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{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued|Cabalism|3-134}}

{{Style P-No indent|ture and Art: that is, artificially prepared, and is the true ''Hermophrodite Adam and Microcosm.''}}
Whosoever hath attained to the knowledge hereof, have adumbrated and shadowed the same, with various enigmatical Figures and deceitful similitudes and comparisons and Feigned Words, that the Matter thereof might remain occult to Posterity; so that little or no knowledge thereof might be found out.
To comprehend the true Fire and so render the meaning clear to would-be Cabalists, know that the {{Style S-Small capitals|Deity}} is the highest {{Style S-Small capitals|Fire}} of which our soul is a small portion, but as ''God is Love''. His Love is voluntary and is expressed in His Will or Volition, as He ultimately draws all to Him. Even Material ists have to admit that man gravitates towards perfection, or the ''absolute good'', so Evolution is not a bad name after all for the Deific principles in Man. Cabalists, however, having dived deeper into the decomposition and recomposition of the principle called Evolution in Man, so many thousands of years ago, they must be allowed the use of terms which can be made to convey a more comprehensive meaning to the outer world than our modern scientific savans are capable of communicating.
Love deifically expressed, is therefore ''Divine Will''. But Man is created an independent agent, has also given to him as a separate spiritual being and Lord of Creation, a separate and distinct Will, as I elsewhere have expressed, through which he can elect to be either God or Devil in this world as he chooses. So Will must be his mover in all things, As God moves all things by His Love, (Fire) so man’s Will must be ''his ''centre Fire to move his universe of mind whether circularly or tangentially, that is, deifically or sensually. As such in the Cabalistic Art he must use it in a straight line without wavering to the right or left, for the highest possible good he is capable of and that is to effect the ultimate junction with his own soul.
The various operations concerned in this great work, are all governed by this central Fire, the human Will. Nothing can be done without it. It bends the eye of the spirit inwardly, upon self to ''Self examination ''or spiritual perception and recognition of one’s errors of omission and commission,—at least in a degree. ''The most perfect recognition ''comes at a more interesting and important part of our progress towards Transmutation; but ''this ''is the ''natural ''recognition as ''that ''is the artificial; seeing that it is a laboring or manipulating of our Will towards the All Good, thence the terms Art and Artist in contra-distrinction to God or Nature, unknown or unrecognized in us. Now as Will comprehends and must draw all things unto itself, consequently it is comprehended of nothing seeing it is ''Lord ''and sole mover of all things on earth as well as in heaven—that is, to do either good or evil; hence the “''Celestial Heat by his Reflective and Continual Motion.” ''(the Will), bent upon the good, in continually reflecting or mediating, keeps moving towards perfection and thus to coagulate the heavenly Messenger, the soul within us. The “''Separating Fire” ''means the same thing; willing away the sensual, and tacking to the heavenly or divine element of Fire,(the soul), and this must not be done rashly or violently, but steadily, soberly and perseveringly; ''keeping the thoughts linearly. ''During the progress of the work, the discerning mind will not be slow to observe the various promptings that will strike his mind. Sensual and scientific, whimsical and self-inter ested, all these must be taken ''quantum valeat. ''Cabalistically—every thought that does not bear the Absolute on the face of it as clear as one and one make two, must be discarded once and forever from the mind, as you would drive away a scorpion, brush dirt from your dress. By adhering to this simple rule, the world would be saved its troubles and annoyances, from their associations in this world as well as the next.
It is called a “''corrosive Fire,” ''in allusion to its burning up or ''destroying ''the ''sensual world ''in man, which is the end of all things, and ushering in the “New Jerusalem" mentioned in scripture—the human {{Style S-Small capitals|Soul.}}
The gradations of Sol, Luna and Venus are to be understood as (1) the highest or direct ''Soul ''development; (2) the converse with higher intellectual spirits; and (3) those of a sensuous sphere, other grades of spirits being still lower, but all of which are at our bidding if we are so disposed and require them. He who goes in for and gets ''his own soul guidance ''never puts any extravagant value on anything got through these secondary sources, although much good is often done by these means; but it is mostly of a particular kind and seldom universal.
{{Style P-HPB SB. Restored}}
The “''Matrix of the Womb" ''means the human mind or instrument of conceiving and receiving ideas, wherein the ''wit! ''of the moon or man, and ultimately the ''sun ''or ''soul ''become blended in one for the “generation of all things” new.
I trust that this will help some on the way to the transmutation and aid others in decyphering Paracelsus and other abstruce writers.
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