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Zirkoff B. - Index (BCW vol.9): Difference between revisions

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Aanru, 63.
Ab, Aba, father, 197 fn. (220 fn.). Abra, 197 (219).
Abraham, no relation to Rama, 198 (220).
A-brahm, non-Brahmana, 197 (219).
Abramu, 197 (219).
Abraxas, 21 fn.
Absolute: and Motion, 98; and relative Truth, 31, 33, 34, 98; consciousness, 138; Ego, 135; God, as, and Infinite, 363 (391); the “Self-Existent” as, 98; Truth and partial Truths, 103; Unity, and Maya, 167.
Absolute Monism. See Sundaram Iyer.
Action, good, may produce evil, 286.
Acts, 350 (378).
Adam: first terrestrial man, 239; not the first perfect man, 208 (230).
Adam Kadmon, 238.
Adept(s): are pagans, 357 (385); masters of life, 3; power of, to evolve any object desired, 239; T.S. not a factory of, 244. See Masters.
Adepts: influence favorably certain minds, 400-M, N; work of, in Europe & America, 400-H.
Adeptship, difficult to attain, 165-66.
Adi-Buddha, 364 (392).
Adityas, 63 fn., 262.
Adonai, and Eheieh, 64.
Adyar Library, 130.
Aesculapius, 20.
Age: present, its meaning, 99-100;
students affected by the, they live in, 101-02.
Agni-Puräna, 197 (219), 403.
Agnostic Annual, 18.
Agnus-castus, 267.
Ägyptischen. See Ranke.
Aham eva parabrahma, 99.
Ahavaniya, as sacrificial fire, 252 fn.
Aish, as man, and its derivatives, 206 fn. (228 fn.), 270.
Aitareya, etc., See Haug.
Akasa, as noumenon of Cosmic Septenary, 361 (389).
Akshobya, ancient origin of, 136.
Alagona, Peter, 5. Thomas Aquina- tis, etc., on murder, 302-03, 313-14; biogr., 404.
Alcohol: and opium, 160; preserves the bad magnetism of men, 160.
All: and personal God, 169; Spirit of man, reflection of the, 250; Universal, 160.
Allegory, N.T. an, 203 (225).
All-evolver, 169.
Altruism: as basis for intuition, 400-G; and obtaining of truth, 400-L.
Altruism, as true occultism, 254, 258.
American Convention, H.P.B.’s letter to Second, 241 et seq.
American Republic, its weaknesses, 100.
Amicus, Francis, Cursus Theologiae, on murder, 305,315; biogr. ,404.
Amitabha, Paradise of, 135, 136.
Ammianus Marcellinus, History, 9, 275.
Amrita, and Soma, 63.
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Anathema, and Humberto, 340. avr/p, and Josephus, 205 (227).
Animal (s): affected by us through astral light, 127; cruelty to, 127; food, and occult training, 160; food, and Buddhism, 148; of Genesis, 238; suffering of, 286-88.
Animal Soul: powers of the, can be used by selfish, 156-57.
Anthon, Chas., A Classical Dictionary, on ox of Dionysus 43 fn.
Anthropogenesis. See Haeckel.
Anthropology, archaic, premature, 284.
Anthropomorphism, parent of materialism, 168.
Antiochus Epiphanus, and human sacrifice, 43 fn.
Antiquities. See Josephus.
Ape, and man, 283.
Apocalypse, 65.
Apollonius of Tyana: an initiate, 20 fn.; and Menippus, 359 (387); united to his Christos, 21 fn.
Aramaic, dialect of Galilee, 279. Archi-Ahas, and jivas, 63 fn.
Arghya Natha [Arghya-natha], 264.
Ariamnes II, 95, 405.
Arrest du Parlement, etc., and Jesuits, 297 & fn., 309-10.
Art, greatest, and life, 3-4.
Arts, occult, 252, 260.
Asiatic Researches, 262, 405.
Aspirant, himself the key in each degree, 162.
Astral: body, man and Pitris, 241; life of earth, 5; man, link between personal self and body, 256, 257; world, a mass of illusion, 109; world, as photographic plate and reflector, 101-02.
Astral: discharge of, electricity & black magicians, 400-S.
Astral Light: affects animals, 127; and our ethical responsibility, 126; reflects pictures influencing our acts, 126; student imprints upon, pictures of aspiration, 104.
Astral perceptions: affect unfavorably Manas, 400-G; based on senses, 400-G; real danger of, 400-G.
Astral Pictures: influence future incarnations, 127; of the gods, 102; seen by seers, 109.
Athanasian creed, 86.
Athivahikas [Ativâhikas], and jivas, 63 fn.
Atilla, a possible new, 307.
Atma-Buddhi [Atma-buddhi], 80. Atma-Vidya (Âtma-vidyâ]: and occult arts, 260; defined, 252; includes all else, 253; only kind of occultism to strive for, 252.
Atman, 206 (228).
Atom(s): and jiva, 74-75; every, is a life, 74 fn.
Atonement: and Church, 16-17, 86.
Attention, and desire, 106-07.
Atum, cult of, 20-21.
Augoeides, or divine self, 257.
Augustine, on custom and truth, 6. I’Aurore, 95.
Avatâra: and Yugas, 211 (233): Kalki, 65.
Aveling, Dr., and Pedigree of Man, 93.
Avitchi, a state, 136.
{{Style P-Subtitle|B}}
Bacon, Wm. T., Thoughts in Solitude, on truth, 30; biogr., 405.
Bacteria, withstand heat, 72.
Bain, Mind and Body, q. 16; 405.
Ballet, girls and Reverends, 24-26. Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire, 145.
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Bases, of manifested Being, 16. Bat, The, 67.
Bathybius Haeckelii, 92, 94. Bauddhas, 59.
Bax, Clifford, The Distaff Muse, 268 fn.
Becoming, the Ever-, its nature, 98.
Beecher, H. W., on Jesus, 43.
Being: manifested, and maya, 16; mystery of, 62.
Beit-Oualy, etc., 274 & fn.
Bert, P., La morale des Jésuites, 302, 475.
Besant, Annie, art. on Theosophy and Soc. of Jesus, 317, 406.
Bhagavad-Gîtâ, 162 fn.
Bhdgavata-Purdna, 197 (219), 406. Bhâratavarsha, 351 (379).
Bhâshyâchârya, N., Visishtâdvaita Catechism, on jivas and solar rays, 63 fn.; biogr., 406-07.
Bhavishya-Purâna, 197 (219), 406. Bible, and strong language, 9. Bigandet, and Buddha, 148, 407. Binah, 360 (388).
Biogenesis, 72.
Birth, spiritual, 274.
Blasphemy, def., 365 (393).
Blavatsky, H. P. : a Buddhist, 202 (224) ; accepts truth whence it comes, 198 (220); and pagans, 347 (375), 349 (377); and Tennyson’s poem, 319-20 fn. ; appreciates Abbé Roca, 215 (237) ; articles of, re Gospels, 225 fn.; belongs to all, 248; belongs to no sect or school, 199 (221); disbelieves in Bible as a revelation, 365 (393) ; detests sacerdotal caste, 366 (394) ; does not toady to priests, 200 (221 ) ; goes alone to London, 428; has no property of her own, 246; has Tartar epidermis, 355 (383) ; her days are pralayas, her nights—man-
vantaras, 432; in condition of Chrestos for many years, 207 (229); inscription in Dr. A. Keightley’s copy of S.D., 43132; is a pagan, 358 (386); is democratic, 350 (377); must pay her way, 247; nom-de- plume of, 339 fn.; prefers to remain a Buddhist, 207 (229); proud of being USA citizen, 248; responsible for Sinnett’s Esot. Buddhism, 282; speaks the language of ancient initiates, 214 (236); suspects levites, 345 (373); urged to return to
Adyar, 247; works for daily bread, 246.
–, Isis Unveiled; rf. 17, 308, 313; Col. Olcott on Henry More and, 178; on human sacrifices, 42-43; on Jesuits, etc., 296, 297-98, 297 fn., 302-03, 304-05; on white ray, etc., 213 (235); on yajna and Lost Word, 252 fn.; yielded a few hunded dollars to her personally, 247.
–, The Secret Doctrine', rf. 275 fn.; and Indian pandits, xxiv; devoted to esoteric views on man, 285; difficulties in publishing, 247; MS. of three vols. ready for Press, 247; on jivas and solar rays, 63 fn.
–, Transactions, etc., on dreams, 318-19.
–, “ Transmigration of the Life-Atoms,” q. 74-75.
Blood, pure, and yellow colour, 64. Boar: first avatara of Brahma, 148; flesh of, and Buddha, 147-48.
Bodhisattvaship, 254.
Bodleian Library, and Jesuit MS., 297.
Book of Common Prayer, on praising {{Page aside|466}}the Lord, 97.
Book, of Dzyan, 136.
Book of Heaven, etc., 148.
Book of Numbers, 64, 348 (376), 407-08.
Book of the Dead, 63, 408.
Books, on occultism must be studied with caution, 165.
Boundless, and Infinite, 167.
Brahma: as the Universe, 99; gives birth to all creatures, 96-97.
Brähmanas, trick Col. Wilford, 212 (234).
Brahmarandhra, and jivas, 63 & fn.
Brain, its nature, 60.
Breath, eternal, 74 fn.
British Museum, and Jesuit MSS., 297.
Brotherhood: and Theosophy, 243; Great, and T.S., 245; seeds of Universal, planted in India, 130; without any distinction, 134.
Brothers of the Shadow: and astral electricity, 400-S; finally annihilated, 400-Q.
Browne, Sir Thos., on truth, 6.
