), 504.
Psychological: manifestations, 247 fn.; school, 21; science, and phenomenalism, 52.
Psychological Review, art. by M.A. (Oxon.) on Lillie’s book, 396 et seq.
Psychologization, and thoughts of the dead, 426.
Psychology, science of, 7-8.
Punarjanma [Punarjanman], result of terrestrial attachments, 415, 416.
Punjab T. S., 3.
Pur anas [Pur anas], 223.
Purchas, S., Pilgrimage, and Coleridge’s dream, 431; 518.
Purusha: becomes Viraj, 326; and Prakriti, 269, 318 fn.
Purushaspa, 466.
Pushkin, A., on Russian insurrection, 155.
Pyramid, symbolism of apex of, 315.
Pythagoras: as disciple of Nazar- atus, 451; initiated by magi, 452; and numerals, 195, 316.
Pythagorae. See Porphyry.
Pythoness, and mediumship, 284.
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Quakers, 287.
{{Style P-Subtitle|R}}
Rabbis-Kabalists, 453.
Races, four, in Μagi an ism, 463, 464, 465.
Raddha-Bai, H. P. B.’s pseudonym, 81, 82, 83.
Ragozhin, Mme. Z., The Last Trial of the Nihilists, 160, 518.
Rahnuma-e Mazdayasnan Sabha, 454.
Rakoczy, Princes & their Families, 524-26.
Rakshasas, or Thytyas, 402 & fn. Rama [Rama], and Universal Deluge, 188 fn.
Rama Misra Shastri, 2.
Ramaswamier, S., on pisachas, 483.
Ramchandra, Prince, 49.
Ramdagon, and Druses, 188-89.
Ram Mohun Roy: as ideal religious reformer, 56-57; on introducing new doctrines, 59.
Randolph, P. B.: biogr., 518-21; half-initiated seer, 265.
Rangampalli, J.: biogr., 521-22; portrait, fac. 139.
Raulica, Ventura di, on Satan, 91. Rays, solar, and seven principles, 406-07.
Reality: partial, of world, 62; the One, 424.
Rebirth, some control over, 29.
Rebold, E., Histoire, etc., on Egyptian Colleges of occult science, 315 fn.; 523.
Red Caps, opposed to Tsong-Kha-pa, 419.
Reichenbach, Karl von, 23, 25.
–, Researches, etc.: experiments with Mlle Nowotny, 10001; important work on human magnetism, 99; on crystals, 100; 523.
Reincarnation: false evidence of, 139; in case of suicides, 210.
Religion(s): and blind belief, 113; bread-and-cheese State, 114; and Czarism in Russia, 159-60; every Great, animalized, 457; Hugo on, 226; and {{Page aside|573}}morality, 386; and murder, 248-49; no special, advocated by T. S., 306; streams from same source, 457; and superstition, 348 et seq.; those, which keep aloof are alive to archaic truths, 181; true, stifled by ritualism, 58.
Religio-Philosophical Journal, 219, 359, 362, 364.
Religious Ceremonies, etc., 63*64 fn.
Remington, Capt., and the Masters, 152 fn.
Renan, E., Vie de Jésus, 256, 523. Report. See Dialectical Soc.
Republic. See Plato.
République Française, on Littre’s funeral, 256.
Researches. See Crookes and Reichenbach.
Revelation (or Apocalypse): 109; author of, a Kabalist, 196; borrows from Eastern legends, 402 fn.; and Heptaktys, 453; Kab-alistic book, 298; on Armageddon, 188, 189; on Great Beast & number 666, 186, 200; on lukewarmness, 298; on number 666 and year 1881, 84-85, 120; on white horse, 463.
Révélations. See Cahagnet.
Revue du Droit International, art. by Martens on Russians & Chinese, 75.
Revue Spirite, La, 53, 72.
Rhys Davids, T. W., 398.
Rice, and earth-bound souls, 483.
Rico, A. J., and stone-showers, 244 et seq.
Rigveda [Rigveda], on Aditi, Being and non-Beings, 326; 523.
Rinch-cha-tze (Tibet), Chohan- Lama of, 398.
Rishis [Rishis], 336.
Rissakoff, N. I., 153 & fn.
Ritualism, stifles spirit of true religion, 58.
