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Sentimentality, no place for, in our ranks, 10(21).
Serapis, Master, 83.
Serpent (s): and egg symbols in mounds, 315; stone figures as, 319; with crested heads on human figures, 318.
Seven: among the Aryas, 413-14; in folk-lore, myth and customs, 413; musical tones, 411; recurrence of numbers, in T.S. work, 440, 450-53; sacred number in antiquity, 409 et seq.; states of purification, 409; symbol of Deity’s union with Universe, 412; widely used in Christianity and Mohammedanism, 410-11, 412.
“Seven Rivers,” and Aryans, 209. Shaberons, 471.
Shad Abhinna, 487.
Shadow, superstitions about, 170- 71, 173.
Shaivas [or Saivas], 119.
Shcherbatov, Prince M. M., Russian History, etc., 352 fn., 544.
Sheik-ul-Islam, and seven ulemas, 412.
Shelley, 92 fn., 101.
Siddhis: 119, 272; and power to enter another’s body, 217; various ways of acquiring, 472-73.
Signs: and passwords in T.S., 494 (501), 499(507); of T.S. and sannyasi at Karli Caves, 488.
Sikandra, 77.
Simiae Catarrhinae, 187.
Simla: 137; and H. P. B.’s phenomena, 490-92.
Simpson, James, on tumuli and their markings, 347.
Simpson, Wm., Buddhist Architecture, etc., mistaken views of, 344; 544.
Simulacrum, or eidolon, 5(16).
Sindhia, Prince of, 299-300.
Sinnett, A. P., invites Founders to Simla, 481.
–, The “Occult World Phenomena,” etc., 391 fn., 544.
Siva, 117, 160.
Sivarâtri: 117; and Roman Catholic réveillon, 163.
Sivatherium, and elephant, 336. Siwupilidimbiapat(?), 487.
Skulls: of Egyptian mummies of Indo-Caucasian type, 394; of various races, 309.
Slade, Dr., 151, 152.
Slander, hate and fear, 98.
Smith, Amanda, 267.
Société scientifique, etc., 59(65).
Societies, composed of conflicting elements, 210.
Socrates, 211.
Solar Race: 77, 132 fn.; in So. America, 316.
Solis, de, on Teotihuacan, 320; 544.
Solomon, key of, 96.
Solstice, Winter, 164. Somnambulism, 277, 284. Sophia, 89.
Sophism, easily accepted, 58(64). Sorcery, and reversal of aka sic currents, 218-19.
Soul: dual in Plato, 5(16); Cox on necessity of, 188, 191 ; evolution of, 186; loses its recollections, 73; only semi-divine, 7 (18); survival of, discussed by Fichte, 154-55; and seven stages of purification, 409; union with Universal Soul, 93, 94, 472; Universal, and Emerson, 208; term def. 472.
Soul. See Denton.
Sound, and light and Charcot’s experiments, 284-85.
Souter, Sir Frank, and Russian spies, 28.
Souvenir. See Quatrefages.
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Speaker s Commentary, 50 et seq., 183, 544.
Speculum. See Vincent.
Speir, Dr., 190.
Spencer, H., 158, 178, 183, 545.
–, “Genesis of Superstition,” on early ideas of survival, 168-70.
–, Principles of Psychology, 170.
–, The Principles of Sociology: on shade and spirit, 170-71; on superstitions of Mandans, 173-74.
Spies, Russian, and H. P. B., 28. Spinoza, on Divine Wisdom, 498 (505).
Spirit: breath or ghost, 171; direct knowledge of, 93; divine I or, 160; Omnipresent, 208; or male element and cross, 145 ; or real self, 94; personal god of man, 7(18) ; Primeval. 465; Universal, and Diksha, 93.
Spiritismus. See Ulrici and Wundt. Spiritists, and Spiritualists, difference between, 377.
Spirits: among Chinese, 176-77; doubted by Crookes, 57(63); and elementáis, 80; evoked by Williams, 153-54; good, seldom cause physical manifestations, 109; intercourse with, obnoxious to Hindus, 79, 177-78; and Mahabharata, 37-38; meaning of, in India, 74; of the elements, 260; and other entities known to ancients, 108; phenomena attributed to, can be controlled by man, 108; phenomena of so-called, 37 ; Porphyry on mischief of, 178; pranks of, 509; veracity of, doubted, 12(23).
Spiritualism: Burenin on why scientists espouse, 157-58; can be understood only by means of comparative psychology, 107; century too late, 158; current of vital force and, 136; duty of, to rebuild on ruins of the past, 182; Fichte on, and survival, 154-55; and founding of T.S., 97; future of, depends upon help of honest science, 159; and scientists, 149 et seq.·, Naquet on, 280; scientists succumb to 149-50, 157-58.