Büchner, on mind and matter, 12; 23, 52.
Buddha: allegedly died from eating boar’s flesh, 147-48; and Budha, 197 (219); Arhats of, 349 (377); esoteric doctrine of, 135; existence of, cannot be questioned, 147; rejected blind faith, 137; tried to restore purity to Brahmanism, 262.
Buddhasp, founder of Sabism, 137.
Buddhism: Hordern on ethics of, 145-46; Monier-Williams’ lecture on, discussed, 142 et seq.; Müller on, 145; older than Christianity, 353; Tablet on ethics of, 150-51.
Buddhism in Tibet. See Schlagint-weit.
Buddhist(s): and Gopi Nath’s address, 133; Ceylon, and Brahmanas, 130-31; date when works of, reached China, 135; fallen off primitive purity, 144; monks in Syria and Babylon, 137; not atheists, 137; practise virtues, 202 (224).
Budge, E. A. W., 63 fn.
Budha: 263; and Buddha, 197 (219).
Budhism: and Buddhism, 282-83 fn.; is pre-Vedic 283 fn.; 284.
Bulls, Papal: 294, 295, 299, 300, 312; Lucifer and, 313; 317.
Bulwer-Lytton, Zanoni, 400-N.
Busembaum, H., biogr., 408.
Busembaum and Lacroix, Theologia moralis, on palmistry, 298, 310-11.
Byron, on truth, 35.
–, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, q. 329.
–, The Corsair, 174.
–, The Island, 81.
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Calcutta, Archbishop of, and Theosophists, 346 (374).
Cambrai, Pastoral of Bishop of, on Ultramontanism, 293-94; 308.
Cant, 83.
Canterbury, criticism of Letter to Bishop of, discussed, 81 et seq.
Carlyle: on Jesuits, 295; on truth, 35.
Carnalized, Christ has been, 201 (223).
Carne. See Tertullian.
Cartouche, L. D., 363 (391).
Caste(s): entrenched in India, 130-31; sacerdotal, and H.P.B., 366 (394).
Catholic, priests, misery and dirt, 214 (236).
Causality, and Karma, 286.
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Cause(s) : and effects in Kali- yuga, 102; beneficial, act slowly now, 104; causeless, as rootless root, 168; infinite and universal, 55; the One, and maya, 16.
Celibacy, 149-50.
Centre, each man a radiating, 242.
Cephas. See Peter.
Ceremonial Magic, not occultism, 249.
Chabas, 80, 409.
Chandra, and Sûrya races, 197 (219).
Charcot, and Richet, unconscious sorcerers, 253.
Chaucer, The Flower and the Leaf, 268 & fn.
Chauvelin, Abbé, 309.
Chelas, seven-year probation of, 156.
Chhaya, or shadow, 241.
Childe Harold. See Byron.
China: and date of Buddhist works, 135; invades Europe, 307.
Chinese Buddhism. See Edkins.
Chokhmah (or Chokhma), masculine principle, 360 (388), 362 (390).
Chrêstos: a good man, 18 fn. ; and Christos, 271-72; generic surname, 19 fn.; Massey on, 18 et seq.; of the Gnostics, 210 (232).
Christ: and Devil, 17-18; condition of, 22 fn. ; divine, never existed under human form, 201 (223); generic surname, 19 fn.; historic, 23 fn.; immortal self in man, 19 & fn.; Jesus, not a historical person, 203 (225); legend about, 213 (235) ; Massey on, and Chrêstos, 18-22; story of, an allegory, 203 (225) ; Theosophists not opposed to teachings of, 132. See Christos, Jesus.
Christianity: abuses of, 132; and role of Oriental Esotericism, 359 (387); has a fair side, 174; has retarded woman’s progress, 174; inculcates no love for animals, 287; loses to Islam, 143 & fn.; practical, 84-85; Ross on woman in, 172 et seq.; true, died with Gnosis, 357 (385); vices of, 173, 175.
Christians, brigands and robbers among early, 356 (384).
Christolatory, H.P.B. averse to, 207 (229).
Christos: and Christ, 206 (228); and Labarum, 205 fn. (227 fn.); Gnostic, identical with Illumination, 345 (373); ideal of, apotheosis of Mysteries, 208 (230); ideal of, degraded, 207 (229); universal and impersonal principle, 201 (223), 207 (229), 214 (236). See Christ, Jesus.
I Chronicles, 17, 95.
Church(es): arrogant assumptions of Roman Catholic, 339-41; began as colony of Greeks, 340; decadence of, discussed, 84 et seq.', defended slavery, 82; everything is bought in, 206 (228); losing its power, 72; lost key to truth, 71, 86; luxury of, 84-85; of Rome and prophecy of its end, 359 (387); Protestant, must fall, 293; Roman Catholic, a ghoul, 359 (387); Roman Catholic, decaying, 293; separation of Greek and Latin, 340; whited sepulchres, 207 (229), 367 (395); will die when dogmas not believed any longer, 44.
Church Fathers: earliest, wrote in Greek, 340; interested fanatics, 204 (226); killing each other at Councils, 366 (394); preferred to keep silent, 274.
Clairvoyance: and elementals, {{Page aside|468}}110; is not hypnotism, 252. Class. Diet. See Anthon.
Clement XIV : and Jesuits, 300, 311-12; biogr., 312-13.
Clifford, 13.
Clovis: and Frederick III, 320 et seq.; biogr., 409-10.
Coleridge, S. T., on Prometheus, 264.
Colloids, 73.
Colors, and psychic events, 400-S.
Colour(s) : and sound, form and elementáis, 240; sacred, or prismatic hues, 157.
Commentary. See Origen.
Consciousness: absolute, 24, 13839; in kama-loka, 163-65; occultists can place their, on other planes, 172 ; spiritual, and absolute truth, 34; things enter, 139-40; vicarious, in kamaloka by contact with mediums, 164.
Constantine: and Eusebius, 205 fn. (227 fn.) ; and Mithraism, 278; as murderer, 208 (230).
Convention, H.P.B.’s letter to American, 241 et seq.
Conventional Cant. See Whitman. Conventionality, a lie, 34-35.
Cooke, J. P., New Chemistry: on molecules, 87; biogr., 410.
Copyright, none in realm of thought, 400-Q.
I Corinthians, 183, 187, 209 (231). Corn, seven cubits high, 63.
Correlation, etc. See Le Conte.
Correlations, and elementáis, 240.
Coryn, Dr. H. A. W., biogr., 410-11.
Couch, cruciform, 274.
Courtney, L., 62.
Cowardice, and truth, 35.
Creation, primal and secondary, 238.
Creator, man his own, 177.
Creed, versus Truth in T.S., 244. Crime: and The Tablet, 207 fn.
(229 fn.); in England, 70.
Criticism: habit of, 6; harsh, and elementals, 126.
Critique. See Fisher and Kant.
Crookes, and Protyle, 15, 62.
Cross: ansated and Egyptian bas-relief, 273-74 & fn.; cry on the, discussed, 271 et seq., 276-80; meaning of, 263, 269; Skinner on, 271.
Crucifixion: and cry on the cross, 270 et seq., 276-79; seven esoteric meanings of, 270; symbolism of, 267.
Gruden, Alex., 95; biogr. 411.
Cry, on the cross, 271 et seq.
Cube, and cross, 271.
Cultu, etc. See Vasquez. Cursus, etc. See Amicus.
Cycles: information on, jealously guarded, 101; interblend, 101.
Cyril, and Hypatia, 208 (230).
{{Style P-Subtitle|D}}
Daily Telegraph: on desecration of Sunday, 66, 68; on wealth of Jesuits, 305.
Daimon, of Socrates, 199 (221).
Dandin, and his query, 37. Daniel. See More.
Dante, La Divina Comedia, inscription on portal to Inferno, 261.
Darboy, Bishop, and Jesuits, 300. David, assassin and adulterer, 363 (391).
Day, colour of, affected by man, 3, 5.
Dead, T. S. intended to stop worship of the, 244.
Death, after- states correctly understood only by occultists, 171-72.
Deity: abstract, and Kosmos, {{Page aside|469}}def., 167-68; has no sex, 269 fn.; identified with Nature, 58 fn.
Delphic Oracle, injunction of, 162. Descartes, on pineal gland, 88.
Desire, and hidden treasures, 125.
Deuce, and Deus, 17, 52 fn.
Deuteronomy, q. 168-69.
Devachan: and visions, 177; no break of, in probation, 254; planes of, 172 ; spiritual desires realized in, 164.
Devas, and the sun, 63.
Devil : afraid of iron, 43 ; des Mousseaux on, 17 ; phenomena and the, 48.
Dgon-pa, or monastery, 255.
Dharanidar Kauthumi, “ Odori- gen and Jiva,” q. 77.
Dicastillo, John de, De justitia et jura, on killing father, 305, 315; biogr., 412.
Dick, Prof. Fred J., 411.
Dieterici, Prof., 144 fn.
Diplomacy, based on deceit, 36.
Disciples: great difficulties for Western, 160-61; in tune with others, 159 ; keep open mind to facts, 199 (220); united like fingers of one hand, 158.
Discipleship, conditions of, 254 et seq.
Disease: eradicated only by spiritual living, 103; new, shall arise, 103.
Divina Com. See Dante.
Divina Sapientia, 157.
Docetae, and Jesus, 208 (229).
Dogmatism, of priest and scientist, 122.
Dramard, Louis: tribute to, 342; biogr., 412-13.
Dreams, as actions of the true self, 318-19.
Duality, and illusion, 16.
Dubjed, 158.
Du Bois-Reymond, on mind, 12.
