Blavatsky H.P. - Isis Unveiled: Difference between revisions

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<center>1877 First Edition,</center>
<center>1877 First Edition,</center>
<center>Updated and Corrected.</center>
<center>Updated and Corrected.</center>
<center>Credits for electronic first verbatim edition goes to [ Universal Theosophy]</center>
<center>Credits for electronic edition goes to [ Universal Theosophy]</center>

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Revision as of 17:17, 17 March 2024

Isis Unveiled:

Mysteries of Ancient and Modern

corresponding secretary of the theosophical society
1877 First Edition,
Updated and Corrected.
Credits for electronic edition goes to Universal Theosophy
Dedicates these Volumes
to the
which was founded at New York, a.d. 1875.
To Study the Subjects on which they Treat.

Volume I
... v
Before the veil
Dogmatic assumptions of modem science and theology
... ix
The Platonic philosophy affords the only middle ground
... xi
Review of the ancient philosophical systems
... xv
A Syriac manuscript on Simon Magus
... xxiii
Glossary of terms used in this book
... xxiii
Volume First.
Old things with new names
The Oriental Kabala
... 1
Ancient traditions supported by modern research
... 3
The progress of mankind marked by cycles
... 5
Ancient cryptic science
... 7
Priceless value of the Vedas
... 12
Mutilations of the Jewish sacred books in translation
... 13
Magic always regarded as a divine science
... 25
Achievements of its adepts and hypotheses of their modern detractors
... 25
Man’s yearning for immortality
... 37
Phenomena and forces
The servility of society
... 39
Prejudice and bigotry of men of science
... 40
They are chased by psychical phenomena
... 41
Lost arts
... 49
The human will the master-force of forces
... 57
Superficial generalizations of the French savants
... 60
Mediumistic phenomena, to what attributable
... 67
Their relation to crime
... 71
Blind leaders of the blind
Huxley’s derivation from the Orohitppus
... 74
Comte, his system and disciples
... 75
The London materialists
... 85
Borrowed robes
... 89
Emanation of the objective universe from the subjective
... 92
Theories respecting psychic phenomena
Theory of de Gasparin
... 100
Theory of Thury
... 100
Theory of des Mousseaux, de Mirville
... 100
Theory of Babinet
... 101
Theory of Houdin
... 101
Theory of Drs. Rayer and Jobert de Lamballe
... 102
The twins–“unconscious cerebration” and “unconscious ventriloquism”
... 105
Theory of Crookes
... 112
Theory of Faraday
... 116
Theory of Chevreul
... 116
The Mendeleyeff commission of 1876
... 117
Soul blindness
... 121
The aether, or “astral light”
One primal force, but many correlations
... 126
Tyndall narrowly escapes a great discovery
... 127
The impossibility of miracle
... 128
Nature of the primordial substance
... 133
Interpretation of certain ancient myths
... 133
Experiments of the fakirs
... 139
Evolution in Hindu allegory
... 153
Psycho-physical phenomena
The debt we owe to Paracelsus
... 163
Mesmerism – its parentage, reception, potentiality
... 165
... 183
Time, space, eternity
... 184
Transfer of energy from the visible to the invisible universe
... 186
The Crookes experiments and Cox theory
... 195
The elements, elementals and elementaries
Attraction and repulsion universal in all the kingdoms of nature
... 206
Psychical phenomena depend on physical surroundings
... 211
Observations in Siam
... 214
Music in nervous disorders
... 215
The “world-soul” and its potentialities
... 216
Healing by touch, and healers
... 217
“Diakka” and Porphyry’s bad daemons
... 219
The quenchless lamp
... 224
Modern ignorance of vital force
... 237
Antiquity of the theory of force-correlation
... 241
Universality of belief in magic
... 247
Some mysteries of nature
Do the planets affect human destiny?