Spiritualist, The, 71, 72, 293, 448. Spiritualists: credulous idiots, 263; dilemma of, 510; hardly any in India, 71-72, 79; and Spiritists, 377; twenty millions of, 170; various definitions of the term, 73 et seq., 430; veteran, founders of T.S., 107.
Spirituality, and self-development, 215.
Spy. See Espionage.
Square, perfect, 145.
Squier, 305, 314, 330.
Srotriya, 92.
Statesman, The, and Lord Queens- borough, 364.
Statistics, and cycles, 449. Stellar. See Davis, A. J.
Stenio, Franz, 220 et seq.
Stepan Andreyevich, Russian magician, 445.
Stephens, Incidents, etc., 304 fn., 322; 545.
Stone(s): amazing works of, in Peru, 331; circles of. in India and America, 324; rocking, in Peru, 331.
Stonehenge, 324.
Stone-throwings, 448.
Strabo, 93 fn.
Strachey, Sir John, 294 fn., 297. Stradivarius, 258.
Strange Story. See Bulwer-Lytton. Student, true, always a recluse, 105.
Substance, One, 91.
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Suidas, 211.
Sukhadeva, 464.
Sukkha vipassaka, 487.
Sumana Tissa, and Theosophists in Ceylon, 140.
Sumangala, Rev. H.: 44, 99; eminent scholar and supporter of T.S., 138.
Summerland, 176.
Sun: called “Eye of Ahura-Maz-da,” 124; Central, as Deity, 145; end of the, as envisioned by some scientists, 483 et seq.; Sons and Virgins of the, 316, 331; Spiritual, or Tezcatlipoca, 320; visible type of Ormazd, 442; and Winter Solstice, 164; worship of, among Bulgarians, 147 et seq.
Sun-gods, born on Dec. 25th, 164. Sun-spots, and cycles, 423.
Sun (New York): 302, 379; on Mollie Fancher, 191.
Superstitions: about survival, 168 et seq.; of Christians and Pagans, 491.
Supreme Power: always worshipped, 122; and Primeval Light, 128.
Surva, Slavonian god, 146 et seq. Survakari, 148-49.
Survaki, 146.
Survival; belief in, of ancestors is oldest belief, 176; not immortality, 12(23); of Soul, various views on, 155-57; superstitions about, 168 et seq.
Surya [Sûrya], 146, 486.
Sûryavanças, and Incas, 306, 316. Sûtras, 138.
Sutras. See Patanjali.
Suttee, and similar customs among Incas, 307.
Svabhavat, 91.
Svâbhâvikas, 91.
Swami Narayan, 209.
Svarga, and Moksha, 73.
Svastika: meaning of, 145; widely known by the ancients, 144-45. Svetâsvatara Upanishad, on Ka- pila, 34; 545.
Swedenborg, 94.
Sy en a, celestial bird, 144.
Symbols, esoteric divine, of nature, 96.
Syncellus, 112, 545.
Syrian Fathers, 125 fn.
Szapary, Count Franz von, Magnétisme, etc., 289 fn.; 545.
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Tabasco, 322.
Taj-Mahal, 77.
Tanner, Dr., experiments in starvation, 454, 458-59, 461, 466.
Tantras: and magnetic power, 511; and Sankara Dandis, 462.
Tantrikas, Bengal, human corpses and black arts, 238.
Tarapaca, 341.
Tarpeia, 112.
Tartini, Giuseppe, 223 fn., 236-37, 545-46.
–, Sonate du Diable, 223 fn., 237.
Tatars, Russian families descended from, 354.
Tau, 144, 145.
Tay, Prof., on the end of the sun, 484-85.
Taylor, Thos., The 14'orhs of Plato, on universe as cross, 145; 546.
Tchuvashes, exorcism among, 178. Teachers, for the East are Asiatics, 406.
Teersoot, Gheber trident, 123,124.
Temin, Sir Richard, 298.
Temple, Sir Richard: misrepresents the T.S., 507-08; and Russian spies, 28.
Temples, heathen, destroyed by R. C. fanatics, 334.
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Teocallis, and mounds, 316, 320. Teotihuacan, pyramids of, 319-20. Tetraktys, man a, 4(15), 6(17). Te-vijja, 487.
Tezcacalli, at Teotihuacan, 320.
Tezcatlipoca, 320.
Thackersing, Mulji, 75.