Dugpas: and red, 64; voice of, mistaken for voice of Master, 259; Voodoos and Sorcery, 253.
Dugpaship, or Mahatmaship, 254. Dwija [Dvija], 130.
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Edda, Odin’s Rune-song, 264 et seq., 413.
Edkins, Rev. J.: on Buddhism, 135 et seq.·, 148; biogr., 413.
–, Chinese Buddhism: on growth of Buddhism, 143-44; on transmigration, 147 fn.
Ego: absolute, 135; divine, 256; divine, and truth, 42; stripped in kama-loka of lower principles, 164; the One, 140.
Egyptian: philosophy, oldest in Europe, 80; symbolism of cross, 274.
Eheieh: and Adonai, 64; existence, 360 (388).
Ekoddishta [Ekoddishta], 263. Eleazar, 95.
Electricity: discharge of astral, 400-S; and man’s own system of forces, 400-D.
Elementáis: affected by thoughts, 105; and brotherhood, 111; and correlations of colour, sound, etc., 240; and “dimensions” of matter, 110; and elementarles, 108; and harsh criticism of others, 126; and suicides, 108; cases of misuse of, 115-16; communication with, 240; concentrate karma, 111; defined, 104, 109; have no moral character, 113; hide treasures, 116; hide lost objects, 124-26: how secrets regarding, are guarded, 114; information on, withheld, 112-13; intimately related to karma, 110-11; life- and horn-{{Page aside|470}}unculi, 79; many classes of, 110, 127; misused in future by wicked men, 113 ; nature of, difficult to explain, 112; power of, used now by some, 115 ; relation of, to human magnetism, 124-25, 127-28; relation of, to light, 106; relation of, to metals, 127-28; trained, providing information, 114; visually perceived, 106; world of, affected by man’s actions, 110-11.
Elementals: and astral perception, 400-G ; as centers of energy, 400-B; assume forms found in aura of people, 400-A ; have no forms, 400 et seq., hurt by sword, 400-H; live in and through objects, 400-C; and other entities in space, 400-Q.
Elementaries, present at séances, 107.
Elohim, finite, 167.
Emerald Tablet, 45.
Emerson, and Epictetus, 4. Ernes, 290 fn.
Encheiresis naturae, 60.
Enemies, learning from, 10.
En-Soph [Ain-Soph], as Absolute, 360 (388).
Entities, variety of, in space, 400-Q. Ephesians, 364 (392).
Epictetus, and Emerson, 4. Epicurus, 61.
Epistle of James, q. 171.
Escobar, Anthony, Theologia moralist on assistance of devil, 297, 310; on astrologers’ fees, 29798, 310; on sinful actions, 303, 314.
Esdras, Judaism of, 349 (377).
Esoteric: bases of all, sciences, 252; four main aspects of, sciences, 251-52; teachings yet premature, 284; Theosophy as, synthesis, 196 (218).
Esoteric Tradition. See Purucker, G. de.
Esotericism: of initiates of Atlantis, 355 (383); role of Oriental, and Christian Europe, 359 (387).
Essenes, and Nazars, 209 (231), 210 (232).
Ether, soul of Akasa, 361 (389).
Ethics, Christian and Buddhist, 339-41.
Eurasians, who are the, 290.
Europe: millions of China and Mongolia invade decaying, 307; to experience black magic of Jesuits, 306.
Eusebius: and manuscript of Josephus, 205 (227); king of falsifiers, 205 (227).
Evangelists, unknown men, 204 (226).
Evil: and Visishtadvaita, 137; discrimination of good and, 155; good action may produce, 286.
Evolution: in various Rounds, 240; supplies man with “ coat of skin,” 241.
Extraits des Assertions, on Jesuits, 297 fn.; 308-09; 414.
{{Style P-Subtitle|F}}
Fabre d’Olivet, 198 fn. (220 fn.).
Fagundez, S., In praecepta Deca- logi, on killing fathers, 304, 315; biogr., 414.
Faith; blind, preferred, 273; Buddha rejected blind, 137.
Farrar, Archdeacon, on women, 173.
Fate, self-made, 5.
Fathers. See Church Fathers.
Fawcett, E. D.: 53; biogr., 41516.
Fenwick-Miller, Mrs. F., on Anna Kingsford, 91-92, 416.
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Ferry, Jules, and Jesuits, 301.
Ferver [Feruer, Fercher], 263.
Filioque, near to esotericism, 360 (388).
Fisher, Kuno, A Critique of Kant, 52; biogr., 416.
Five-pointed star, 400-H, I.
Five Years of Theosophy, 74-75, 77, 117, 166.
Flood, Robert (Robertus de Fluc- tibus), 117.
Flower, The. See Chaucer.
Force: and Huxley, 14; and matter are one, 14; spiritual, and selfishness, 156; substantiality of, on higher planes, 14-15.
Force(s) : dissipation of accumulated, and raps, 400-S; foci of, and man, 400-D; same, used by white & black magicians, 400-F.
Form, has no existence per se, 168.
Form, ideal, and processes of nature, 400-E.
Forms, myriads of, in ideal sphere, used by Adepts, 239.
Four-pointed star, 400-I
Fragments of Science. See Tyndall.
Frederick III: formerly Clovis, 318; life-struggle of, 320 et seq.; biogr., 417-18.
{{Style P-Subtitle|G}}
Galatians, 182, 209 (231), 210 (232).
Gallicans, 294.
Gate, strait, 206 (228), 260.
Gaulois, art. by L. Lambert on Jesuits, 295, 304, 308.
Gautama [Gotama], 261.
Gauthier, H., Le livre des rois, etc., 275 fn.
Geese, and anointed, 344 (372).
Gelugpa, 64, 287.
Gem, The'. 319, 320 fn.; facsimile
of, and Tennyson’s poem, 32122.
Generation, spontaneous, 74 & fn.
Genesis·. 80, 188, 210 (232) & footnotes, 368 (396) ; inner meaning of, 237 et seq.·, purely symbolical, 238.
Geometrical, symbolism, 270.
Germania. See Tacitus.
Ghandarvas [Gandharvas], 108, 109.
Ginsburg, on Chokhmah, 362 (390).
Gîtâ-govinda (Jayadeva), 30 fn.
Gladstone, 238.
Gnosis: Christ of, 19-20 & footnotes; orthodox, a nightmare, 359 (387).
Gnostics: and Chrêstos-Christus, 210 (232); and Jesus, 205 (227); and Jews, 136.
God: and nature, 168; personal, 169.
God-parents, origin of custom, 156, 285-86.
Gods : astral pictures of the, fading away, 102 ; have no shadow, 241 ; rays of the All-Light, 169.
Golden Gate : and natural-born magicians, 260; and occultism, 254.
Gôrres, J. J. von: 347 (375); biogr., 418.
Gospel of the Hebrews, on Holy Ghost being feminine, 361 (389).
Gospels: Gnostic, esoteric allegories, 23 fn. ; pervert esoteric facts, 22 fn.
Gougenot des Mousseaux, Les hauts phénomènes de la magie, on Satan, 17; 418.
–, Moeurs et pratiques des démons, on Devil, 17; 418.
Greek, early, Church, and separation of Rome, 340.
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Guhya-vidya [Guhya-vidyâ], def. 252.
Gupta-vidya [Gupta-vidyâ], 251.
Guru, Spiritual, and responsibility for disciple, 155-56, 285-86.
{{Style P-Subtitle|H}}
Habit, law of, and mantrams, 119.
Haeckel, and Bathybius, 92-93. –, Anthropo genesis, 93, 418-19.
Hamilton, 13.
Handbuch, etc. See Nippold.
Harmony, essential for success, 158, 159.
Hartmann, Dr. F., Magic: White and Black, 269, 419.
Hartmann, K. R. E. von, 264.
Haug, M., Aitareya-Brâhmanam, on yajna, 251-52 fn.; 404.
Hauts phénomènes. See Gougenot.
Haweis, Rev. H. R., The Key, on Jehovah and the Devil, 17-18, 43.
Hây Gaôn, 348 (376).
Headley, Rev. T. G. : on atonement, 42-44; on Christ, 16-17; rf. 86.
Heart-doctrine, and eye-doctrine, 160.
Hebrews: secret records of, and geometrical symbols, 270; symbolism of, discussed by Skinner, 276 et seq.
Hebrews: 84 fn., 350 (378), 368 (396) ; on Jesus being inferior to angels, 206 (227).
Hebrews. See Gospel of the.
Heckethorn, Chas. W., Roses and Thorns, rev., 290.
Heliocentric, system, a mystery, 284.
Henriquez, H., Summae theologiae moralis, on killing, 304, 315; biogr., 419.
Hermaphrodite, Absolute Principle misrepresented as, 269 fn.
Hesiod, Theogony, 267.
–, Works and Days, 267. Hierogram, sacred, (D, 361 (389) Hindoo Pantheon, The. See Moor, E. Hippolytus: 340; biogr., 419. History. See Ammianus.
Hist, of the Jesuits. See Nicolini.
Holy Ghost, feminine, 361 (389).
Home, D. D., 96.
Homunculi, animated by life- elementals, 79.
Hordern, P., on Buddhist ethics, 145-46.
Horus: and Khonsu, 206 (228); and Thoth, ill. fac., 273.
Hovamol. See Edda.
Hugo, Victor, on war and 20th century, 191 ;rf. 214 (235).
Humanities, on other planets, 400-D.
Humanity: love for, and universal mind, 258; to live for, 208 (230).
Humberto, and Bull of anathema, 340.
Huxley: on force, 14; on life and protoplasm, 72-73.
