Zirkoff B. - Index (BCW vol.3): Difference between revisions
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Bhojapatra, J. R., 36. | |||
Bhuta(s): earthbound spirit and intense thought, 424; and elementals, 477; and exorcisms, 483. | |||
Bibesco, Princess Martha, Kolia, 168 in., 497. | |||
Bible: 277; comforting for murderers, 249; and cremation, 301; Egyptian parentage of, myths, 485-86; foolish glorification of, 450; indecent language in, 366; may be obliterated in near future, 67; miracles in, and spiritual phenomena, 230; old exploded legends, 208; recommends violence, 11617; revised edition of, upsets theological stronghold, 66; and septenary system, 453; weeds of, to last another century, 213; yvorship of the, 286. | |||
Bigot, preferred to hypocrite, 115. | |||
Bilu (Belus), King, 214. | |||
Binah, Intelligence, 457. | |||
Blaine, Mr., Amer. Sec’y of State, 124-25. | |||
Blantyre, flogging missionaries of, 153. | |||
Blavatsky, H. P.: a Buddhist, 481 fn.; admires Vedas & Vedanta, 310; and astral bells, 103-04; at Cawnpore, 82; claims right of thinking for herself, 310; constant correspondence with’ relatives, 445; declared a widow, 444; defends Olcott & his record, 11-13; and experiments in occult forces, 136-37; heathen name of, acts as fly in communion cup, 120; is combative, 239; knows real cause of Spiritualistic phenomena, 240; learned English colloquially in childhood, 273; never lectured in life, 481 fn.; not a medium in Spiritualistic sense, 275; not a Spiritualist, 112; not a worker of wonders, 8; not penniless in India, 80; on shores of So. India around 1857, 372; personal knowledge of, regarding mediumistic phenomena, 146; portraits, fac. 186, 443; and Simla phenomena, 8-9; supplies means for T.S., 442, 446; suspected as a “spy,” 83; two portraits of, 445; vilified and abused, 363-64, 364, 387 et seq.; will not return to America, 490. | |||
–, Durbar in Lahore, 170. | |||
–. From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan: 82 & fn.; allegedly translated. 82 & fn.; on Cant. Seymour, 152 fn. | |||
–, Isis Unveiled: 49 fn., 177 fn., 273, 377, 402, 403 fn., 477; criticised, 337; doctrines in, translated from Asiatic language, 273; imperfections of, 273-74; on cataclysms, 150; on universe, 318 & fn. | |||
–, Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett, 383 fn., 385 fn. | |||
–, Scrapbooks: 75, 78, 155, 162, 311; as collection of printed vituperations against T. S., 68. | |||
Blavatsky, Nikifor V., 444, 446, 447 fn. | |||
Bodha, or Atmabodha, 412. Bodhi: 397; esoteric religion, 185. Bodhisattvas, and the Five Buddhas, 183. | |||
Bod-yul, or Tibet, 180 fn. Boehme, Jacob, 33, 34, 229.–, Aurora, etc., 34; 497. | |||
Boethius, S.: on numbers, 195-96; 497-98. | |||
Boha-eddin, 177 fn., 183 fn., 184, 186. | |||
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Bombay: Bishop of, and native religions, 119-20; troubles in, T. S., 2, 133. | |||
Bombay Gazette: 200, 234, 390, 488; art. of “Peripatetic” discussed, 109 et seq. | |||
Bombay Guardian: catches “a Tartar,” 121; unreasonable demands of, 151; and year 1881, 120-21. | |||
Bon, aboriginal religion of Tibet, 419. | |||
Book of Dynasties. See Abul-Faraj. | |||
Book of God. See Kenealy. | |||
Book of Numbers, 267, 498. | |||
Book of Sin-King. See Heart Sutra. | |||
Book of the Beginnings. See Massey, G. | |||
Book of the Dead, 428, 498. Bradlaugh, Chas., 65, 232, 234. Brahm, and its 12 manifestations, 319 fn. | |||
Brahma [Brahman], the One Self, 422. | |||
Brahma: as germ, 405 fn.; creative energy, 322; Days and Nights of, 270; or Isvara as personal God, 424; Tarakasurs rebel against, 402 fn.; Vishnu and Siva, 314. | |||
Brahmachari Bawa, on the Vimana Vidya of Aryans, 71 & fn. | |||
Brahman: 407, 408-09, 411, 412 & fn., 413 fn.; as Absolute of Vedanta, 424. | |||
Brahmanda, as universe, 318. | |||
Brahmanism: and esoteric Buddhism are one, 399; imported into India, 420. | |||