Robert-Houdin, J. E. (1804-71), on mediumistic levitation, 237.
Robinson, Dr., notions of, are mere hypotheses, 189 fn.
Rochefort, and Church, 66. Roman. See Paléologue.
Romanoffs, sinister fate of the, 123-24.
Rose, sacred to the Sun, 465. Rosicrucians. See Jennings.
Royal Society, and Zóllner’s work, 74.
Rudra, or Siva, 314.
Runjit Singh, 3.
Rupa [Rupa], form, 405 fn.
Russia: censure in, 163; England & India, 75-77; and India, 47; Nihilists & Socialists in, 159; Pushkin on insurrection in, 155; superstition and crime in, 350 et seq.
Russian: relation of, people to Czar, 159-60; sorrow of, people on death of Alexander II, 123 et seq.; study of, urged by Lyall, 46 et seq.
Russkiy Vestnik (Russian Messenger) : 170, 235, 499, 506; and Capt. Seymour, 152 fn.; and H. P. B.’s stories, 82 fn.; on superstitions, 350 et seq.
Ryots, 388.
{{Style P-Subtitle|S}}
Sabaeans, Sabaeanism: and Jews, 453; key to, religion hidden in cave, 467-68.
Sabaoth, 453.
Sabhapathy Swami, endorsed Theosophists on Yoga, 106.
–,Om. The Philosophy, etc., on recluses living at high altitudes, 140; 523.
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Sacrifices, demanded to gain higher knowledge, 4.
Sa-Dcha-Fo, 185.
Sad-Dar, 454, 523.
Saddar shana Chintanika: 304; M. M. Kunte on Yoga, Spiritualism and his own experiences, 104, 106, 107, 108.
Sadharan, 203.
Saint-Germain, Count Claude Louis de (1707-78), Secretary of War, 524.
Saint-Germain, Count de (Occultist): alleged facts about, as tissue of falsehoods, 125 et seq.; erroneous information about, corrected, 523 et seq.; portrait of, 528 & fac. 122; supposed death of, 129; unpubl. documents about, 129 & fn.
St. Germain, Faubourg in Paris & Jesuits, 117.
St. Petersburg, Committee to investigate Spiritualism, 19-20.
St. Petersburg Gazette: on Pela- gueya, the girl medium, 97-98; publication stopped, 165.
Sakti: as Fohat, 405 fn.; as power, 405, 406; crown of astral light, 405 & fn., 413; and Nabhichakra, 409; and principles, 407, 412; pulsations of, 423; relation of, to Prakriti & Akasa, 413 fn.
Saktya, philosophy, 401.
Sakya-Muni [Sakya-Muni], 427.
Salama, 183 fn., 184, 186. Salvation, and Buddha, 242. Salvation Army, 330.
Samadhi [Samadhi], 44, 304.
Sambhala: 402; location of, 42122; Teachers assemble in, every seven years, 421.
Samsara [Samsara], and nirvana, 89.
Samskara [Samskara], 406 fn. Samuel, and Witch of Endor, 284.
Sanderson & Co., Solicitors: 390; and Statesman s libel, 441-42.
Sanjna, 406 fn.
Sankhya: 318 fn.; as a philosophy, 241; Yoga, 403.
Sankirtan, chanting, 57.
Sanky, 135.
Sanskrit: and Atlantis, 402; imported into India, 420; richness of terms in, 413 fn.; spoken in Java, 402 fn.
Sanskrit Sabha, and T. S., 2, 6-7. Saoshyant: conceived by Virgin, 461; and White Horse, 463.
Saracens, and astrology, 193.
Sargent, Epes, sterling character of, 239-40; 528-30.
–, The Scientific Basis of Spiritualism highly recommended, 239-40.
Saros, cycle of six, and deluges, 149-50, 215 & fn.
Satan: Christian must believe in, 277, 278; Levi on death and, 292 et seq.; and Mercury, 187. See also Devil.
Satires. See Horace.
Saul, and Witch of Endor, 284.
Saviours, we are our own, 242. Scheibner, 15, 236.
Schelling, on magic, 254.
Schopffer, Prof., denies heliocentric system, 39, 312.
Schweinfurth, on missing links, 41.
