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Sentimentality, no place for, in our ranks, 10(21). | |||
Serapis, Master, 83. | |||
Serpent (s): and egg symbols in mounds, 315; stone figures as, 319; with crested heads on human figures, 318. | |||
Seven: among the Aryas, 413-14; in folk-lore, myth and customs, 413; musical tones, 411; recurrence of numbers, in T.S. work, 440, 450-53; sacred number in antiquity, 409 et seq.; states of purification, 409; symbol of Deity’s union with Universe, 412; widely used in Christianity and Mohammedanism, 410-11, 412. | |||
“Seven Rivers,” and Aryans, 209. Shaberons, 471. | |||
Shad Abhinna, 487. | |||
Shadow, superstitions about, 170- 71, 173. | |||
Shaivas [or Saivas], 119. | |||
Shcherbatov, Prince M. M., Russian History, etc., 352 fn., 544. | |||
Sheik-ul-Islam, and seven ulemas, 412. | |||
Shelley, 92 fn., 101. | |||
Siddhis: 119, 272; and power to enter another’s body, 217; various ways of acquiring, 472-73. | |||
Signs: and passwords in T.S., 494 (501), 499(507); of T.S. and sannyasi at Karli Caves, 488. | |||
Sikandra, 77. | |||
Simiae Catarrhinae, 187. | |||
Simla: 137; and H. P. B.’s phenomena, 490-92. | |||
Simpson, James, on tumuli and their markings, 347. | |||
Simpson, Wm., Buddhist Architecture, etc., mistaken views of, 344; 544. | |||
Simulacrum, or eidolon, 5(16). | |||
Sindhia, Prince of, 299-300. | |||
Sinnett, A. P., invites Founders to Simla, 481. | |||
–, The “Occult World Phenomena,” etc., 391 fn., 544. | |||
Siva, 117, 160. | |||
Sivarâtri: 117; and Roman Catholic réveillon, 163. | |||
Sivatherium, and elephant, 336. Siwupilidimbiapat(?), 487. | |||
Skulls: of Egyptian mummies of Indo-Caucasian type, 394; of various races, 309. | |||
Slade, Dr., 151, 152. | |||
Slander, hate and fear, 98. | |||
Smith, Amanda, 267. | |||
Société scientifique, etc., 59(65). | |||
Societies, composed of conflicting elements, 210. | |||
Socrates, 211. | |||
Solar Race: 77, 132 fn.; in So. America, 316. | |||
Solis, de, on Teotihuacan, 320; 544. | |||
Solomon, key of, 96. | |||
Solstice, Winter, 164. Somnambulism, 277, 284. Sophia, 89. | |||
Sophism, easily accepted, 58(64). Sorcery, and reversal of aka sic currents, 218-19. | |||
Soul: dual in Plato, 5(16); Cox on necessity of, 188, 191 ; evolution of, 186; loses its recollections, 73; only semi-divine, 7 (18); survival of, discussed by Fichte, 154-55; and seven stages of purification, 409; union with Universal Soul, 93, 94, 472; Universal, and Emerson, 208; term def. 472. | |||
Soul. See Denton. | |||
Sound, and light and Charcot’s experiments, 284-85. | |||
Souter, Sir Frank, and Russian spies, 28. | |||
Souvenir. See Quatrefages. | |||
{{Page aside|584}} | |||
Speaker s Commentary, 50 et seq., 183, 544. | |||
Speculum. See Vincent. | |||
Speir, Dr., 190. | |||
Spencer, H., 158, 178, 183, 545. | |||
–, “Genesis of Superstition,” on early ideas of survival, 168-70. | |||
–, Principles of Psychology, 170. | |||
–, The Principles of Sociology: on shade and spirit, 170-71; on superstitions of Mandans, 173-74. | |||
Spies, Russian, and H. P. B., 28. Spinoza, on Divine Wisdom, 498 (505). | |||
Spirit: breath or ghost, 171; direct knowledge of, 93; divine I or, 160; Omnipresent, 208; or male element and cross, 145 ; or real self, 94; personal god of man, 7(18) ; Primeval. 465; Universal, and Diksha, 93. | |||
Spiritismus. See Ulrici and Wundt. Spiritists, and Spiritualists, difference between, 377. | |||
