HPB-SB-3-106: Difference between revisions

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  | title =Ill-Fated Houses
  | title = Ill-Fated Houses
  | subtitle =
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  | untitled =
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  | source title =
  | source title = Spiritual Scientist
  | source details =
  | source details = v. 1, No. 25, February 25, 1875, p. 297
  | publication date =
  | publication date = 1875-02-25
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{{Style S-Small capitals|Aubrey}} notes: The Kleece-tavern, in Covent-garden (in Yorkstreet), was very unfortunate for homicides. There have been several killed there in my time. It is now (1692) a private house. (From a note in a copy of Aubrey's Miscellanies, in the library of the Royal Society, we learn that Clifton, the master of the Fleece-tavern, hanged himself, having perjured himself).
At the sign of — over against Northumberland-house, Charing Cross, died the Lady Baynton, eldest daughter of Sir John Danvers of Dansey. Some years after, in the same house, died my Lady Hobbey, her sister, of the small-pox: and about twenty years after, died their nephew, Henry Danvers. Esq. of'' ''the small-pox, aged twenty-one, wanting two weeks.

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  | source title = Spiritual Scientist
  | source details =
  | source details = v. 1, No. 23, February 11, 1875, p. 267
  | publication date =
  | publication date = 1875-02-11
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{{Style S-Small capitals|William H. Harrison}}, the editor of the London Spiritualist, has again been permitted to enter the cabinet with the materialized spirit “Lenore,” this time to touch, feel, and sec the human face. The materialisation stood by his left side; one of its hands rested on his shoulder, the other grasped his wrist and glided his hand twice over the human face. He says: 441 twice felt the nose, lips, and teeth of a warm living human face on that sofa, beyond all mistake whatever.”
Temporarily materialized spirits of this kind, robed in white drapery, and bearing some resemblance to their mediums, but differing from them in heighth and in other particulars- have been severely tested in the instance of Miss Cook’s mediumship, by the electrical and other experiments of Mr. Varley and Mr. Crookes, and have been authenticated by the testimony of several respectable people, including that of Mr, Crookes, who has seen the medium and the spirit together. In the case of the mediumship of Miss Showers: Mr. H. M. Dumphy, Mrs. Corner, Mrs. Ross-Church, editress of London Society, and others have given testimony that the medium and spirits possess separate materialized forms for the time being.
{{Style S-HPB SB. Restored|{{Style S-Small capitals|One very}} interesting feature of English Spiritualism is the associations which are formed in the various cities and towns for the purpose of investigation. “Association of Inquirers into Spiritualism” is the familiar title which often meets the eye in English Spiritual magazines; and in some of the reports of their meetings will be found news of the development of new mediums, or some remarkable phenomena. And then it gives the members an excellent opportunity to have a social gathering, at which readings, selections of music, &c., constitute a very pleasant entertainment for a winter’s evening.}}
{{Style S-Small capitals|A lecture on Sound}} was recently delivered at the Royal Institution, by Prof. Tyndall, and in several simple experiments he committed some very glaring errors. A scientific Spiritualist, who was present, comes out with a full statement, illustrated with diagram; showing the fallacy of certain deductions made by the Professor. The writer winds up by saying that the Royal Institution had better select a man educated in the severe and bracing school of Spiritualism to examine their experiments before they are submitted to the {{Style S-Lost|audiences.}}

{{Style P-HPB SB. Restored|}}
{{Style S-Small capitals|A correspondent}} in The Medium is agitating the abolition of capital punishment in Great Britain, and urges the Spiritualists to be true to the belief and take up the subject with the determination to accomplish the result which he advocates.
{{Style S-Small capitals|Lottie Fowler}}, a prominent test clairvoyant medium of London, was present at one of the materialization seances given by Mrs. Showers. There were different voices of four spirits, and two materializations. She comments on the harmony necessary for the more perfect results, and says that under these conditions, for one hour the company had the privilege to talk and shake hands with the spirits who looked as like life as did the individuals sitting in the circle.
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  | volume = 3
  | volume = 3
  | page = 106
  | page = 106
  | item =3
  | item = 3
  | type = article
  | type = article
  | status = wanted
  | status = proofread
  | continues =
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  | author =Cridge, Alfred
  | author = Cridge, Alfred
  | title = Unscientific Scientists
  | title = Unscientific Scientists
  | subtitle =
  | subtitle =
  | untitled =
  | untitled =
  | source title =
  | source title = Spiritual Scientist
  | source details =
  | source details = v. 1, No. 23, February 11, 1875, p. 267
  | publication date =
  | publication date = 1875-02-11
  | original date =
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  | notes =
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<center>{{Style S-Small capitals|By Alfred Cridge.}}</center>
{{Style S-Small capitals|“Those}}, who are unacquainted with the details of scientific investigations have no idea of the amount of labor expended in the determination of those numbers on which important calculations or interests depend.....There is a morality brought to bear upon such matters which, in point of severity, is probably without a parallel in any other domain of intellectual action. The desire for anything but the truth must be absolutely annihilated; and to attain perfect accuracy no labor must be shirked, no difficulty ignored. Thus, as regards the determination of the velocity of sound in air, hours might be filled with a single statement of the efforts' made to establish it with precision.”—''Tyndall on Sound.''
{{Style S-Small capitals|This}} is precisely the frame of mind applicable to the 1 investigation of any subject; and is, if possible, more necessary to the consideration of mental and spiritual, than of physical phenomena. Yet, has any noted man of science adverse to Spiritualism—have Tyndall, Huxley, Agassiz, Carpenter, or any lesser “lights” (“if the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness”) ever undertaken to investigate Spiritualism on the basis of a “morality without a parallel,” with the “desire for anything but the truth absolutely annihilated”? When they investigate it in this spirit, It is to be hoped they will be heard from. Meanwhile, their opinions as theories are valueless in comparison with those of ''un ''scientific people who “know that whereof they affirm.” The great trouble is that scientific men throw overboard all scientific methods the moment they undertake to investigate Spiritualism. They “shirk” the “labor” incidental to visiting a score or two of mediums, still more, that of developing mediums in their own families. They “ignore” the “difficult” conditions requisite to the phenomena, as well as the difficulties arising from the ignorance or the fraud of real or pretended mediums; and expect even thing connected with the subject to be at once made clear to them as the only alternative to an ''ex cathedra ''denunciation of the same as fraudulent and worthless.
“To the French and Dutch philosophers we owe the last refinements of experimental skill to the solution of the problem” of the velocity of sound in air. To what class, school, or nationality of “philosophers” have we to look for the “solution of the problems" appertaining to the relations of the spirit life with the present? We shall probably find it easier to make than to mend. Spiritualists should themselves become philosophers and scientists.
“In dealing with nature the mind must be on the alert to seize all her conditions; otherwise, we soon learn that our thoughts are not in accordance with her facts. — ''Tyndall on Sound.''
This, again, is just where materialistic investigators miss it Their minds are not “on the alert to seize all her conditions.” They allege that Spiritualism will not stand scientific investigations, because the phenomena are not susceptible of reproduction when certain external conditions arc the same as those of other times and places where these phenomena are alleged to have transpired, ignoring the probable absence of other conditions, which may be mental or spiritual, as well as physical, a thought being as much a fact or a condition, as a thing.

<gallery widths=300px heights=300px>
spiritual_scientist_v.01_n.25_1875-02-25.pdf|page=9|Spiritual Scientist, v. 1, No. 25, February 25, 1875, p. 297
spiritual_scientist_v.01_n.23_1875-02-11.pdf|page=3|Spiritual Scientist, v. 1, No. 23, February 11, 1875, p. 267