HPB-SB-8-125: Difference between revisions

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{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued |The Religious Aspects of Spiritualism|8-120}}
{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued |The Religious Aspects of Spiritualism|8-120}}

{{Style P-No indent|war with nothing but hypocrisy, selfishness, and all such ignoble vices. Truth may vary in its aspects to different minds. Let each person respect another's honest idea of truth. The germ of all truth is the same: different flowers, but all the same seed.}}
{{Style P-Signature in capitals| Isabel de Steiger.}}
Kensington, December 27th.


Revision as of 10:31, 10 July 2024

from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 8, p. 125
vol. 8 (September 1878 - September 1879)
page 125


  • HPB note
  • HPB highlighted
  • HPB underlined
  • HPB crossed out
  • <Editors note>
  • <Archivist note>
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< The Religious Aspects of Spiritualism (continued from page 8-120) >

war with nothing but hypocrisy, selfishness, and all such ignoble vices. Truth may vary in its aspects to different minds. Let each person respect another's honest idea of truth. The germ of all truth is the same: different flowers, but all the same seed.

Isabel de Steiger.

Kensington, December 27th.

<Untitled> (Sir,—Miss Kislingbury has...)


The Religious Aspects of Spiritualism


<... continues on page 8-126 >

Editor's notes

  1. Sir,—Miss Kislingbury has... by Moses, William Stainton, M.A., Spiritualist, The, Jan. 3, 1879
  2. The Religious Aspects of Spiritualism by Kislingbury, Emily, Spiritualist, The, Jan. 10, 1879