Spirits: among Chinese, 176-77; doubted by Crookes, 57(63); and elementáis, 80; evoked by Williams, 153-54; good, seldom cause physical manifestations, 109; intercourse with, obnoxious to Hindus, 79, 177-78; and Mahabharata, 37-38; meaning of, in India, 74; of the elements, 260; and other entities known to ancients, 108; phenomena attributed to, can be controlled by man, 108; phenomena of so-called, 37 ; Porphyry on mischief of, 178; pranks of, 509; veracity of, doubted, 12(23). | |||
Spiritualism: Burenin on why scientists espouse, 157-58; can be understood only by means of comparative psychology, 107; century too late, 158; current of vital force and, 136; duty of, to rebuild on ruins of the past, 182; Fichte on, and survival, 154-55; and founding of T.S., 97; future of, depends upon help of honest science, 159; and scientists, 149 et seq.·, Naquet on, 280; scientists succumb to 149-50, 157-58. | |||
Spiritualist, The, 71, 72, 293, 448. Spiritualists: credulous idiots, 263; dilemma of, 510; hardly any in India, 71-72, 79; and Spiritists, 377; twenty millions of, 170; various definitions of the term, 73 et seq., 430; veteran, founders of T.S., 107. | |||
Spirituality, and self-development, 215. | |||
Spy. See Espionage. | |||
Square, perfect, 145. | |||
Squier, 305, 314, 330. | |||
Srotriya, 92. | |||
Statesman, The, and Lord Queens- borough, 364. | |||
Statistics, and cycles, 449. Stellar. See Davis, A. J. | |||
Stenio, Franz, 220 et seq. | |||
Stepan Andreyevich, Russian magician, 445. | |||
Stephens, Incidents, etc., 304 fn., 322; 545. | |||
Stone(s): amazing works of, in Peru, 331; circles of. in India and America, 324; rocking, in Peru, 331. | |||
Stonehenge, 324. | |||
Stone-throwings, 448. | |||
Strabo, 93 fn. | |||
Strachey, Sir John, 294 fn., 297. Stradivarius, 258. | |||
Strange Story. See Bulwer-Lytton. Student, true, always a recluse, 105. | |||
Substance, One, 91. | |||
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Suidas, 211. | |||
Sukhadeva, 464. | |||
Sukkha vipassaka, 487. | |||
Sumana Tissa, and Theosophists in Ceylon, 140. | |||
Sumangala, Rev. H.: 44, 99; eminent scholar and supporter of T.S., 138. | |||
Summerland, 176. | |||
Sun: called “Eye of Ahura-Maz-da,” 124; Central, as Deity, 145; end of the, as envisioned by some scientists, 483 et seq.; Sons and Virgins of the, 316, 331; Spiritual, or Tezcatlipoca, 320; visible type of Ormazd, 442; and Winter Solstice, 164; worship of, among Bulgarians, 147 et seq. | |||
Sun-gods, born on Dec. 25th, 164. Sun-spots, and cycles, 423. | |||
Sun (New York): 302, 379; on Mollie Fancher, 191. | |||
Superstitions: about survival, 168 et seq.; of Christians and Pagans, 491. | |||
Supreme Power: always worshipped, 122; and Primeval Light, 128. | |||
Surva, Slavonian god, 146 et seq. Survakari, 148-49. | |||
Survaki, 146. | |||
Survival; belief in, of ancestors is oldest belief, 176; not immortality, 12(23); of Soul, various views on, 155-57; superstitions about, 168 et seq. | |||
Surya [Sûrya], 146, 486. | |||
Sûryavanças, and Incas, 306, 316. Sûtras, 138. | |||
Sutras. See Patanjali. | |||
Suttee, and similar customs among Incas, 307. | |||
Svabhavat, 91. | |||
Svâbhâvikas, 91. | |||
Swami Narayan, 209. | |||
Svarga, and Moksha, 73. | |||
Svastika: meaning of, 145; widely known by the ancients, 144-45. Svetâsvatara Upanishad, on Ka- pila, 34; 545. | |||
Swedenborg, 94. | |||
Sy en a, celestial bird, 144. | |||
Symbols, esoteric divine, of nature, 96. | |||
Syncellus, 112, 545. | |||
