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{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued |Spirit Teachings|3-165}}
{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued |Spirit Teachings|3-165}}
''[I inquired the cause of death.]''
Weakness of the heart, increased by violent dancing. She was but a thoughtless girl, though of a gentle and loving disposition.
''[I asked what house and where?]''
We cannot say. She will probably be able to say for herself.
''[Other subjects were then written about, and no more was said of this. In the afternoon of the same day a brief communication was made. Though I resisted the impression to write, being busy and not at home, I was compelled to allow the message to be given.]''
We have ascertained that it was at the house of one Doctor Baker that Lottie departed. The day was the fifth of December. We are not able to tell you more; but enough has been said.
{{Style P-Signature in capitals| Rector.}}
''[The verification of this statement was as unexpected as ''was'' the message itself. We had decided that no means of ''verification'' was open; and the matter passed from our ''minds''. Sometime after, Dr. S— — had a friend at his house who was fond of old books. We three were talking in a room in which there were a number of books rarely used, arranged in shelves extending from floor to ceiling. Dr. S— —’s friend, wham I will call Mr. A— —'', ''mounted a chair to get at the topmost row, which teas composed entirely of volumes of the Annual Register. He took one down amid a'' ''cloud of dust, and commented on it as a valuable record of'' ''events from year to year. Almost anything, he said, could be found in it. As he said this the idea flashed into my mind at once most vividly that there was the place to verify the information that had been given about this death. It was one of these utterly unaccountable impressions, or rather communications, with which those who commune with spirits are familiar. It was as if a voice spoke to my inner sense. I hunted out the volume for 1773, and there I found among the notable deaths a record of this occurrence, which had apparently made a sensation, as occurring at a festivity in a fashionable house. The volume was thickly covered with dust, and had lain undisturbed in its place since it had been put there some five years before. 1 remember the books being arranged, and they had never been disturbed since; nor, but for Mr. A— —’s antiquarian tastes, would it ever have occurred to any of us to pull them down.]''
The medium through whom these ''Spirit Teachings ''are given, says'': — u ''I may add in this connexion that on March 29th, 1874, a communication was written out in my book, of which at first I could make nothing. The handwriting was like none I had seen before, very shaky and tremulous, like that of an extremely old and feeble person. Though a name was apparently signed I could not read it at all until it was deciphered for me by the friend who usually writes. The message was from a very old woman, of whom I had never before heard, who passed away at upwards of 90 years of age at a house not far from the place where our circle meets. For obvious reasons I am unable to print the name and address. I have neither authority nor wish to seek it from friends still living. But the name, place of residence, both in earlier years and at the time of death, age, and date of decease, were given with exact accuracy. The remarkable fact, for which (apparently) the message was given, was that the time of departure from earth was in the month of December, 1872, since which time, as was said, ‘the spirit being full of years in its earth-life had rested from its earthly toil.’ On awaking it had been attracted to its old home, and thence to the circle in the immediate neighbourhood.
“I believe that in this, as in all cases of identity, the information was brought at the instance of Imperator, and for the definite purpose of supplying to me evidence which I very much desired of spirit-identity, or rather of individuality perpetuated after bodily death. The cases were apparently selected according to a plan, and I have never been able to procure evidence suggested by myself, or to interfere successfully with an apparently pre-arranged plan.”
{{Style S-Small capitals|Dalston Association of Inquirers Into Spiritualism.}}—The general meeting being fixed for Thursday evening next, the ordinary weekly ''seance'' on Tuesday will therefore not be held.
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  | author = Perty, Maximilian
  | author = Perty, Maximilian
  | title = Thoughts of the Mediumship of Indian Fakirs
  | title = Thoughts of the Mediumship of Indian Fakirs*
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<nowiki>*</nowiki> Translated from ''Psychic Studies.''
<nowiki>*</nowiki> Translated from ''Psychic Studies.''
† Published in the last Vol, of ''The Spiritualist.''
{{Style P-No indent|† Published in the last Vol, of ''The Spiritualist.''}}