Themis, and Medusa, 210. Theodidaktoi, 4(15), 87, 89, 94. Theology: and Chronology, 111; exploded through comparative philology, 107; and science, both assailed, 182-83.
Theosophia: 87, 92; spiritual sense of term, and T.S., 498 (505).
Theosophical Society: advantages of belonging to, 496(503-04); aims of, 478; all thinkers are welcome in, 106; and atheists, 101, 442; believes in no miracles, 32; Branch of, how formed, 480; chief reason for founding of, 97; and clergymen, 511; Council of, 51; established in Ceylon, 439-40; established to study mysteries of psychology, 108; feels respect for all religionists, 104; formed on the model of U.S.A. Constitution, 104; Founders of, mainly veteran Spiritualists, 107; freedom of religious views in, 104; has no creeds as a body, 100-01; hostile to Socialism and Communism, 105; intolerant of seditious methods, 292; knew why it was wanted in India, 453; members of, absolutely free in religious views, 104; more universal than any scientific society, 105; neither sect nor church, 85; no preference to any one sect, 104; non-political, 292; no racial distinction in, 495-96(502-03); one of the objects of, to examine views of Spiritualists, 99; organized for quest after primitive truth, 447; oriented towards occult truths, 105; originally a small body, 211; plays only humble part in Indian national reform, 181; pledge of secrecy in, 56(62); policy of, 85; promotes among Hindus knowledge of their own ancient thinkers, 508; protects every belief and opinion, 497(504); religion of, an algebraical equation, 101; “Republic of Conscience,” 104, 443; requires no oath, only one’s word of honour, 143 fn.; root-idea of, free and fearless investigation, 102; Rules of, 51, 58(64), 104; secrecy in, 494-95(502); secret Society, 3(14); should attract best intellects in Spiritualism, 109; signs of, and sannyasi at Karli Caves, 488; three sections in, 494(501); two great divisions of, 106; unconcerned about politics, 105; Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, 97, 105, 495(502), 498(505), 499 (506); visible representative of Universal Theosophy, 101.
Theosophist, The: cannot discuss politics, 161; exhibits “Evangelical Alliance,” 291; and false mediumship, 200-01; firmly
established and past performance of, 426 et seq.; founding and first issue of, 83-84; meager income from, 482; on Yoga-Vidya, 119; People’s magazine, its policy and record, 404-06, 426 et seq.; policy of, 84-86; reasons for founding of, 84; unique channel for Oriental mystics, 109.
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Theosophists: accept nothing on faith, 60(66) ; believe in phenomena, 37; called “lunatics,” 194; def. by Vaughan, 88; def. 91. 102-03: def. as God-seekers, 388: denounced and accused, 98: and detractors. 142-43: earliest, 208-09; have facts, not systems, 204(207): and High Priests in Ceylon, 138-40; hostile to Christian Church. 362; and initiates of First Section. 494(501) fn.: joined together for strength, 211; most important object of, to revive work of Ammonius Saccas, 100; natural allies of Spiritualists. 194: not orthodox Spiritualists. 37; original thinkers are, 102; practical Theurgy discarded by, 96; ridiculed and abused. 39; search after Truth, are unsectarian and not infallible, 430; seekers and investigators, 59(65); tracked like wild beasts by clergy, 97; under a ban from start, 110; urge that rationale of phenomena be studied, 110; varied beliefs of, 101.
Theosophy: above all sects, 105; Alchemy belongs to, 96; alleged to be “subordinate branch of Spiritualism,” 293; ally of honest science and religion, 103; and Ammonius Saccas, 8889; def. as esoteric doctrine, 89; def. 91; and Diogenes Laertius, 88; double-edged weapon, 96; essence of Philosophy and Science, 208 et seq.; exact science of psychology, 95; familiar with mesmerism, 96; is spiritual knowledge, 100; and mediumistic theories, 109; not an enemy of Spiritualism or Psychology, 109-10; not a newfangled doctrine, 106; on emanation of universe, 91; pukka, 490; relation to mediumship, 95.
Theurgists, 32, 33, 34, 90. 96.
Theurgy: dangers of, 96; practical, discarded by Theosiphists. 96.
Thomas, Palmer, 42.
Thomson, J., and sun, 483.
Thief-catching, and “rolling pot,” 511.
Thor’s Hammer, ensign of power, 144.
Thoth, 89.
Thought(s): human, and its infinite varieties, 106; and imagination, 171; incarnated, of evil men, 510; infinite reverberations of, 8(19); is material and survives, 397.
Three, symbol of divine triad, 412. Tiahuanaco, ruins of, 317-18, 331. Tibet, and trance of animals, 203 (206).
