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The Power of Thought and its Higher Potential

by Marie Harkness
Published in "Modern Theosophical Thought", 2023-1 (15)
in Russian: Харкнесс М. - Сила мысли и её высший потенциал

The Power of Thought and its Higher Potential

Thoughts conjure, thoughts create, thoughts manifest! Thoughts are living entities and are ensouled.

A quotation by Krishnamurti:

‘When man becomes aware of the movement of his own thoughts, he will see the division between the thinker and the thought, the observer and the observed, the experiencer and the experience. He will discover that this division is an illusion. Then only is there pure observation which is insight without any shadow of the past or of time. This timeless insight brings about a deep radical mutation in the mind. When there is negation of all those things that thought has brought about psychologically, only then is there love, which is compassion and intelligence.’

Through constant practice of entertaining only higher, helpful and kindly thoughts, there comes a time when one has a certain measure of thought control ... then one just KNOWS what to do or say in any given situation, the analytical thought processes are, as it were, by-passed. You just KNOW and think, speak and act spontaneously as it were from the Centre within. This is the method of pure insight.

Before we get to this stage ... there has to be a recognition that, not only is there on planet Earth ... pollution of the earth, air & water of which there is more awareness now, and steps globally are being taken to tackle this problem ... but there is a more insidious or sinister pollution most people are as yet unaware of ... and that is the mental atmosphere or fog created around the earth ... a build up over time of negative or inane thoughts, thoughts of mental anguish, troubles, despairing thoughts, of worry, jealousy, vengeance and fear etc. In this New Age we have entered, all of this needs clearing. No doubt there are many individuals who are more consciously aware and who are helping this process with frequent potent silences and meditations either individually or in groups. Each of us, as a Theosophist, has the golden opportunity to assist in clearing this fog through silences or meditations and watchfulness over our thinking processes. Such conscious and consistent higher thinking attracts the attention of The Holy Ones whom we are aligning with ... and with the Higher Agencies to uplift the world consciousness, particularly now that we have entered the Aquarian Age ... the age of Higher Mind.

How do we get there ... how do we gain more control over our thoughts?

The difference between us and the animal kingdom is that we have been gifted with a thinking, reasoning mind. We have the power within us of mind-control. This ability is a very special gift or tool given to humanity to use. Our mission is to use these mental powers, to strengthen them to the best of our ability and thus uplift and, by positive helpful thoughts sent into the mental atmosphere, help create a better world. We are here on earth at this time, the age of Kali Yuga, to grow inwardly towards the Supreme Light, and the development of sustained Higher thought can be a great aid on this return journey. The greatest practical gift we have been given on our journey through life, even those who are physically handicapped in some way ... is our mind potential. According to HPB, (I am paraphrasing) ... even if we happen to be less energetic with age, incapacitated or bed-ridden, we can still use our minds for Higher and greater effect. Thoughts can manifest, they do manifest. All of a higher nature can create and be sent out into the mental world daily to help uplift, heal and cleanse the planet, more effective if aligned with the much greater and focussed thought power of the Higher Beings. Obviously negative, destructive thoughts also manifest and can cause havoc, affecting and finding a home in weaker individuals as well as creating more karma to be worked out. By using our thoughts, sending them out to impersonally and non judgementally help all others ... we are also helping ourselves. This practice is the royal road to selfless and Higher Service.

The mind is the key to Self-Realisation, the stairway as it were, and eventually to no-mind. It is through the mind that we perceive all in our own personal lives. There is no easy route. In all life’s situations, as they present themselves to us, the cup can be either half full or half empty. To live with a daily sense of gratitude is the best way.

To master the mind is the greatest of achievements and can be achieved with constant practice, as Krishna informed Arjuna in The Bhagavadgita. This can take a life-time or many life-times, depending on how ready we are, and then the gift of mind can be a most powerful instrument for good. Once we have dedicated ourselves to work for the Masters of the Wisdom and the Theosophical Society, at any moment, our minds can then be ‘impressed’ by Them, Higher thoughts osmossed as it were into our brains, as a guide to work or action which is needed. Often this takes the form of intuition ... a flash ... of just knowing what to do or say. To reach the state of ‘no mind’ especially in meditation, we have to initially use, go through the mind. There is no fast route but there are quick do-able stages!

A sense of harmony in our words and deeds, but especially in our thoughts is essential. Thought generally precedes words and deeds. The spirit and motive of what we think and send out is so important as all thought manifests! Negative or harmful thinking about others travels to them as arrows ... and no doubt will come back to us greatly reinforced. The sages throughout time have advised us as regards use of mind: ‘Send out blessings, not arrows!’ The force or impact of thought sent out from e.g. Theosophists, chelas or disciples well on the Path, has a far greater impact and therefore consequences. There is much pain and confusion in today’s world, much of it caused by the negative side of social media and we mustn’t add to it ... but consciously and consistently radiate peace, harmony and love. There is a wise saying in the Mahabharata ‘What cannot be said, should not be thought.’