Brahmaputra, or Tsampu, 303-04. Brahmo Public Opinion, 204, 258. Brahmo-Samaj: 199, 229; origin and current state, 55 et seq., 204-06, 257-59, 286-87, 329-30. Brahmo Samajists: not Christians, 74; not Theosophists, 9, 73. | |||
Brain: effect of thoughts of dead upon the, of sensitives, 426; impressions on, and dreams, 430-31; and last thoughts of dying man, 173; and memory, 410; nature of, and science, 438; nerve-matter of, spinal cord and electric current, 285; physical and spiritual, 435; undergoes complete transformation, 411. | |||
Brih, to grow, increase, as root of term Brahman, 424. | |||
British T. S., 260. | |||
Britten, Mrs. E. Hardinge—, on sub-human spirits, 477-78. | |||
–, Modern American Spiritualism, 477 fn.; 498. | |||
Brothers of the Shadow, 298. | |||
Brotherhood: Chief of Esoteric Himalayan, 401 & fn.; Himalayan, 421; in the, of Adepts Hindus are in minority, 304; of living men, 274; T. S. a, of Humanity, 309; Universal, 448, 479. | |||
Brown-Sequard, 22. | |||
Bruce, H., and Olcott go to Ceylon, 154. | |||
Brugsch-Bey, 131. | |||
Buchner, 437 fn. | |||
Buck, Dr. J. D., 498-99; portrait, fac. 331. | |||
Buddha: manifested, 406 fn.; one who has Atmabodha in completeness, 412. | |||
Buddha, Gautama: 185; as Saviour, 241; greatest Illuminati, 267; H. P. B.’s high veneration for, 310; Maya as mother of, 187 fn., 189 fn.; most important feature of his reform, 399; successive incarnations of, 414, 458. | |||
Buddha. See Lillie. | |||
Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas, 183, 185. | |||
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Buddha-la, 189 fn. | |||
Buddhi, as seat of Bodha, 412. | |||
Buddhism: as rational or radical Vedantism, 241, 422; esoteric, one with Brahmanism, 399; final goal of, 89; and idea of hell, 88 et seq.; more scientific than Western religions, 358; refuses to admit a creator or God, 380 fn.; and role of Buddha, 242; and Spiritualism, 396 et seq.; and T. S., 241; no Theism in, 242. | |||
Buddhist. See Olcott. | |||
Buddhists, Founders of T. S. are, 241. | |||
Budea, is Minerva, 184. | |||
Budha, bodha, bodhi, buddha, 182 fn., 185, 187 fn. | |||
Bundy, Col., 364. | |||
Bunsen, C., Egypt’s Place, etc., on Central Asian deluge, 452 fn.; 499. | |||
Burton, Capt. R. & Mrs., 176; 499. –, Vikram and the Vampire, 49 fn. | |||
Bushin, and missing link, 42. | |||
Butleroff: 93, 112; experiments with Home, 235; on reality of mediumistic phenomena, 23536; 499. | |||
{{Style P-Subtitle|C}} | |||
Cagliostro, Alessandro di, and forged Catholic biography, 125. | |||
Cahagnet, Alphonse: Fellowship of, in T. S., 31-32; work and character of, 33-35; on T. S., 72; 499-500. | |||
–, Celestial Telegraph, 30, 34. –, Cosmogony and Anthropoid ogy: 31; comments on, 61-64. | |||
–, Révélations d’Outre-Tombe, 63. | |||
Caius Septimus embalmed entrails of, 102-03. | |||
Calcutta Review, art. on “Diwali,” 179. | |||
Calf, or globe worshipped by Israelites, 130-31. | |||
Calmeil, De la Folie, etc., 280 fn.; 500. | |||
Calumny, and slander of unusual people, 125, 128. | |||
Cancer, conjunction of three planets in, 198. | |||
Canonization, of Benoit Labre, 243-44. | |||
Capricornus, 325. | |||
Carlyle, on knowledge and faith, 207. | |||
Carpenter, Dr., 172. | |||
Carpenter, Mary, on Ram Mohun Roy, 56; 500. | |||
Castes, and Races, 463. | |||
Cataclysms, and deluges, 150. | |||
Catholic Church: anathematizes those who break away, 207; falsely claims some atheists, 256-57; fears true magic, 254; and Littre, 255 et seq.; only pillars of the, in Paris, 256. | |||
Catholic Messenger, 311. | |||
Catholic Mirror: on boy-medium, 98; on miracles, 275 et seq.; on miracle-working leaf, 354. | |||
Catholic Review, abusive, 67-68. | |||
Caucasus, 46 et seq. | |||
Cause: and effect, their interrelation, 408; the One, 457. | |||
Caves: 82, 455 fn., 458, 464, 465; tablets hidden in, on Tien-Shan, 467. | |||
Cawnpore, caves at, 82. | |||
Celestial. See Cahagnet. | |||
Celtic Druids. See Higgins. | |||
