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Observations, etc. See Finch, G. B. “Occult Arts,” See Judge, W. Q. Occult World. See Sinnett, A. P. Occultist(s): chief aim of, and the Devachan, 245; each cycle has its own, 247; real difference between, and ordinary man, 244-45.
Ocean, universal, and individual drops, 10 fn.
Ogilvie, John [1797-1867], Imperial Dictionary, on mediums, 223; 442.
Olcott, Col. Henry Steel [1832- 1907]: and H. P. B.’s retirement from office, 339; and Irenaeus, 148; exhausted by magnetic healing, forbidden to
continue, 70 fn.; falsehoods about cocoanut-tree planting, 61; learned truth after 1875, 270; letter of, to F. Arundale, 325; libel against, and H. P. B., 56-57; makes mistake with SPR., 326 fn.; Open Letter of, to Bishop of Madras, 56; rejects Canon of Southern Buddhists, 92; saw K. H. personally, 216; Spiritualist at first, 270; uncompromising honesty of, 161; visited by K. H. at Lahore, 22-31.
–, Buddhist Catechism, 92; 442.
–, Diaries, 185, 280; 442.
–, Old Diary Leaves, 23, 29, 30, 32, 52, 71, 124 fn., 184, 214, 242, 244 fn., 278 fn., 326 fn.; 442.
–, People from the Other World, 270, 290; 442.
–, Theosophy, Religion and Occult Science, xxxii.
Old age, none in future races, 117. One: Absolute, as becoming, 10 fn.; holds all planets together, 229; the, Element, 142; the, Life and Akasa, 228; the, Substance, 10 fn.
Ophanim, 317.
Opium, and morphia, 144.
Orang-outang, and spiritualistic manifestations, 199.
Orientalists, fanciful chronology of, 32 fn.
“Osmosing,” letters from sealed envelopes, explained, 123 ff.
Over-Soul, and under-soul, 10 fn. Oxford Mission, fair attitude of, to Theosophists, 164.
Ozanam, Jacques [1640-1717], 345; 442-43.
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Padma Purana [Padma-Purana], names Kuthumi as Rishi, 232; 426.
Pain, main cause of, 331-32.
Paine, Thomas, and his views, 17, 20.
Pall Mall Gazette·. 215 and fn.; ininterviews H. P. B. on forged letters, 308 ff.
Panaetius, 209.
Pan-chen Rimpoche, to be reborn in the West, 105.
“Panel,” and Coulomb, 416.
Panini [Panini], 88.
Parabrahma [Parabrahman], 126, 179, 212, 351.
Paradoxes, etc. See Levi, Lliphas. Param-atma [Paramatman]: 202; and Mukti, 243.
Parinama [Parinama], defined, 142.
Parmenides, 206.
Pascal, Blaise [1623-1662], Thoughts, 360; 443.
Path, The, 121.
Peary Chand Mittra, Babu, convert to Spiritualism, 96.
Peddler, Tibetan, at Darjeeling, and account of К. H., 21.
Penna di Billi, F. 0. della, [16801747], Breve notizia, etc., quoted on Tibet, 97, 100-101, 106, 110; 443.
People from the Other World. See Olcott, H. S.
Personality: 111, and chela’s chief task, 286; and impersonality, 264-65; and selfishness, 264; self in its own, cannot remain in earth atmosphere, 101; unbroken preservation of higher, 14.
Peter, St., did not found Latin Church, 238.
Petition, to Masters for an “Inner Group,” facsimile and background, 250 ff.
Petroma, tablets used in the Mysteries, 238.
Phag-dal, lamasery of, 272.
Phag-pa Sang-gyas, Most Holy Buddha, 105.
Phallus, and cteis, 133.
Phenomenal, growth of physical body, occult explanation, 114 ff.
Phenomenon (a) : and will, 289; H. P. B. defends reality of mediumistic, 289, 292; of clair- audience, 34-35; of precipitation and passage of matter through matter, 118-121, 123 ff.; post-mortem appearance of man, 127-29; 138; psychic, and trend of public thought, 34142 ; psychological, in connection with Damodar, 69-71.
Philolaus, 206.
Philosophers: initiated, had no right to reveal sciences, 204; teachings of ancient, 202 ff.
Philosophy, modern and H. Spencer, 171-73.
