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Zirkoff B. - Index (BCW vol.3): Difference between revisions

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Agonaces (Agon-Ach), teacher of Zoroaster, 451.
Agrippa, H. Cornelius, 208, 209, 264.
–, De occulta philosophia, on abstract power of numbers, 196; 495.
–, Numbers: on occult virtue of numbers, 196; on universal values, 195.
Ahankára [Ahamkára] : and Chi- dagnikunda, 414; individuality, 410, 411.
Ahuramazda (Ormazd) : 467; and Jehovah, both third in deistic evolution, 457; not the Supreme, but spiritual totality of the Amshaspands, 457.
Ahuru-asters, 467.
Ai on, 296.
Airgiod-Lamh, 462.
Airship: new type of, by Russian inventors, 70-71; war by means of, foretold, 71.
Aitareya. See Haug.
Aiyar, T. A. Swaminatha: biogr., 522-23; portrait, fac. 139.
Akáli, Sikh, 178.
Aka^a [Ákása]: and astral light, 323; and Prakriti, 405, 409, 413, 413 fn.; 423; as Space, 413 fn.; as Virgin, 461; radiant heat & magnetism, 103-04.
Ákása-Sakti, 405 fn.
Akkadians, 419.
Akkas, of Africa, 41-42.
Aksakoff, Alex. N., 19-20.
Ala-Dag, 212 et seq.
Alexander I, mysterious disappearance of, 124 fn.
Alexander II: assassination of, 121 et seq., 155 et seq., 162 et seq., 207, 361; and Lincoln, 125; numerical factors in life of, 201-02; and Princess Yur- yevsky, 167-68 fn., portrait, fac. 170.
Alexander III: and numbers, 201; and Princess Yuryevsky, 169.
Alexander Polyhistor, on Pythagoras, 451.
Alexandra, lossifovna, Grand Duchess, 166.
Al-Hakim, 176, 183 fn.
All, Incomprehensible, 456.
All the Year Round, on de Saint- Germain, 126-28; 495.
Alphonso X, Astrological Tables of, 194 & fn.; 495-96.
–, Las Siete Partidas, 194.
Altai, Mountains, 185.
Al-Tamîmî, Supreme Wisdom, 181, 184 & fn.
Altitudes, Yogi living in high, 140-41.
American Journal of Science, q. 24.
Ammianus Marcellinus, 466.
Amon-Chnemu, meaning and horns of, 131.
Amshaspands: identical with Seph- iroth, 456; Ormazd as spiritual totality of, 457.
Anâhatachakra, 409.
Anakim, 453 fn.
“Ancient of Ancient,” 314.
Andhakâra, abode of darkness, 402 fn.
Angel(s) : and God, 261; guardian, as universal belief, 272.
Angelology, Persian, adopted by Pharisees, 453.
Animal, magnetism, psychological effects of, 246-47.
Annêdotus, 215 et seq.
Annihilation, or individuality in cosmic matter, 293 fn.
Anquetil-Duperron, 458.
Anthony, St., 243.
Anthropoid, derived from man, 40.
Antiquities. See Josephus.
Antiquity. See Montfaucon.
Anti-Theistic. See Flint.
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Apocalypse: borrows from Eastern legends, 402 fn.; and Hep- taktys, 453; on White Horse, 463.
Apollonius Tyanaeus, facts and legends about, 174-75 & fn.
Apollonius. See Mead.
Apparitions: 282 et seq.; fashioned by Elementaries and the Kâma-rûpa, 474; nature of, deceptive, 414 et seq., 471-72; of Virgin Mary, 354; rationale of, 284, 376; role of Astral Light in séance, 395.
Apuleius, on Pythagoras and Zoroaster, 452.
Apurva, 319 fn.
Aql, intelligence, wisdom, 178.
Arago, on the “impossible,” 226. AraHm, and Binah, 457.
Aranyakas [Aranyakas], hermits, 421.
Ararat, location of, 214 & fn.
Arati [Arati]: bathing festival, 58; praise-giving, 57.
Ardeshan, 459.
Arhat, Arahat, 406 fn., 409 fn., 410 fn.
Aristotle: method of, 196; on date of Zoroaster, 451, 454.
Armageddon, and Ramdagon, true meaning of, 188-89.
Armenia, traditions in, 212 et seq., 458.
Armenians: at first Parsees, 214; Chronicles of, 216.
Arnold, Sir E., Light of Asia, 88.
Aryan [Aryan]: and Chaldeo-Tibetan doctrines, 400; philosophy to be revived, 7.
Aryan-Arhat [Aryan-Arhat], tenets on sevenfold principle in man, 400 et seq.
