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by Boris de Zirkoff
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writtings, vol. 1, page(s) 541-570


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[References to definitions of terms are in italics]

Abdul Ghafur, character and activities of, 369 et seq.

Abdul-Hamid, 259.

Abhava, and padartha, 332.

Abhayadeva Suri, Commentaries of, 373.

Adam, as Tree of Life, 288.

Adams, Chas. F., 98.

Adept (s): connected with T.S., 375 fn.; cryptograph of, 421, 439; doppelgangers of, 242; guard nature’s secrets, 108; moral courage of, 102;—psychologist working through disembodied soul, 352; surpass mediums in phenomena, 363(367).

Adi-Granth, sacred volume of Sikhs, 373; 443.

Afghans, and Sikhs, 373.

Agardi, Endreinek: on de Lassa, 160-61; pupil of Master M., 162.

Aged of the Aged, 112.

Agrippa, Cornelius: 138; biogr., 443-44.

Ain-soph, and Sephira, 111-12.

Aitareya-Brahmana, on doctrine of evolution and earth, 227.

Ajnana, 336.

Aksakov, A. N.: 1, 2, 210, 211, 212, 213, 413; instructs H.P.B. to select mediums for Russian investigation, 91, 94, 264; noble defender of spiritual cause, 204; on a new Commission for investigating Spiritualism, 213; on geometrical figures, 359, 360; on Zollner’s experiments with Slade, 314-315; report and protest of, on Russian investigation, 205 et seq.; biogr., 444-46.

Albertus Magnus, 138.

Alchemists, 106.

Alden, Wm. L., biogr., 446-47.

Alexander, Otho, of Corfu, 409, 414, 418, 427, 436.

Alexander II: and Turkish barbarities, 256-57; character of, 259, 262.

Alexandrian School, 141.

Allen, Judge, and the Holmeses, 69.

Allgemeine. See Haug, C.F.

Al Rezi Pasha, 14, 19, 23.

American Bibliopolist, and Soth- eran, 121.

Amicis, Pietro d’, 137.

Amîr-al-Mu’minîn, as a title, 371. Amîr-al-Sûrî, as a title, 371.

Amphitheatrum. See Khunrath. Anacalypsis. See Higgins.

Analogy: law of, and harmony, 289: only rule of evidence accepted by Theosophists, 296.

542 Analysis, unemotional, of facts. 300.

Anania, instant death of, 159.

Anastasis, Paul on, 293.

Ancient. See Folger.

Ancient. See Inman.

Ancients, knowledge of, and modem science, 116; reliability of, 232.

Angad, Sikh teacher, 373.

Angels, handed down mysterious doctrines, 110.

Animals: absorb particles of excarnate men, 294-95; and real meaning of metempsychosis, 362-63(366-67); Dr. Rotura and suspension of life in, 38990.

Anima Mundi, or Svabhavat, 293.

Animus, ethereal substance of the soul, 292-93.

Annihilation: and role of will, 298-99; belief in, and afterdeath states, 364(368); of soul, 284, 287, 288-89, 295; or destruction, 333-34.

Anthony, Senator, 306.

Antidotes, Nature provides, against moral poisons, 380.

Anvaya, 336.

Apocalypse, Cabalistic treatise, 132, 223.

Apollonius of Tyana: a mediator, 299; magical evocation of, by Eliphas Levi, 144 et seq.

Apparitions: child—, and Dr. Monck, 351; occult facts behind, 35.

Appletons Cyclopaedia of Biography, on James Mill’s work, 240.

Ardahan, siege of, 255, 258.

Arj an, Sikh teacher, 372, 373.

Art Magic. See Hardinge-Britten.

Arts, lost, 231.

Arya Samâj: 409, 410, 411, 414, 415, 418, 421, 425; nature of its ideas, 382-84; T.S. as Western representative of, 381.

Ashes, Baron de Palm’s, cast into the sea, 421.

Asiatic Journal, 241.

Asmodeus, and Satan, 111.

Astral: emanations of circle and medium, and materialized spirits, 286; fluid compared with spirit, 361(366); man feeds, forms of lower kingdoms, 294-95, 363(367); interchanges, 351-52.

Astral Light: and first envelope of the soul, 284; everything impressed on, 268; pictures in the, and phantasmas, 299.