Phil, of the Unconscious. See Hartmann, E. von.
Photograph, and magnetic emanations, 341.
Pisâchas, 194.
Pitri-Rishis [Pitri-Rishis], sons of Flame, 193.
Pitris [Pitris]: defined, 189-190; exoteric version of Brâhmanas, 191 fn.; lunar ancestors, 190; lunar and solar, 190; shaping of man by, 191-92; two classes in Rig-Veda, defined, 191.
Plagiarism, alleged, by K. H., 2-3. Planes, adepts work on various, 247.
Planetary Spirits: 111, 112, 126; {{Page aside|473}}unprogressed, simulate deities at Spiritualistic seances, 189.
Plawetenbewohner, etc. See Prel, K. L. du.
Planets [Globes], of earth-chain, and colors of physical and moral constitution of man, 1415.
Plato: an Initiate, 203, 207; secret doctrine in Dialogues, 207; views of, etc., 206-207; Epinomis, 187; Sophistes, 206; Timaeus and Corgias, 201; 443.
Platon, Metropolitan, visited by a “spirit,” 219-21.
Platonic, philosophy, compend of ancient Indian systems, 203.
Plutarch, De defectu oraculorum, 209; 443.
Polarity, cosmical, and early worlds, 193.
Pole, North, and magnetic current, 340.
Poona Observer, 72.
Poruthu-Madan, 194.
Post-mortem, appearance of man, 127-29, 138.
Powers: of adept, natural result of evolution, 333; T. S. does not teach, 333.
Pradhanacharya [Pradhanachar- ya], 11 fn.
Prajapati, 191.
Prajna, and Sophia, 157.
Prakriti [Prakriti]: and Mahatmas, 262; and Purusha, 158, 180.
Pralaya, Maha-, and destruction of system, 134.
Precipitation, occult process of, explained, 118-121, 123 ff.
Predestination, and astrology, 327. Prel, Baron K. L. du [1839-1899]: a born occultist, 157.
–, Das Janus-Gesicht des Menschen, 11, 156; 444. 473
–, Die Planetenbewohner, etc., 156; 444.
–, Die Weltstellung des Menschen, 155; 444.
Preliminary Report. See Soc. for Psych. Research.
Presence, Universal, ubiquitous, 10 fn.
Presentiment, Prevision: 342-43; and story of Count 0—, 345; and story of seamstress, 343-44; of death, occult reasons for, 347-49.
Preta, lower elemental, 169. Pribitkov, Victor, 406.
Priestcraft, tricks and deceptions of, 130-31.
Principle (s): and Enoch, 280; and numbers four and nine, 222; Fifth, during life, 328; five, in animals, 200; Fourth, and the two Triads, 178; Fourth, body of will, 109; Fourth, in dotage and insanity, 221; higher, of the Pitri-Rishis, 193; highly developed Fifth, compatible with absence of Bud- dhi 198; lower part of Fifth, or astral soul, 195; ooze out of dead body, 109; Seventh, 264; Seventh, and mediumship, 226; Seventh and Sixth, as male and female, 261; Universal, and Plato, 206.
Privation, of child to be, 196. Protection, from danger, 139-41. Psyche, a sheath, 178-79.
Psychic: force and science, 199; gifts and true development, 334; specific gravity, etc., 125; warning against false promises to develop, powers, 334.
Psychische Studien, on Gambetta and Bismarck, 218; 451.
Psychometry: and Buchanan’s work, 181-82; and Dentons’ {{Page aside|474}}work, 181; instructive and elevating, 181.
Public opinion, defined, 172-73.
Puranas [Puranas]: dead-letter traditions of, 51; on the dynasties of Moryas and Koot-hoomi, 40-42.
Purusha: and Mahatmas, 262; and Prakriti, 158; in the first worlds, 193.
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Queen’s Proclamation, of religious neutrality, 165-66.
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Race(s): age in various, 117; births in Root-, and tones and colors, 14; characteristics of the future, 117; color of bodies in, 117; duration of, 117 fn.; first, in 4th Round, and its mystery, 178; men of sixth, beginning to appear, 116; preceding, superior to present pigmies, 189-90; seventh, of the 7th Round, 177.
Ragoonath Rao, 297.
Rahats, 104.
Rain, clouds magnetically paralyzed, 43.