Every thought emits a frequency and a colour. Noble higher thoughts show as beautiful patterns of colour in the aura, whereas unwholesome resentful thoughts show up as dull and dark in colour ... some with dagger like protrusions. We can sense this in others we meet. Our thoughts travel faster than the speed of light (according to Master KH in the Mahatma Letters) and once out there are as it were ensouled ... cannot be taken back ... those which serve to help, blessings, are of the Light and beneficial. Harmful thoughts, knowingly or unknowingly, serve darker purposes and go out at the same speed like arrows.

The colour of our thought-forms naturally attract, like a magnet, other thought-forms of a similar nature thus greatly strengthening what has been released or sent out. Those who are angry or resentful, not only attract similar thought-forms to these ... but their destructive thoughts also find a home in people with similar tendencies. It is a law of nature that ‘Like attracts like’. No matter what happens to us ... whether we receive disturbing news, a sudden shock, we are afterall human and will still initially reel from this ... but very quickly, through inner training, we stabilise, the pendulum soon settles in the middle again, and we put into practice and send out uplifting thought-forms in a spirit of understanding and acceptance ... not the ‘poor me’ attitude. Look on it as a settling of a karmic debt! C.W.Leadbeater once said (I am paraphrasing) that it is not what happens to us that is important but how we deal with it. Every adverse experience we have, particularly for those who are on the Path of Light and who may study and meditate, each such experience is an opportunity for greater inner growth and intensifying of the inner Light. At a certain level, over time ... this leads to initiation. Even a diamond has to be polished through friction to become smooth and show off its true inner beauty!

Constant news, emotional programmes, soap operas, violent DVDs or films etc bombard us with thought forms of mostly negative occurrences ... and we spend our time consuming this, not thinking for ourselves and using our ‘thought’ for higher purpose. In a sense it captures, takes over our thinking processes, lowering our vibrations. Our children are the next generation in this New Age and we must gently lead them with love and be mindful for them.

In all negative or depressing situations, by linking up or aligning with Higher Agencies such as the Archangelic and the Holy Ones, the impact of uplifting noble thoughts will of course be much greater than we can realise ... teamwork as it were!

The creation of the Theosophical Society was originally ‘a thought’ created by two Masters of the Wisdom, Master M. and Master KH. In order to bring, to reawaken Theosophical ideas i.e. The Ancient Wisdom’ on earth, they needed suitable and receptive people in the body, hence Their choice of esteemed and much loved Madame Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott. Thus the terms of a global Brotherhood, of Reincarnation and Karma became widespread over the next century, resulting in various occult organisations springing up. This Theosophical movement has greatly changed the consciousness of the planet, and many of those who have joined as members, were led to the Society, probably through previous preparation in former lives. Master KH has written:

One who would have higher instruction given to him has to be a true Theosophist, in heart and soul, not merely in appearance.’

All manifestations on earth, all buildings, creations and advances in science and technology ... all started with a thought. These thoughts may have been drifting in the mental atmosphere for some time and under the right conditions were picked up by receptive minds and thereafter acted upon. The same can be said of all the great works of art, of literature and music.

One person’s concentrated strong thoughts sent out into the ether can be very effective but even stronger and more effective is ‘focused thought’ by a group of people such as in meditation and in healing groups etc. Such combined thought can have a ‘laser’ effect on its target. Uplifting, powerful and beautiful thoughts constantly focused e.g. on the planet, cannot fail to uplift, to heal and to transform. The reason for this is that ‘like attracts like’ and such strong uplifting thoughts are greatly strengthened and enhanced by Higher Beings whom we attract, such as the Masters and the great Angelic and Archangelic Realms. When this practice is cultivated as a habit, we actually are using our ‘thought power’, a gift we have been given as intended, to uplift the vibrations of those around us and of the earth ... as all thought forms created, manifest and travel to their target. Automatically through partaking in such work, our inner Light is greatly enhanced and we attract and are automatically allied to the Higher Agencies. It is interesting to note that it is our growing inner light which actually warrants the attention of the Hierarchy, the Masters of the Wisdom, not as many may suppose by a prayer or call to Them on the physical plane. All levels of vibration, apart from the colour produced, sounds a note and when the right note is struck ... we are able to access the Holy Ones. The higher the thought, the higher the octave of colour. It is a fact that the combined energies, ‘sound’ and ‘thought-power’ of all the Great Masters and sages of old ... encircle our planet forming an impenetrable Light around it and THEIR Holy focussed energies prevent many earthly catastrophies. They also bounce off the powerful dark energies of the black Brothers or magicians. ‘Where there is Light, there is no darkness!’

