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  | source title = Spiritual Scientist
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  | source details = v. 3, No. 12, November 25, 1875, p. 142
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  | publication date = 1875-11-25
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The Spiritual Scientist, the most courteous of my critics, enters more fully upon the merits of my “Cautions." To the main objection raised by the Scientist against my denunciations of the Jesuitical origin of the announced “Magic Art,” I will briefly reply. When the Scientist says:
“If the forthcoming work was destined to accomplish what the learned Dr. Bloede seems to fear it will, money in any quantity would be at hand, and not only five hundred, but five hundred thousand copies would be printed, and everv Spiritualist would find one under his nose. No! no! When Jesuitism strikes at Spiritualism it deals a powerful blow” 
the Scientist entirely misunderstands Jesuitism. This scarcely ever deals “powerful blows," that is ''open'' ones, and never where it feels itself to be in the minority. The nature of this dangerous foe of mankind is to be ''sly'' and ''slow;'' it acts in a covert and stealthy way its principal stratagem is that of gradually but persistently and surely undermining the foothold of Its adversary. It does not go at him in a straightforward, but in a crooked line, like the formidable weapon of the New Zealand savages, the boomerang. One of its most used and efficient means is to sow distension in the ranks of its opponents. Does not the Scientist see that it would suit such a policy very poorly to publish a work like the forthcoming in five hundred thousand copies? —a work which is ''not ''intended to enlighten the masses, but to establish a ''privileged caste, an esoteric clique, a ring of knowing ones,'' and thus, by separating and alienating the ''leaders'' from the ''masses'' cause a split in American Spiritualism. — ''Dr. G. Bloede in the Banner.''
What the work, “Art Magic,” may contain we cannot tell; but Dr. Bloede says “it is intended to establish a ring of knowing ones,” to do this it must make some wonderful revelations. Does it follow that it will “alienate the leaders from the masses,” and cause a split in American Spiritualism? We are sorry to admit that there are already too many splits in American Spiritualism, though perhaps productive of good results; but we are happy in the belief that all are ''united'' on its fundamental truths. “We see” that if the book gives us the knowledge that it is supposed to contain, and were such knowledge the property of the Jesuits, they would not publish it outside their ranks, even for the great object of “sowing dissension" in the ranks of Spiritualists Disseminating knowledge never did and never will strengthen Jesuitism, nor can it weaken Spiritualism; the former is the personification of error, the latter of Truth; they are essentially opposed to each other, and need we say which will be the winner? Jesuitism is dogmatical; it does not argue nor reason; it strikes and slays the witnesses for Truth; the vast multitudes prosecuted, starved, burned, assasinated, hung, chained to the galleys, immured in church prisons, are the best evidences of the peculiar “policy” of Jesuitism. But Truth prevails; and even if five hundred leaders, who are now teaching the truth, should be captured, body and soul, the remaining millions of Spiritualists could not be turned from their belief founded on facts easily demonstrated.
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spiritual_scientist_v.03_n.12_1875-11-25.pdf|page=10|Spiritual Scientist, v. 3, No. 12, November 25, 1875, p. 142

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