Rajah Janaka, a Theosophic Yogi, 11, 12 fn.
Raja-Yogi [Raja-yogin], defined, 51.
Rajendra Lala Mitra [1824-1891], 89.
Rama Bai, Pandita, 68. Ramalinga, 296, 310. Ramaswamier, S., “How a Chela Found his Guru,” 21.
Ramayana, School of, 89.
Rapport, between medium and astral shell, 129.
Ray, Intellectual, and mediumship, 226.
Reaction, action and, equal, 145.
Rebus, H. P. B. writes for the, 73 354.
Regnaud, Paul [1838-1910], Matériaux pour servir, etc., 92; 444.
Reid, 136.
Reincarnation, no new teaching, subsequent to Isis Unv., 206.
Relics, miracle-working, no special power in, 234.
Reliquiae, of average man in kâma Ioka, 196.
Reminiscences, etc. See Wachtmeister, C.
Reply, etc. See Morgan, Gen. H. R. Report, etc. See Hartmann, Dr. F. Report, etc. See Gribble, J. D. B. Report of the Result of an Investigation, etc., 274 fn.
Researches, private, in mesmerism, magnetism, etc., 55.
Responsibility, moral, and karma, 237.
Revelation, 163.
Revolutions: American and other, alleged conn, with Mahatmas, 15-20; cruelties and bloodshed of, 19.
Reward, desire of, 332.
Rig-Veda, on Pitris and Vishnu, 190-91; 426.
Rinch-cha-tze (Tibet), Chohan- Lama of, 94.
Ring: gold, in moss-rose, an apport, 124; sapphire, duplicated by H.P.B. for Mrs. Carmichael, 59 fn.; 63 fn., 124.
Ripon, Marquis of, 66.
Rishis [Rishis]: Kuthumi, one of the, 232; profound knowledge of, re causes and effects, 229; symbolical meaning of marriage of, 261-63.
Rohner, Dr. C., 33-36, 139-40.
Pythagoras, an Initiate, 203.
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Ro-lang: and followers of the Good Doctrine, 105; a bhûta, 102; 109; ignorant intercourse with, deprecated, 106.
Ro-lang-pa, Spiritualists, 105-108.
Romans, Epistle to the, 289.
Root-races, births in, and tones and colors, 14.
Rose, materialized by Mrs. Thayer, 124 fn.
Rosie-Cross, brothers of, and American independence, 18 ; documents in H. P. B.’s possession, 18.
Rossetti, Christina, 331.
Round(s) : and Lunar Pitris, 190; duration of, 117 fn.; fifth and sixth, and the powers of man, 103; fourth, and the Buddha, 267 ; globe·, opened by a Dhyan-Chohan, 267.
Rudras, twelve, and destruction of system, 134.
Rule, inflexible, for neophytes, 331.
Rules: Art. I of T. S., 216; Art. VI of T. S., 161, 217; must be enforced, 217.
Russkiy Vyestnik, 411.
Ryan, Chas. J. [1865-1949], H. P. Blavatsky and the Theos. Movement, 406; 444.
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Sacred Books of the East, 92; 424. Sacrifice, of the Bodhisattwas and
Lhas, 112.
Sad, 158.
Sadharan Brahmo Samâj, 12 fn., 18.
Sadhus [Sadhus], can stop rain, 43.
St. Francis Xavier, and miracles, 233-35.
St. Germain, Count de, and French Revolution, 19.
St. James’ Gazette, 2.
Sakti, and woman, 262.
Sakya Thub-pa, 98, 99.
Salter, Dr. L., 150.
Sambhala, hinted at, 101.
Samma-Sambuddha, and remembrance of past lives, 103.
Sand, George, as seeress, 144.
Sang-gyas, 99, 112.
Sang-ngag, magnetic incantation, and Spiritualists, 108.
Sankaracharya [Samkaracharya], more prudent than Gautama Buddha, 32 fn.
–, Atmanatma-viveka, on Vach, 5; 424.
–, Commentary on the Bhagavad-Gita, 12 fn.; 424.
Sanskrit: Alphabet, 90; corruption of, in Bengal, 87-89; only a half-dead language, 87; phrases, 11 fn.; verses, 112.
Sapphire. See Ring.
Sapta-jihva, 191.
Sapta-jiva, 191.