Hylo-Idealism, 32 fn., 51-62, 138-41.
Hypatia, and Cyril, 208 (230).
Hypnotism: and vivisection, sorcery, 253; denied at first, 122; not clairvoyance, 252; practised by Jesuits, 296 fn.
Hypnotized, men are, from the astral world, 102.
Hypocrisy; and lie, 36; in all phases of life, 37.
{{Style P-Subtitle|I}}
lasous, and Josephus, 205 (227). Idea, eternal, and life, 62.
Idiotai, 20.
Ikshvaku, 197 (219).
Illusion: objective world an, 241; role of, in occult pursuit, 260.
Imagination, and psychic senses, 177.
{{Page aside|473}}
Imago primi, etc., on Soc. of Jesus, 302, 313; 420.
Immutability, absolute, and Universal Law, 98.
Imothos [Imouthes], 20.
Impersonality, hard to learn, 177.
India: and Babylonian astrologers, 137-38; good done by Theosophy in, 129 et seq.
Infinite, and Boundless, 167.
Initiates, and meaning of Christos, 20 fn., 21 fn.
Initiation: and sacramental formula, 279-80; and Spiritual Sun, 272; cycle of, and story of Jesus, 203 fn. (225 fn.); murder and unchastity obstacles to, 305; mysteries of, and Christos, 208 (230); original school of, and the aspirant, 162 fn.; scene of, on Egyptian bas-relief, 273-74.
Inner man, is one in all, 65.
Inquisition: and Loyola, 298; slaughters of, 340.
Instructions, for occult discipline, 157 et seq.
Intolerance, nature of, 7.
Intuition: egotism & altruism, 400-G; how best developed, 400-H.
Irenaeus: rf. 340, 420; Contra Haereses, on Christ preaching 20 years, 204 (226).
Isaiah, 17, 92, 96, 181, 362 (390). Isis, and Issa, 206 fn.
(228 fn.). Isis Unv. See Blavatsky.
Islam. See Mohammedanism.
Island, The. See Byron.
Israel: and Jeremiah, 368 (396); lost tribes of, 95.
Issa, and Isis, 206 fn. (228 fn.).
{{Style P-Subtitle|J}}
Tacolliot, on yogis’ tortures, 209 fn. (231 fn.).
James, St., and St. John, 210 (232).
James, on wisdom, 292. “Jasper Niemand,” 429, 437. Jehoshua, of Lydda, 120 years b.c., 204 (226).
Jehoshua ben Pandira, an initiate, 20 fn.
Jehovah; and Satan, 17-18; as Baal, Moloch, Typhon, 42.
Jephthah, 42-43.
Jeremiah, on prophets, 368 (396). Jerome, St., De viris illustribus, on Gospel of Matthew, 203 fn. (225 fn.); 420; Opera, 225 fn.
Jesh, and Aish, 206 fn. (228 fn.).
Jesse, or Isi, 206 fn. (228 fn.).
Jesuitism: and Roman Catholicism are one, 293, 306; choice between, and Theosophy, 29293; discussed, 291 et seq.; practices Black Arts, 296 & fn.; sources and literature on, 31617, and by Authors in Appendix.
Jesuits: abolished by Clement XIV, 300; alias of, 300; and Napoleon III, 300; black magic of, and Europe, 306; evicted from various lands, 296; hold magnetic circles and chains to influence people, 305; Montagu on, in England, 300-01; origin and growth of, 299-300; prophecy on the destruction of, 305-06, 306-07; restored at Rome, 298, 301; suppression of, in France, 309-10; Theoso- phists the only body who need not fear the, 306; wealth of, 305.
Jesus, Society of. See Jesuits, etc.
Jesus Christ: and Jehoshua of Lydda, 204 (226); and Josephus, 205 (227); and Gnostics, 205 (227); as lasous, 205 (227); biography of, invented after 1st century, 204 (226); deified personification of Hiero {{Page aside|474}}phants, 203 (225); hundred and twenty years b.g., 204 (226); inferior to angels, 206 (227); Irenaeus on, preaching and dying, 204 (226); no historical evidence of existence of, 147, 204 (226);. not a historical person, 203 (225); sacramental words of, on cross, 203 fn. (225 fn.); story of, and cycle of initiation, 203 fn. (225 fn.).
Jews, esoteric knowledge of, from Egypt and Babylonia, 46.
Jiva [Jiva]: as indivisible abstraction, 76 fn.; has seven forms or principles, 76 fn., 79; goes to the sun, 63; monad or, 63.
Jivatma [Jivatman], 77 & fn.
Joachim of Floris, 352 (380); biogr., 420-21.
–, Évangile éternel, 353 (381), 363 (391).
Job, 363 (391).
John of Parma, 352 (380); biogr., 421-22.
John the Baptist, a real Nazar, 210 (232).
John, 180, 181, 185, 186, 190, 191, 346 (374), 361 (389), 365 (393), 367 (395).
Johnston, Chas., 237 et seq.; biogr. and works, 422-26.
Jones, Sir Wm., 212 fn. (234 fn.). Josephus, Antiquities, and Eusebius, 205 (227); 427.
–, Contra Apionem, on human sacrifices by Jews, 43 fn.; 427.
Joshua, 291.
Judge, W. Q.: and Johnston, 425; and rights to S.D., xxiv; H.P.B.’s earnest thanks to, 242; on aspirant and school of initiation, 162 fn.; policy of, commended, 242; T.S. owes to, its existence in 1888, 242.
Judges, 42, 43, 210 fn. (232 fn.).
Julian, Emperor, 366 (394).
Julius III, 299, 311.
Justice, and charity, 10.
Justitia, etc. See Dicastillo.
Ju-su, as Horus and Khonsu, 206 (228).
{{Style P-Subtitle|K}}
Kabbala [Kabbalah] : distorted, 46; two, 348 (376).
Kali [Kâli], 262.
Kali-Yuga: rf. 65; black and fatal age, 355 (383) ; causes in, bring about more rapid effects, 102; darkness as chief characteristic of, 100; mitigation of evils of, 102; stronger in the West, 260.
Kalki Avatar [Kalki-avatâra], 65, 368 (396).
Kama-Ioka [Kâma-loka] : eternal Ego stripped of lower principles in, 164; no conscious meeting in, and no grief, 163; planes of, 172.
Kâma-loka, 400-Q.
Kâmarûpa, does not reincarnate, 342.
Kant, E. : 52, 55; Critique of Pure Reason, 52.
Kapila, 54.
Karma [Karman] : and energy allotted in life, 76 fn.; and reincarnation and materialism, 103-04; and the elemental world, 110-11 ; as Nemesis, 306; as retribution, 259; concentrated by elementáis, 111.
Karma-pa, Sutras of the, and love of animals, 287.
Keightley, Dr. Archibald : what H.P.B. wrote in his S.D., 43132; biogr., 427-32.
Keightley, Bertram, Reminiscences of H. P. Blavatsky, on Tenny-{{Page aside|475}}son’s poem, 319-20 fn.; biogr., 432-35.
Keightley, Julia W., biogr., 43538.
Kennedy, Col. Vans, Researches into the Origin, etc., on Babylonia and Sanskrit, 138; biogr., 438.
Kepler, and conjunction in Pisces, 211 (233).
Kether, 360 (388).
Key, The. See Haweis.
Key to, etc. See Skinner.
Keys, seven, to Scriptures, 203
Khandalawala, N. D., on lifeprinciple, 72 et. seq.·, rf. 78 fn.
Khonsu, and Horus, 206 (228).
Kinetic energy, amount of, expended in life allotted by karma, 76 fn.
2 Kings, 95.
Kingsford, Dr. Anna Bonus: death of, and appraisal of character, 89-91; biogr., 43840.
–, The Perfect Way, etc., 90. Klaproth: 145; biogr., 440-41. Knowledge: dangers of, concerning
elementáis, 112 et seq.; final, must be found within, 31; inner, and absolute truth, 34; or secret doctrine of Buddha, 135; soul-, 61; spiritual, should be kept hidden, 41-42; truth is, 41.
Kosmos, and abstract Deity, 167-68.
Krishna, and Ormuzd, 206 (228). Kusa, 197 fn. (2.19 fn.).
{{Style P-Subtitle|L}}
Labarum, invented by Eusebius, 205 fn. (227 fn.).
Lacroix, Claude, biogr., 441.
Lady’s Pictorial, 91 fn.
Laing, S., A Modern Zoroastrian, 73 fn.
–, Modern Science and Modern Thought, 238; biogr., 441.
Lambert, Louis. See Gaulois.
Lambeth Palace, 5.
Lamrin, of Tson-kha-pa, 158, 441.
Languages, relation of, to ideas, 250, 251.
Lanoo, or upasaka, 158.
Lava, 197 fn. (219 fn.).
La Valette, Père Antoine, 309.
Law(s) : natural, and occultism, 251 ; of Nature, as secondary effects, 58 fn.; Universal, and Motion, 98; Universal and the Absolute, 98.
Laya, and matter. 74 fn.
Lecky, 174.
Le Conte, J., Correlation of Vital, etc., on science, 56; biogr., 442.
Lectures. See Stanley.
Leo XIII: 294; and Abbé Roca, 200 fn. (222 fn.); and Jesuits, 301-02; bibliogr., 308, 442.
Leviticus, on nature of Jehovah, 42.
Lewes, G. H., 15.
Lewins, Dr. R.; discussed, 51 et seq., 87-88, 138-41; 442.
–, Auto-Centricism, etc., 54, 59, 86.
–, Humanism vs. Theism, 51, 55, 56, 58, 60, 62.
Lha, adepts called, 341.