Science: age of, rather unscientific, 358-59; discoveries of, anticipated by ancients, 141; evidence of, re phenomena, 233 et seq.; full of prejudice, 223; and ignorance, 357-58; not exact, 223; occult, based on Law of Universal Sympathy, 192; often confused, 39; and scientists, 226; scorns occult knowledge, 253; secret, among ancients, 186; secret, or magic, {{Page aside|575}}266; trustworthy, of spirit, 473; Universal, or occultism, 268; will eventually recognize occult phenomena, 93. See also Occult Science.
Science, See Levi.
Scientists: some, acknowledge phenomena, 112, 233 et seq.; outstanding, and mediumistic phenomena, 107, 233.
Scorpion bite, and psychological cures, 36 et seq.
Sea, inland, and Gobi, 402, 420, 422.
Seal, Theosophical, 314.
Seances, testing Wm. Eglinton, 143-46.
Secret Science, among ancients & in Tibet, 186.
Sects: Christian, as power-seeking institutions, 134; dancing by Christian, 205.
Seer(s) : ecstatic, 284; regularly- initiated, a vast organized body, 472-73; and sensitives, and their visions, 437.
Seguers, Archbishop, on miracles, 275 et seq.
Self; inner divine, man’s best guide, 73; the One, 422.
Self-consciousness, and hereafter, 295 fn.
Senses: in sleep, 436; physical, obstruct inner vision, 328; physical and spiritual, 430, 434.
Sensitives: individuality of clouded by extraneous thoughts, 426; and seers, and their visions, 437.
Sepher Yetzirah, nature of, 456 fn.; 530.
Sephira, 319, 327.
Sephiroth: and Adam Kadmon, 457; identical with Ameshas-pands, 456; Sephira and Tet-raktys, 319, 327.
Septenary, origin of, system in Bible, 453.
Serpent, swallowing its tail, 314.
Servius Tullius, 87.
Sevenfold, principle in man, 400 et seq. See also Septenary.
Sexton, Dr., 479, 480 fn.
Seymour, Capt., becomes a yogin, 152 fn.
Shaberons [or Shabrons], 179, 185.
Shakespeare, Wm., Hamlet, 371, 530.
–, Love's Labour s Lost, on folly, 263; 530.
Sha-ru [seru or bse-ru], as unicorn, title of Taley-Lama, 188 fn.
Shatkon: as double triangle, 318; and Panchkon, 321.
Shells: astral, as agents of materializations, 393, 394; sea, and electricity, 25-26.
Sheppard, Jesse, garbled account of medium, 362-63.
Shield of Faith, 480, 482.
Shimon ben Yohai, 267, 289, 314 fn.; 530.
Shipton, Mother, 1, 84.
Shraddha Ram, defended by H. P. B., 308 et seq.
–, Dharma Rakhsha, 309.
Shushik-Dag, 213.
Siddhas, and T. S., 4.
Siddhis: 291; faith in, survives, 108; and India, 28; and Theos. Soc., 3, 4.
Si-dzang, Chinese for Tibet, 418.
Simla: phenomena at, 8-9; “simp-pleton” of, 110.
Sinha, lion, 325-26.
Sinnett, A. P., and Koot Hoomi, 274, 332.
–, The Mahatma Letters: and art. by Levi,, 287, 292 et seq.; on Capt. Remington, 152; on Dostoyevsky, 324; 530.
{{Page aside|576}}
–, The Occult World. 260, 262, 273, 332, 339, 377, 530.
Sirius, 147.
Siva: Brahma & Vishnu, 314; and the Tarakasurs, 402 fn.
Skandhas: change of, and transformation of brain substance, 411; same as their opposites, 406 fn.; and Tanha, 298.
Skobeleff, Gen. M. D., 48 fn.
Slade, Dr. Henry: 8, 94, 235, 236, 530; as medium, 15 et seq.; attracts compass needle, 99-100; selected by the Founders, 19-20, 143; Zollner on experiments with, 235, 236.
Slander: and calumny of unusual people, 125, 128; of Editor of The Theosophist, 364.
Slavery, mental, is the worst, 225. Sleep. See Dreams.
Sleep. See Hammond, W.A.
Smith, George, exhumes clay-cylinders, 458.
–, The History of Babylonia, on Ararat, 214 fn.; 530-31.
Socialists, and Nihilists, 159, 207. Society: classes in, 104; modern- day, and hypocrisy, 109,114-15.
