HPB-SB-8-330: Difference between revisions

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{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued |Evenings with Indwellers of the World of Spirits|8-229}}
{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued |Evenings with Indwellers of the World of Spirits|8-329}}
{{Style S-HPB SB. Continues on |8-231}}
{{Style P-No indent|luctant to receive spiritual communications from other sources. But on Tuesday, the 30th December, 1856, a friend sent to me a small rock crystal for the purpose of identifying it, also a much larger crystal purchased by Captain Morrisson at Lady Blessington’s sale. Zadkiel, in his Almanac 18—, gave an account of the visions seen therein, illustrated with woodcuts. The crystals formed pendants to a chandelier destroyed at the Tuileries during the Revolution of 1830, and shortly after that event these pendants were offered to me by a lapidary in London.}}
The small crystal being on the table without any intention on my part of using it that evening, my seeress casually taking it up, observed, “The crystal is clouded,” and immediately the vision appeared, as related in the following paper, transcribed precisely as written in my diary.
Being at the time especially engaged in receiving from the C.A, a translation of his ''Essay upon Metaphysical and Spiritual Philosophy ''(which I hope to get printed this winter), I could ill spare the time, but consented to receive ''The Monk’s MS. ''at every convenient opportunity. The MS. duly appeared in the mirror prepared for its reception, and my seeress copied it first in pencil, and afterwards in colours. Unhappily, my seeress’s health, and her subsequent death, precluded her from copying more than a small portion of the work, and we had no further verbal communications with the monk than appears in this paper.
The monk appeared afterwards to another seeress I then had, and offered to continue the MS. and enable her to copy it. He also appeared very unexpectedly to Mrs. Britten—then Emma Hardinge—in a large mirror I had opened for her to look at, and afterwards in the small mirror I had prepared originally to receive his book, but, not having my crystal books here, I do not remember what took place.
I exceedingly regret that I am unable to be with you and produce the book, which I have at last had bound''; ''but I hope soon to be in Bristol and bring the monk’s MS. and some other articles which may prove interesting to our members, and, till then, I have the pleasure of remaining, most fraternally yours,
{{Style P-Signature in capitals| Quanti est Lapere, 8º.}}
{{Style P-Align right|Croydon, 30th December, 1856.}}
{{Style P-No indent|Vol. II., page 128.}}
A friend having presented me with a small crystal, which this evening arrived and was lying upon the table, and had not been charged, my seeress, Miss Emma Leigh, taking it up, said—
“It is thick—there is a vision in it.
“There’s a pair of compasses and a square. Now the compasses are opening; now there is a point on each end of the square, which has turned sideways. A book has come underneath—a thick book, bound in rough calf, with thick bands up the back; now there’s a man’s face, very thin, dark, straight hair quite black, come inside the compasses, and a thin, very thin hand placed upon the book.
“Now the face has come from the inside of the compasses to a small space outside. The hand has opened the book—the book is very beautiful inside; it looks like a picture. There are two figures with wings on each side of a little oval. In the middle of the oval appear words or figures beautifully coloured.”
This remained some time, and as the hour for using the C.A. mirror was at hand, I tried to dismiss the vision, but it remained. I then placed the crystal in my cabinet.
At 8 p.m. I invoked, as usual, the C.A. in his mirror, and the action lasted till a few minutes to ten, when the C.A. left.
10 p.m.—Immediately Emma took up the crystal, she observed—
“It is still clouded. The book is there open, and the man’s face and shoulders. He has held his hand up, and the book has opened just in the same place. It looks'' ''very richly illuminated in gold and colours; there is an arch at the top, and one angel is standing upon a crushed ball. Now there are clouds of different colours coming up under the other figure at the bottom—white, like smoke, then purple, blue, pink, and golden coloured, which covers all up to their wings.
“In the oval the reading is not in English or like letters; it is large enough to be read. Two or three of the letters look like ducks with their heads under water.”'' ''
Emma then copied the contents of the oval, and when finished she said—
“Now a little slip of paper has come underneath the title-page with these words on it (9438 p.):
Now the man is looking at you.”
I asked, “Are these words a. translation of the | contents of the oval?” and he nodded his head, The figure then pointed to my papers upon the table, and I asked if I should make the title-page of my ''Arcana Magica ''similar, at which he again nodded. I then asked when he would appear again. He then pointed to the clock on the mantelpiece, and turned his finger round a number of times. I asked him if he meant this day week. He nodded and departed.
{{Style P-No indent|10.20 p.m.}}
{{Style P-Align right|4th Jan., 1857.}}
{{Style P-No indent|1 p.m.}}
Emma and I were conversing without meaning to invoke, when E. proposed inspecting the crystal, and upon taking it up it immediately clouded without our invoking, and she said—
“Now the book’s coming—it comes in very slowly, from the right to the left. Now it has opened one fly'' ''leaf and then the title. The colour of the paper is like your old MS.’s—-the drawings are very beautiful. The light which comes from the top makes the figure on the left (of the title) all of a golden light. The other figure is altogether darker.”
I then requested that the characters on the title-page might be deciphered, when she remarked—
“Now the leaf is turning over—the title is blank. At the back there is a formal pattern for the border of the next leaf, and reading in the middle. Those letters are all beautifully done in colours, but no gold. Thus, in amber, green, and red (in capital):
<center><big>OF THE</big></center>
<center><big>Sun, Moon, and Stars:</big></center>
{{Style P-No indent|Now that leaf has turned over on this side. There’s the radiant spirit standing full face in a circle. The bottom of the circle hides the lower part of the figure, and underneath the circle is an oval. Now there’s a'' ''round ball under the oval, divided into four parts;'' ''now there is a rod on one side, and three bright lines of colour—purple, green, and yellow—and on the small}} {{Style S-HPB SB. Continues on |8-331}}