Censorinus, on Heliacal or Great Year, 150; 500. | |||
Censorship, in Russia, 163. | |||
Census, Mosaic and in Bombay, 117-18. | |||
Cerebellum, and sleep, 435. | |||
Cérémonies, etc., 500. See also {{Page aside|550}}Relig. Ceremonies. | |||
Ceres, Keres, 460. | |||
Ceylon: Christians in, alarmed by Olcott’s success, 302-03, 480-82; slanders in, against T.S., 10; work in, 2-3, 154. | |||
Ceylon Observer, attacks Olcott, 302-03. | |||
Ceylon Times, 241, 302. | |||
Chaitanya, 59, 106, 259. | |||
Chakrav artins, 177. | |||
Chaldea: radiating center of magic, 150; secret wisdom of, 194. | |||
Chaldeo-Tibetan: and Aryan doctrines identical, 400, 406 fn; doctrine as Universal WisdomReligion, 419; name for trans- Himalayan esoteric doctrine, 419; points of difference between them, 409 fn. | |||
Chambers' Journal: 427; on a dream, 428-29. | |||
Chaney, W. H., on astrology and chastity, 191; 500-501. | |||
Chaos: and “creation,” 379-80 & fn.; R. Fludd on, 284. | |||
Char, Char-is, City of Fire, 460. | |||
Chariot, represents body, 463. | |||
Chela, 336. | |||
Cherub, implied as sitting on its ears, 221. | |||
Chidagnikunda, 414. | |||
Chidakasa [Chidakasa], 414. | |||
Chimborazo, 140. | |||
China, tradition about, and souls of Druses, 187. | |||
Chin-che-K’hai, school of, 421. | |||
Chinese: anticipated later inventions, 420; and astrology, 197. | |||
Choang-Long [Chuang-lang], near Kumbum, 182. | |||
Chohan-Lama, of Rinch-cha-tze. 398. | |||
Chorea, and aura of magnets, 98. Christ, teachings of, versus Christian sects, 134. | |||
Christian: Church loses outstanding people, 135; converts in Ceylon, 154; and Holkar of Indore, 151; Jesuits as the most ancient of, orders, 115 et seq.; sects in India, 133, 134; term of low repute in India, 490; what constitutes a, 91. | |||
Christian Vernacular Educ. Society, real motive of, 69-70. | |||
Christianity: based on Spiritualism, 112, 113; Bishop of Bombay on, 114; bloody record of, 198; and crime, 248-49, 349-50; and native religions of India, 119-20; nature of, 180; opium and toddy, 439; opposes theurgy, 181; repels outstanding thinkers, 135; Theosophists do not hate, 134; versus Christians, 134. | |||
Church: alleged miracles and violence, 137; Congress and Spiritualism, 344-46. | |||
Circle: cross within, 316; surrounding double triangle, 317. | |||
Civil and Military Gazette·. 80, 441; acts as sewer for literary garbage, 78. | |||
Clairvoyance: ordinary and trained, 248; unreliable, 472. | |||
Classes, in society and materialism, 104. | |||
Clement of Alexandria, Stromaieis: on Er, son of Armenius, 451; on Nazaratus, 451 fn.; 501. | |||
Clergy: and Christianity in India, 439; Western and crimes, 386. | |||
Codex Nazaraeus: emanations in, 322; on birth of Adam-Kadmon, 188 fn.; 500. | |||
Colby, L., praised, 347. | |||
Coleridge, on acorns and men, 298-99. | |||
–, Kubla Khan, result of a dream, 431; 501. | |||
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Collins, boy-medium, 98, 101. | |||
Collins, Mabel, Light on the Path, 212. | |||
Combinations: algebraic, 406; and principles, 407. | |||
Commentary of the Sephiroth, 456, 501. | |||
Communication: subjective, between spirits, 211; with spirits, 392 et seq. | |||
Comte, A.: and artificial fecundation, 329; and Littre, 255. | |||
Concentration, psycho-physiological effects of, 328. | |||
Confucius, Praise of the Abyss, 423; 501. | |||
Conjunction, of planets, 197-98. | |||
Conscience, T. S. a Republic of, 226. | |||
Consciousness: absolute, 423, 436 fn.; and unconsciousness, 423. | |||
Continent, unbroken from Himalayas to Tasmania, 420. | |||
“Control,” or guide deludes sensitive, 426. | |||
Cook, Canon, and Moses, 67. | |||
Cook, Joseph, slanders Founders, 489-91. | |||
Cooper-Oakley, Isabel, on de Saint-Germain, 526. | |||
Coquerel, A. J., 32, 501. | |||
Corpses, evil of preserving, 294. | |||
Corregio, on Raphael, 268. | |||
Correspondences, magnetic, 220. | |||
Correspondents, newspaper, as mischief breeders, 83. | |||