Astrology, and the Adi-Granth, 373.

Atom(s): becomes a man or living soul, 334; each, imbued with vital principle and latent spark of divine life, 330-31; indestructible, 299.

Atrya, and Hilarion, 90.

Attractions, interplanetary magnetic, and gravitation, 244.

Auction, at the “Lamasery,” 428. Aurungzeb, tortures Arjan, 373. Authority, nature of, 116.

Avatars, 328.

Avoca Mail, H.P.B.’s translation in, 413, 438.

Ayton, Rev., 410, 421.


Babinet: denies levitation, 243, 245; biogr., 447.

Babouches, 182.

Bacon, Roger, 138.

Badagas, and Todas, 357.

543 Bakshish, 180.

Balaam, ass of, contrasted with modern ones, 222.

Balabasha, language, 373.

Balbadha, letters or Devanagari, 383.

Banner of Light, 134 et seq., 289, 290.

Barbarities, of Turks, 255 et seq., 262.

Barber. See Beaumarchais.

Barborka, G. A., H. P. Blavatsky, Tulku and Tibet, 481 fn.

Baruch, Dr., mystical Hebrew physician, 420-21.

Bashi-Bazouks, atrocities of, 255.

Basilideans, 105.

Basilio, Don, 128 & fn.

Bates, Miss Rosa, goes to London, 420, 422, 426.

Bath-Koi, 229.

Beard, Dr. Geo. M.: 135, 136, 189, 223; absurd claims of, 22425; H.P.B.’s views about, and challenge to, 36 et seq., 47 et seq.

Beaumarchais, Barber of Seville, 128 fn., 447.

—, Marriage of Figaro, 128 fn., 447.

Beecher, Rev., 244.

Belgrade, H.P.B. in, 14(19), 165.

Bellachini, S., on Slade’s phenomena, 316-17.

Bennett, Mrs., a cheat, 220.

Bertrand, Sergeant, and corpses, 286.

Besant, Annie, on formation of T.S., 123.

Bhagavad-Gita, various spellings of, 250.

Bible, fictitious character of authority of, 380.

Bible. See Jacolliot.

Billing, Dr. H. J.: 246, 375 fn., 411, 412, 424; hears a Brother’s voice, 427.

Bios: and périsprit, 361(365); and psyché, etc., 292.

Bismarck, involved in controversy over Slade, 317.

Blake, Dr. Carter-: 409, 412, 424, 436; accuses Founders, 411.