... 253
Very curious passage from Hermes
... 254
The restlessness of matter
... 257
An old prophecy fulfilled
... 260
Sympathies between planets and plants
... 264
Hindu knowledge of the properties of colors
... 265
“Coincidences” the panacea of modern science
... 268
The moon and the tides
... 273
Epidemic mental and moral disorders
... 274
The gods of the Pantheons only natural forces
... 280
Proofs of the magical powers of Pythagoras
... 283
The viewless races of ethereal space
... 284
The “four truths” of Buddhism
... 291
Cyclic phenomena
Meaning of the expression “coats of skin”
... 293
Natural selection and its results
... 295
The Egyptian “circle of necessity”
... 296
Pre-Adamite races
... 299
Descent of spirit into matter
... 302
The triune nature of man
... 309
The lowest creatures in the scale of being
... 310
Elementals specifically described
... 311
Proclus on the beings of the air
... 312
Various names for elementals
... 313
Swedenborgian views on soul-death
... 317
Earth-bound human souls
... 319
Impure mediums and their “guides”
... 325
Psychometry an aid to scientific research
... 333
The inner and outer man
Père Félix arraigns the scientists
... 338
The “Unknowable”
... 340
Danger of evocations by tyros
... 342
Lares and Lemures
... 345
Secrets of Hindu temples
... 350
... 351
Witchcraft and witches
... 353
The sacred Soma trance
... 357
Vulnerability of certain “shadows”
... 363
Experiment of Clearchus on a sleeping boy
... 365
The author witnesses a trial of magic in India
... 369
Case of the Cévennois
... 371
Psychological and physical marvels
Invulnerability attainable by man
... 379
Projecting the force of the will
... 380
Insensibility to snake-poison
... 381
Charming serpents by music
... 383
Teratological phenomena discussed
... 385
The psychological domain confessedly unexplored
... 407
Despairing regrets of Berzelius
... 411
Turning a river into blood a vegetable phenomenon
... 413
The “impassable chasm”
Confessions of ignorance by men of science
... 417
The Pantheon of nihilism
... 421
Triple composition of fire
... 423
Instinct and reason defined
... 425
Philosophy of the Hindu Jainas
... 429
Deliberate misrepresentation of Lemprière
... 431
Man’s astral soul not immortal
... 432
The reincarnation of Buddha
... 437
Magical sun and moon pictures of Thibet
... 441
Vampirism–its phenomena explained
... 449
Bengalese jugglery
... 457
Realities and illusion
The rationale of talismans
... 462
Unexplained mysteries
... 466
Magical experiment in Bengal
... 467
Chibh Chondor’s surprising feats
... 471
The Indian tape-climbing trick an illusion
... 473
Resuscitation of buried fakirs
... 477
Limits of suspended animation
... 481
Mediumship totally antagonistic to adeptship
... 487
What are “materialized spirits”?
... 493
The Shudâla-Mâdan
... 495
Philosophy of levitation
... 497
The elixir and alkahest
... 503
Egyptian wisdom
Origin of the Egyptians
... 515
Their mighty engineering works
... 517
The ancient land of the Pharaohs
... 521
Antiquity of the Nilotic monuments
... 529
Arts of war and peace
... 531
Mexican myths and ruins
... 545
Resemblances to the Egyptian
... 551
Moses a priest of Osiris
... 555
The lessons taught by the ruins of Siam
... 563
The Egyptian Tau at Palenque
... 573
India the cradle of the race
Acquisition of the “secret doctrine”
... 575
Two relics owned by a Pâli scholar
... 577
Jealous exclusiveness of the Hindus
... 581
Lydia Maria Child on Phallic symbolism
... 583
The age of the Vedas and Manu
... 587
Traditions of pre-diluvian races
... 589
Atlantis and its peoples
... 593
Peruvian relics
... 597
The Gobi desert and its secrets
... 599
Thibetan and Chinese legends
... 600
The magician aids, not impedes, nature
... 617
Philosophy, religion, arts and sciences bequeathed by Mother India to posterity
... 618