Tikkun, or Adam Kadmon, 91.
Time: cures all things. 105; only Present, for Inner Ego, 470; and the one present, 119.
Times (New York): on decadence of Protestantism, 447; on Spiritualism, 176 fn.
Times (So. Pacific), 329.
Times of India: 40, 41, 511; abuses Russians, 392; publishes excerpts from private letter of Olcott to Damodar, 489 & fn.
Titicaca, Lake: 306, 308, 331; and origin of Aymaras, 317; size and elevation of, 316; two architectural styles in ruins on, 318.
Titles, and H. P. B., 40-41.
Tiu, Tuisto, 90.
Toddy, 294.
Toledo, huaca of, 327-28.
Tolon, 325.
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Toltecs, 319; more hypothetical than proven, 315.
Topes, and mounds, 316.
Torquemada: 322; on Mexican temples, 320.
Tortoise, long-lived, 459.
Traditions, about Atlantis, 434-35. Trance: of Mme. Kashereninoff, 462; or coma produced by juice of a plant, 460; stops wear and tear of organs, 460-61, 468-69; voluntary, 458.
Transmigration: 92; cyclic, 73; temporary, or avesa, 217.
Travels. See Dumas, Hue, Le- maistre.
Tribe, unknown, at Eten, So. America, and Chinese, 337.
Tribune (New York), on Dr. Tanner, 459, 461.
Trinity, and Avatâra, 160.
Triyuga, 120.
Trubezh, primitive man on, 261.
Truth: alone is eternal, 105; asphyxiated by biblical superstition, 347; pure philosophy alone can establish, 158; ramifications of, are infinite, 106; and scientists, 157; slow to be accepted, 57(63); and superstition, 80; the one altar of, 106; and theory, 311; T.S. in search of absolute, 443; Theosophists pursue, through fearless inquiry, 433; Theosophists are searchers after, 430.
Tschudi, Dr. 305, 546.
Tubular vessels, and other figurative terms, 215.
Tukui, 176.
Tumbâ, 118.
Tumuli, markings of, 347-48.
Tunganâth Peak, 121.
Tupper, M. F., 46.
Turgenyev, effect of the writings of, 360-61.
–, Fathers and Sons, creates new page in Russian political history, 360-61; 546.
Turkey, and mullahs, 271.
Turner, Olcott’s solicitor, 48.
Tumour, Hon. J., 134, 546-47.
Tuscul. Disp. See Cicero.
Tyndall, On Science and Man, on metaphysics, 158; 547.
Tzeretelef, Prince A., 435, 436.
Tziganes, 230.
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Ulloa, A. de, on Peruvian temple, 323; 547.
Ulrici, Dr. H., Über den Spiritismus, etc., 151.
Ulitpi, and Arjuna, 79.
Unconsciousness, not irrationality, 5(16).
Underground, city near Benares, 120.
United States, omitted term God from Constitution, 104.
Universal: 102; Brotherhood and T.S., 105; Soul, 465; Soul and Emerson, 208; Soul and lower soul, 472; union with, Soul, 94 et seq.
Unknowable, 90.
Unumani Mudra, 470.
Urban III, Pope, 134 fn.
Urubamba, 331.
Uvate, 113.
Uxmal, 309.
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Vach [Vâch], and Charcot’s experiments, 285.
Vadya, 117.
Vaishnavas, 119.
Vallabhâchâryas, 33.
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Vamadeva-Modelyar, on Pralaya, 486; 547.
Vanaprastha, 118.
Vandalism, and Ghebers’ Temple, 122 et seq.
Vandals, 122.
Vania, K. F., Mme. Blavatsky, etc., 489 fn.; 547.
Varago-Rooss [Varyago-Russ], Rurik a, 353.
Vases, golden, under guano, 310.
Vâyu, Rishi, 208.
Veda-Bhâshya. See Dayânanda.
Vedas: 52, 509; age of, discussed, 110 et seq.; grandest repository of wisdom, 108; full of magic, 33-34; meaning of term, 89; source of later teachings, 35; spiritual knowledge in, 285; and the four Rishis, 208.
Vega (or a Lyrae), as Polar Star, 337.
Vega, de la, on Cuzco ruins, 323; 547.
Vendidad, 123, 547.
Ventchik, and Russian superstitions, 175 & fn.
Viceroy, of India and T.S., 140- 43, 291-93.
Vidya [Vidyâ]; 75; same as noëtic work, 92.
Vidyodaya College, 138.
Vincent de Beauvais, Speculum historiale, 134 fn., 548.