Socrates, daimon of, 272, 278-79. Solomon’s Seal, 250.
Sorcery, possible result of Spiritualism, 417.
Soul(s): animal, and mediums, 347; animal and spiritual, in earlier stages of evolution, 384; as subtler species of matter, 62; confused with spirit, 404; earth- bound, and after-death rites, 483; spiritual, and fifth principle, 435; spiritual intelligence or, 407; subjective intercourse with disembodied, 346.
Soul. See Denton.
Sound, aggregate, of Nature, 434.
Southey, on untenable proposition, 111.
South Shields Daily News, 480 fn. Spaar, Rev. J. A., and Olcott, 480-82.
Space: as Akasa, 413 fn.; as basis for the correlation of Akasa- Prakriti, 423; as Buddhist Absolute, 423; not different from form, 406 fn.
Spedalieri, Baron J.: 289; letter of, 288.
Spiegel, F., 458.
Spirit: cannot communicate, 293; confused with soul, 404; disembodied, and subjective vision, 283; human, is a planetary at beginning of evolution, 269; and matter are one & eternal, 270; and matter & interlaced triangles, 313; of living man capable of acting outside of, body, 272; realm of pure, 477 fn.; trustworthy science of, 473; Universal, or Parabrahm, 405.
Spirits: alleged agency of phenomena, 392 et seq.; disembodied, and phenomena, 113; disembodied, to be defined, 272, 404, 414, 416; false account of alleged, 359 et seq.; materialized, as “frozen whiskey,” 228; mediums produce, and editors “absorb,” 228; and miracles acc. to Seguers, 275 et seq.; Planetary, 269; rationale of materializations and, 474; realms of, not cemetery of shades in trance, 385; theory about, and phenomena, 368 et seq.; three principal, in man acc. to Paracelsus, 321; utter unreliability of, 475; vulgar commonplace & contradictions of, 394.
Spiritual: consciousness, 412; knowledge, may be obtained, 105; and physical evolution, {{Page aside|577}}384; soul in earlier stages of evolution, 384.
Spiritualism: abused by papers, 227 et seq.; basis of Christianity, 112; and Buddhism, 396 et seq.; Christian sect, 230; and Church Congress, 344-46; and Epes Sargent, 239-40; and Europe, 208; Kunte on, 107; more logical than Christianity, 277; and phenomena, 113; and policy of The Theosophist, 221 et seq.; original meaning of term, 229, 272; Report on, of Dialectical Soc., 234; results in sorcery or spiritual ruin, 417; runs risk of becoming a Church, 476; and scientists, 233; tends to become a dogma, 471; Theosophy not opposed to, 391 et seq.; views on, of scientists, 112; was to be purified by T.S., 50.
Spiritualist, The: 28, 74 143, 262, 289 & fn., 290, 393, 394 fn., 468, 469, 471, 472; slanders Theosophists, 332 et seq.; 370-71.
Spiritualists: beliefs of, to be respected, 368 et seq.; beliefs of, discussed, 272 et seq.; bonds of sympathy between, and students of occultism, 475; courageous truth-seekers, 470; difference between, and Theosophists, 346; natural allies of students of occultism, 181; and T.S., 50 et seq.; unconscious necromancers, 293 fn.
Spirituality: absence of, may coexist with high intellect, 417; degree of, and dreams, 435; good and evil, 298; and intellect, 104; we lose daily in, 457.
Spiritual Notes, on change in Spiritualism, 53-54.
Spurgeon, Thos., 136.
Sraddha, 348.
Sramana Balagula, 401.
Srichakra, 403.
Ssamboo, 185.
Standard, 81.
Star(s): five—and six-pointed, meaning of, 250 et seq.;—gods, and deluge, 214; and planets only indicate our fortunes, 190- 92; six-pointed, and Virgin, 461.
Statesman: 390; abusive and libellous, 387 et seq., 441 et seq.
Stewart, Balfour, The Sun and the Earth, on epidemics and sunspots, 193 & fn.; 531.
–, Unseen Universe, 328, 531. Stone Age, of thought, 104.
Stone-showers, nature & cause of, 244 et seq.
Sthûla-sarîra, 407, 409. Stromateis. See Clement.