Lhamayin, evil spirits, 160.
Lie: and deceit in conventions, 38; preferred to Truth, 273.
Life: breath of, 80; contemplative, insufficient for attainment of final truths, 170-71; every atom is a, 74 fn. ; the One eternal and infinite, 62, 78, 80.
Life of Christ. See Sepp.
Life-atoms, and jiva, 74-75.
Life-principle: as Jiva, 76 fn.; discussed, 72 et seq.; does not differentiate as such, 76 fn.; {{Page aside|476}}three views about, 79-80.
Light, affects magnetism in séances, 106.
Light on the Path, 33, 252.
Living, organism distorts visions of psychics, 163-64.
Livre des rois, etc., see Gauthier. Logia, more than 60, 205 (227). Logos: and German pantheists, 13; and Mulaprakriti, 16; manifested, and pentacle, 64; periodical, and life, 62, 64; pre-Christian, 214 (236), two aspects of, 64-65.
London Lodge, and Dr. Kingsford, 90 & fn.
Lotus, Le, 291, 307.
Love: combined with Will, 286; personal, tinged with selfishness, 257-58; terrestrial, and occultism, 258-59.
Loyola, Ignatius: and origin of Jesuits, 299; Black Militia of, 294, 296, 301 ; Constitutions of, 316, 442.
Lucifer: rf. 225 fn., 239, 313, 318; broad policy of, 38-40, 41 ; does not pander to lies, 38; objects of Editor of, 9; policy of, 6-10, 51, 81, 292; sounds the reveille in England, 245.
Luke, 182, 346 (374), 365 (393).
Lully, Raymond, 117.
Lunar, years, and Dr. Sepp, 212 (234), 213 (255).
Lundy, J. P., Monumental Christianity, 270, 442.
Lydda, or Lüd, 204 (226).
{{Style P-Subtitle|M}}
MacKenzie, Dr. K., Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia, on Jesuits, 302; 442.
Mackenzie, Sir Morell, 319; biogr., 443.
Mâdhyamikas, views of, 79.
Magic: adept use of, power, 239; black, and Europe, 306; black, and science, 123; differs from occultism, 249; divine, 157; natural, never crushed out, 119; white and black, 306; white and black, and motive, 156.
Magic, etc., see Hartmann.
Magic: white and black, 400-F.
Magicians: Black, eventually annihilated, 400-F; repelled by inner confidence and moral stamina, 400-S.
Magicians, natural-born, 259.
Magnetism: bad, of men and alcohol, 160; outer, of persons and objects, 157, 159.
Mahabharata [Mahabharata], 100.
Maha-Kasyapa, 148.
Mahat, and Jiva, 76 fn.
Mahavidya [Mahavidya], def., 252.
Maha-yuga, and Chaldean cycles, 212 (234).
Maitland, E., 90 fn., 91 fn.
Makara, 238.
Ma-Kheru, 21.
Malachai, 346 (374).
Malkuth: and Eheieh, 64; as the Bride, 64.
Man: a trinity of Egos, but one, 257 fn.; and Pitris, 262; as explained in Esot. Budd., 280 et seq.; first, a shadow of Pitri, 240-41; first, in fourth round, 240; first living being on Earth, 239; his own creator, 177.
Man: can make invisible forms visible, 400-E; copy of the universe, 400-J; has foci of forces corresponding to those of the universe, 400-D; should cooperate with Nature, 400-E, F.
Man-God, 202 (224).
{{Page aside|477}}
Manas, and astral perception, 400-G.
Manas: 261; and personal self, 256.
Mandrin, L., 363 (391).
Mantram(s): affect animals, 118; affect the mind, 121; and Sanskrit, 120; def., 118, 252; effects of, 119-21; sound of, 120.
Manu, Laws of, 261, 262, 443.
Manvantara, and illusion, 16.
Marcion, 23 fn.
Mark, 30 fn., 365 (393).
Marriage, and occultism, 258-59. Maprvpia TeKMypiov, 180.
Mary, mother-goddess, 362 (390).
Massey, Gerald: rf. 80; art. in Agnostic Journal, 18.
–, The Natural Genesis, 263, 444.
Masters: command immense treasures, 117; have no need for transmutation, 117; help scientists, 122-23; how, guard secrets from being revealed, 114; responsible for disciples, 155-56, 285-86; will interfere in future to curb wickedness, 113; work to establish right doctrine and action, 115. See Adepts.
Material, advancement no sign of real progress, 100.
Materialism: and karma and reincarnation, 103-04; def., 244; on the increase, 70; sprung from anthropomorphism, 168.
Matha, and pramatha, 261.
Mathami, 261.
Matter: and consciousness, 12; and force, are one, 14; and Mind, 11 et seq.; and Spirit, 55; and Spirit and Motion, 98; eternal in esse, 62; has passed through all forms, 239; in pra- laya, 74 & fn.; periodical
manifestations of, 62; primordial, and illusion, 241; vehicle of life, 80.
Matthew, Gospel by, and according to, and Jerome, 203 fn. (225 fn).
Matthew, 5 fn., 84, 142, 149, 150, 179, 182, 183, 188, 190, 346 (374), 357 (385), 365 (393), 369 (397).
Maya [Mâyâ] : and Universal Unity, 167; doctrine of, 139; manvantaric, 16.
Measure, see Shakespeare.
Medicine: an uncertain science, 88; Faculties of, and sorcery, 253.
Meditation: of sectarian is limited, 170; spiritual, 171.
Mediums: and kama-loka entities, 164; and live coals, 96; and psychics distort what they perceive, 163-64; misuse of, for selfish ends, 115; tempted to cheat, 108-09 ; unbalanced, 108.
Memory, and impressions from the past, 400-B.
Mendaeans, sect of, 137.
Menippus, and Apollonius of Tyana, 359 (387).
Metals, relation of elementals to, 127-28.
Michelet, Le Prêtre, etc., 302, 444.
Midraschim, 348 (376).
Mill, J.S.: 13, 15; limitations of, 171; on vice, 173-74.
Miller, F. Fenwick, on Dr. Kingsford, 90-91.
Milton, q. 249.
Mind(s): action of, in seeking knowledge, 400-L; attitude of, required for occult understanding, 400-J ; interaction of, 400-L ; qualities which help to grasp truth, 400-L, M; wandering & restless, 400-J.
Mind(s): and human soul, 255; {{Page aside|478}}and matter, 11 et seg. ; can be affected by mantrams, 121; contrast of matter and, essential, 16; desire for phenomena in the, and Adepts, 112; how advanced occultists influence, for good, 114; physiological, in brain, 32; Universal, and Humanity, 258; Universal, and Truth, 41.
Mind and Body. See Bain.
Miracles: Buddhist, 136; Christian ideas on, 251 ; phenomena and, 47 et seq.
Mirville, Eudes de, Pneumatologie, etc., 212 fn., 444.
Mission. See Saint-Yves.
Missionaries, slander Theos, work, 134, 347 (375).
Modern Magician. See Molloy. Modern Science. See Laing.
Modern Zoroastrian. See Laing. Moeurs, etc. See Gougenot.
Mohammedanism, growth of, and character of results, 143 & fn.
Moleschott, 23, 52.
Molière, 37 fn., 444.
Molloy, J. F., A Modern Magician, rev., 10-11; 444.
Moloch, is Jehovah, 42. Moneron, 92.
Mongolians, and Chinese and Europe, 307.
Monier-Williams, Sir M., lecture by, on Buddhism, 142 et seq.
Monino, Joseph, 311.
Monks, and women, 148-49.
Monotheism, and polytheism, 169.
Montagu, Lord Robert: on Jesuitism in England, 300-01; on R.C. Church, 293; biogr., 444.
–, Recent Events, etc., q. 300-01, 307.
Monum. Christ. See Lundy.
Moor, E., The Hindoo Pantheon, on Wittoba, 270; 445.
Morale, etc. See Bert.
More, Hannah, Daniel, on truth, 30; biogr., 445.
More, Henry, Col. Olcott and Isis Unveiled, 178.
Morgenrdthe. See Pulsford.
Morison, James A.C., on religion, 71.
Moses de Leon, Kabalah of, not authentic, 348 (376).
Moses, Wm. S., Visions, rev., 176-78; Col. Olcott on, 178.
Mother, immaculate, and manifested universe, 64-65.
Mothers, Three, 290 & fn.
Motion: and force, 14; and pralaya, 74.
Motive, determines nature of magic, 156.
Much Ado, etc., see Shakespeare.
Mulaprakriti [Mülaprakriti], and Logos, 16.
Müller, F. Max: ignorant of esoteric philosophy, 141.
–, Introd, to Religion, 212 fn. (234 fn.); 445.
Munk, 348 (376).
Murder, chief obstacle to initiation, 305.
Mysteries: and geometrical symbolism 270; and sacramental formula, 279-80; Christian, 270.
Mystery-language: 206 fn. (228 fn.); international tongue, 65.
{{Style P-Subtitle|N}}
Naden, Miss, 140-41.
Nails, of Crucifixion, sexual meaning of, 271.
Names, influence of, in life, 45.
Naraka, metaphorical meaning of, 136.
Nastika [Nastika], 130, 131.
Natural Genesis. See Massey, G.
Nature: general objective followed by, 400-E; two-sided, 400-F.
{{Page aside|479}}
Nature: identified with Deity, 58 fn.; in the abstract, 64; knowledge of ultimate essence of Kingdoms of, 252; laws of, 58 fn.; occultist as beneficent force in, 254; phenomenal and abstract, def., 168.