Saracens, of Adyar, 55.
Saraswati [Saraswati], vahana of, 15.
Sarvabhutantaratma, or Inner Soul, 9-10.
Sassoon, Mr., 311
Sat, 207.
Saturday Review, libelous art. in, 58.
Saucer, broken, 416-17.
Scharlieb, Dr. Mary, certificate of, re H. P. B., 338.
Schelling, on life, 350.
Schenkel, Daniel [1813-1885], 152; 444.
Schlagintweit, Emil [1835-1904], Buddhism in Tibet, 104; 444.
Schmiechen, Hermann, paints portraits of Masters, xxxii.
Scientists, of West and Aryan Arhat Science, 125.
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Scriptures, Chinese and Tibetan, some legendary, 100.
Sects: Buddhist, of Japan and China, 96; of India, due to ignorance, 147.
Seed, of spiritual wisdom and Globes, 267-68.
Seer, ordinary untrained, 137.
Seership: natural untrained, insufficient to know esoteric truth, 132-33; spiritual, contrasted with sensuous perceptions, 144; true, 334.
Self: personal and individual, and universal, 111; pure, not in terrestrial atmosphere, and exceptions, 101-102.
Self-control, and mediumship, 224-25.
Selfishness: and Maya, 243-44; and personality, 264; defined, 242, 264.
Selves, inner, of living, and afterdeath conditions, 102.
Senate House, refused to the T. S., 166-68.
Seneca, on death, 347.
Senses: higher development of, 156; more acute in Adept, 15556; must correspond to object of perception, 264; new world perceived with new, 155; seventh, or noumenal, 264.
Sensigenous, molecules and memory, 221.
Sensitives, mental vision of, 137.
Sephiroth, ten, and the Kabalah, 316 ff.
Seraphim, 318.
Serpents, and Indian houses, 169-70.
Sex, how determined, 262.
Shakespeare, Macbeth, on life, 353.
Shells: as larvae, 195-96; as vampires, 170; astral, in magnetic
link with the living, 129; attractions of, 125; length of stay of, in Kamaloka, 129; of eminent men reverenced by ancients, 188; vitalized by mediums, 129.
Shing-Tao-ki. See Wang-Puh. Shinto or Sin-Syn, 367.
“Shrine,” nature of, at Adyar, 415.
Shudalai-Madan, ghouls, 194. Shulai-Madan, 194.
Sibyl: and mediums of Adyta, guided by intiated hierophants, 329; of Cumae and verbena plant, 143.
Simon ben Jochai, and Cabala, 320.
Simulating, Planetary Spirits, deities and men at seances, 189.
Sinnett, Alfred Percy [18401921]: 348 fn.; not an initiate, 132; validity of doctrines given out through, 133.
–, Early Days of Theosophy in Europe, 326 fn.; 445.
–, Esoteric Buddhism: 3, 4, 14, 133, 134, 412, 348 fn., 445; and future Buddhas, 266-68; correct teachings in, with minor faults, 160, 177; knowledge in, given out for first time, 147, 159.
–, Incidents in the Life of Madame Blavatsky: 411, 270; on sapphire ring, 59 fn.; 445.
–, Mahatma Letters: 132, 157, 184, 258 fn., 259 fn., 277 fn., 280; on Kiddle, 119 fn.; on precipitations, 119 fn.; 445.
–, The Occult Ho rid, on precipitations, xiii, 118; 445.
Siva, and Sakti, 262.
Smith, Prof. John [1822-1885]: and messages from Mahatmas, 122-23; 124 fn.; replies by {{Page aside|477}}Chela to questions of, 123 ff.; 445.
Smriti [Smriti], 50.
Soc. for Psychical Research: and Olcott, 326 fn.; Preliminary Report, 324, 325; Proceedings, with R. Hodgson’s “Report,” 295; 445-46.
Soc. of the Lovers of Natural Sciences, 138.
Solar: and planetary chains, 249; systems and spiritual evolution, 248-49.
Soloviov, Vsevolod S. [18491903], xxxi xxxii, xxxv xxxvi, xliv, 446.
Sons of Fire, 190, 191.
Sophia: and Prajna, universal spiritual wisdom, 157; as Bud- dhi, 261.
