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| title = Schuylkill Bluffs, Below Edgely
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{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued |Another Eminent Convert|3-217}}
| volume = 3
| page = 219
| item = 2
| type = article
| status = proofread
| continues = 220, 221
| author =
| title = Another Eminent Convert
| subtitle = Report of Professor Wagner, of the Imperial University of St. Petersburg, Russia, upon the Results of Resent Seances
| untitled =
| source title = Spiritual Scientist
| source details = v. 2, No. 15, June 17, 1875, pp. 169-71
| publication date = 1875-06-17
| original date =
| notes = Part 3
| categories = Translated by HPB

<center>From the Russian, of the “Messenger of Europe,” of St. Petersburg. Translated for the Spiritual Scientist, by Mme. H. P. Blavatsky.</center>  
<center>From the Russian, of the “Messenger of Europe,” of St. Petersburg. Translated for the Spiritual Scientist, by Mme. H. P. Blavatsky.</center>  

<center>''Part III. Concluded from №o. ''14.</center>
<center>''Part III. Concluded from No. ''14.</center>

{{Style S-Small capitals|For}} this purpose, we used a tape one and one-half inch wide. First of all, we thoroughly secured with it both of Brediff's wrists, by making on each of his hands a tape bracelet, tight enough to shut out every possibility of his freeing his hands from them, and yet sufficiently loose not to interfere with the circulation of the blood. Each of the bracelets had four knots. Through these bracelets we passed the tape, and placed Brediff on a comfortable, low chair, with a high back to it, and. passing the tape under the front part of the seat, we crossed it over to the back part of the chair, and threading the end of our tape through the chink between the castor and one of the legs, tied it there with a strong knot Then we threaded in the same way the castor of the other back leg, and secured the tape again with a knot. After this we wound up with the same tape Brediff’s left arm, above the elbow, then, crossed it over his breast, and tied up his right arm. After that, we secured him well to the back of the chair, by winding the tape round his body several times, and then tying it on his left arm again, we lowered the tape down once more and passing it another time under the seat, brought it out at the front, and finally secured the end well with several knots to both the bracelets on his wrists. We used another tape to secure the legs and feet of the medium.
{{Style S-Small capitals|For}} this purpose, we used a tape one and one-half inch wide. First of all, we thoroughly secured with it both of Brediff's wrists, by making on each of his hands a tape bracelet, tight enough to shut out every possibility of his freeing his hands from them, and yet sufficiently loose not to interfere with the circulation of the blood. Each of the bracelets had four knots. Through these bracelets we passed the tape, and placed Brediff on a comfortable, low chair, with a high back to it, and. passing the tape under the front part of the seat, we crossed it over to the back part of the chair, and threading the end of our tape through the chink between the castor and one of the legs, tied it there with a strong knot Then we threaded in the same way the castor of the other back leg, and secured the tape again with a knot. After this we wound up with the same tape Brediff’s left arm, above the elbow, then, crossed it over his breast, and tied up his right arm. After that, we secured him well to the back of the chair, by winding the tape round his body several times, and then tying it on his left arm again, we lowered the tape down once more and passing it another time under the seat, brought it out at the front, and finally secured the end well with several knots to both the bracelets on his wrists. We used another tape to secure the legs and feet of the medium.

Latest revision as of 08:13, 11 February 2024

vol. 3, p. 219
from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 3 (1875-1878)


  • HPB note
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< Another Eminent Convert (continued from page 3-217) >

From the Russian, of the “Messenger of Europe,” of St. Petersburg. Translated for the Spiritual Scientist, by Mme. H. P. Blavatsky.
Part III. Concluded from No. 14.

For this purpose, we used a tape one and one-half inch wide. First of all, we thoroughly secured with it both of Brediff's wrists, by making on each of his hands a tape bracelet, tight enough to shut out every possibility of his freeing his hands from them, and yet sufficiently loose not to interfere with the circulation of the blood. Each of the bracelets had four knots. Through these bracelets we passed the tape, and placed Brediff on a comfortable, low chair, with a high back to it, and. passing the tape under the front part of the seat, we crossed it over to the back part of the chair, and threading the end of our tape through the chink between the castor and one of the legs, tied it there with a strong knot Then we threaded in the same way the castor of the other back leg, and secured the tape again with a knot. After this we wound up with the same tape Brediff’s left arm, above the elbow, then, crossed it over his breast, and tied up his right arm. After that, we secured him well to the back of the chair, by winding the tape round his body several times, and then tying it on his left arm again, we lowered the tape down once more and passing it another time under the seat, brought it out at the front, and finally secured the end well with several knots to both the bracelets on his wrists. We used another tape to secure the legs and feet of the medium.

Tied up as he was, in such a fashion to his chair, we carried him, chair and all, into the dark recess of the door. The securing of the medium was such, and the combination of the tape-winding so perfect, that it was found impossible for him to move his hands apart more than a distance of a half an inch. Moreover, while resting comfortably enough on his knees, the hands could not be lifted up, for the tape secured them to the seat of his chair. No more could he move the upper part of his body, for it was drawn up to the chairback by the tape encircling his bust. There was no physical possibility for Brediff to untie himself; besides, it would have required more than an hour to untie the fifteen strong knots, without breaking them, and the whole seance did not last much longer than that.

At the succeeding seances we changed our knots, and kept continually varying them; but in order not to leave the smallest ground for doubt or suspicion, we adopted the following plan: We put on the medium’s hands two bags of gossamer stuff, and sewed each of them to the breast lappets of his coat; then both of the lower ends of the gossamer bags were sewed tightly together, with the ends of a tape inserted between them and secured to them as strongly as needle and thread could secure, and then passed under the chair from the front, and securely tied at the back of the seat through a small ring screwed for that purpose into the carving of the wood. Then both of his arms were fast secured with other tapes to his scat, the ends being tied into knots passed through other rings. The feet were tied up and fastened to the front legs of the chair. Strict examination proved to us beyond question, at the end of every seance, that the knots had not been meddled with, and the gossamer bags remained undisturbed.

Behind the curtain, opposite Brediff, we placed a small stand, on which we laid several loose pieces of clean note paper amt a pencil. Having thus prepared everything, we let down the hanging, and placed on a table outside the curtain, but close to it, a tambourine, a bell, and several pencils. On the right hand side of this table, and quite close to the hanging, sat Prof. Boutleroff, Dr. A—, and Madame Aksakoff: at the left were Aksakoff and myself. But we subsequently changed places. A large musical box standing at the further end of the room played miscellaneous airs during the whole seance.

A very few minutes after we were seated M. Brediff, the medium, was heard to exclaim:

“Oh, ca vient! Je sens l’oppression…” (Oh, it is coming! I feel the oppression…), and all was still again in the cabinet „ Three minutes after that, we heard loud, sharp raps on the door-frame, and all the tapestry began to shake violently, as if it were pulled in several places by some invisible hands. Then between the two halves of the hanging, a little above the table, appeared a hand. Though this trembling hand remained visible but a few minutes and the room was hall darkened, still all of us saw and recognized it perfectly as a small, white, and delicate female hand, as unlike one of Brediff’s hands as possible. The very instant it disappeared. I gently drew apart the hangings, and plainly saw the medium's hands resting quietly on his knees.

After that, we heard the small stand inside the cabinet moved about, the paper on it rustled, and the pencil was <... continues on page 3-220 >

Editor's notes
