HPB-SB-10-130: Difference between revisions

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{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued |A Curious Presentiment|10-129}}
{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued |A Curious Presentiment|10-129}}

{{Style P-No indent|go; we have then to decide how much they will explain. So with regard to the well-ascertained fact of physical duplication. Explanations of phenomena put forward by Dr. Wyld, Colonel Olcott, and Madame Blavatsky, as partially applicable, have been treated as wholly unverified phenomena. They are in truth founded on our most familiar experiences in Spiritualism—the fact of duplication both in the region of intelligence and physical organism. It is the foreign intelligence that has to be established in any case, as in many cases I think it is; but logical “economy” forbids the unnecessary multiplication of explanatory causes.}}
Temple, Dec. 4th, 1879.


Revision as of 06:17, 2 September 2024

from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 10, p. 130
vol. 10
page 130


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< A Curious Presentiment (continued from page 10-129) >

go; we have then to decide how much they will explain. So with regard to the well-ascertained fact of physical duplication. Explanations of phenomena put forward by Dr. Wyld, Colonel Olcott, and Madame Blavatsky, as partially applicable, have been treated as wholly unverified phenomena. They are in truth founded on our most familiar experiences in Spiritualism—the fact of duplication both in the region of intelligence and physical organism. It is the foreign intelligence that has to be established in any case, as in many cases I think it is; but logical “economy” forbids the unnecessary multiplication of explanatory causes.

Temple, Dec. 4th, 1879.

Private Seances


<Untitled> (Mr. F. O. Matthews...)


The Theosophists of India


Editor's notes

  1. Private Seances by unknown author, London Spiritualist, No. 381, December 12, 1879, p. 278
  2. Mr. F. O. Matthews... by unknown author, London Spiritualist, No. 381, December 12, 1879, p. 278
  3. The Theosophists of India by Massey, C.C., London Spiritualist, No. 381, December 12, 1879, pp. 278-79