Volume II
... iv
Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson and Baroness Burdett-Coutts
Volume Second
The church: where is it?
Church statistics
... 1
Catholic “miracles” and spiritualistic “phenomena”
... 4
Christian and Pagan belief compared
... 10
Magic and sorcery practiced by Christian clergy
... 20
Comparative theology a new science
... 25
Eastern traditions as to Alexandrian Library
... 27
Roman pontiffs imitators of the Hindu Brahmâtma
... 30
Christian dogmas derived from heathen philosophy
... 33
Doctrine of the Trinity of Pagan origin
... 45
Disputes between Gnostics and Church Fathers
... 51
Bloody records of Christianity
... 53
Christian crimes and heathen virtues
Sorceries of Catherine of Medici
... 55
Occult arts practiced by the clergy
... 59
Witch-burning and auto-da-fé of little children
... 62
Lying Catholic saints
... 74
Pretensions of missionaries in India and China
... 79
Sacrilegious tricks of Catholic clergy
... 82
Paul a kabalist
... 91
Peter not the founder of Roman church
... 91
Strict lives of Pagan hierophants
... 98
High character of ancient “mysteries”
... 101
Jacolliot’s account of Hindu fakirs
... 103
Christian symbolism derived from Phallic worship
... 109
Hindu doctrine of the Pitṛis
... 114
Brahmanic spirit-communion
... 115
Dangers of untrained mediumship
... 117
Divisions amongst the early Christians
Resemblance between early Christianity and Buddhism
... 123
Peter never in Rome
... 124
Meaning of “Nazar” and “Nazarene”
... 129
Baptism a derived right
... 134
Is Zoroaster a generic name?
... 141
Pythagorean teachings of Jesus
... 147
The Apocalypse kabalistic
... 147
Jesus considered an adept by some Pagan philosophers and early Christians
... 150
Doctrine of permutation
... 152
The meaning of God-Incarnate
... 153
Dogmas of the Gnostics
... 155
Ideas of Marcion, the “heresiarch”
... 159
Precepts of Manu
... 163
Jehovah identical with Bacchus
... 165
Oriental cosmogonies and Bible records
Discrepancies in the Pentateuch
... 167
Indian, Chaldean and Ophite systems compared
... 170
Who were the first Christians?
... 178
Christos and Sophia-Akhamôth
... 183
Secret doctrine taught by Jesus
... 191
Jesus never claimed to be God
... 193
New Testament narratives and Hindu legends
... 199
Antiquity of the “Logos” and “Christ”
... 205
Comparative Virgin-worship
... 209
Mysteries of the Kabala
Ain-Soph and the Sephîrôth
... 212
The primitive wisdom-religion
... 216
The book of Genesis a compilation of Old World legends
... 217
The Trinity of the Kabala
... 222
Gnostic and Nazarene systems contrasted with Hindu myths
... 225
Kabalism in the book of Ezekiel
... 232
Story of the resurrection of Jairus’ daughter found in the history of Kṛishṇa
... 241
Untrustworthy teachings of the early Fathers
... 248
Their persecuting spirit
... 249
Esoteric doctrines of Buddhism parodied in Christianity
Decisions of Nicæan Council, how arrived at
... 251
Murder of Hypatia
... 252
Origin of the fish-symbol of Vishṇu
... 256
Kabalistic doctrine of the Cosmogony
... 264
Diagrams of Hindu and Chaldeo-Jewish systems
... 265
Ten mythical Avatâras of Vishṇu
... 274
Trinity of man taught by Paul
... 281
Socrates and Plato on soul and spirit
... 283
True Buddhism, what it is
... 288
Earlier Christian heresies and secret societies
Nazareans, Ophites, and modern Druzes
... 291
Etymology of IAŌ
... 298
“Hermetic Brothers” of Egypt
... 307
True meaning of Nirvâṇa
... 319
The Jaina sect
... 321
Christians and Chrêstians
... 323
The Gnostics and their detractors
... 325
Buddha, Jesus, and Apollonius of Tyana
... 341
Jesuitry and Masonry
The Zohar and Rabbi Shimon
... 348
The Order of Jesuits and its relation to some of the Masonic orders
... 352
Crimes permitted to its members
... 355
Principles of Jesuitry compared with those of Pagan moralists
... 364
Trinity of man in Egyptian Book of the Dead
... 367
Freemasonry no longer esoteric
... 372
Persecution of Templars by the Church
... 381
Secret Masonic ciphers
... 395
Jehovah not the “Ineffable Name”
... 398
The Vedas and the Bible
Nearly every myth based on some great truth
... 405
Whence the Christian Sabbath
... 406
Antiquity of the Vedas
... 410
Pythagorean doctrine of the potentialities of numbers
... 417
“Days” of Genesis and “Days” of Brahmâ
... 422
Fall of man and the Deluge in the Hindu books
... 425
Antiquity of the Mahâbhârata
... 429
Were the ancient Egyptians of the Âryan race?
... 434
Samuel, David, and Solomon mythical personages
... 439
Symbolism of Noah’s Ark
... 447
The Patriarchs identical with zodiacal signs
... 459
All Bible legends belong to universal history
... 469
The Devil-myth
The devil officially recognized by the Church
... 477
Satan the mainstay of sacerdotalism
... 480
Identity of Satan with the Egyptian Typhon
... 483
His relation to serpent-worship
... 489
The Book of Job and the Book of the Dead
... 493
The Hindu devil a metaphysical abstraction
... 501
Satan and the Prince of Hell in the Gospel of Nicodemus
... 515
Comparative results of buddhism and christianity
The age of philosophy produced no atheists
... 530
The legends of three Saviors
... 537
Christian doctrine of the Atonement illogical
... 542
Cause of the failure of missionaries to convert Buddhists and Brahmanists
... 553
Neither Buddha nor Jesus left written records
... 559
The grandest mysteries of religion in the Bhagavad-Gîtâ
... 562
The meaning of regeneration explained in the Śatapatha-Brâhmaṇa
... 565
The sacrifice of blood interpreted
... 566
Demoralization of British India by Christian missionaries
... 573
The Bible less authenticated than any other sacred book
... 577
Knowledge of chemistry and physics displayed by Indian jugglers
... 583
Conclusions and illustrations
Recapitulation of fundamental propositions
... 587
Seership of the soul and of the spirit
... 590
The phenomenon of the so-called spirit-hand
... 594
Difference between mediums and adepts
... 595
Interview of an English ambassador with a reincarnated Buddha
... 598
Flight of a lama’s astral body related by Abbé Huc
... 604
Schools of magic in Buddhist lamaseries
... 609
The unknown race of Hindu Tôḍas
... 613
Will-power of fakirs and yogis
... 617
Taming of wild beasts by fakirs
... 622
Evocation of a living spirit by a Shaman, witnessed by the writer
... 626
Sorcery by the breath of a Jesuit Father
... 633
Why the study of magic is almost impracticable in Europe {{IU-p-toc|2|}635}
... 635