All situations in life which challenge us and are difficult to handle, be they personal or allied to work etc. can be greatly eased and lightened by constantly visualising ‘LIGHT’ surrounding the problem, place or person. It is said that nothing we have to handle is greater than the Light within us. In such difficult situations the Light wins and the problem shrinks in time to nothing. Problems exist largely in our mind and when the mind is consciously filled with light ... the problem has no room, it appears insignificant and disappears.

Another practice which is very effective especially in family and work situations is, each day, to meet and greet all colleagues, friends, family as if meeting them for the first time. This practice is magical and in time helps resolve all animosity and residue of any past resentment or issues. It does work!

Cruel, negative and destructive thoughts have the opposite effect. They create darkness and make situations worse and by way of attraction, beings, NOT of the light, are magnetically drawn to people who think and act frequently in this way. Their skewed thinking leaves a chink in their armour. Such constant negative thought reinforces one’s negative traits. More importantly, this also dims their inner light and creates a fog around them, temporarily cutting them off from higher contact and help ... which in turn can leave them more prone to a growing sense of dissatisfaction and depression. Remember such negative thoughts magnetically find a home in others feeling down or hopeless and serves to strengthen their condition.

Therefore, part of our mission is to daily concentrate on and focus on radiating ‘light’ on the planet. Such a practice routinely carried out, makes one a Light-Worker, allied to the Masters and other Higher Agencies. As mentioned before, these Higher agencies reinforce our well intentioned thoughts sent out to uplift and heal. Our minds are capable, with self-training, of being beautiful and effective instruments for Higher thought, as receiving stations, and thereby manifesting beauty, light and happiness on this earth. There is an occult maxim ‘ As we give, we receive’ a type of supply and demand situation ... the more light we radiate, the more light we receive!

As regards thoughts coming to us from the ether, it is said that the first four seconds are golden. When a thought comes into the mind, with awareness, in those first few seconds, we can either accept, feed it or reject the incoming thought. Ramana Maharshi, a renowned sage, has advised us to imagine ourselves as standing on castle battlements, armed with a sword to ward off all unwanted or intruding thoughts. If we find ourselves thinking wrongly, in a split second ... we can change this by focusing on ‘light’ and higher thought.

We are advised by The Masters ... that a great aid in improving the quality, control and refinement of thought is meditation (a short period of silent mind). This allows much higher thoughts, ideas and energies to enter. Such a practice will in time allow your inner self to express itself and reach its full flowering. It is our thoughts that reach out to space and make contact with elements with which we have an affinity. The spiritual world is organised in such a way that the mere fact of thinking about a particular person, higher entity or region has the effect of putting one in direct contact with the objects of one’s thought, wherever they may be. In the spiritual world, it is not necessary to know exactly the geographical placing of those we wish to contact. To even think of them we are in immediate rapport. How many times have we suddenly thought of someone we hadn’t thought of for some time and lo and behold we happen to meet him or her or receive a phone-call or e-mail from the person briefly thought of.

Many humans presently are unaware that we have already within us all potential powers and knowledge waiting to be activated. The more we grow inwardly, thus increasing the strength of our inner Light, inner flowering, the more we manifest potential knowledge and powers as and when needed. It is important to realise that these are to be used impersonally and not for the use for oneself but for all others, for the world at large.

In the Voice of the Silence by HPB is a powerful quotation, very close to my heart:

“Alas! When once thou hast become like the fix’d star in highest heaven, that bright celestial orb must shine from out the spatial depths for all – save for itself; give light to all, but take from none.”

From now on, if we want to contact a particular Master or entity, we mustn’t worry about where they are geographically ... but just think of them and our thought will fly straight to them. The Master KH (one of the two Masters who initiated the Theosophical Society, and who overshadowed HPB), as stated in Mahatma Letters has pointed out “that our thoughts are swifter than fluid and will always find them wherever they are, if projected by a pure impulse”. This is what our thoughts do when we send them out into space to bless and help all beings, but also to align with visible and invisible entities which can greatly strengthen, enlighten and help us on our inner journey. Even without seeking ... our increasing inner Light attracts Them.

At night, it is possible to be active and helpful during sleep of the physical body. By making the firm intention before falling asleep to be of service, to maybe go out to get Higher instruction, to help a friend, a person or a noble cause, we most certainly do so, but may not have much memory of this in the morning. This is of no consequence, it is the pure intention that matters and the offering of oneself for selfless service. Another little practical exercise to do ... is just before lying down ... imagine your pillow is filled with Divine golden Light! You then rest your head on a pillow of Divine Light!