Blavatsky, H. P.: able to get money for “body” only, 425; age of, acc. to reporters, 397 (401); aims at demonstrating Spiritualism mathematically, 199; amusing remarks about her nose, 319; an occultist, 34; and monument to Mazzini, 39091(391-92); and Olcott as twin “Theosophical gorgons,” 320; and the Russian protest, 217 et seq.; ascribed psychological powers she never had, 324, 328; asked by Aksakov to select mediums for Russia, 91, 94; at Kutais, 387; at Montana, 55 fn.; at Northport, L.I., 56, 83-85; at Odessa in 1870, 263; auction at her home, 428; buys trunks, 427; calumniated by Home, 198; can detect cheating in mediums, 141; cat of, lost, 431, 440; compares herself to a bramble-bush, 302; confused with Nathalie Blavatsky, 204; could produce phenomena at will, 73; date of arrival in N.Y., 224 & fn.; date of Amer, citizenship, 224 fn., 408; declines to make public address, 390(392) ; defends Eddys, 189-90; defends Olcott, 188; defends reality of magic, 134 et seq.; defends Spiritualism, 67; defends validity of Masonic diploma, 307 et seq.; defines character of reporters, 396(400-01); denies misstatements about herself, 54; Diaries of, 406-33; discusses mediums 544Holmes, 59 et seq.; earliest writings not identified, 1-2; “eats like three hogs,” 433; endorses Slade as genuine medium, 223; faints and has difficulty coming to, 420; familiar with magic, 144; family background of, xxvi et seq.; friend and champion of mediums, 190; gets aerial drive, 412; goes on errand for Sahib, 425; goes out with Judge, 429; goes to meet a Brother, 428; goes to Tiflis astrally, 427; has cold again, 426; has courage of her opinions, 358; has father’s photo, 44; has group-photo taken, 427; horoscope of, Ixxiv; has teeth extracted, 429; helped by M. in production of phenomena, 73; helps to draft Circular on T.S., 375 fn.; helps wounded Russian soldiers, 313; heterodox Spiritualist, 135; homesick for India, 434; in Belgrade, 14(19), 165; intends to immortalize her Scrapbooks, 394; lawsuit of, 56, 83-85; leaves Sandy Hook, 433; life-story of, from birth to 1874 xxvi-lii; light of truth as beacon of her life, 127; makes fun of critics, 324; martyrdom of, begins, 90; meaning attached by, to term Spiritualism, 74; meets Master bodily, 3-4; member of Grand Lodge, 142; never a medium except in earliest youth, 203; not a Countess, 397 (401); not a medium, 73, 143, 198; not a Spiritualist, 140; not a Western Mason, 308; not an exoteric Buddhist, 398(402); Notes on the Diaries of, 43440; on clairvoyance, 423; only “she-Cabalist” in America, 189; on plight of Spiritualism, 47-49; ordered to tell truth about phenomena, 90; overshadowed by Adepts, 414, 438; portrait of, as a lama, 425; presented with part of father’s medal by “spirit,” 43, 44, 20304; produces a charm, 425; protects honest mediums, 141; protests on being slandered and gives warning, 247-49; reads unopened letter, 415; receives message in Russian through Slade, 224; receives papers from sister, 426; regards philosophy of Gautama Buddha as most sublime system, 398(402); relatives of, in Turko-Russian War, 255 et seq; ridicules Nikoladze, 385 et seq.; role of, in manifestations at the Eddys, 35; Russian writings of, 313; sails for India, 431, 433; sells monkey, 427; sent on purpose from Paris to America, 73; slandered by mediums, 190-91; smokes on the beach, 408; strolls through park, catches chill, 417; subpoenaed in Vanderbilt case, 419-20; taken for a drive by Mrs. Mitchell, 423; takes out lock of black hair from her head, 408, 421; takes photo, 427; three distinct individualities in, 411; translates art. by Wagner, 90; translates Olcott’s articles, 2 & fn.; true Spiritualist, 192; trunks of, at Adyar, 422, 430, 439; under orders, 73; visits Judge, 412; warns mediums, 212-13; witnesses of, are living men, 284; witnesses recovery of stolen property phenomenally at Cawnpoor, 275-77; writes Aksakov on Isis, 264.

—, Isis Unveiled. 358, 412; R. Brown on, 323; date of publication, 264; on Elementáis and 545Elementaries, 266, 281; on reincarnation of children, etc., 298; original title of, altered, 237 fn., 302; partly written at Ithaca, N. Y., 452; reviewed by Public Opinion, 388; H. Spencer read, 413; on Todas, 357; A. R. Wallace on, 323; criticized and praised by reviewers, 323.

—, Notebook·. Travel-Impressions from Hungary, 11-17(1722); Notes on above, 22-25.

—, Scrapbooks: 247 fn., 369 fn., 379 fn., 384; H.P.B. calls out apparitions at Eddys, 53; H.P.B. meets Olcott, 34; H.P.B. never overwhelmed, 44; in Adyar Archives, 29; letter from E. G. Brown, 45; ordered to expose Dr. Child, 75 fn.; on abuse by W. E. Coleman, 319; on Art Magic, 238; on Atrya & Hilarion, 90; on A. von Vay & elementals, 281; on Baron de Palm, 214, 233; on being abused, 313; on being slandered, 249 fn.; on Rev. Bellow, 121; on Mrs. Bennett, 220-21; on Dr. Bloede, 143, 260; on E. G. Brown as a medium, 271; on E. G. Brown’s bankruptcy, 404; on E. G. Brown’s character, 88; on Brown’s ingratitude, 95; on “Cave of the Echoes,” 338 fn.; on Circular from Brotherhood of Luxor, 87; on Mrs. Compton, 137 fn.; on Crookes and phenomena, 194; on Elementals, 123; on embryonic man, 124; on Englishmen and the future fateful hour for India, 404-05; on Felt, 193; on First Occult Shot, 101 fn.; on formation of T.S., 121, 122; on “ghosts,” 44; on Mrs. Holmes and orders from M., 120-21; on Home’s anonymous letters, 220; on Home’s mediumship, 203, 204; on E. Kislingbury, 271; on lion and mouse, 378; on Masonic diploma, 281; on Mind’s return and Nous, 233; on Moloney, 277; on Mona- chesi’s art., & wisdom of India, 133; on Nana Sahib, 337; on Olcott and Dr. Gardiner, 72; on Olcott as future Hanuman, 194; on orders from Serapis to write art., 119; on orders received from T. B. to tell truth about phenomena, 89-90; on orders to establish T.S. and choose Olcott, 94-95, 124; on Peebles and Spiritualists, 264, 290; on phenomenalism and P. C. Mittra, 282; on Preamble of T.S., 150; on Providence Journal, 306; on Dr. Rotura’s discovery, 389-90; on Scheol, 187 fn.; on Dr. Scudder and Hindu Women, 405; on searching mediums, 278; on Sotheran’s political activities, 403-04; on Sotheran, 193, 290; on Spirits as ignoramuses, 143 fn.; on T.S. as a secret Society, 194; on F. Thomas’ art. on Spiritualism, 214;

