HPB-SB-3-116: Difference between revisions

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{{Style P-Poem|poem=“All matter quick and bursting into birth”}}
{{Style P-Poem|poem=“All matter quick and bursting into birth”}}

{{Style P-No indent|has been e ml ting worlds and men; and when I, in my feeble way, contemplate the infinite magnitute, diversity and unity manifested in the eternal march of worlds, I am startled with the question,—Why this everlasting waste of being? Underlying all this perpetual transition. It there nothing stable and endurable, nothing but the indestructible atoms of matter? I am weary thinking of these things, yet for my thoughts there is no rest, the question is ever dunning me for an answer. Tyndall said, and said well, that he discerned in “matter the promise and potency of every form and quality of life;” but this leaves that importunate question as usual, unanswered as before. All existence is matter of some kind or other; at least, outside of matter we can form no conception. And when I trace the ascending scale of organic life, each lower containing in itself a prophecy of higher, and in each higher, find the fulfilled prophecy as anticipated in what had gone before, I cannot but conclude that, in some germinal''' '''or typical form, ante ceding the lowest organism, existed the perfect organism as now seen in man, or yet to be produced fit something higher than man; in a similar sense to the perception of the full-grown oak in the acorn. This organizing germ or principle must be as eternal, indestructible and Individual as the atoms of scientific philosophy: and in every organism is something very different from anything that can be revealed by the knife of the anatomist. Why growth, development, the ascension in a graduating scale of organic life towards a perfect ideal, if that ideal had not a persistent existence prior to all organization? Watch this principle through its material progress, crystalizing, vegetating, animalizing, harmonizing, and say, if you can, that through these innumerable diverse manifestations, there is not also manifested the presence of eternal principle which is the same spirit throughout all. And as all organisms are subject to dissolution, and each atom tends to freedom, to its original individuality, so this primordial germ of organic structure, when it has fulfilled all its prophecies and reached organic perfection, haring graduated through every material formation from the crystal to man, or higher yet, will at length return to its individual sovereignly, master of the elements, and in perfect unity with the universal spirit or unifying principle of the universe. If this idea be correct there can, be no origin to spirit, as there can be no end, though there is a beginning and an end to all organisms. To the spirit itself there is no progress, only in its manifestations, and we are journeying onward to an ultimate glorious and eternal. A glorious prospective.''' '''Our retrospective is none the loss an. In the words of Emilio Castellar:—}}
{{Style P-No indent|has been evolving worlds and men; and when I, in my feeble way, contemplate the infinite magnitute, diversity and unity manifested in the eternal march of worlds, I am startled with the question,—Why this everlasting waste of being? Underlying all this perpetual transition. It there nothing stable and endurable, nothing but the indestructible atoms of matter? I am weary thinking of these things, yet for my thoughts there is no rest, the question is ever dunning me for an answer. Tyndall said, and said well, that he discerned in “matter the promise and potency of every form and quality of life;” but this leaves that importunate question as usual, unanswered as before. All existence is matter of some kind or other; at least, outside of matter we can form no conception. And when I trace the ascending scale of organic life, each lower containing in itself a prophecy of higher, and in each higher, find the fulfilled prophecy as anticipated in what had gone before, I cannot but conclude that, in some germinal''' '''or typical form, ante ceding the lowest organism, existed the perfect organism as now seen in man, or yet to be produced fit something higher than man; in a similar sense to the perception of the full-grown oak in the acorn. This organizing germ or principle must be as eternal, indestructible and Individual as the atoms of scientific philosophy: and in every organism is something very different from anything that can be revealed by the knife of the anatomist. Why growth, development, the ascension in a graduating scale of organic life towards a perfect ideal, if that ideal had not a persistent existence prior to all organization? Watch this principle through its material progress, crystalizing, vegetating, animalizing, harmonizing, and say, if you can, that through these innumerable diverse manifestations, there is not also manifested the presence of eternal principle which is the same spirit throughout all. And as all organisms are subject to dissolution, and each atom tends to freedom, to its original individuality, so this primordial germ of organic structure, when it has fulfilled all its prophecies and reached organic perfection, haring graduated through every material formation from the crystal to man, or higher yet, will at length return to its individual sovereignly, master of the elements, and in perfect unity with the universal spirit or unifying principle of the universe. If this idea be correct there can, be no origin to spirit, as there can be no end, though there is a beginning and an end to all organisms. To the spirit itself there is no progress, only in its manifestations, and we are journeying onward to an ultimate glorious and eternal. A glorious prospective.''' '''Our retrospective is none the loss an. In the words of Emilio Castellar:—}}

“I feel my close kinship with all created (?) things; but at the same time I feel it with all uncreated things. We have been light, heat, gas, in the aerolitic or cometary journey of our planet during its fluid state, as when it hung like a red tress from the head of the Sun. We have felt our flesh condensing itself in the first condensation of the world. We find the deepest roots of our bodies in the fossils buried everywhere, like letters of rock which declare in immortal carving and indelible epitaphs, the triumphal career of organism. We have grown with the zoophyte and swayed in bottomless seas with the sponge. We dragged ourselves with the reptile over the earth after having passed through the transformations of the insect. We entered full of warm blood and lyric nerves, clothed with variegated feathers, into the wide ether, singing in the sublime chorus of the birds. We have fought over and over with the beasts of the desert and the forest. We have made war with the lion and the tiger. We have run with the horse and the stag. We have been, if you please, the absurd buffoon of the universe with the ape, the chimpanzee and the parrot. But from the moment when we have come to our organization, we have felt flowing throughout our being something which did not live in time, which was not developed in space; something clearer than light, more rapid than electricity, more vivid than heat and magnetism; the spirit, the human spirit, and within it a never-setting sun which is called thought, an irresistible force which is called liberty.”
“I feel my close kinship with all created (?) things; but at the same time I feel it with all uncreated things. We have been light, heat, gas, in the aerolitic or cometary journey of our planet during its fluid state, as when it hung like a red tress from the head of the Sun. We have felt our flesh condensing itself in the first condensation of the world. We find the deepest roots of our bodies in the fossils buried everywhere, like letters of rock which declare in immortal carving and indelible epitaphs, the triumphal career of organism. We have grown with the zoophyte and swayed in bottomless seas with the sponge. We dragged ourselves with the reptile over the earth after having passed through the transformations of the insect. We entered full of warm blood and lyric nerves, clothed with variegated feathers, into the wide ether, singing in the sublime chorus of the birds. We have fought over and over with the beasts of the desert and the forest. We have made war with the lion and the tiger. We have run with the horse and the stag. We have been, if you please, the absurd buffoon of the universe with the ape, the chimpanzee and the parrot. But from the moment when we have come to our organization, we have felt flowing throughout our being something which did not live in time, which was not developed in space; something clearer than light, more rapid than electricity, more vivid than heat and magnetism; the spirit, the human spirit, and within it a never-setting sun which is called thought, an irresistible force which is called liberty.”