Sorcery, of Bengal and Assam, 7. Soubaya. See Chetty, G. Soobiah. Soul(s): and perfection and intelligence, 180; animal, 107, 108; animal, condition after death, 210-11; earth-bound, and communications through dreams, 329; last desire of, and apparitions at death, 220-21; lost, and annihilation, 177, 178; of depraved, as larvae, 195; naked, and Buddhism, 106; Universal, and Mahatmas, 240.
Soul of Things. See Denton, Win. Sound: eternity of, 104; relation of sacred, and ether of space, 89.
South of India Observer, The·. 55, 60; its lying statements, 64.
Space: and the One Life, 228; interrelation of, and objects, 143.
Specific gravity, psychic, and soul’s after-death states, 125.
Spedalieri, Baron, and essays of fi. Levi, 175.
Speech, human and Vach, 5.
Spelling, and phonetic pronunciation of Tibetan terms, 113.
Spencer, Herbert: on life, 350; art. on “Religion: A Retrospect and Prospect,” on Christian dogma, 171-72.
Speusippus, 208.
Spinoza, echoes esoteric doctrine, 10 fn.
Spirit: and primordial matter, 192; alleged guardianship, 139141.
Spiritisme dans le Monde. See Jacolliot.
Spiritismus, Der. See Hartmann, E. von.
Spirits: apparition of real, immediately after death, 220-21; controlled by H. P. B., 270; departed, and Buddhism, 95; departed, and Buddhist Tibetans, 111; fallacy of term, 176; Hindus’ attitude to, 96; of animals, 199; world of, and Lhas, 97.
Spiritual: death, 222; development, 331; progress, 331 ff.
Spiritual Scientist, and H. P. B.’s stories, 354.
Spiritualist, The, 35, 451.
Spiritualistic: camp meeting at Lake Pleasant, 1; manifestations, and transcendental chemical action, 351-52; materializations, reflect image of those present, 222; seances and simulating elementals, 189.
Spiritualists: and alleged plagiarism from Kiddle, 1-4; and controls, 110; and masquerading entities, 110; attempt to kill belief in masters, 269; communicate {{Page aside|478}}only with dregs of late being, 108; confuse elementáis with “spirits,” 169; errors of, about Buddhists, 105 ff.; twenty million, in the world, 86.
Spook, congeries of atoms, 125.
Squires, Mr., The Truth about Theosophy, 62.
Sravaka [Srâvaka], remains behind to help others, 102.
Srij [Srij], 143.
Srishti [Srishti], 143.
Sruti, 50.
Statesman, 58.
Steiger, Mme. Isabel de [18361927], Memorabilia, inaccurate, 251; 446.
Stephanus, Henricus [1528-1598], L’Introduction au Traité, etc., on relics, 234.
Stewart, Balfour [1828-1887], The Unseen Universe, 200; 446.
Sthula sarira [Sthûla-sarîra] : of adept, 262; transformed in advanced occultists, 246.
Stupor, state of, after death, its length, 108.
Subba Row, T. [1856-1890]: art. on Kiddle, 1; has more knowledge than a dozen Orientalists, 276-77.
–, Observations on “A Letter, etc.,” xxv, 131-35; 447.
–, Esoteric Writings, 132, 447. Subjectivity, absolute, 142.
Subodh Prakash, 329.
Substance, the One, and Spinoza’s One Existence, 10 fn.
Succinct Abstract, etc., 106. See also Penna di Billi.
Suddhi apâpaviddha, 142.
Suicides: 348 fn.; earthbound, drawn to the living, 106, 107.
Sumangala Unnanse, H., most learned expounder of So. Budhism, 94.
Sun: and views of £. Levi, 177; and Vishnu, 190; central, defined, 117; magnetic in nature, 159; real, and withdrawal of chromo- and photosphere, 134; Spiritual, and souls, 351.
Sun, The, and H. P. B.’s stories, 354.
Sunderland, theatre catastrophe at, 140.
Supern. Religion. See Cassels.
Supplement, to The Theosophist superceded by the Journal of the T. S., 53-55.
Suras, and Asuras, real meaning of, 244.
Suryas, twelve, and destruction of system, 134.
Swine: Circe’s, 121; in Gospel, 211.
Swyet (Light), 344.
Synoptics: compared with Fourth Gospel, 149, 154; do not mention Lazarus, 150.
