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Blavatsky H.P. - Stray Thoughts on Death and Satan: Difference between revisions

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Death is the necessary dissolution of imperfect combinations. [1] It is the re-absorption of the rough outline of individual }}
| [1] Of the 1, 2, 3d, 4, 5th.
{{Style P-No indent|[2] life into the great work of universal life; only the perfect}}
| [2] The personality of the personal Ego.
{{Style P-No indent|[3] is immortal.It is a bath in oblivion.}}
| [3] The 6th and 7th Prles.
{{Style P-No indent|[4] It is the fountain of youth where on one side plunges old age, and whence on the other issues infancy.<ref>Rebirth of the Ego after death. The Eastern, and especially Buddhistic doctrine of the evolution of the new, out of the old Ego.—Ed. Theosophist.</ref>Death is the transfiguration of the living; corpses are but the dead leaves of the Tree of Life which will still have all its leaves in the spring.}}
| [4] Until the hour of remembrance.
{{Style P-No indent|[5] The resurrection}}
| [5] In the language of the Kabalist “Spring” means the beginning of that state when the Ego reaches its omniscience.
{{Style P-No indent|[6] of men resembles eternally these leaves.Perishable forms are conditioned by immortal types.All who have lived upon earth, live there still in new exemplars of their types, but the souls which have surpassed their type receive elsewhere a new form based upon a}}
| [6] The Chaldean “resurrection in life eternal” borrowed by the Xtians means resurrection in Nirvâna.
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more perfect type, as they mount ever on the ladder of worlds;<ref>From one loka to the other; from a positive world of causes and activity, to a negative world of effects and passivity.—Ed. Theosophist.</ref> the bad exemplars are broken, and their matter returned into the general mass.<ref>
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Into Cosmic matter, when they necessarily lose their self-consciousness or individuality, [7] or are annihilated, as the Eastern Kabalists say.—Ed. Theosophist.}}
| [7] Their Monad 6th and 7th Principles.</ref>}}
{{Style P-No indent|Our souls are as it were a music, of which our bodies are the instruments. The music exists without the instruments, but it cannot make itself heard without a material intermediary;}}
{{Style P-No indent|[8] the immaterial can neither be conceived nor grasped.Man in his present existence only retains certain predispositions from his past existences.}}
| [8] Hence Spirit cannot communicate.
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Evocations of the dead are but condensations of memory, the imaginary coloration of the shades. To evoke those who are no longer there, is but to cause their types to re-issue from the imagination of nature.<ref></ref>}}
| [9] Karma.