HPB-SB-3-164: Difference between revisions

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  | title =It seems to me the bud of expectation
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  | title =House Spirits, Past and Present
  | title = House Spirits, Past and Present
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  | source title = Spiritual Scientist
  | source details =
  | source details = v. 2, No. 5, April 8, 1875, p. 50
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  | publication date = 1875-04-08
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{{Style S-Small capitals| Our}} readers may be familiar with the name and performances of “Peter,” who speaks through the mediumship of Miss Showers, of London. Many may know, too, that he continues in full force, and is daily at hand with his jokes, strange sayings, exhortations, and harangues, and never backward in displaying his vocal powers in songs, both secular and spiritual, it may not be uninteresting to bring forward an instance or two of house-spirits remarkably similar, whose pranks and characteristics were recorded long before the Spiritualism of to-day came into notice.
“Teigue of the Lee” was a house-spirit well-known in the south of Ireland in the first quarter of the present century, and haunted the old manor house of Carrigrohane, in County Cork. His voice was heard all over the house, both inside and without, and oftener by day than night, teasing and frightening servants, jeering guests, and addressing them at times in as uncomplimentary a style as Peter often does. His voice is described as exceedingly hollow and hoarse, resembling that of a man speaking with his head in an empty cask. He was always heard when guests came to dine or stay, and would generally accost them very courteously, and often surprised them with the knowledge he showed of their domestic affairs. Sometimes he would amuse himself with chaffing and flouting any very “stuck up" or irascible visitor, and allowing him to run out and chase the mocking voice all round the house, the visitor being always persuaded he would catch “the impudent rascal that was trying to Impose on the company" round the next corner. Teigue, for so he named himself, would generally ask for a glass of whiskey, and a plate of food, which on being put outside the window, were cleared in a moment, when by some device he had turned away for an instant any eyes' that might be watching, in this differing from Peter, who has not as yet, the writer believes, partaken of earth food; but resembling him in love of music, always asking the musician to play or sing. A young lady having once, at his request, favored him with a tune on the piano, be in return said he would sing her a song, and accordingly sang, “with a most tremendous voice,” ''“My name is Teigue, and I lives in state,” ''a then popular composition. Those who have heard Peter sing, would describe his voice in much the same way. Many devices were used to detect this strange being, but he was never seen, nor any discovery made of his character.
In the year 1584 a wonderful house-spirit haunted the old castle of Hudemuhler, in the country of Luneberg. A history of him was written by a pious minister named Feldmann, in a volume of 379 pages. First he ratified his presence by knocking and making various noises, but soon began to converse with the servants in the daytime, just as in the case of Peter. He said his name was Hinzelmann, and would carry on conversation either with strangers or with the family; and when all fear of him was gone, became quite friendly and intimate, sang, laughed, and went on with every kind of sport—again just like Peter. He delighted in setting servants and workmen by the ears while they sat drinking, giving one a I mix on the ear from behind, and another a pinch on the leg, so that each would accuse his neighbor, and fall to scuffling, which delighted Hinzelmann, who, however, always took care no ill should result. Like Teigue he would eat and drink, and had a dish full of sweet milk and crumbs and a glass of wine set for him daily. When the minister who writes his history first heard him, he was singing and shouting so in the castle hall that the minister thought a whole company was making merry there. He resented any insults, and contrived that they who offered them should suffer, and when an exorcist tried to banish him, snatched the book out of his hand, and pinched and beat him till he ran away, frightened out of his wits. Hinzelmann complained greatly of this treatment, and said, “I am a Christian, like any other man, and I hope to be saved.” He vehemently disowned any connection with evil spirits and “devil’s spectres;” in proof of this he once repeated the Lord’s Prayer, but murmured the last petition, “Deliver us from the Evil one,” quite low. Mr. Feldmann relates that he heard Hinzelmann sing the beautiful hymn, ''“Nun bitten wir den Zeiligen Geist” ''in a very high voice, resembling in these the other two spirits; he also sang several other spiritual songs. Hinzelmann was particularly attached to two young ladies at Hudemuhler, named Anne and Catherine, and would converse with them continually, and bring all his complaints to them; he was so jealous of them, that he frightened away all wooers, and a usual way with him, was to make a writing appear before their eyes on the opposite wall in fiery letters,''' '''“Take maid Anne and leave me maid Catherine;” but if any one came to court Lady Anne, the fiery writing changed all at once, and became, “Take maid Catherine and leave me maid Anne.” This is curious, because Peter employed the same device in making known his wishes, causing a threatening command to appear in writing on the wall.
Hinzelmann departed of his own accord after he had stayed four years. Unless the present writer mistakes, Peter has announced his stay will be limited. Before going he gave the master of the house three things—a little silken cross, a straw hat very ingeniously made by himself of variegated straw, and a leather glove set with pearls, informing him that so long as those things were kept unseparated the family would flourish Those three objects were seen by the minister Feldmann, and the straw hat afterwards was given to the emperor Ferdinand II., who regarded it as something wonderful. Hinzelmann never allowed himself to be seen by adults; many schemes were used to catch him, but only glimpses were obtained, given apparently in mockery, of a black cat, or a snake, but he would often play with innocent little children, who described''' '''him as a beautiful little boy, with long yellow curls, and dressed in a red silk coat; in this respect differing from Peter, who has rarely shown himself to only two or three persons, and then in very unspiritual and unromantic attire. Other differences between him and the other two spirits are, that the latter spoke freely in the daytime to all persons indifferently, and always direct; but he, though voluble enough by day to his own household, speaks to strangers only in the dark, and through his medium.