Violin, story of the Ensouled, 219-58.
Virchow, destroys Haeckel’s views, 187.
Virgin: and Child, in every heathen religion, 164; and the devil, 195; at Valmala and lightning, 197-98.
Vishnu [Vishnu], 160.
Vishnu Brahmachari Bawa, 463.
Vital: fluid projected at will, 397; force felt as cool breeze, 136.
Vizagapatam, hills of, 295.
Volksblad, 408.
Volkterm, 408.
Volney, 164.
Voltaire, 159.
Voltaire, 286.
Vorlesungen. See Castren.
Votan, 307.
Voting, of women, 513 et seq.
Vulpian, 283, 548.
Vyasa, Lakshmi Narain, 454.
Vyasadeva [Vyasadeva], 464.
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Wade, Sir Claude, and buried fakir, 468, 548.
Wagner: 151; qualities of, as researcher, 152.
Wallace, A. R.: 36, 150; on spirit’s direct knowledge, 93.
–, Contributions, etc., on materialism and facts, 38; 549.
–, On Miracles, etc.: 155; on residual phenomena and invisible intelligences, 38; 549.
War(s): Christian art of, and atrocities, 407-08; cyclic periodicity in, 423-24.
Water, miraculous at Zedadzene, 126 fn.
Weber, A., and Oriental scholarship, 473, 549.
Weekly Times (London), on missionaries, 269-170.
Wends, 122.
West, Dr. Chas E., and Mollie Fancher, 190.
Whitworth, G. C., A Personal Statement, etc.; reviewed, 383- 88; praised, 401; 549.
Will: against blind matter, 76; free, 9(20); and magnetic phenomena, 282; magnetizer’s, and current of vital force, 136; of God, 193, 194; projects vital fluid, 397; and Yoga, 511.
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Williams, medium, 151, 153.
Wilson, H. H., Essays, etc., 462, 549.
Wimbridge, Edward: 417; and Miss Bates, 475 et seq.; objections of, corrected, 479-81; resigns, 480; supported by H.P.B. in India, 479; and The Theosophist, 83, 84, 86.
Winter Solstice, 164.
Wisdom, Divine, 499(506).
Wisdom-Religion: def. 498(505); has not died out, 487; universal, 89 et seq.
Witchcraft, thousands burned for, 97.
Wolves, whole nations changed into, 167.
Women: A. Dumas on rights, slavery, divorce and voting of, 512 et seq.; injustice to, 516.
“Word,” or spell, makes bulls barren, 446.
W'orks. See Taylor, Thos.
World; invisible, 92;-Soul, 273. ik'orW. 203 ( 206).
Worship, of ancestors, 176 et seq. Wundt, Prof., Der Spiritismus, 151; 549-50.
Wyld, Dr., 442.
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Xavier, St., College of, 198.
Xochicalco, 304.
Yago, St., salaried after death, 181.
Yasna, 123, 550.
Yezd, Parsis of, 128-29 & fn.
Yezidis, 128-29.
Yoga: as practiced by mystics of classical days, 466; chief object of, 135; and cure of diseases, 465; and Dhyana, 262; and figurative nomenclature, 215; methods of, discussed, 456 et seq.; possible in Kali-Yuga, 463; powers acquired by, 46667; results of, training, 160; training, and Dayananda, 76; true, little known, 468.
Yoga-Vidyä, and Dikshitas, 119. “Yoga-Vidyä,” art. on, 272 fn.
Yogi(s): as magicians, 119; become one with Brahm, 78; controls operations of life, 135; Jainas and fasting, 76 fn.; power of, to enter another’s body, 217.
¥og-Sänkhya. See Patanjali. Yonan, 326.
Young, hope for century is in the, 405-06.
Yule, Col. H., Book of Ser Marco Polo, on Josaphat and Bar- laam, 134 fn.; 550.
Zadkiel, astrological Almanac, 200. Zanoni. See Bulwer-Lytton.
Zarate, on Teotihuacan, 320, 550. Zarathushtra, 126, 128.
Zasse, Dr. E., on historical cycles, 421 et seq.
Zeda, the Baal of Transcaucasus, 125-26 fn.
Zedadzene, Mt., and miraculous fount, 126 fn.
Zervana-Akerene, 128.
Zhelihovsky, Vera P., a most truthful woman, 430.
Zion Cathedral, 125 fn.
Zola, YAssommoir, 512, 551.
–, Nana, 512, 551, Zöllner, 36, 150, 151, 152. Zolotaya Orda, 354.
Zoroaster, 34.