Aryans [Aryans]: anticipate modem discoveries, 141; our progenitors in most useful arts, 71.
Arya Samajes [Ary a-Sama jas], 2, 305.
Aryavarta [Aryávarta], 403, 406. Ashlar, Ista, Esta, same as Vesta, 460.
Asoka, King, 358.
Ass, and Balaam, 230.
Astarte, and globe, 131.
Astral: body, 404; body of medium and materializations, 393; Ego and 7th principle in sleep, 436; projection of, soul at death, 282-83; soul, 313; soul and dreams, 435.
Astral Light: and divination, 431- 32; as Virgin, 461; glimpses of, as result of concentration, 328; objectivization of, pictures, 376; preserves photographs of all images, 293 fn., 294 fn.; and seance-apparitions, 395; and seven principles, 326.
Astrologer(s): ancient magi were, 214; Chinese, 197; Kepler, Tycho Brahe, Alphonso X as, 194; must be philosopher and psychologist also, 192.
Astrology: and chastity, 190; as science and as superstition, 190- 92, 192-93; system based on mathematics, 202-03; will rebecome a sublime science, 45.
Asvamedha, as sacrifice, 463. Atharvana-Veda, 403.
Atkinson, H. G.: 234; on pantheism, 355-56.
Atlantis: as part of unbroken continent from Himalayas to Tasmania, 420; Vedas and knowledge of occult powers, 402.
Atma [Atman], as inner God, 27, 304, 321, 329, 414.
Atmabodha, or Bodha, 412.
Atmosphere: at high altitudes, 140-41; conditions of the, and {{Page aside|546}}objectivization of astral pictures, 376.
Augoeides, or Atm a, as personal God of every man, 321.
Augustin, St., and agapae, 205.
Aur, Primordial Light, 457.
Aura: and effect of poison, 37-38; and mesmeric attraction, 21; human magnetic, 98 et seq.; of magnet felt by sensitives, 98.
Authorities, and hypotheses, 224. Avalokiteshwara [Avalokitesvara] 406 fn.
Avatara [Avatara]: 60, 64; and Druse “messengers,” 183 fn., 184 fn.; Kalki, 185; Matsya as first, 188 fn.
Avatarism, evils of, 286.
Avesta, Zend-Avesta: 450, 465, 496; and Epiphany, 461; key to, in the Kabala, 456; no mention in, of nations which later adopted magianism, 452, 467; not the oldest Zoroastrian Scripture, 452.
Avyaktabrahma, unman- ifested deity, 315.
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Baba Kheim Singh Vedi, 60. Babylon, and Jews, 451, 453. Babylonia: and India, 420; rites in, similar to Bon, 419.
Bacchus, as Koros, 460.
Bactria, Bactrians, 452 fn., 456, 466.
Baddha, 326, 423.
Badrinath: 140; figures seen at, 458.
Bagh-o-Bahar, 49.
Baital Pachisi, 49 & fn., 535.
Baliri, Jorie, and earthquakes, 149.
Ban-dhe-chan [Panchhen?] Rimpoche, 185.
Banner of Light: 29, 174, 287, 371; on seances with Eglinton, 143-46; praised, 346-47.
Banon, Capt., and J. Cook, 490.
Bar-nang, Space, 423.
Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire, 256.
Baryatinsky, Prince V., Le Mystère d' Alexandre 7, 124 fn.; 496.
Bayazid, 213.
Beal, Rev. S., A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures: on Tian-Ta’i School and the Great Teachers of the Snowy Mtns., 421; on dhyana, 430; 496.
Beecher, Rev. H. W., eulogizes Ingersoll, 137-38.
Behedin, 212, 214.
Being, implies something organized, 477 fn.
Beke, Chas. T., Origines Biblicae, 130; 496-97.
–, The Idol in Horeb, on “calf” worshipped by Israelites, 130-31.
Bel (or Baal), and Bon rites, 419; 496-97.
Belief (s): blind, and religion, 113; and facts, 367 et seq.; should never be forced upon others, 225-26.
Bellachini, Samuel, testimony of, on phenomena, 238.
Bells, astral, and magnetism, 103-04.
Belor Tagh, and hidden cave, 467.
Belus, Sun-God, 214 fn., 218.
Berger, Dr., and hypnotism, 43.
Bernard, J.-Fr. See Religious Ceremonies.
Berosus: 215, 218; on date of Zoroaster, 466; on saros and the Great Year, 150.
Berzelius: urges study of magnetism, 99; 497.
Bhagavad-Gita, on fire, 462.
Bhagavant, manifestations of, 319 fn.
Bhagvan (or Ditza-van), 216.
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