Subba Row, T.: highly versed in occult sciences, 399; on the sevenfold principle in man, 400 et seq.
Subjective: experiences and objective phenomena, 415; intercommunications between spirits, 211; intercourse with disembodied souls, 346; vision, and disembodied spirit, 283; world contains non-human intelligences, 368.
Sue, E., Les Mystères de Paris, 364, 531.
Suicide, Kabala on state of, 210-11.
Suidas, on age of Zoroaster, 461. Sûkshmasarîra, 407.
Sumangala, Rev. H.: 240, 396 fn.; biogr., 531-32; member of T.S. Council, 398.
Sun: as Char and Kura, 460; Brothers of the, 418; central invisible, 313, 315; great spiritual, 457; spiritual and circular {{Page aside|578}}mirror, 414; snuffed out at Pra- laya„ 463; white horse of the, 462-63.
Sun. See Stewart, B.
Sunday Mirror: 9, 55, 57, 58, 59, 73, 287, 329, 330; misconceptions of, 371 et seq.; on Bible, 63.
Sunspots, cycle and epidemics, 193 & fn.
Sunyata, as space, 406 fn.
Supernatural: as bread-and-cheese State religion, 114; and natural, 111, 114; untenable concept, 61.
Superstition: and astrology, 192; and conceit, 209; and crimes, 350 et seq.; as cloaca of dogmatic creeds, 349; fostered by priestcraft, 348 et seq.
Surb Ohannes, ancient & modem monastery of, 216-18.
Suria, Surya, Mater Suriae, 461.
Suryaprajnapti, 153.
Sutras. See Patanjali.
Svabhavat, as Space, 405 fn.
Svara: as life of Vedas, and connection of, with light, 401.
Swastika, 188 fn.
Swedenborg, E.: 472; on the Lost Word, 179, 420.
Symbology, Western & Aryan, identical, 313.
Sympathy: for belief in spiritual phenomena, 113; law of universal, and astrology, 192; magnetic, 45.
Szechenyi, Count, and Kumbum Tree, 186 fn.
{{Style P-Subtitle|T}}
Tablet, hidden, in cave on Tien-Shan, 467.
Tail, on native boy, 39.
Taley-Lama: and Buddha, 179; called Sha-ru, 188 fn.; divination at selection of new, 189 fn.; and Lamaic Hierarchy, 185; secret libraries of, 398; titles of, 178.
Talmud: 295; on Nazarenes, 451 fn.
Tanha [Tanha], and skandhas, 298.
Tantras, 401.
Tao-sse [Tao-shih], Chinese sect, 419.
Tappan-Richmond, Cora, 287, 532. Tarakasurs, and Siva, 402 fn. Taraka Yoga, 403.
Tareekh. See Faridunji.
Tartary, Great, and India, 420.
Tartini, dreams his “Devil’s Sonata,” 430-31; 532.
Tashi-Lhiinpo [Tib.: bkra-sis-lhun-po]; 185; secret libraries of, 398.
Tattvas, 326.
Tau, 251 fn., 315-16.
Taylor, Col. Meadows, and apparitions, 282 et seq.
Tchang-Zya-Fo-Lang, 185.
Tchengis-Khan [Chingiz-Khan], 47.
Tchir-Geruk, 213.
Tchumbar, superstition in, 350-52, 354.
Teachers: assemble in Sambhala every seven years, 421; Great, of Haimavatas, 421.
Temple, Sir Richard, India in 1880, misrepresents Brahmos, 9, 73; 532.
Terry, Wm. H., 392.
Tertullian, De jejunto, on the agapae, 205; 532.
Tetraktys (or Tetrad): and interlaced triangle, 313; and Maya, 318; and number twelve, 319, 326.
Thackersey, Mulji, and H. P. B., 82.
Thaums, or miracles, 51.
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Thayer, Mary Baker, as medium, 15.
Theages. See Plato.
Thebah, sanctuary, 180 in.
Ther’ura, as Kabalistic method, 105.
Theocracy, from Tibet & Emperor Yu, 418.
Theology, most cunning of human schemes, 68.