—, Sketchbook: analysis of contents, 3-11; Legend of the Night Flower, 6-7(7-8); on nature & adeptship, 4, 5; on Woman’s happiness, 5.

—, Theosophical Glossary, on Spiritualism, 74.

Blavatsky, Nathalie, gossips about, and Home, 204.

Blavatsky, N. V.: died, acc. to H.P.B., 54; marriage of H.P.B. to, 55.

Blavatsky. See Barborka, G. A.

546 Bloede, Dr.: 143, 199, 201, 203, 204, 260, 324, 413; from antagonist turns friend, 393, 406.

Blood, of Saviour and crimes, 380. Bobileff, Mr. 207.

Boehm, clerical deputy, 317.

Bombay Gazette, The, on Rotura, 389.

Books: hint about certain, as sources of mediaeval Cabala, 132; influence of, and of spoken word, 380; on Cabala difficult to understand, 131; reviewed by physiognomy, 386 et seq.

Books of Hermes, taught evolution, 232.

Borelli: anticipated Newton, 243; biogr., 447.

Boston Herald·. 220; and Home, 195.

Bouton, J. W., 237 fn., 264, 431.

Boyle, 243.

Boys, traffic in Italian, by Consul de Luca, 390-91(392).

Brahma, 239, 244, 333.

Brahmans, Dravida, and Peebles, 305.

Brahmo-Samaj: and personal God, 383; its origin and purpose, 381.

Brahmo Year Book, 381.

Brain: catches glimpses of the “eternal thought,” 268; neurine of, and child, 297.

Bredif, 89, 90, 212, 316.

Brewster, David: denies miracles, 242; biogr., 447-48.

British, tribunal not Jesuitical, 225.

Brotherhood(s) : as offshoots of Occultism, 105; has records and doctrines that cannot be revealed to profane, 306; location of, secret for present, 113; occult, 103; of Asia Minor and Cabalistic MS., 105, 106; of Humanity and the T.S., 377.

Brothers, story about the, by P. Davidson, 162.

Brown, E. Gerry: appointed sole deputy for selection of mediums, 91, 94, 120; as a medium, 271; contacts H.P.B., 45-46; goes bankrupt, 404; H.P.B. on character of, 88; ingratitude of, 95; on Brotherhood of Luxor, 85; on Oriental Spiritualists, 90.

Brown, John, and Olcott, 506.

Brown, Robert, opinion of, on Isis Unveiled, 323.

—, Poseidon, 323, 448.

—, The Great Dionysiak Myth, 323, 448.

Buchanan, J. R., 272, 448.

Buchner, 37, 448.

Buck, Dr. J. D., applies for fellowship, 423.

Buckle, H. T., Hist, of Civil, in England, and H.P.B., 2; 448.

Buddha: based himself on esoteric meaning of the Vedas, 398 (402); errors of Wm. Jones about, 239; philosophy of Gautama, the purest and most logical, 398(402).

Buddhism: exoteric and pure, 398 (402); Olcott’s role in reviving, 510-12.

Buddhists: bhikkus wear yellow, 240 fn.; on molecules after death, 362(366); on the perisprit and spirit, 361(365); rejected the Vedas at a later period, 398(402).

Buguet, 196.

Bulwer-Lytton, Zanoni, 100.