Syrian Fathers, 125 fn. | |||
Szapary, Count Franz von, Magnétisme, etc., 289 fn.; 545. | |||
{{Style P-Subtitle|T}} | |||
Tabasco, 322. | |||
Taj-Mahal, 77. | |||
Tanner, Dr., experiments in starvation, 454, 458-59, 461, 466. | |||
Tantras: and magnetic power, 511; and Sankara Dandis, 462. | |||
Tantrikas, Bengal, human corpses and black arts, 238. | |||
Tarapaca, 341. | |||
Tarpeia, 112. | |||
Tartini, Giuseppe, 223 fn., 236-37, 545-46. | |||
–, Sonate du Diable, 223 fn., 237. | |||
Tatars, Russian families descended from, 354. | |||
Tau, 144, 145. | |||
Tay, Prof., on the end of the sun, 484-85. | |||
Taylor, Thos., The 14'orhs of Plato, on universe as cross, 145; 546. | |||
Tchuvashes, exorcism among, 178. Teachers, for the East are Asiatics, 406. | |||
Teersoot, Gheber trident, 123,124. | |||
Temin, Sir Richard, 298. | |||
Temple, Sir Richard: misrepresents the T.S., 507-08; and Russian spies, 28. | |||
Temples, heathen, destroyed by R. C. fanatics, 334. | |||
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Teocallis, and mounds, 316, 320. Teotihuacan, pyramids of, 319-20. Tetraktys, man a, 4(15), 6(17). Te-vijja, 487. | |||
Tezcacalli, at Teotihuacan, 320. | |||
Tezcatlipoca, 320. | |||
Thackersing, Mulji, 75. | |||
Themis, and Medusa, 210. Theodidaktoi, 4(15), 87, 89, 94. Theology: and Chronology, 111; exploded through comparative philology, 107; and science, both assailed, 182-83. | |||
Theosophia: 87, 92; spiritual sense of term, and T.S., 498 (505). | |||
Theosophical Society: advantages of belonging to, 496(503-04); aims of, 478; all thinkers are welcome in, 106; and atheists, 101, 442; believes in no miracles, 32; Branch of, how formed, 480; chief reason for founding of, 97; and clergymen, 511; Council of, 51; established in Ceylon, 439-40; established to study mysteries of psychology, 108; feels respect for all religionists, 104; formed on the model of U.S.A. Constitution, 104; Founders of, mainly veteran Spiritualists, 107; freedom of religious views in, 104; has no creeds as a body, 100-01; hostile to Socialism and Communism, 105; intolerant of seditious methods, 292; knew why it was wanted in India, 453; members of, absolutely free in religious views, 104; more universal than any scientific society, 105; neither sect nor church, 85; no preference to any one sect, 104; non-political, 292; no racial distinction in, 495-96(502-03); one of the objects of, to examine views of Spiritualists, 99; organized for quest after primitive truth, 447; oriented towards occult truths, 105; originally a small body, 211; plays only humble part in Indian national reform, 181; pledge of secrecy in, 56(62); policy of, 85; promotes among Hindus knowledge of their own ancient thinkers, 508; protects every belief and opinion, 497(504); religion of, an algebraical equation, 101; “Republic of Conscience,” 104, 443; requires no oath, only one’s word of honour, 143 fn.; root-idea of, free and fearless investigation, 102; Rules of, 51, 58(64), 104; secrecy in, 494-95(502); secret Society, 3(14); should attract best intellects in Spiritualism, 109; signs of, and sannyasi at Karli Caves, 488; three sections in, 494(501); two great divisions of, 106; unconcerned about politics, 105; Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, 97, 105, 495(502), 498(505), 499 (506); visible representative of Universal Theosophy, 101. | |||
Theosophist, The: cannot discuss politics, 161; exhibits “Evangelical Alliance,” 291; and false mediumship, 200-01; firmly | |||
