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1,068 bytes added ,  08:14, 20 February 2022
Created page with "{{ETG article |term=Daksha |person=No |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=A form of Brahmâ and his son in the Purânas But the ''Rig Veda ''states that “Daksha sprang from Adit..."
{{ETG article
|description=A form of Brahmâ and his son in the Purânas But the ''Rig Veda ''states that “Daksha sprang from Aditi, and Aditi from Daksha”, which proves him to be a personified correlating Creative Force acting on ''all the planes. ''The Orientalists seem very much perplexed what to make of him; but Roth is nearer the truth than any, when saying that Daksha is the spiritual power, and at the same time the male energy that generates the gods in eternity, which is represented by Aditi. The Purânas as a matter of course, anthropomorphize the idea, and show Daksha instituting “sexual intercourse on this earth”, after trying every other means of procreation. The generative Force, spiritual at the commencement, becomes of course at the most material end of its evolution a procreative Force on the physical plane ; and so far the Purânic allegory is correct, as the Secret Science teaches that our present mode of procreation began towards the end of the third Root‐Race {{etg-source|TG}}.


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