Burnouf, 251.

Burr, Miss Ellen F., 425, 427, 429.

Burton, Capt. R. F.: 411, 437; and H.P.B., 358.

Butlerov, A. M.: protests, 210 212, 213, 215; biogr., 448-49.



Cabala (Kabalah): and implicit faith, 130; axiom of the, 334; def. by Levi, 130; elements of the, 130; genuine and Mosaic, contrasted, 110-11; intentional slang of, 131; meaning of term, 111; New Testament, easiest, 114; only existing copy preserved, 105, 106; Oriental, the most secret, 106; problems of Jewish, 113; relation of Jewish, to Chaldean, 150; textbook of secrets of Nature, 102; three Magi borrowed from the, 129.

Cabalists: and Rosicrucians, 105; become and are not made, 10607; do not tell one how to do, 131.

Caesar, believed in augurs, etc., 232.

—, Commentaries, Huxley on, 231; 449.

Cagliostro: 137; last of Rosicrucians, 104, 141, 161; maligned, 310; may be seen again, 161. California, Atrya and Hilarion in. 90.

Calphurnia, Caesar’s wife, 232. SS Canada, Founders sail on, 431. Carbonari, and occultism, 107 fn. Carpenter, Dr. W. B.: 224, 354, 356; limited view of, on Hindu phenomena, 272 et seq.

Cassels, W. R. Supernatural Religion, etc., 380, 449.

Castro, Adolpho de, and H.P.B., 1. Catherine, Princess, murdered, 163.

Catherine II, 92.

Catholic World, on Home, 197.

“Cave of the Echoes,” magical evocation in, 346 et seq.

Cawnpoor, phenomenon by a gosain at, 275-77.

Ceccarini, Dr. G., and the Mazzini Commission, 391(392).

Century, 19th, age of destruction, 221.

Chabutara, police-house, 275.

Charles, H.P.B.’s cat, 416, 431, 438, 440.

Chaturhotri Mantra, on evolution of Earth, 227.

Child: a soul, not a spirit, 363 (367); an animal at first, 297; dead, a failure of nature, must be reborn, 298, 363(368); influence of elementaries on, 285; only a duality, 364(368).

Child, Dr.: H.P.B. ordered to expose, 58 et seq., 75 et seq., 75 fn.; letter of, to Daily Graphic, 80-81.

Childs, G. Washington, 242.

Chinese, characteristics of, 108, 109.

Chips. See Muller, Max.

Chittenden, H.P.B. and Olcott at, 34.

Choate, J. M., medium, 278.

Chrestos, and Jesus of flesh, 383.

Christ: actual existence of. doubted, 140 fn.; cures Mary of Magdala, 140.

Christian, Theology particularly pernicious, 377.

Chistianity: fetishism of, 333; greatest evil to humanity, 394; object of T.S. is to antagonize, 394; offers premium for crimes, 379-80; T.S. saves heathen from, 381.

Christians, prophesy about, 374. Christna. See Krishna.

Church: plagiarized from exoteric Buddhism, 398(402); rites and ceremonies of, stem from Occultism, 118; triple-headed snake, 394.

Cicero: 232; divinum quiddam of. 229.

548 Circle(s) : magnetic, and will power, 352-53; story of the luminous, 177 et seq.

Citizenship, American, of 408.

Clairvoyance, absurd information through, 92-93.

Clairvoyants, trained, and materializations, 267.

Clarke, W. H., at the Holmeses, 64.

Cobb, J. S., 311, 420, 449.

Colby: 413; foolish words about magic, 135 et seq.

Coleman, Chas., The Mythology of the Hindus, 241, 449.

Coleman, Wm. E. : 238; abuses H.P.B., 318; dishonest dealings of, 322 ; invites controversy, 321-22; biogr., 449-50.

Colleges, for neophytes of secret science, 103.

Collett, Miss, Brâhmo Year Book, on Brâhmo Samâj, 381-82.

Cologne Gazette, on Turkish barbarities, 256.

Colville, W. J., 277.

Commentaries, See Caesar.

Commentary. See Hurrychund, C.

Compensation, Law of, 200.

Compton, Mrs. : an electric battery, 137; transfiguration of, 339.

Conception, and astral light, 28485.

Confucius, compared to Christ and Buddha, 108-09.