Latest revision as of 09:28, 13 August 2024

vol. 8, p. 330
from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 8 (September 1878 - September 1879)


  • HPB note
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  • HPB crossed out
  • <Editors note>
  • <Archivist note>
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< Evenings with Indwellers of the World of Spirits (continued from page 8-329) >

luctant to receive spiritual communications from other sources. But on Tuesday, the 30th December, 1856, a friend sent to me a small rock crystal for the purpose of identifying it, also a much larger crystal purchased by Captain Morrisson at Lady Blessington’s sale. Zadkiel, in his Almanac 18—, gave an account of the visions seen therein, illustrated with woodcuts. The crystals formed pendants to a chandelier destroyed at the Tuileries during the Revolution of 1830, and shortly after that event these pendants were offered to me by a lapidary in London.

The small crystal being on the table without any intention on my part of using it that evening, my seeress casually taking it up, observed, “The crystal is clouded,” and immediately the vision appeared, as related in the following paper, transcribed precisely as written in my diary.

Being at the time especially engaged in receiving from the C.A, a translation of his Essay upon Metaphysical and Spiritual Philosophy (which I hope to get printed this winter), I could ill spare the time, but consented to receive The Monk’s MS. at every convenient opportunity. The MS. duly appeared in the mirror prepared for its reception, and my seeress copied it first in pencil, and afterwards in colours. Unhappily, my seeress’s health, and her subsequent death, precluded her from copying more than a small portion of the work, and we had no further verbal communications with the monk than appears in this paper.

The monk appeared afterwards to another seeress I then had, and offered to continue the MS. and enable her to copy it. He also appeared very unexpectedly to Mrs. Britten—then Emma Hardinge—in a large mirror I had opened for her to look at, and afterwards in the small mirror I had prepared originally to receive his book, but, not having my crystal books here, I do not remember what took place.

I exceedingly regret that I am unable to be with you and produce the book, which I have at last had bound; but I hope soon to be in Bristol and bring the monk’s MS. and some other articles which may prove interesting to our members, and, till then, I have the pleasure of remaining, most fraternally yours,

Quanti est Lapere, 8º.

Croydon, 30th December, 1856.

Vol. II., page 128.

A friend having presented me with a small crystal, which this evening arrived and was lying upon the table, and had not been charged, my seeress, Miss Emma Leigh, taking it up, said—

“It is thick—there is a vision in it.

“There’s a pair of compasses and a square. Now the compasses are opening; now there is a point on each end of the square, which has turned sideways. A book has come underneath—a thick book, bound in rough calf, with thick bands up the back; now there’s a man’s face, very thin, dark, straight hair quite black, come inside the compasses, and a thin, very thin hand placed upon the book.

“Now the face has come from the inside of the compasses to a small space outside. The hand has opened the book—the book is very beautiful inside; it looks like a picture. There are two figures with wings on each side of a little oval. In the middle of the oval appear words or figures beautifully coloured.”

This remained some time, and as the hour for using the C.A. mirror was at hand, I tried to dismiss the vision, but it remained. I then placed the crystal in my cabinet.

At 8 p.m. I invoked, as usual, the C.A. in his mirror, and the action lasted till a few minutes to ten, when the C.A. left.

10 p.m.—Immediately Emma took up the crystal, she observed—

“It is still clouded. The book is there open, and the man’s face and shoulders. He has held his hand up, and the book has opened just in the same place. It looks very richly illuminated in gold and colours; there is an arch at the top, and one angel is standing upon a crushed ball. Now there are clouds of different colours coming up under the other figure at the bottom—white, like smoke, then purple, blue, pink, and golden coloured, which covers all up to their wings.

“In the oval the reading is not in English or like letters; it is large enough to be read. Two or three of the letters look like ducks with their heads under water.”

Emma then copied the contents of the oval, and when finished she said—

“Now a little slip of paper has come underneath the title-page with these words on it (9438 p.):


Now the man is looking at you.”

I asked, “Are these words a. translation of the | contents of the oval?” and he nodded his head, The figure then pointed to my papers upon the table, and I asked if I should make the title-page of my Arcana Magica similar, at which he again nodded. I then asked when he would appear again. He then pointed to the clock on the mantelpiece, and turned his finger round a number of times. I asked him if he meant this day week. He nodded and departed.

10.20 p.m.

4th Jan., 1857.

1 p.m.

Emma and I were conversing without meaning to invoke, when E. proposed inspecting the crystal, and upon taking it up it immediately clouded without our invoking, and she said—

“Now the book’s coming—it comes in very slowly, from the right to the left. Now it has opened one fly leaf and then the title. The colour of the paper is like your old MS.’s—-the drawings are very beautiful. The light which comes from the top makes the figure on the left (of the title) all of a golden light. The other figure is altogether darker.”

I then requested that the characters on the title-page might be deciphered, when she remarked—

“Now the leaf is turning over—the title is blank. At the back there is a formal pattern for the border of the next leaf, and reading in the middle. Those letters are all beautifully done in colours, but no gold. Thus, in amber, green, and red (in capital):

Sun, Moon, and Stars:

Now that leaf has turned over on this side. There’s the radiant spirit standing full face in a circle. The bottom of the circle hides the lower part of the figure, and underneath the circle is an oval. Now there’s a round ball under the oval, divided into four parts; now there is a rod on one side, and three bright lines of colour—purple, green, and yellow—and on the small

<... continues on page 8-331 >