Theosophical Society: a Brotherhood of Humanity, 309; abused by Church with “Christ blessings,” 68; an absolute Republic of Conscience, 226; anagram ofr reversed by error, 251 fn.; at first aimed to purify Spiritualism, 50; as a guidepost, 4; attacks against the, 10 et seq., 240-41; curious ideas of Fellows of, 243; defends genuine mediums, 370; finances of, 2-3; First Section of, 303; misconceptions about, 3-4; nine persons leave, in 1881, 133; no church and no new revelation, 73; no room in, for narrowmindedness, 226; not a shortcut to adeptship, 4; not Buddhistic, 241; not guided by Brothers of First Section, 274; produced marked change in Hindu thought, 105-06; propounds old truths, 73; Rules of, 306; some members of, are Spiritualists, 370; supported largely by the Founders, 80; true nature of, 4.
Theosophist, The: 142, 211, 220, 242, 251 fn., 287, 364, 370, 460, 481; absolutely unsectarian, 305, 331-32; defends Spiritualists from attacks, 371; founded for the benefit of natives, 388; Olcott Centenary issue, 13 fn.; open to any writer, 310-11; policy of, analyzed, 222, 224 el seq.; serves an idea, not individuals, 389.
Theosophists: attitude of, towards Christ and Church, 134; beliefs of, and Spiritualists discussed, 368 et seq ; defend faiths of Asiatics, 479-80; denounce the supernatural, 111; do not claim infallibility, 137; enemies of bigots, hypocrites and Pharisees, 371; have courage of their opinions, 232; many, deserted from Spiritualism, 272; never attack any religious beliefs, 374; oppose bigotry and arrogance, 374.
Theosophy: as idea, cannot be stopped, 50; and Spiritualism as facts and beliefs, 368.
Theosophy. See Olcott and Wyld. Theurgy, opposed to Christianity, 181.
Thibaut, Dr. C., on the Surya-prajnapti, 153; 532-33.
Thomas, Dr., tried, 344.
Thomas, N., engraver of de Saint- Germain’s portrait, 528.
Thornton's Gazetteer of India, and H. P. B.’s “Indian Letters,” 81-82; 533.
Thornton, Rev. R., on Spiritualism, 345.
Thought (s): and after-death apparitions, 173-74; as material as germs, 425; can act independently of brain, 426; dead man’s, influencing sensitives, 426; enduring influence of intense, 425-26; intense, creates & becomes objective, 282; last, of dying man becomes his eidolon, 173; last thing to fade out in brain at death, 173; of living man can be evoked by occult means, 284; watch daily, and actions, 172.
Thoughts. See Falb.
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Thytyas, or Rakshasas, 402.
Tian-Ta’i, Buddhist school, on Teachers of Haimavatas, 421.
Tiberius, practiced astrology, 193. Tibet: ancient seat of occult learning, 418; origin of term, 180 & fn.; secret doctrine in, 186; ‘Uqqäls travel to, 187.
Tien-Shan, tablets hidden in cave in, 467.
Tigranes III, King, 216.
Timaeus. See Plato.
Time, and Eternity, 317.
Times and World, 9.
2 Timothy, 51.
Tiridates, King, 215.
Toaldo, and earthquakes, 149.
Tone, definite, in nature, 434.
Toughskin, Rev. A. R. T., 428.
Tradition, about cave in Tien-Shan and Zoroaster, 467-68.
Trance: hypnotic, 43-44; and subjective vision, 283.
Transactions, of Nat’l Insurance Convention & Olcott, 12-13 & fn., 533.
Transcendental. See Zöllner.
Transmigration: implied on false evidence, 139; of material particles in nature, 385.
Travels. See Hue and Livingstone.
Treatise. See Paul, N. C.
Tree of Life, 460.
Trepoff, Gen. D. Th., and Grand Duke Konstantin’s safe, 165-66.
Triangles: as Shakton, 318; colours of interlaced, 313, 317; equilateral, 313, interlaced, 250 et seq.", meaning of interlaced, 314-15,316-17 et seq.
Tribune, The, and Olcott, 12.
Tribune (Lahore), on Sardha Ram, 307 et seq.
Trimürti, and Brahma, 424.
Tripitaka, 88, 182, 533.
Truth: facts and fictions, 222 et seq.; and natural phenomena, 93; needs no lies, 241; and people’s fury, 364; recognition of, and Dhyana, 430; reminiscence of archaic, dying out, 181; the One, 134, 266; untiring search for, 306.