Nazar(s): John the Baptist and John of the Apocalypse real, 210 (232); Kabalistic significance of letters in, 210 fn. (232 fn.); Paul at first a, 209 (231).
Nehemiah, on Sabbath, 70.
Nemesis, as Karma, and Jesuits, 306.
Nephesh, 80.
Neptune, 105.
Nero, denied initiation, 304.
Nerthus, 323.
New Chem. See Cooke.
New Testament, an allegory, 203 (225).
New Year: importance of, 5; of 1888, 3-5.
Nicolini, G. B., History of the Jesuits, 298, 446.
Nidana, or Tenbrel Chugnyi, 287.
Nippold, F., Handbuch, etc., 302, 446.
–, Welche Wege, etc., 302, 446. Nirnaya Sindhu (Kamalakara), 262, 446.
Nirvana, 206 (228).
No More. See Tennyson.
Non-Separateness: essential for occult progress, 159; inner, and outer magnetisms, 159, 16162; the One Truth, 24.
Norris, Rev. Henry H., The Principles of the Jesuits, etc., 291 et seq., 308, 446.
Noumenon, and phenomenon, 168.
Novoye Vremya, 24.
Numbers, science of, first key to practical occultism, 44-45.
Numbers, 209 (231), 210 fn. (232 fn.).
{{Style P-Subtitle|O}}
Observer, 151.
Occult: and selfishness, 260; bases of all, Sciences, 252; difference between, Science and Theosophy, 155 et seq.; difference between, Sciences and Occultism, 249, 250, 289; sins of pupils in connection with, 156; Wisdom and Delphic Oracle, 162.
Occultism: and “enchantment,” 251 ; and natural-born magicians, 259-60; based on absolute unity of Root-Substance, 55; confused with occult sciences, 249, 250; desire for, and resulting restlessness, 254; false ideas about, 249; is renunciation of self, 254; jealous mistress, 10; not magic, 156, 249, 250; possible to study, in Britain, 289; practical instructions in, 155 et seq.; rejects historic Christianity, 20 fn.; selfishness obstructs study of, 289; teaches how to guide impressions from one plane to another, 164; Theophany, or psychological, 289; theoretical and practical, and married state, 258; unknown to pundits, 140.
Occultism: colorless & determined by motive, 400-F ; defined, 400-C, D; rules of, binding on all, 400-N et seq.
Occultists: all men cannot be, 245 ; and after-death states, 171-72; as beneficent force in Nature, 254; as Unitarians, 55; confused in the West, 250; foresee results of actions, 286; only one who teaches, 141; place their consciousness on {{Page aside|480}}higher planes, 172; rarely speak, 141.
Odium theologicum, 345 (373).
Olcott, Col. H. S. : builds “ Gulis- than,” xxiv; on Wm. S. Moses, 178; plants cocoanut tree at Tinnevelly, 131-32.
–, Old Diary Leaves, 178, 446. Oliphant, L. Sympneumata, 268, 446.
Origen, Comm, in Evans. Ioannis, 361 (389).
Origine, De, see Tacitus.
Orlog, and Skuld, 338.
Ormuzd, and Krishna, 206 (228). Orthodoxy, in Theosophy, neither possible nor desirable, 243.
Osiris: and “ Osirified,” 21 fn.; Sun-, 274.
Ox, of Dionysus, 43 fn.
{{Style P-Subtitle|P}}
Pagan (s): ancient philosophers were, 347 (375) ; “Brothers” are, 357 (385) ; def. 349 (377) ; H.P.B. a, 358 (386).
Pall Mall Gazette, discloses evils, 149.
Pandira. Seejehoshua.
Panpsychism, 13.
Pantheism, 167-68.
Pantheists, German, 13.
Papus, Traité élémentaire de science occulte, rev., 44 et seq.; biogr., 446-47.
Parabrahman, 80, 137.
Paralizing, external man, 34.
Paramapada, and jivas, 63.
Paris, on H.P.B., 291.
Parliament, French, and Jesuits, 297 & fn., 298, 309-10.
Passion(s) : animal soul, seat of, 256; gratification of, and occultism, 258-59; mastery of, 255 et seq. ; natural-born magicians are, -proof, 259; union with Higher Self and, 257.
Patanjali, Toga Philosophy, symbolic language of, 166.
Patriotism, merely greed, etc., 337.
Path, to knowledge, 155.
Path, The·, 162 & fn.; high praise for, 245.
Paul III, 299, 311, 447.
Paul, St.: an historical personage, 205 (227); and meaning of Christos, 20 fn.; at first a Nazar, 209 (231); Epistles of, rejected and later admitted to Canon, 20 fn., 351 (378); Gnostic adversary of Peter, 210 (232); second birth of, 272.
Peace: and philosophic mind, 4; only permanent joy, 4.
Peling, and animals, 287.
Pentacle: meaning of, 399; symbol of manifested Logos, 64.
Pentateuch, seven keys to, 203 (225).
Personality : clinging to, and truth, 177; loss of, 135; must disappear in probation, 254; sacrifice of, 6.
Peter, St.: adversary of Paul, 210 (232); alleged to have been in Parthia, 137.
1 Peter, 188.
Pets, injurious to occult training, 159.
Phantasy, and memory as obstacles to truth, 400-J, K.
Phenomena: and Adepts, 112; and elementals, 111-12; and sexual force, 108; and T.S., 243; aroused idle curiosity, 48; as power over natural forces, 49; failed to produce desired effects, 46; never done for worldly ends, 112; order to abandon, 50; real object expected from, 46 et seq.;
science and, 48-49; Spiritualists and, 49.
{{Page aside|481}}
Phenomenal, objective world, 241.
Philo Judaeus, no reference in, to Jesus, 204 (226).
Photius: and first quarrels in Church, 340; biogr., 447-48.
Physical, spiritual falling into, 240.
Pictures, from the past floating in aura of newly born, 400-B.
Pisachas [Pisâchas], 108, 109.
Pisces, and conjunction of planets, 211 (233).
Pitri [Pitri] ; 136 ; and early Races, 262; and chhaya, 241; seven classes of, 262.
Pius IX: 294, 308; and Jesuits, 300, 313.
Plane, impressions of one, translated into another, 163-64.
Plato, on Deity and Cross, 270.
Plotinus, united to his Christos, 21 fn.
Pneumatologie. See Mirville.
Pneumo-Dyno-Vril, 338.
Polancus: and Jesuits’ secret constitutions, 298; biogr., 448.
Polariser, in our consciousness, 31.
Polygamy, and polyandry, 143 fn.
Polytheism, and monotheism, 169.
Pompignan, Lefranc de: 356 (384); biogr., 448-49.
Poor, and rich people, 214 (236).
Popery, none in Theosophy, 242.
Popes: first, were Greeks, 340; often tools of Jesuits, 299; suppress and re-establish Jesuits, 294-95.
Porphyry, united to his Christos, 21 fn.
Poverty: and wealth, a sign of darkness, 100-01; and wealth, conflict between them, 100.
Practical, life mirrors intellectual status, 174.
Praecepta, etc. See Fagundez.
Prajapati [Prajâpati], 63 fn.
Prakriti [Prakriti] ; pranks of, 54; seven, 76 fn., 79.
Prayer, is work, 69.
Precession of Equinoxes, 203 fn. (225 fn.).
Precipitations, rationale of, 239.
Prejudices, make of men animals, 50.
Prêtas, 108.
Prêtre, etc. See Michelet.
Priests, assumed names of gods, 21 fn.
Principle (s) : Absolute, sexless, 269; and Pitris, 262; Christ, a universal, 201 (223); 4th and 5th, in kama-loka, 164; 4th and 5th, removed unconsciously, 164; seven, and jiva, 79; 6th and 7th, 80.
Principles, etc. See Norris.
Privacy, in thought, 400-P
Probation: personality in, must disappear, 254; seven years of, 156.
Proceedings, Report of, American Convention, 241.
Prometheus : myth of, 266 et seq. ; origin of term, 261 ; sacrifice of, 271.
Prophecy: about Europe, 306; of dreadful war in future, 113.
Prostitution, legalized by Christian Government, 176.
Protoplasm, 73-74.
Psalms, 275.
Psyche, and Sophia, 171.
Psychic: and spiritual wisdom, 171 ; relation to spiritual force, 157; senses and imagination, 177.
Psychic: burglary on, plane, 400-0 ; noises & shocks, their origin & cause, 400-R, S.
Psychics : automatically alter their impressions to accord with physical plane, 164; living, and {{Page aside|482}}mediums vitiate what they perceive, 163-64.
Ptolemaeus, on Jesus, 204 (226).
Pulsford, John, Morgenröthe, 26869, 449.
Pundits, know nothing of occultism, 140-01.
Pupil-teachers, 243.
Purdnas: 96, 251; and genealogies, 197 (219).
Purucker, G. de, The Esoteric Tradition, 273 fn.
Pururavas [Purûravas], 263.
Pythagoras, 284.
{{Style P-Subtitle|Q}}
Quicherat, L.-M. : 358 (385) ; biogr., 449.
Quinet, E., l'Ultramontanisme, 302, 449.
{{Style P-Subtitle|R}}
Races: of men and Pitris, 262; questions on, and geological eras in Esot. Buddhism, 280 et seq.
Râdhâ, and râddha, 29-30 fn.
Râma: avatâra of Vishnu, 198
(220) ; historical personage, 197 (219); ideas of Saint-Yves on, 351-52 (379-80).
Ranke, H., Die ägyptischen Personennamen, 275 fn., 449.
Raps, as dissipation of accumulated force, 400-S.
Ray(s) : sun, and jivas, 63; white, decomposing into three colours, 213 (235).