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<gallery widths=300px heights=300px>
spiritual_scientist_v.02_n.05_1875-04-08.pdf|page=2|Spiritual Scientist, v. 2, No. 5, April 8, 1875, p. 50

Latest revision as of 05:36, 14 November 2023

vol. 3, p. 164
from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 3 (1875-1878)


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<Untitled> (It seems to me the bud of expectation)

It seems to me the bud of expectation
Has not yet swollen to the perfect flower
That with its wondrous fragrant exhalation
The world of faith will dower.

< Buddhism and Spiritualism (continued from page 3-163) >

resting in the lap of some and kissing others. Four different with the servants in the daytime, just as in the case of Peter, times she made her appearance, remaining out of the cabinet longer each successive time.

* * * * * * *

“Our circle lasted over three hours. Immediately at its dose we opened the cabinet door, and there sat the medium, rigid in form and deeply entranced, with all the fastenings, the sack, knots, twine, wax, &c., intact, precisely as we had left her I She confessed to no knowledge of what had taken place, having been unconscious throughout the entire seance.

“The following ladies and gentlemen authorized us to append their names to the foregoing statement, as containing in substance the facts witnessed by them on the occasion above referred to, occurring through" the mediumship of Mrs. Compton, all of which they are ready to testify to in any Court Justice: E. W. Lewis, M. D., Hon. George G. Freer, Surrogate Judge of Schuyler County, Mrs. Judge Freer, Mrs. Dr Lewis, Mrs. L. J. Carpenter, Mr. Zeno Carpenter, Mrs. S. M. Marriott, M. M. Cass, Esq., Mr. and Mrs. George H. Ellas, Mr. E. M. Markee, Mrs. Florence Beardsley, and G. C. Hibbard, Esq. To those who know these parties, it is needless to say that they are among the most distinguished, wealthy, and respectable citizens in that section of the State."

Here is testimony in abundance to confute all the conclusions that Prof. Anthony seems to have jumped to, in his too hasty investigation.

The puzzling question in this phenomena is, what becomes of the medium? Is she de-materialized? The latter is the explanation given by the spirits. The case is one of the most marvellous in the annals of the modern Spiritualism, but is paralleled in many of the accounts we have of ancient magic.

House Spirits, Past and Present

Our readers may be familiar with the name and performances of “Peter,” who speaks through the mediumship of Miss Showers, of London. Many may know, too, that he continues in full force, and is daily at hand with his jokes, strange sayings, exhortations, and harangues, and never backward in displaying his vocal powers in songs, both secular and spiritual, it may not be uninteresting to bring forward an instance or two of house-spirits remarkably similar, whose pranks and characteristics were recorded long before the Spiritualism of to-day came into notice.