Consciousness: evolution of, into intellectual self-consciousness, 334; latent spirit and distinct, 331.

Consummatum est, 431, 439-40.

Cooke, J. P., The New Chemistry, on wave theory of light, 243; 450.

Corbyn, Geo., and Masonry, 281.

I Corinth., on things of the spirit. 294, 297.

Corpuscular, and wave theories of light, 243-44.

Corson, E. R., Some Unpubl. Letters of H.P.B., 46; 450.

Corson, Hiram: 46; on Olcott’s address, 193; biogr., 450-53.

Courage, moral, which fires the heart of true adept, 102.

Cowell, Miss S. Emma (Tom), 407, 411.

Cox, Sergeant E. W.: 214, 224; biogr., 453-54.

Cremation: earliest idea of, 278; of de Palm, 214, 233.

Crimes, Christianity offers premium for, 379-80.

Croquet, at Windsor, 253-54.

Crookes, Sir Wm.: 222, 272, 273, 274; on levitation, 244.

Cross, key to Heaven in Egyptian symbolism, 129.

Croucher, J., on the soul, 290, 296.

Cubical stone, symbol of Deity, 200.

Curtis: 407, 409, 410, 412, 417, 418, 419, 423, 427, 428, 429, 431; dodges sheriff, 421.

Cuttack, “wise men” of, 370.

Cuvier, and the mammoth, 230.

Czechs, protest Pope’s discourse, 260.


Daemon est Deus inversus, 200.

Daily Graphic, 1, 2, 32, 44, 64, 68, 80, 81.

Daily Times (Hartford, Conn.), 425.

Daimon (Daimonion) : of Socrates, 229; perisprit after death is a, 362(366); soul as, 294.

Damascus, oracle from, 181 et seq.

549 Damiani, G., 337.

Damodar, and Judge, 475.

Darwin, On the Origin of Species: and H.P.B., 2; 454-55.

Dasyus, astral, 336.

David, a Cabalist, 111.

Davidson, Peter, tale of, about the Brothers, 162.

Davis, A. J.: and “Diakka,” 117, 269; biogr., 455-59.

Dayananda Sarasvati: 409; character of, 382-83.

Death: and belief in annihilation, 364(368); avoidance of, depends on will, 299, 364(368); fear of, 115; mysterious, of assassins, 173; instant, at remote control, 158, 159; perisprit after physical, 364(368); second, acc. to Levi, 329; second, acc. to Plutarch, 294, 362(366).

Debendro Nath Tagore, 381. Deity, and Justice, 200.

Delessert, inspector of Police, 151 et seq.

Demeter: and perisprit, 362(366), 363(367); and second death, 294.

Dervishes: Biktashee, 370 & fn.; errors about, fakirs and svamis, 240-41; story of the, and the magic mirror, 177 et seq.

Descartes, on nature of light, 243. Deuteronomy, 111.

Deutsch, I.: eulogizes Talmud, 132 fn.; biogr., 459.

Devachan, state of bliss for monad. 36.

Devanagari [Devanagari], 241. Devas, and Dayus, 336.

Devil, and God, 200.

Dharma-Khanda, 252. Dharmapala, H., 511. Dhoti, loin cloth, 244, 274. Dhyananta. 336.

Diakka, 82, 117, 135, 140, 187, 283.

Dialectical Society, 211.

Dickens, Chas., Edwin Drood·. and H.P.B., 2; 459.

—, Little Dorrit, 75, 459.

Did Mad. Blavatsky, etc. See Jinaräjadäsa.

Dimension: fourth, 314; fourth, and Pythagorean Tetraktys, 360.

Disquisitions. See Rossetti, G.

Ditson, Dr. G. L., 246.

Divine Brother, 415.

Divinum quiddam, of Cicero, 229.

Dogma, and faith are pillars of Theology, 304.

Dogme. See Levi.

Doppelgängers, of adepts, 242.

Double: story about murder by the astral, of medium, 163 et seq., 173 fn.

Doubleday, Gen. A.: 408, 430, 436; biogr., 459-61.

Dravida, Brahmans, 305.

Duad, and Unity, 200.

Du Potet, 137, 166, 461.

“Dweller,” Elementary, 117.


Earth: fourth planet, its role, 112; Vedas on evolution of, 227.