established and past performance of, 426 et seq.; founding and first issue of, 83-84; meager income from, 482; on Yoga-Vidya, 119; People’s magazine, its policy and record, 404-06, 426 et seq.; policy of, 84-86; reasons for founding of, 84; unique channel for Oriental mystics, 109. | |||
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Theosophists: accept nothing on faith, 60(66) ; believe in phenomena, 37; called “lunatics,” 194; def. by Vaughan, 88; def. 91. 102-03: def. as God-seekers, 388: denounced and accused, 98: and detractors. 142-43: earliest, 208-09; have facts, not systems, 204(207): and High Priests in Ceylon, 138-40; hostile to Christian Church. 362; and initiates of First Section. 494(501) fn.: joined together for strength, 211; most important object of, to revive work of Ammonius Saccas, 100; natural allies of Spiritualists. 194: not orthodox Spiritualists. 37; original thinkers are, 102; practical Theurgy discarded by, 96; ridiculed and abused. 39; search after Truth, are unsectarian and not infallible, 430; seekers and investigators, 59(65); tracked like wild beasts by clergy, 97; under a ban from start, 110; urge that rationale of phenomena be studied, 110; varied beliefs of, 101. | |||
Theosophy: above all sects, 105; Alchemy belongs to, 96; alleged to be “subordinate branch of Spiritualism,” 293; ally of honest science and religion, 103; and Ammonius Saccas, 8889; def. as esoteric doctrine, 89; def. 91; and Diogenes Laertius, 88; double-edged weapon, 96; essence of Philosophy and Science, 208 et seq.; exact science of psychology, 95; familiar with mesmerism, 96; is spiritual knowledge, 100; and mediumistic theories, 109; not an enemy of Spiritualism or Psychology, 109-10; not a newfangled doctrine, 106; on emanation of universe, 91; pukka, 490; relation to mediumship, 95. | |||
Theurgists, 32, 33, 34, 90. 96. | |||
Theurgy: dangers of, 96; practical, discarded by Theosiphists. 96. | |||
Thomas, Palmer, 42. | |||
Thomson, J., and sun, 483. | |||
Thief-catching, and “rolling pot,” 511. | |||
Thor’s Hammer, ensign of power, 144. | |||
Thoth, 89. | |||
Thought(s): human, and its infinite varieties, 106; and imagination, 171; incarnated, of evil men, 510; infinite reverberations of, 8(19); is material and survives, 397. | |||
Three, symbol of divine triad, 412. Tiahuanaco, ruins of, 317-18, 331. Tibet, and trance of animals, 203 (206). | |||
Tikkun, or Adam Kadmon, 91. | |||
Time: cures all things. 105; only Present, for Inner Ego, 470; and the one present, 119. | |||
Times (New York): on decadence of Protestantism, 447; on Spiritualism, 176 fn. | |||
Times (So. Pacific), 329. | |||
Times of India: 40, 41, 511; abuses Russians, 392; publishes excerpts from private letter of Olcott to Damodar, 489 & fn. | |||
Titicaca, Lake: 306, 308, 331; and origin of Aymaras, 317; size and elevation of, 316; two architectural styles in ruins on, 318. | |||
Titles, and H. P. B., 40-41. | |||
Tiu, Tuisto, 90. | |||
Toddy, 294. | |||
Toledo, huaca of, 327-28. | |||
Tolon, 325. | |||
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Toltecs, 319; more hypothetical than proven, 315. | |||
Topes, and mounds, 316. | |||
Torquemada: 322; on Mexican temples, 320. | |||
Tortoise, long-lived, 459. | |||
Traditions, about Atlantis, 434-35. Trance: of Mme. Kashereninoff, 462; or coma produced by juice of a plant, 460; stops wear and tear of organs, 460-61, 468-69; voluntary, 458. | |||