Tsong-Kha-pa: and Lamrim, 186 fn.; opposed by Red Caps, 419.
Tukaram Tatya, biogr., 533-35.
Tulku [Tib.: sprul-sku], doctrine of, and Zoroaster, implied, 458.
Turanians, 419.
Turiya Avastha [Turiya Avasthä], 412.
Twain, Mark, The Innocents Abroad, 81, 535.
Twelve: and number 36, 326; Pythagorean & Kabalistic views, of, 319-20.
Tycho Brahe, recognized astrology 194.
Tyerman, Freethought Vindicated, 134, 535.
Tyndall, John: on germs in ether, 405; on our ignorance, 203; on Radiant Heat, 103; unfair and cowardly, 232.
Tyng, Dr. S. H., on the coming of Christ, 231 & fn.
{{Style P-Subtitle|U}}
Umwälzungen. See Falb.
Unconsciousness, or the One Element, 423.
Unity, and multiplicity, 318. Universal History. See Prideaux. Universals, 196.
Unseen. See Stewart, B.
Upanishads: 142, 401; no conscious deity in, 424; views of, on evolution of life, 406.
‘Uqqäls: as incarnations of H’amza, 183; Druse spiritual teachers, 178, 179; initiates, {{Page aside|581}}185; and mediators, 184; travel every seventh year to Tibet, 187.
Uraei, and winged disk, 131.
Utsab, prayer, 57.
{{Style P-Subtitle|V}}
Vallancey, Chas., on Daghdai, 465. Varley, C. F., 52, 535.
Vaughan, Thomas, 264.
Veda Bhashya. See Dayananda. Vedana [Vedana], 406 fn.
Vedanta [Vedanta]: as spiritualized Buddhism, 241; as transcendental Buddhism, 422; postulates three kinds of existence, 422.
Vedas: 241, 450, 462; and Atlantis, 402; dual meaning of, 401; existed before Central Asian deluge, 452 fn.; imported into India, 420; and Manasa- s ar o war a Lake, 419; need interpretation, 305; oldest philosophy, 137; silent on any deluge, 452.
Vedi, preaching place, 57.
Vendiddd: 455; Commentaries on, are lost, 467.
Venus, Isis and Mary as patronesses of the sea, 188 fn.
Verne, Jules, Voyage, etc., 472, 535.
Vesta, same as Ashtar, 460. Vetala-panchavimsati, 49 fn., 535. Vidya [Vidya], 142.
Vie. See Renan.
Vieuxtemps, Henry, composer, 255, 536.
View. See Paley.
Vijnana [Vijnana], 406 fn.
Vikram. See Burton.
Vimana Vidya, 70-71.
Viraj [Viraj], and Purusha, 326.
Virgil, Aeneid, on a monster, 67; 536.
Virgin (s): conceives Saoshyant, 461; “Sons of God” bom from, 174; term for Astral Light, 326.
Virgin-Seo rpio, and Libra, 325.
Viruboff, G. N., and Littre, 256; 536.
Vishnu [Vishnu]: as Kalki Ava-tara, 463; Brahma and Siva, 314; incarnates as Rama, 188 fn.; sign of, 250.
Vishnu Bawa, acute metaphysician and seer, 142.
Vishnu-Purana [Vishnu-Purana], deluge story in, 188 fn.; 536.
Vision (s): of sensitives, 437; sub. jective, and disembodied spirit, 283.
Vistasp, 466, 467.
Vital: Force, most potent of known agencies, 285; Principle, 22.
Vladimir, Grand Duke, 170.
Volta, A., 22.
Voltaire, 257.
Voyage. See Verne, J.
Vyasiyam, 242.
Vyävahärika, 422.
{{Style P-Subtitle|W}}
Wagner, N.: 93, 112; on facts and mediumistic phenomena, 235; 536.
Waite, Chas. B., History of the Christian, etc., 174, 536.
Wallace, Alfred Russel: 93, 112, 219; on seance with Eglinton, 145-46.
–, Miracles, etc., on facts and Spiritualism, 234-35; 536.
Wallenstein, Duke of, Kepler and astrology, 194; 536-37.
Warburton, Wm., Divine Legation, on Zoroaster, 454; 537.
“War in Heaven,” copied from legend about Siva, 402 fn.