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Tad vijijnasartham, etc., in the Upanishad.s, 11 fn.
Tanjur [Bstan-hgyur], 98. Tantrikas [Tantrikas], 7, 90. Tashi-Lama. See Teshu-Lama. Tashi-Lhiinpo (or Ta-shii-hlum- po): 272; Lama-Rimboche of, 94.
Tatvabodhini Patrika, 12, 451.
Taylor, Thomas [1758-1835], correct understanding of, 207.
Telegram, and Damodar’s astral journey to Adyar, 71.
Telegraphy, psychological, 120.
Ten-dub Ughien [also: Tsong-Ka Un-Ghien], lama next to K. H., 38.
Terentius, Copt, on dissolution of astral double, 348 fn.
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Terrestrial, atmosphere, and self after death, 101-102.
Teshu-Lama, to be reborn in the West, 105.
Tetraktis, higher, 348.
Thales of Miletus, an initiate, 204.
Tharlam, path of deliverance, 112.
Thayer, Mrs. Mary Baker, materializes rose, 124 fn.
Theists, and Theosophists, 9-12.
Theologians, and Fourth Gospel, 152.
Theology, as concoction of priests, 32 fn.
Theophilus Antiochenus: first writer to quote from Fourth Gospel, 152; Ad Autolycum, 152 fn.; 447.
Theophilus, Rev. Arthur, The Theos. Soc., Its Objects and Creed, 60-61, 74, 447.
Theophrastus, 209.
Theosophia, 406.
Theosophical Miscellanies, 258 fn., 260 fn., 447.
Theosophical Society: and H.P.B., 281 ff.; Council of, and Arya Samaj, 314-15; does not teach acquisition of “powers,” 333; no nursery for incipient Adepts, 336; no secret society, 235; second object of, 212; true mission of, 333-334.
Theos. Society, General Council, Report of the Result of an Investigation, etc., xl, 274 fn., 414 fn., 447.
Theos. Society. See Theophilus, Rev. A.
Theosophist, The·. 61, 134, 241, 243 fn., 244 fn., 281, 315, 406; a great success, 158; highly praised, 174; on Morya Dynasty, 41; on Dayananda Saraswati and T. S., 52-53.
Theosophists: deity of, is Unity,
does not think or create, 10 fn.; malice against, 168; mission of, 183; practical work for, 212; recognize the One Absolute as becoming, 10 fn.; reject externals, accept the Internal, 9 fn.; should actively work for objects of Society, 336-37; true, defined, 783.
Theosophy: and Christianity in India, 165-66; ideal of, as to Man, 173; origin of, and the Cabala, 319-20.
Thought(s): all-absorbing, and after-death conditions, 102; as invisible Extension, 10 fn.; current in Western, towards occult philosophy, 173; impression of, and precipitation, 120; is matter, 200; objectivization of, 35; of mesmerizer appearing as objective reality, 35.
Tibet, H. P. B. in, 272-74.
Tibetan; Buddhists, do not believe in return of departed spirits, 111; exclusiveness and its key, 105; teachings about afterdeath states, 97-112; uncertainty of spelling of, terms, 112-13.
Tie, real, binding all things, 319. Tischendorf, Lobegott F.K. [18151874], 152.
Tod, Col. James [1782-1835], on Moryas, 40.
Tong-pa-niy, defined, 777.
Transmigration, into animals, real meaning of, 205.
Tremeschini, Mr., H. P. B.’s controversy with, 85-93.
Treta-yuga, 86, 91, 117.
Triangle, isosceles and scalene, 209.
Truce, Flag of, 1-4.
Trulpa, voluntary incarnation, 772.
Truth: lies between extremes, 228; {{Page aside|480}}must be hidden, to be kept pure, 99; nature of, 140; Sun of, and mission of Theosophists, 183; Tsong-kha-pa on, 99-100.
Tsong-kha-pa: prophecy of, about Tibet and Western nations, 105; quoted, 99-100.
Turban (or feta): left by Master M. at New York, 29; photograph of, in The Theosophist, 29.
Tushita Devaloka, 363.
Tzi-gadze, visited by H. P. B., 272.
{{Style P-Subtitle|U}}
Udambara [Udumbara], flower of, 112.
Udanavarga, 113.
Ulysses, and Circe’s swine, 121.