Transmigration: 92; cyclic, 73; temporary, or avesa, 217. | |||
Travels. See Dumas, Hue, Le- maistre. | |||
Tribe, unknown, at Eten, So. America, and Chinese, 337. | |||
Tribune (New York), on Dr. Tanner, 459, 461. | |||
Trinity, and Avatâra, 160. | |||
Triyuga, 120. | |||
Trubezh, primitive man on, 261. | |||
Truth: alone is eternal, 105; asphyxiated by biblical superstition, 347; pure philosophy alone can establish, 158; ramifications of, are infinite, 106; and scientists, 157; slow to be accepted, 57(63); and superstition, 80; the one altar of, 106; and theory, 311; T.S. in search of absolute, 443; Theosophists pursue, through fearless inquiry, 433; Theosophists are searchers after, 430. | |||
Tschudi, Dr. 305, 546. | |||
Tubular vessels, and other figurative terms, 215. | |||
Tukui, 176. | |||
Tumbâ, 118. | |||
Tumuli, markings of, 347-48. | |||
Tunganâth Peak, 121. | |||
Tupper, M. F., 46. | |||
Turgenyev, effect of the writings of, 360-61. | |||
–, Fathers and Sons, creates new page in Russian political history, 360-61; 546. | |||
Turkey, and mullahs, 271. | |||
Turner, Olcott’s solicitor, 48. | |||
Tumour, Hon. J., 134, 546-47. | |||
Tuscul. Disp. See Cicero. | |||
Tyndall, On Science and Man, on metaphysics, 158; 547. | |||
Tzeretelef, Prince A., 435, 436. | |||
Tziganes, 230. | |||
{{Style P-Subtitle|U}} | |||
Ulloa, A. de, on Peruvian temple, 323; 547. | |||
Ulrici, Dr. H., Über den Spiritismus, etc., 151. | |||
Ulitpi, and Arjuna, 79. | |||
Unconsciousness, not irrationality, 5(16). | |||
Underground, city near Benares, 120. | |||
United States, omitted term God from Constitution, 104. | |||
Universal: 102; Brotherhood and T.S., 105; Soul, 465; Soul and Emerson, 208; Soul and lower soul, 472; union with, Soul, 94 et seq. | |||
Unknowable, 90. | |||
Unumani Mudra, 470. | |||
Urban III, Pope, 134 fn. | |||
Urubamba, 331. | |||
Uvate, 113. | |||
Uxmal, 309. | |||
{{Style P-Subtitle|V}} | |||
Vach [Vâch], and Charcot’s experiments, 285. | |||
Vadya, 117. | |||
Vaishnavas, 119. | |||
Vallabhâchâryas, 33. | |||
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Vamadeva-Modelyar, on Pralaya, 486; 547. | |||
Vanaprastha, 118. | |||
Vandalism, and Ghebers’ Temple, 122 et seq. | |||
Vandals, 122. | |||
Vania, K. F., Mme. Blavatsky, etc., 489 fn.; 547. | |||
Varago-Rooss [Varyago-Russ], Rurik a, 353. | |||
Vases, golden, under guano, 310. | |||
Vâyu, Rishi, 208. | |||
Veda-Bhâshya. See Dayânanda. | |||
Vedas: 52, 509; age of, discussed, 110 et seq.; grandest repository of wisdom, 108; full of magic, 33-34; meaning of term, 89; source of later teachings, 35; spiritual knowledge in, 285; and the four Rishis, 208. | |||
Vega (or a Lyrae), as Polar Star, 337. | |||
Vega, de la, on Cuzco ruins, 323; 547. | |||
Vendidad, 123, 547. | |||
Ventchik, and Russian superstitions, 175 & fn. | |||
Viceroy, of India and T.S., 140- 43, 291-93. | |||
Vidya [Vidyâ]; 75; same as noëtic work, 92. | |||
Vidyodaya College, 138. | |||
Vincent de Beauvais, Speculum historiale, 134 fn., 548. | |||
Violin, story of the Ensouled, 219-58. | |||
Virchow, destroys Haeckel’s views, 187. | |||
Virgin: and Child, in every heathen religion, 164; and the devil, 195; at Valmala and lightning, 197-98. | |||
Vishnu [Vishnu], 160. | |||
Vishnu Brahmachari Bawa, 463. | |||
Vital: fluid projected at will, 397; force felt as cool breeze, 136. | |||
Vizagapatam, hills of, 295. | |||
Volksblad, 408. | |||
Volkterm, 408. | |||
Volney, 164. | |||
Voltaire, 159. | |||
Voltaire, 286. | |||