In ‘Thought Power’ by Annie Besant, it is recommended that a group of Theosophists may do much to spread Theosophical ideas in their neighbourhood by agreeing to tune in together at a set time, for ten minutes a day and each partaking member to focus on an agreed particular Theosophical teaching e.g. reincarnation. After a few months of this attunement, powerful thought-forms would then spread throughout the area and the concept of reincarnation would come into a considerable number of minds. There would then be many seeking to read on this subject, attend lectures or nowadays research the subject on the internet. This exercise is a practical and positive one benefiting all in our area and also helping to promote the Theosophical teachings in a quiet but effective way. We are reassured that progress, out of all proportion to the physical agencies employed, is made where earnest Theosophists agree to practise this.

Uplifting positive thoughts are of the ‘Light’, are aligned with those of the Masters, the Angelic Realm and Higher Beings and greatly help humanity and the planet. Negative, depressive thoughts, and those generating fear are not of the light and attract and can be strengthened by the darker powers or forces. H.P.B. recommended we get to grip with our minds and learn to gain control, to be the rider of the horse as it were and that ‘mind IS the slayer of the real.’

So mind, used as a recognised and powerful instrument, as a magnet, draws in the Higher Light which not only radiates outwards dispelling the darkness and uplifts all those around us, but also in tandem, greatly hastens our inner development by magnetically drawing to us great Light Beings to help us on our Return journey. The Masters promised (The Mahatma Letters) that every step taken towards Them would force Them to take one towards us.

We can continue retraining our thoughts, our minds ... being aware of its greater potential, as this IS within our power and to use as much as possible for Higher purpose. We can think ‘with empathy’, ‘with compassion’ in all situations seeing the beauty, sometimes hidden deep within others.

In daily situations we may see poverty, hardship, maybe even experience harsh words, rudeness ... . we have the power within us to radiate to such people, Light & Love and look on them with a compassionate eye. Our true selves are way beyond other people’s conception of us. When there is darkness through the relaying of bad news nationwide ... we can immediately & frequently, project thoughts of beauty, of strength, of Light, comfortable in the knowledge that there IS a ‘Guardian wall of Light’ surrounding the earth ... .formed by the Light of all the Great Ones combined. Our uplifting thoughts can go out to Them aiding in THEIR work for the planet and beyond at this time.

When Light is released onto this planet (as at the inception of the New Millennium and a new Age), there is also allowed a corresponding amount of darkness. The constant daily battle we have within ourselves forces us, helps us grow inwardly. So although we are living in a difficult age, Kali Yuga ... according to HPB it is the most difficult age, we have more opportunities for growth than ever before with increasing higher help matching our efforts, and thereby opportunities to make faster inner progress.

There is a secret ... many haven’t grasped as yet ... we have the power to recreate ourselves, our environment, merely by the use of our minds. Our minds can be our greatest gift for Higher work or our worst enemy. Yes, karma happens to all but a positive uplifting approach will overcome that karma e.g. with the consistent attitude ... “No Problem!” Could have been much worse!” “I am blessed not any worse!” In this way we sail the ocean of life as it were easily with no grudges, no blaming of others for what befalls us ... it is karmic! We have taken responsibility for our own lives.

Let’s take the example of the Sun. It uplifts and shines on all daily, totally non-judgemental. WE, our plants and all nature receive this blessing. Rest assured, In time, the negative and many destructive thoughts in the atmosphere will not gain admission into our minds ... because through daily effort, we have trained the mind to entertain higher, nobler and more helpful thoughts. Remember ‘Like attracts Like’.

We will have developed more empathy with, more compassion, more understanding. The secret is to live as such in each present moment. Should we fall backwards or get drawn into a squabble or mean thinking ... we don’t beat ourselves up and ruminate on this ... but immediately flip the coin as it were and for a few seconds place ourselves in the centre of the Light ... without any thought disturbance. In this way we become the controllers of our own destiny. Again, it is a fact that our consistent thought travels and manifests. Remember we have a choice and are always given opportunities to see, feel and act nobly.

Words of wisdom from Sri Sankaracharia:

‘When the mind becomes purified like a mirror, Knowledge is revealed in it. Care should therefore be taken to purify the mind.’

Rest assured, in time, with a certain measure of thought control ... we gain true insight ... we find that we think, we speak and we act from the Centre within us ... thus by-passing the need for general thought and analysis.

Another great sage has advised:

‘The way to restore the true way of life on this planet, to restore harmony and brotherhood, IS to hold humanity and indeed the earth itself, in a perfect thought, a thought of harmony, of brotherly love and wholeness, or perfect health.’

We are also advised to not dwell on the negative, but to always put into operation the ‘forces of construction’.


Thank you.

Marie Harkness