Reality, the only, and the Self, 139.
Recent Events, etc. See Montagu.
Recognition, no, of friends in Kama-Ioka, 164.
Red, colour of dugpas, 64.
Régnier, R. F. : 308; biogr., 449
Reincarnation, karma and materialism, 103-04.
Religion (s): essentially one, 7, 8; has lost hold on peoples’ heart, 71; moulded by nations, 174; must be demonstrated mathematically 71; Universal, 134.
Religious, census in India, 145.
Reminiscences, see Keightley, B. Renan, art. on Joachim of Floris, 353 (381); 449
–, Vie de’Jésus: 353 (381), 355 (383); on Sabism, 137; 449.
Réponse aux Assertions, 297 fn. Researches, etc. See Kennedy. Respectability, and selfishness, 36. Responsibility, enormous, of teacher towards disciple, 155-56.
Revelation, 65.
Revue des Deux Mondes, 353 (381). Richardson, B. W., Theory of a Nervous Ether, on life-principle, 78-79; biogr., 450.
Richet, and Charcot, unconscious sorcerers, 253.
Richter: on truth, 41 ; biogr., 45051.
Rites, and Yajna, 252.
Rituel, Egyptian, 80.
Rivington, Father, and Latinism, 293; biogr., 451.
Robertson, F. W. : on conventionality, 34-35; biogr., 451.
Roca, Abbé: 307; reply of H.P.B. to, 194 et seq., 343 et seq., footnotes (371 et seq., footnotes) ; replies of, to H.P.B.’s observations, etc., 179-93, 343-70 (37198) ; senses reality behind the mask, 367 (395).
–, La fin de l’ancien monde, 190. Rock, The, on growth of Mohammedanism, 143 fn.
Roman Catholic Church : a ghoul, 359 (387) ; arrogant assumptions of, disclaimed, 339-41; {{Page aside|483}}prophecy of its end, 359 (387).
Rome, Tacitus on, 176.
Root, absolute, and universal law, 98.
Root Substance, absolute unity of, 55.
Roses, etc. See Heckethorn.
Rosicrucians, adopted cloak of orthodoxy, 215 (237).
Rosmini-Serbati, A.: 187; biogr., 451-52.
Ross, Wm. S.: Woman: her Glory, etc., rev., 172 et seq.; biogr., 452.
Round: first, and course of evolution, 240; fourth, and appearance of man, 240; third, and vegetation, 240.
Rousseau, J. J.: on Socrates and Jesus, 180; on truth, 33.
Royal Mason. Cyclop. See MacKenzie.
Rudras, 262.
Rules, private, for occult discipline, 157 et seq.
{{Style P-Subtitle|S}}
Sabbath: and Church of England, 67 et seq.; nature of, 69 et seq.
Sabism, and Buddhasp, 137.
Sacerdotalism, evils of, 132, 149.
Sacrifice(s): human, by Jews, 43; of ox, 43 fn.; rites of, 252 fn.; to the gods, 261 et seq.
Sages, can teach but relative truths, 31.
Sainte-Foi, Chas. See Sepp.
St.John, Christians of, 137.
Saint-Yves d’Alveydre: 198 fn., (220 fn.); mistaken about Jews, 46; works of, unreliable, 351 (379); biogr., 452-53.
–, Mission des Juifs, 211 fn. (233 fn.), 350 (378).
“ Saladin,” see Ross, W.S.
Salvation Army, and mesmerism, 27-29.
2 Samuel, 17.
Sanjna [Sarnjnâ], H. P. B.’s nom- de-plume, 339 fn.
Sanskrit: and Babylonia, 138; and mantrams, 120; richness of, 251.
Sapindikarana, 263.
Sarasavisandaresa, The: and lecture of Gopi Nath, 133; on crime in Ceylon, 152; on desecration of temples, 153-54.
Sarva sûnya [sarva-sûnya], as void, 59.
Satan: a Son of God, 363 (391); and Jehovah, 17-18; and Peter, 206 (228) ; di Raulica on, 17.
Schelling, 267, 269.
Schiller, on truth and the mind, 60.
Schlagintweit, Emil, Buddhism in Tibet, on number of Buddhists, 144 fn.; 453.
School, original, of initiation, 162 fn.
Science: deceit in, 37; does not teach causes of evil, 102; dogmatic men of, 122 ; sacred, of the Rig-Veda, 251 fn.; unillumined by spirit leads to Black Magic, 123; will admit facts of occultism, 122.
Scientists: genuine and veneered, 122; lead in mental but not spiritual progress, 122; mere pigmies today, 113; often helped by Masters, 122-23; should not be forced to admit occult truths, 123.
Scotsman, on Monier-Williams’ lecture, 142 et seq.
Scott, Sir Wm., on mutual help, 129.
Séances: danger in, from ele-{{Page aside|484}}mentaries, 107; deplete vitality of sitters, 107.
Seba, 137.
Sectarian, meditation of, is limited, 170.
Sections, to be independent within T.S., 245.
Secular Review, 53.
Seers, see the astral pictures of the gods fade, 102.
Seleucus, 203 fn. (225 fn.).
Self: and not-Self, 139; Higher, and human soul, 255 et seq.; knowledge of, and wisdom, 162; Master-, 257; personal, and selfishness, 36; personal, linked to body by the astral, 256; the One, 167; union with Higher, and passions, 257.
Self: Higher, and Mahatma are one, 400-F; and the sun, 400-K.
Self-existence: defined, 98; or Deity, 168.
Self-gratification, and loss of discernment, 259.
Selfishness: an impassable wall, 36; and spiritual forces, 156; ferocious, of Western countries, 288; transforms the spiritual into the psychic, 157.
Senses: physical, and form, 168; spiritual, and physiological mind, 32.
Sepher Yetzirah, 290 fn.
Sepp, Dr., Life of Christ: 184, 211 (233), 453; and its imaginary chrono-sidereal system, 210 et seq. (232 et seq.); bibliogr. data on, 211.
Septuagint, how and when written, 95.
Seraphim, 96.
Serjeant, Wm. C. E., “Twilight Visions,” 64.
Sexual: depravity, 173; gratification of, and occultism, 258-59; loss of, force and phenomena, 108.
Shadow: first man a, 240-41; gods have no, 241.
Shakespeare, Wm., Measure for Measure, on man, 33.
–, Much Ado About Nothing, 146. Shanah, lunar year, 270.
Shekhinah, feminine principle, 361 (389).
Shell, separation of, from Spirit, 163-64.
Shimon ben Yohai, 348 (376).
Sibbald, A. T., and sraddha, 261 et seq.
Siddhis: acquirement of, 254; and vanities of life, 159.
Simon Magus, and Peter, 351 (379).
Simples, and minerals, 289. Sincerity, true wisdom, 6.
Sinnett, A.P.: admiration of, for science, 284; only partially informed, 282.
–, Esoteric Buddhism: H. P. B. responsible for, 282; merely a bird’s-eye view of teachings, 283; only partially authoritative, 284; questions on races, geological ages, apes, etc., discussed, 280 et seq.
Sion College, 297 fn.
Siva, Eye of, 252.
Skanda-Purdna, 197 (219), 453.
Skinner, J.R., on “cry” on the cross, 276-79.
–, Source of Measures: on crucifixion, 271; on “ cry” on the cross, 272-73; 454.
Slade, Dr., persecution of, 298 fn.
Slavery, defended by Church, 82-83.
Society: honeycombed with lies, 37; modern, a stagnant pool, 292.
Socrates, 284.
Son of God, every man is a, 201 (223).
Sophia, and Psyche, 171.
{{Page aside|485}}
Sorcery : and hypnotism and vivisection, 253; defined, 156, 259; many on the way to, 250.
Soul(s) : a link, 256; and Christos, 257 ; animal, seat of passions, 256; human or personal, a compound, 255 et seq.
science of, 254; seven, or lives, 80; spiritual, as vehicle of Spirit, 255, 257 ; spiritual, separation from, 80; universal, and “Word made Flesh,” 208 (230).
Soul-Ego, and Form, 319, 325 et seq.
Sound, colour, form, etc., and elementáis, 240.
Source of Measures. See Skinner. Space, and metaphysics, 168. Spheres, of darker cycles, 104.
Spirit: and matter and motion, 98; materialization of, 244; of man, one with eternal matter, 62; reflection of the All, 250; the only reality, 171.
Spiritual: agencies, 88; and mental progress, 122; and psychic wisdom, 171 ; beliefs, should be kept hidden, 41-42; consciousness and absolute truth, 42; effect and physical causes, 56; falling into physical, 240; force and selfishness, 156; forces and divine magic, 157 ; powers and contemplative life, 170; soul, men can live separated from, 80.
Spiritualism, and phenomena, 244.
Spiritualists : and phenomena, 49 ; attacking a system they actually need, 177-78; materialistic ideas of, on post-mortem states, 166.
Spirituality, level of, and new teachings, 244.
Sraddha, occult rite, 261 et seq.
Standard, on England and Christianity, 144.
Stanley, A.P., Lectures on the Hist, of the Eastern Church, 340 ; biogr., 454.
Star, of the Magi, 211 (233).
Starvation, and Church, 85.
Stoic, and occultist, 4.
Strauss, D. F., 184; biogr., 454-55.
Student: aids advanced souls to descend here, 104; and astral light, 104; effects of a, living a better life, 104; affected by the age he lives in, and reasons for this, 101-02.
Subba Row, resigns from T.S., XXV.
Substance, Root-, 55.
Suffering, of Christ and of Yogis, 208 (230).
Suicides, and elementáis, 108.
Sukshma-áarira, def. 63fn.