Vorlesungen. See Castren. | |||
Votan, 307. | |||
Voting, of women, 513 et seq. | |||
Vulpian, 283, 548. | |||
Vyasa, Lakshmi Narain, 454. | |||
Vyasadeva [Vyasadeva], 464. | |||
{{Style P-Subtitle|W}} | |||
Wade, Sir Claude, and buried fakir, 468, 548. | |||
Wagner: 151; qualities of, as researcher, 152. | |||
Wallace, A. R.: 36, 150; on spirit’s direct knowledge, 93. | |||
–, Contributions, etc., on materialism and facts, 38; 549. | |||
–, On Miracles, etc.: 155; on residual phenomena and invisible intelligences, 38; 549. | |||
War(s): Christian art of, and atrocities, 407-08; cyclic periodicity in, 423-24. | |||
Water, miraculous at Zedadzene, 126 fn. | |||
Weber, A., and Oriental scholarship, 473, 549. | |||
Weekly Times (London), on missionaries, 269-170. | |||
Wends, 122. | |||
West, Dr. Chas E., and Mollie Fancher, 190. | |||
Whitworth, G. C., A Personal Statement, etc.; reviewed, 383- 88; praised, 401; 549. | |||
Will: against blind matter, 76; free, 9(20); and magnetic phenomena, 282; magnetizer’s, and current of vital force, 136; of God, 193, 194; projects vital fluid, 397; and Yoga, 511. | |||
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Williams, medium, 151, 153. | |||
Wilson, H. H., Essays, etc., 462, 549. | |||
Wimbridge, Edward: 417; and Miss Bates, 475 et seq.; objections of, corrected, 479-81; resigns, 480; supported by H.P.B. in India, 479; and The Theosophist, 83, 84, 86. | |||
Winter Solstice, 164. | |||
Wisdom, Divine, 499(506). | |||
Wisdom-Religion: def. 498(505); has not died out, 487; universal, 89 et seq. | |||
Witchcraft, thousands burned for, 97. | |||
Wolves, whole nations changed into, 167. | |||
Women: A. Dumas on rights, slavery, divorce and voting of, 512 et seq.; injustice to, 516. | |||
“Word,” or spell, makes bulls barren, 446. | |||
W'orks. See Taylor, Thos. | |||
World; invisible, 92;-Soul, 273. ik'orW. 203 ( 206). | |||
Worship, of ancestors, 176 et seq. Wundt, Prof., Der Spiritismus, 151; 549-50. | |||
Wyld, Dr., 442. | |||
{{Style P-Subtitle|XYZ}} | |||
Xavier, St., College of, 198. | |||
Xochicalco, 304. | |||
Yago, St., salaried after death, 181. | |||
Yasna, 123, 550. | |||
Yezd, Parsis of, 128-29 & fn. | |||
Yezidis, 128-29. | |||
Yoga: as practiced by mystics of classical days, 466; chief object of, 135; and cure of diseases, 465; and Dhyana, 262; and figurative nomenclature, 215; methods of, discussed, 456 et seq.; possible in Kali-Yuga, 463; powers acquired by, 46667; results of, training, 160; training, and Dayananda, 76; true, little known, 468. | |||
Yoga-Vidyä, and Dikshitas, 119. “Yoga-Vidyä,” art. on, 272 fn. | |||
Yogi(s): as magicians, 119; become one with Brahm, 78; controls operations of life, 135; Jainas and fasting, 76 fn.; power of, to enter another’s body, 217. | |||
¥og-Sänkhya. See Patanjali. Yonan, 326. | |||
Young, hope for century is in the, 405-06. | |||
Yule, Col. H., Book of Ser Marco Polo, on Josaphat and Bar- laam, 134 fn.; 550. | |||
Zadkiel, astrological Almanac, 200. Zanoni. See Bulwer-Lytton. | |||
Zarate, on Teotihuacan, 320, 550. Zarathushtra, 126, 128. | |||
Zasse, Dr. E., on historical cycles, 421 et seq. | |||
Zeda, the Baal of Transcaucasus, 125-26 fn. | |||
Zedadzene, Mt., and miraculous fount, 126 fn. | |||
Zervana-Akerene, 128. | |||
Zhelihovsky, Vera P., a most truthful woman, 430. | |||
Zion Cathedral, 125 fn. | |||
Zola, YAssommoir, 512, 551. | |||
–, Nana, 512, 551, Zöllner, 36, 150, 151, 152. Zolotaya Orda, 354. | |||
Zoroaster, 34. |