Water (s): and Adam Kadmon, 188 fn.; associated with Idannes, {{Page aside|582}}217 in.; role of, in development of life, 405.
Watson, Rev. David, on Church and outstanding people, 135.
Weber, Dr. Wilhelm, 15, 93, 99, 236; 537.
Wesley, Samuel, on spirit-rappers, 280.
Westminster Confession of Faith, 358, 537.
White Lotus of Dharma, 397.
Whymper, E., 140.
Wilder, Dr. A., on science, 223.
–, lamblichos, 269 & fn., 53738.
Will: basis of all “magical” force, 252; effect of human, on unmanifested matter, 380; faith and energy, 253; helped by concentration on a symbol, 258; and psycho-physiological phenomena, 172-73; and soul-power, 28.
Wine: and adeptship, 342 & fn.; and rose, 465.
Wisdom: as Honover, 461; Hokh- mah as Supreme, 319; incarnation of, 180, 184-85; occult, and cycles, 194; perfect, as Dagon, 189 fn.; Sons of, 418; Supreme, 185, 186, 189 fn.;
Universal, 181; Universal — Religion, 419.
Witch: of Endor, rationale of her evocation, 284; or znaharka, in. dispensable in Russian village, 351.
Word: Honover as living, 461; Swedenborg on Lost, 179, 420.
Wyld, Dr. George: 8, 260; and Dr. R. S., 144; biogr., 538-39.
–, Theosophy and the Higher Life, 53 fn., 539.
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Xenophon, on Socrates, 278.
Yakshni [Yakshini], 85.
Year(s): old and new, 1-2; prophecy about nefarious, 201.
Year 1881: as a challenge, 196; Hebrew interpretation of, 202; numerical value of, 84-85, 12021; record of, 198-99, 201, 255.
Yellow Caps, 419.
Yevropeyskiy Vestnik, art. of N. Wagner in, 235.
Yggdrasill, and Haoma, 460.
Yod, 178 fn., 180.
Yoga: conditions required for, 30; Dayananda on, 30 fn.; Kunte on faith in, 108; true science, 105; various schools of, 403.
Yoga-Vidya: and mesmerism, 7-8; nature of, discussed, 26 et seq.; and Western psychology, 31.
Yogi(s): living at great heights, 140-41; not frightened by threats, 85; seclusion of, 30; term applicable only partially to adepts, 304; true, may still be found, 105.
Yohai, Shimon ben, 456.
Yu, Emperor, his theocracy from Tibet, 418.
Yung-dang, mystic cross, 188 fn. Yurievsky (or Yuryevsky), Princess K. M.: 158; and assassina. tion of Alexander II, 167-69; background and role of, 167-68 fn.; portrait, fac. 171.
Zarathushtra: fifth messenger, date of, 456; possibly connected with “tulku,” 458; teachings of, but for the few, 456 fn. See also Zoroaster.
Zassulich, Vera, 165.
Zend-Avesta. See Avesta.
Zerah, 461.
Zera-Ishtar, magian priest, 467.
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Zero, 194.
Zeruane-Akerene [Zrvana-Aka- rana], and Ormazd, 457.
Zeruph, as anagram, 195.
Zhelyabov, A. I.: 156 & in.; on Grand Duke Konstantin, 167.
Znaharka, a witch, suggests crime, 350.
Zodiac, and Sign of Libra, 325.
Zohar: 456, 457; on En-Soph, 314.
Zöllner, J. F. K., 52, 93, 99, 112, 219, 233, 236.
–, Transcendental Physics: 8, 220; on phenomena with Slade, 236; on Slade’s effect on compass needle, 100; on Weber, 236; Maskelyne on phenomena, 237; Wagner on mediumistic phenomena, 235; reviewed, 1420; and Royal Society, 74.
Zoroaster: age of, 218; Bunsen on date of, 452 fn., 466; date of, acc. to ancient authors, 45152, 461, 466; generic title borne by several teachers, 452, 460, 461, 466, 467; gigantic statue of, in cave in Bokhara, 455 fn., 458, 464; misrepresented by bigoted scholars, 454, 461; religion of, can be restored, 455; seventh prophet of that name, 467.
Zoroastrianism: and ancient Armenian traditions, 212 et seq.; not contemporary with Judaism, 451.