Summae, etc. See Henriquez.
Sun: and cross symbol, 274; dark spot in, and jivas, 63; Spirit- within, 274; Spiritual, and Initiation, 272.
Sun: as focus or reflector of real sun, 400-K ; as soul-center of the world, 400-K; results of thinking about, 400-K.
Sundaram Iyer, Absolute Monism, etc., rev. 11-16.
Sunday, desecration of, 66 et seq.
Sûrya, and Chandra races, 197 (219).
Suryamandala [Sûrya-mandala], and jivas, 63.
Sûryavamsa, 197 fn. (219 fn.).
Svastika, 261.
Svetchine, S.P. de, 187; biogr., 455.
Sword, and elementáis, 400-1.
Symbology, key to, in the hands of Occult Sciences, 172.
Symbols: and signs, their importance, 45-46 ; geometrical, and cross, 270.
{{Page aside|486}}
Sympneumata. See Oliphant.
Synopsis, etc. See Taberna.
{{Style P-Subtitle|T}}
Taberna, J. B., Synopsis theologiae practicae, on bribes and judges, 303, 314; biogr., 456.
Tablet·, on Buddhist morality, 150-51; on crime in various races, 207 fn. (229 fn.).
Tacitus, on Rome’s vices, 176.
–, De Germania, on Earth, 323 fn.; 456.
–, De origine, etc., 191 & fn.
Tanmatric, planes, 76 fn.
Tannaim, 65.
Taraka-Raja-Yoga, 289.
Tau, 273-74.
Taylor, Canon Isaac, on growth of Mohammedanism, 143 fn., 456.
Teacher, responsibility of, towards disciple, 155-56, 285-86.
Telepathy: as one of the occult arts, 400-E; in seeking knowledge, 400-L; and scientific discoveries, 400-M.
Ten-man-gu, as gnomes, 341.
Tennyson, A., Ab More, 319, 319-20 fn.
Tertullian, paradox of, in Carne Christi, 195 (217).
Tetragrammaton, and Logos, 64.
Theogony. See Hesiod.
Theol. moralis. See Busembaum, and Escobar.
Theophany, or psychological Occultism, 289.
Theophilus, biogr., 274, 456-57.
Theory. See Richardson.
Theosophia, universal, 65.
Theos. Publication Society, its nature and purpose, 245-46.
Theosophical Society: and awakening spirituality 243; and united body of men, 243; diversity of opinion in, keeps it
a living body, 243-44; founded by commission, 243; intended to stem tide of materialism and phenomenalism, 244; lowest formal grade of Great Brotherhood, 245; not a “miracle club,” 243; not a nursery for occultists, 244.
Theosophist(s): all men can be, 245; and Archbishop of Calcutta, 346 (374); and defence of truth, 6; and Golden Rule, 71; and tolerance, 7; are poor, 246; as such and as individuals, 246; best attitude of, towards scientists, 123; def., 155; do not meddle in politics, 246; implacable enemies of Jesuits, 306; no local, possible, 248; persecuted by Jesuits, 303; practical, and clergy, 86; primary function of, 247; promote amelioration of conditions of mankind, 246; responsibility of, 4-5; should encourage finding of truth, 103; should practise brotherhood, 123; should teach common people, 123.
Theosophist, The'. 75 fn., 77 fn., 129, 225 fn., 317; on Sankhya and Yoga, 166; on Wm. S. Moses, 178.
Theosophy: a beacon-light to guide humanity, 243; a dead thing if not turned into life, 103; and human nature versus animality, 244; and love of humanity, 258; and truth, 9; as divine knowledge, 38; child of Aryan thought and NeoPlatonism, 295; choice between, and Jesuitism, 292; conditions for further teachings in, 244; def., 245; every true fact part of, 38; good done by, in India, 129 et seq.; in Spain, 458-61; most important mis-{{Page aside|487}}sion of, 243; must stand on its own merits, 50; no orthodoxy in, 243; none of the isms, 196 (218); renunciation of self, 254; teaches animal-man to be human-man, 247 ; the esoteric synthesis of known religions, 196 (218); the philosophy of the rational explanation of things, 243.
Tholuck, and Sephiroth, 348 (376); 457.
Thomas Aquinatis, etc. See Ala-gona.
Thoreau, on colour of day, 3. Thoth and Horus, ill. fac., 273. Thought: strong current of, and elementáis, 105; velocity of, and elementáis, 105.
Thought (s): cannot be copyrighted, 400-Q; private, are inviolable, 400-Q.
Thoughts. See Bacon.
Thunder, and psychic shocks, 400-R.
Time, and elemental world, 105. Times, The, 25.
Tod homines, etc., 31.
Toleration, nature of, 7, 10.
Tollenare, 420.
Tolsti, 369 (397).
Topinard, Paul, 239 fn.
Trade, infernal spirit of, 307. Traité, etc. See Papus.
Traividya [Traividyâ], 251 fn. Transcendentalists, 4.
Transmigration, denied by Buddhist monks, 147 fn.
Transmutation: adepts do not require, 117; real meaning of, 117.
Treasures: available to adepts, 117 ; concealed by elementáis, 116, 124-26; supplied in emergencies, 117.
Triangle, as symbol, 263.
Tribes, lost, of Israel, 95, 352 (380).
Troppman, J. B., 363 (391).
Truth: and cant, 83; and creed in T.S., 244; any, discovered is part of Absolute Truth, 103; mixed with error, 8; no absolute, in this world, 31; one absolute, 8; One Eternal, 134; relative and absolute, 98; relative, and Universal Mind, 41; search for, 7; sometimes retarded by technical scientific knowledge, 103; Sun of, 31-32; Theosophy means, 9; why absolute, unreachable, 33-34.
Tson-kha-pa, see Lamrin.
Tyndall: Belfast Address of, 57; on brain and consciousness, 88; on mind, 12.
–, Fragments of Science, on
matter, brain and molecular action, 57.
Types, 367 (395).
{{Style P-Subtitle|U}}
Überweg, 13, 62; biogr., 457. Udaipur, library at, 197 (219). Ugolino, Count, 94 & fn.
Ultramontanism, 294.
Ultramontanisme. See Quinet.
Uncertainty, prevents sectarianism, 244.
Unchastity, obstacle to initiation, 305.
Unitarians, occultists as, 55.
Unity: absolute, and maya, 167; absolute, of Root-Substance, 55.
Universal: divine unity, 167; Truth and contemplative life, 170.
Universal All, 160.
Universal Brotherhood: seeds of, planted in India, 130; without any distinction, 134.
Unselfishness, fancied, 161.
Upasaka [Upäsaka], or lanoo, 158, 160fn.
{{Page aside|488}}
Urea, 87 fn.
{{Style P-Subtitle|V}}
Varhsavali, source of other genealogies, 197 (219).
Vasquez, Gabriel, De cultu adora- tionis, on idolatry, 306, 316; biogr., 457-58.
Vasus, 262.
Veddntasara, on the One Self, 167.
Vegetation, and Third Round, 240.
Venus, heliacal rising of, 23.
Venus-Lucifer: 3; Jewish tradition about, 212 (234).
Vice, in Christianity, 172 et seq.
Vie de Jesus. See Renan.
Vijnana, as internal sensation or intelligence, 59.
Vikramaditya, era of, 135.
Vina [Vina], disciples like strings of a, 159.
Virtues, universal, 136.
Vishnu-Purdna (tr. H. H. Wilson), q. 263.
Visions: karmic, 318 el seq.; nature of, 177; of psychics and mediums distort facts, 163-64.
Visishtadwaita [Visishtadvaita]; and origin of evil, 137; on jiva and the sun, 63.
Visishtadvaita Catechism. See
Visvadharas, 261.
Vivisectionist, and sorcery, 253.
Void, 59.
Voltaire, on God, 52.
Voodoos, Dugpas and sorcery, 253.
Vril, 400-D.
Vulgate, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 190, 191, 368 (396).
{{Style P-Subtitle|W}}
Wand, golden, and end of Roman Church, 359 (387).
War, dreadful, in future, 113.
Warnings, as pictures or voice, 400-P.
Wealth, and poverty, 100-01.
Wealth, wider definition of, 400-0.
Webster’s Dictionary, on pentacle, 399.
WWi/y Register, empty boasts of, 91 fn.
Welche Wege, etc. See Nippold.
Whitaker’s Almanack, 145, 458.
Whitman, S., Conventional Cant and The Land of Cant, 68 fn., 458.
Wilford, Col., tricked by Brâh- manas, 212 (234).
Will: and love, 286; collective, of Jesuits, 305.
Wilson, H. H., Vishnu-Purdna : 263; on Budha and Buddha, 283 fn.; 458.
Wisdom: and knowledge of Self, 162; psychic and spiritual, 171.
Wishes, formed at New Year, 5.
Wittoba, 270.
Wohler, 87 fn.; biogr., 458.
Woman. See Ross.
Women: and monks, 148-49;
Ross on, in Christianity, 172 et seq.
Work, is prayer, 69.
Works, etc. See Hesiod.
World, The, 26.
{{Style P-Subtitle|XYZ}}
Xifré, Don José, biogr., 458-61.
Yah, 360 (388), 362 (390).
Yajna-vidyâ, def., 251-52 &.fn.
Yajus, as sacrificial mysteries, 251 fn.
Yellow, reason for reverence for, 64.
Yoga, and jivas going to sun, 63.
Yogachâryas, views, of, 59.
Yogis [Yogins], their tortures, 209 fn. (231 fn.).
Yugas, their lengths, 211 (233).
Zohar, 238, 348 (376), 360 (388), 362 (390), 368 (396).