HPB-SB-1-174: Difference between revisions

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{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued|The History of Occultism and Its Relation to Spiritualism|1-174}}
{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued|The History of Occultism and Its Relation to Spiritualism|1-174}}
{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|Turn first leaf No (1) then No 2.|center}}
{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|Turn first leaf No (1) then No 2.|center}}

{{Style P-HPB SB. Object title|Lost picture with HPB handwriting under the hole}}
| volume = 1
| page = 174
| item = 1
| type = image
| status = wanted
| author =
| title =
| notes = Lost picture with HPB handwriting under the hole
| categories = cartoons
| hide = yes
{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|A {{Style S-HPB SB. Lost|M...nial}} “medium-{{Style S-HPB SB. Lost|sent..}} by an <u>carth</u>=<u>bound</u>” grid}}
{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|A {{Style S-HPB SB. Lost|M...nial}} “medium-{{Style S-HPB SB. Lost|sent..}} by an <u>carth</u>=<u>bound</u>” grid}}

{{Style P-HPB SB. Object title|pictures of man and woman in color}}
| volume = 1
| page = 174
| item = 2
| type = image
| status = wanted
| author =
| title =
| notes = Man and woman
| categories = cartoons
| hide = yes
{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|{{Style S-HPB SB. Lost|M...l “qin..”}}|center}}
{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|{{Style S-HPB SB. Lost|M...l “qin..”}}|center}}

{{Style P-HPB SB. Object title|picture of monk in color}}
| volume = 1
| page = 174
| item = 3
| type = image
| status = wanted
| author =
| title =
| notes = Monk
| categories = cartoons
| hide = yes
{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|The Holy “Medium” believes in Man and his God.|center}}
{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|The Holy “Medium” believes in Man and his God.|center}}

{{Style P-HPB SB. Title wanted|Untitled. “It is now announced...”}}
| volume = 1
| page = 174
| item = 4
| type = article
| status = wanted
| continues =
| author =
| title = It is now announced
| subtitle =
| untitled = yes
| source title = World, The
| source details =
| publication date = 1876-09-17
| original date =
| notes =
| categories =

{{Style P-HPB SB. Title wanted|An Experiment.}}
| volume = 1
| page = 174
| item = 5
| type = article
| status = wanted
| continues = 175
| author =
| title = An Experiment
| subtitle =
| untitled =
| source title =
| source details =
| publication date =
| original date =
| notes =
| categories =