HPB-SB-1-19: Difference between revisions

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{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued|The London Katie King}}
{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued|The London Katie King}}

flower. Instinctively she put her hand up to protect it, and caught the hand of Hipp. He had been sitting opposite to her, and was then {{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|standing up and leaning over the table. To screen himself he at once seized Miss Cook's hand, and called for a light, when, sure enough, he was seen holding her by the hand.}}
{{Style P-No indent|flower. Instinctively she put her hand up to protect it, and caught the hand of Hipp. He had been sitting opposite to her, and was then {{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|standing up and leaning over the table. To screen himself he at once seized Miss Cook's hand, and called for a light, when, sure enough, he was seen holding her by the hand.}}}}

{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|...}}<ref>The rest of the article is not present in HPB Scrapbook and copied from ''Banner of Light'', January 20, 1875. P. 4.</ref>
{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|...}}<ref>The rest of the article is not present in HPB Scrapbook and copied from ''Banner of Light'', January 20, 1875. P. 4.</ref>

From what all the other sitters told me of his conduct all through the séance, I should not believe any representation of his prejudicial to the truthfulness of Miss Cook, even if I had not heard her own version of the affair, and although she was an interested party. I have the most entire faith, derived from long experience, in her sincerity and honesty. I enclose a letter cut from the Spiritualist of Jan. 16, 1874, written by a gentleman who was present. It does not differ materially from the account Miss Cook gave me, and which I have told you.” The letter referred to is that by Mr. Blyton, given above.
From what all the other sitters told me of his conduct all through the séance, I should not believe any representation of his prejudicial to the truthfulness of Miss Cook, even if I had not heard her own version of the affair, and although she was an interested party. I have the most entire faith, derived from long experience, in her sincerity and honesty. I enclose a letter cut from the Spiritualist of Jan. 16, 1874, written by a gentleman who was present. It does not differ materially from the account Miss Cook gave me, and which I have told you.” The letter referred to is that by Mr. Blyton, given above.
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{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|H.P.B. <u>versus</u> D.H.J. Child<ref>{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|Child was <u>a confederate</u>. He took money {{Style S-HPB SB. Lost|...lmes’}} séance. He is a {{Style S-HPB SB. Lost|...}}*.}}<br>
{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|H.P.B. <u>versus</u> D.H.J. Child {{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|#}}|center}}
{{Style S-HPB SB. Editors note|<nowiki>*</nowiki> The last word may be rascal. — B. Zirkoff}}</ref>|center}}
{{Footnotes start}}
{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|<nowiki>#</nowiki> Child was <u>a confederate</u>. He took money {{Style S-HPB SB. Lost|...lmes’}} séance. He is a {{Style S-HPB SB. Lost|...}}<ref>The last word may be rascal. — B. Zirkoff</ref>.}}
{{Footnotes end}}

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  | original date =  
  | original date =  
  | notes = Also in  HPB CW, vol. I, pp. 56-72
  | notes = Also in  HPB CW, vol. I, pp. 56-72
| archivist notes = Published in "A Modern Panarion", p.15[-27] {{Style S-HPB SB. Lost|...}}
  | categories =  
  | categories =  
{{Style S-HPB SB. Archivist note|Published in "A Modern Panarion", p.15[-27] {{Style S-HPB SB. Lost|...}}|center}}

A few weeks ago, in a letter, extracts from which have appeared in the Spiritual Scientist of December 3rd, I alluded to the deplorable lack of accord between American Spiritualists, and the consequences of the same. At that time I had just fought out my useless battle with a foe who, though beneath my own personal notice, had insulted all the Spiritualists of this country, as a body, in a caricature of a so-called scientific ''exposé''. In dealing with {{Style S-HPB SB. HPB underlined|him}} I dealt but with one of the numerous “bravos” enlisted in the army of the bitter opponents of our belief, and my task was, comparatively speaking, an easy one, if we take it for granted that falsehood can hardly withstand truth, as the latter will ever speak for itself. Since that day the scales have turned; prompted now as then, by the same love of justice and fair play, I feel compelled to throw [down] my glove once more in our defence, seeing that so few of the adherents to our cause are bold enough to accept that duty, and so many of them show the white feather of pusillanimity.
A few weeks ago, in a letter, extracts from which have appeared in the Spiritual Scientist of December 3rd, I alluded to the deplorable lack of accord between American Spiritualists, and the consequences of the same. At that time I had just fought out my useless battle with a foe who, though beneath my own personal notice, had insulted all the Spiritualists of this country, as a body, in a caricature of a so-called scientific ''exposé''. In dealing with {{Style S-HPB SB. HPB underlined|him}} I dealt but with one of the numerous “bravos” enlisted in the army of the bitter opponents of our belief, and my task was, comparatively speaking, an easy one, if we take it for granted that falsehood can hardly withstand truth, as the latter will ever speak for itself. Since that day the scales have turned; prompted now as then, by the same love of justice and fair play, I feel compelled to throw [down] my glove once more in our defence, seeing that so few of the adherents to our cause are bold enough to accept that duty, and so many of them show the white feather of pusillanimity.