HPB-SB-1-184: Difference between revisions

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  | source title = Spiritual Scientist
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  | source details = v. 5, No. 6, October 12, 1876, p. 63
  | publication date = 1876-10-19
  | publication date = 1876-10-12
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{{Style S-Small capitals|The}} “West End medium” closed her career in Boston last night. Notwithstanding the late thorough expose of her pretensions in the Herald, she had stoutly insisted upon their genuineness and had the moral hardihood, something less than two weeks ago, to challenge further investigation by inviting a number of persons to attend a “test seance,” at the rooms of a sincere and devout adherent of hers residing at the South End. Among the favored few invited to attend was a representative of the Herald, but the result was so in complete and altogether unsatisfactory that he found it impossible to say anything in her vindication. She pleaded great physical prostration, but promised, upon her recovery, to give unquestioned proofs of her medial powers. More than that, she agreed to return to the deserted house in McLean street, the scene of the discovered trap, and there demonstrate her power as a “materializer” without the aid of said trap.
In accordance with this promise, a number of persons were invited to meet, last evening, at 43 McLean street, and at about half-past seven o'clock a dozen or so ladies and gentlemen, nearly all Spiritualists, and including a representative of the Herald, were assembled in the familiar apartments of Mrs. Bennett's late domicile. Mrs. Bennett and Mr. Bennett were also present, the former occupying her usual seat and looking quite like the invalid which she is in the habit of claiming to be.
The hole made in the floor of the” spirit” room at the late expose had been repaired and the plastering in the room beneath was still intact. The doors and windows of the former room were secured, and the usual singing commenced, the medium, as usual, joined lustily in the vocal performance.
After the lapse of a few minutes the familiar voice of “Sunflower,” the supposed Indian maiden spirit, was heard behind the curtain. A little later the curtains were parted and her dusky face and form were imperfectly revealed to a few; but after speaking a few words of recognition to a number present she retreated, and obstinately resisted the most persuasive invitations of the medium and others to again show herself.
About this time Mrs. Bennett, who complained of a great draft upon the “pit of the stomach,” commenced to collapse, physically, begged for a drink of water and demanded that a light be struck, Her requests were complied with, and all present were convinced that the show was over for the night.
Then commenced another investigation of the premises, especially in the vicinity of the furnace register of the “spirit room," near which Mr. and Mrs. Bennett seemed to linger with something of food attachment. This circumstance, however, rather sharpened the scent of several investigators, one of whom announced his purpose to pull up the flooring in that vicinity. This announcement gave Mrs. Bennett another collapse, la the course of which she found herself upon the bit of flooring in question, begged for another drink of water, and imploring a cessation of the search until she had recovered her equilibrium Mr. Bennett was also literally upon the spot, and although he hadn't much to say, he was evidently indulging in an active train of thought and decidedly opposed to further proceedings. But the resolute gentleman with designs upon the floor persisted in his purpose, and Mrs. Bennett, having finally concluded that further resistance was useless, suddenly' abandoned her post.
Then up came the flooring between the register and the wall, and as it came there was revealed to the crowd of eager observers, a large recess between the floor and furnace, and snugly ensconsed therein was something which looked like a bundle of clothing, but which proved to be a woman, prone and shrinking under the indignant glances levelled upon her She was speedily routed from her hiding place, and stood in the midst of the spectators, whose curious, questioning eyes she baffled for a time by hiding her face with her hands.
Quite a tumult ensued, and some professed to fear that the woman would receive physical violence; but there was no purpose to harm her, and after she had been freely questioned she was allowed to depart. She is a good looking woman of perhaps thirty years, of good address and of more than ordinary shrewdness and intelligence. Indeed, her manner and conversation were such as to fully account for the extraordinary talent so long manifested by her in her personations of “Sunflower,” and other supposed spirits. Her name was elicited, but only after a pledge that it should trot be revealed for the present, the accomplished swindler pleading that she was under heavy bonds in a criminal suit, and that a revelation of her name would prejudice her cause and ruin her forever. She promises, however, to soon make a clean breast of her part in this great fraud, and to reveal a singular and startling drama.
During the removal of the floor, Mrs. Bennett quietly stole away, like the Arabs, and Mr. Bennett soon after as quietly disappeared. They will probably not resume business at 43 McLean Street.
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spiritual_scientist_v.05_n.05_1876-10-05.pdf|page=6|Spiritual Scientist, v. 5, No. 5, October 5, 1876, p. 54
spiritual_scientist_v.05_n.05_1876-10-05.pdf|page=6|Spiritual Scientist, v. 5, No. 5, October 5, 1876, p. 54
spiritual_scientist_v.05_n.06_1876-10-12.pdf|page=9|Spiritual Scientist, v. 5, No. 6, October 12, 1876, p. 67
spiritual_scientist_v.05_n.06_1876-10-12.pdf|page=9|Spiritual Scientist, v. 5, No. 6, October 12, 1876, p. 67
spiritual_scientist_v.05_n.06_1876-10-12.pdf|page=3|Spiritual Scientist, v. 5, No. 6, October 12, 1876, p. 63