“Teigue of the Lee” was a house-spirit well-known in the south of Ireland in the first quarter of the present century, and haunted the old manor house of Carrigrohane, in County Cork. His voice was heard all over the house, both inside and without, and oftener by day than night, teasing and frightening servants, jeering guests, and addressing them at times in as uncomplimentary a style as Peter often does. His voice is described as exceedingly hollow and hoarse, resembling that of a man speaking with his head in an empty cask. He was always heard when guests came to dine or stay, and would generally accost them very courteously, and often surprised them with the knowledge he showed of their domestic affairs. Sometimes he would amuse himself with chaffing and flouting any very “stuck up" or irascible visitor, and allowing him to run out and chase the mocking voice all round the house, the visitor being always persuaded he would catch “the impudent rascal that was trying to Impose on the company" round the next corner. Teigue, for so he named himself, would generally ask for a glass of whiskey, and a plate of food, which on being put outside the window, were cleared in a moment, when by some device he had turned away for an instant any eyes' that might be watching, in this differing from Peter, who has not as yet, the writer believes, partaken of earth food; but resembling him in love of music, always asking the musician to play or sing. A young lady having once, at his request, favored him with a tune on the piano, be in return said he would sing her a song, and accordingly sang, “with a most tremendous voice,” “My name is Teigue, and I lives in state,” a then popular composition. Those who have heard Peter sing, would describe his voice in much the same way. Many devices were used to detect this strange being, but he was never seen, nor any discovery made of his character.

In the year 1584 a wonderful house-spirit haunted the old castle of Hudemuhler, in the country of Luneberg. A history of him was written by a pious minister named Feldmann, in a volume of 379 pages. First he ratified his presence by knocking and making various noises, but soon began to converse with the servants in the daytime, just as in the case of Peter. He said his name was Hinzelmann, and would carry on conversation either with strangers or with the family; and when all fear of him was gone, became quite friendly and intimate, sang, laughed, and went on with every kind of sport—again just like Peter. He delighted in setting servants and workmen by the ears while they sat drinking, giving one a I mix on the ear from behind, and another a pinch on the leg, so that each would accuse his neighbor, and fall to scuffling, which delighted Hinzelmann, who, however, always took care no ill should result. Like Teigue he would eat and drink, and had a dish full of sweet milk and crumbs and a glass of wine set for him daily. When the minister who writes his history first heard him, he was singing and shouting so in the castle hall that the minister thought a whole company was making merry there. He resented any insults, and contrived that they who offered them should suffer, and when an exorcist tried to banish him, snatched the book out of his hand, and pinched and beat him till he ran away, frightened out of his wits. Hinzelmann complained greatly of this treatment, and said, “I am a Christian, like any other man, and I hope to be saved.” He vehemently disowned any connection with evil spirits and “devil’s spectres;” in proof of this he once repeated the Lord’s Prayer, but murmured the last petition, “Deliver us from the Evil one,” quite low. Mr. Feldmann relates that he heard Hinzelmann sing the beautiful hymn, “Nun bitten wir den Zeiligen Geist” in a very high voice, resembling in these the other two spirits; he also sang several other spiritual songs. Hinzelmann was particularly attached to two young ladies at Hudemuhler, named Anne and Catherine, and would converse with them continually, and bring all his complaints to them; he was so jealous of them, that he frightened away all wooers, and a usual way with him, was to make a writing appear before their eyes on the opposite wall in fiery letters, “Take maid Anne and leave me maid Catherine;” but if any one came to court Lady Anne, the fiery writing changed all at once, and became, “Take maid Catherine and leave me maid Anne.” This is curious, because Peter employed the same device in making known his wishes, causing a threatening command to appear in writing on the wall.

Hinzelmann departed of his own accord after he had stayed four years. Unless the present writer mistakes, Peter has announced his stay will be limited. Before going he gave the master of the house three things—a little silken cross, a straw hat very ingeniously made by himself of variegated straw, and a leather glove set with pearls, informing him that so long as those things were kept unseparated the family would flourish Those three objects were seen by the minister Feldmann, and the straw hat afterwards was given to the emperor Ferdinand II., who regarded it as something wonderful. Hinzelmann never allowed himself to be seen by adults; many schemes were used to catch him, but only glimpses were obtained, given apparently in mockery, of a black cat, or a snake, but he would often play with innocent little children, who described him as a beautiful little boy, with long yellow curls, and dressed in a red silk coat; in this respect differing from Peter, who has rarely shown himself to only two or three persons, and then in very unspiritual and unromantic attire. Other differences between him and the other two spirits are, that the latter spoke freely in the daytime to all persons indifferently, and always direct; but he, though voluble enough by day to his own household, speaks to strangers only in the dark, and through his medium.

Editor's notes

  1. It seems to me the bud of expectation by unknown author
  2. House Spirits, Past and Present by unknown author, Spiritual Scientist, v. 2, No. 5, April 8, 1875, p. 50
  3. image by unknown author. Four deformed faces