Earth-bound: elementarles and phenomena, 286; fiendish revenge of an, soul, 352; guides, 270; Khunrath on, elementarles, 287.

Earth. See Mayer, A. M.

Echo (N.Y.): 390(391), 391 (392), 406; publ. bv Sotheran, 369 fn., 379 fn.

Eddy Brothers: apparitions at the, during H.P.B.’s stay, 31-34, 53; H.P.B. defends the, 36 et seq.; biogr., 461-62.

550 Eddy, William, genuine medium, 35, 351.

Edison, Thos. A.: Olcott sees, about phonograph, 429; represented by E. H. Johnson, 430.

Edmonds, judge, 48.

Edward I, and R. Lully, 107 in. Edwin. Drood. See Dickens.

Ego: as astral man and animals, 294-95; or self-being, 336.

Egyptian, adept, 87.

Eidola, materialized, 293.

Eleazar, Rabbi, and the '¿ohar·. 110; 461.

Elementáis: and A. von Vay, 281; and conception, 284-85; and elementarles, 268-69, 284, 330; and invisible world, 73; and phenomena, 285; determine temperament of child, 285, 287; form astral body of infants, 298; role of. in evocation story. 352.

Elementary (ies): 191; and elementáis contrasted, 268-69; and phenomena, 285-86; are usually earth-bound guides, 270; attracted to vicious parents and their offspring, 285; human, 284, 285; Khunrath on, 286-87, 329; Levi on, and second death, 329-30; malice of, towards people, 141, 142; nature of, spirits, 112; not all, are annihilated, 298; of human body may ascend after death, 364(368); or Diakka, 135, 140.

Elements: four primary, 330; occult, and conception, 285.

Elephanta, Caves of, 407.

Elphinstone, M. biogr., 462-63.

—, Kingdom of Kabul·, on fakirs, etc., 239; 463.

—, The History of India, 239, 463.

Emanations, ten and Sephira, 112. Encyclopaedia. See Mackey.

Ennemoser: 139; biogr., 463.

Epithumia: and périsprit, 361 (365) ; or concupiscible nature, 292.

Equilibrium, of opposites, 200.

Esoteric Section: and Olcott, 51415; W. Q. Judge assisted H.P.B. in forming the, 479.

Esprits malin, 135.

Essenes: Jesus trained by the, 106; knowledge of, 116.

Ether: and gravitation, 244; Leibnitz on, 243; Webster on, 244.

Eve, and Psyché, 128-29.

Evil: and Duality, 200; endless, 112.

Evocation, of Apollonius of Tyana, 144 et seq.

Evolution: double, must be accepted, 233 ; of man and of horse, 228-30; of spirit, 230; of the Earth acc. to Eedas, 227; taught in Books of Hermes, 232.

Exodus, on witches, 140.


Fadeyev, Miss N. A. de: 253, 313, 407, 434-35: letter from H.P.B. to, 424 fn.; sends box to H.P.B. from Russia, 4; testimony of, about A. Mitrovich, 10, 11 fn.

Fadeyev, Gen. R. A. de, 255 fn. Faith: and dogma are pillars of Theology, 304; implicit, and the Cabala, 130.

Fakirs: errors about, dervishes and svamis, 240-41, 244; levitation of, 244; phenomena of, 354.

Fales, Wm. S., 84, 95, 96, 98, 99.

Fanfulla, on Mazzini, 390(392), 409.

551 Fellger, Dr. A., physician, 59.

Felt, Geo. H., 122, 123, 193, 463.

Fern, I. F., an occultist, 45. Fire-philosophers, 105, 111.

Firman, and Home, 198, 201, 202.

Flint, C. R., Memories of an Active Life·, on H.P.B.’s lawsuit, 84-85; on the “Hiraf” Club, 96-99; 463.

Fluctibus, Robertus de (Fludd), 131, 138.

Folger, R. B., The A. and A. Scottish Rite, on validity of rites, 309-10; 463.

Folliol-Cren wille, 23.

Force: and Will, 334; transforming medium’s appearance, 137.

Fossils, and the Spiritualists, 230. France, destinies of, 107 fn.

Franklin Register, 306, 307 fn., 311, 312, 407, 435.

Freemasons, 126, 131. See Masonry.

Friedenthal: and “miracles,” 317; biogr., 463.

Frosya, 166 et seq.