Unconsciousness, after death, 108.
Universal Brotherhood, platform of, 166-67.
Unseen. Universe. See Stewart, Balfour.
Unselfishness, and occultism, 263 64.
Upanishads: do not teach personal god, 10 fn.; quoted in Sanskrit, 11 fn., 331.
{{Style P-Subtitle|V}}
Vach [Vach]: and brain cavities, 5; and passages in head, 5; and seven mystic centers, 5; as Logos, 262; mystic divine voice, 11 fn.; relation of, to akasa, 89; same as Kwan-yin, 104.
Vachaspati, 40.
Vachisvara, or Voice-Deity, 104.
Vampire: and vampirism, 210-211; a shell, 170.
Vania, K. F., Madame H. P. Blavatsky: Her Occult Phenomena and the S.PJt., 295, 447.
Váyu Purána [Váyu-Purána], 40, 191, 426.
Vedic: accent and effects produced, 89-90; pronunciation of, Sanskrit and its occult importance, 89.
Verbena, intensifies seership, 143.
Verbum. See Logos, Vach.
Vidyadharas [Vidyádharas], higher elementáis, 169.
Virchoff, Prof., and mediumship, 341.
Virgin of the World. See Kingsford, Dr. A. B.
Vishnu Purána [Vishnu-Purána], 40, 426.
Vision, mental, and inversion of images, 135-38.
Volkmar, G. [1809-1893], 152, 447-48.
Vurdalak, elementary, 170.
Vortices, of atomic disintegration, 109.
{{Style P-Subtitle|W}}
Wachtmeister, Countess C. [18381910], Reminiscences of H. P. Blavatsky, etc., quoted on reading astral light, 151 fn.; 448.
Wagner, Prof. N. P. [1829-1907], on nature of life, 349-50; 449.
Wahabees, sect of, 7.
Wakley, Thomas [1795-1862], on presentiment of death, 345, 346, 347.
Wallace, A. R. [1823-1913], 199.
Wang-Puh, The Shing-Tao-ki, unreliable, 100; 426.
Warning, not to give out certain truths, 4.
Wart-charming, by sympathetic remedy, 43-45.
Weltstcllung, etc. See Prel, K. L.
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West, Pan-chen Rimpoche to be reborn in the, 105.
Westcott, Canon B.F. [1825-1901], Introd. to the Study of the Gospels, quoted on Fourth Gospel, 149; 155; 449.
White Lotus Day, Executive Order instituting, 323-24.
Wilder, Dr. Alexander, 20.
Will: and animal magnetism, 223; and mediumship, 223-26; Cosmic, and occultist, 264; fourth principle, the body of, 109; phenomena and, 289.
Wisdom, the One, imparted by Planetary Spirit, 331.
Wolsey, Thomas [ca. 1475-1530], on presentiment, 346.
Woman: and Sakti and imagination, 262; -adept, and creative process, 262-63; K. H. on real mission of, and T. S., 259-60 and fn.; seclusion of, at menstruation, 340-41.
IF ord, The, xliii, 185.
Wordsworth, lecture of, quoted, 151.
World-Soul: attributes of, 196-97; Xenocrates on, 209.
World-stuff: conditionless at first, 192; polarizes and scatters, 192.
Wyld, Dr. George W., and the moon, 185.
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Xenocrates: teachings of, 207-09; three qualities of Manu and, 207.
Ya schandra, etc., 142.
Yajur-Veda, white and black, and mantras, 90, 426.
Yaksha, lower elementáis, 169.
Yato vácho, etc., 142.
Yogácháryas, 209.
Yoga Vidya [Yoga-vidyá], no short cut to, 335.
Yogis: alleged supernatural powers of, 51; Raja-, defined, 57.
Yugas: and inner self, 14; and length of human life, 117; secret computation of, 87; their names are their masks, 87, 93.
Yule, Mr. and Mrs., H. P. B. goes to America with, 73.
Zanoni. See Bulwer-Lytton.
Zanskar, and Csoma de Kórós, 272.
Zhelihovsky, Vera P. de [18351896]: and miraculous beard, 130.
–, “The Truth About H. P. Blavatsky,” 73, 410-11; 449.
Zohar, 193, 317, 320.
Zorn, Gustave, 156-57.
Zoroastrians, and elementáis, 34041.