Cosmogonic. See Cahagnet. | |||
Cotapaxi, 140. | |||
“Council of Ten,” 258. | |||
Courage, moral, required to face criticism, 220. | |||
Creation: misnomer for successive re-evolution, 270; outward manifestation of unmanifested matter, 380 & fn., 474. | |||
Cremation: 294 fn.; spread of, 301-02. | |||
Crime (s): based on superstition, 350 et seq.; and Christianity, 248-49, 349-50, 386. | |||
Crookes, Sir Wm.: 52, 93, 103, 112, 219, 247 & fn.; and Katie King, 230. | |||
–, Researches, etc.: 220; on Katie King and psychic force, 234; 501. | |||
Cross: mystic, in ancient symbolism, 188 fn.; number ten and term lama, 178 fn.; within circle, 316. | |||
Crow’s Nest, group photo at, Bombay, fac. 459. | |||
Crux ansata, 315-16. | |||
Crystals, and magnetism, 100. | |||
Csoma de Koros, 177, 501. | |||
Cup and saucer, phenomenon, 380. | |||
Cures, induced by psychological effects, 36-38, 252 et seq. | |||
Cursing, in proportion to the hurt, 68. | |||
Cycles: and cyclic necessity, 415; Great Year and cataclysms, 150; and Kabala, 194; and return of beliefs, 478; six, of evolution in magianism, 462; and sunspots, 193 & fn. | |||
Cyrus the Great: and Jews, 453; name of, 460; Zoroastrian 450. | |||
Czar, and Russian people, 159-60. | |||
{{Style P-Subtitle|D}} | |||
Daghdai, Dagh-dae, Day-dae, Holy Wisdom, 188 fn., 465. | |||
Dagon, man-fish or perfect wisdom, 189 & fn. | |||
Daimon, of Socrates, 272, 278-79. | |||
Damodar, 462; same age as Eglinton, 503; portrait, fac. 187. | |||
Dance, as religious practice, 20406. | |||
Danevsky, on Russia & England, 76. | |||
Daniel: chief of magi, 456 fn.; existence of, doubted, 454. | |||
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Darazi, pupil of H’amza, 178. | |||
Darius Hystaspes: 454, 466; hierophant of magianism, 452, 467. | |||
Darkness, in Kabalistic sense, 314. Davenports, as mediums, 15. | |||
David: guilty of murder and adultery, 27; and mistress, 249; and mystic dance, 204. | |||
Day. See Figuier. | |||
Dayanand Saraswati, 332. –, Veda Bhashya, 305, 502. | |||
Death: and after-death apparitions, 173-74, 275 et seq.; afterdeath states & sentient life, 295; dissociation of lower principles at, 415; intense thought at, 424 et seq.; and Kama, 397; Levi on, and Satan, 292 et seq.; projection of astral soul at, 282 et seq.; and subjective intercourse, 346, and thoughts, 173, 275 et seq., 426. | |||
Decad, 318, 327. | |||
Deezy, Chas., on man’s evolution, 40-41. | |||
Deity: as the One, 318; Buddhist Arahat recognize no, 410 fn.; nature of, and evil, 62, 63, 423; no conscious, in Upanishads, 424; unmanifested, 315. | |||
Deluge(s): acc. to Vishnu-Parana, 188 fn.; Armenian tradition on, 214; date of Central Asian, 452 fn., 467; past and future, and six saros, 149-50; and sari, 215, & fn. | |||
Democritus, 356. | |||
Denton, Wm., The Soul of Things, 29; 502. | |||
Desatir, on Zaratusht, 465, 467; 502. | |||
Desire: to see dead person is to evoke the image, 293 fn.; and thought at death, 283. | |||
Deuteronomy, 132. | |||
Devachan [Tib. bde-ba-chan], and Ego, 295. | |||
Devas: must live in every sphere before leading conscious earthlife, 269-70. | |||
Devil: as “monkey of God,” 355; chief pillar of faith, 91; and God, 299 fn.; legitimatized, 67; principal prop of Christianity, 181, 278, 350, 353; rationale of belief in, 353; and threeleaved fern, 352. | |||
Devotion, true, to a cause is neither bought nor sold, 389. | |||
Dewel, female demon, 402 fn. Dharma, 141, 142. | |||
Dharma. See Shraddha Ram. | |||
Dhyana [Dhyana]: 142, 304; and Iddhi, 399; and recognition of Truth, 430. | |||
Dialectical Society, Report on Spiritualism, acknowledges phenomena, 234; 502. | |||
Dickens, Chas., 125 fn. | |||
Diogenes Laertius, on Pythagoras, 451-52. | |||
Diritto, on the Ghetto, 87. | |||
Discoveries, all, of natural law are honorable, 136. | |||
Divination, Levi on, and astral light, 431-32. | |||
Divine. See Warburton. | |||
Dixon, J., Hygienic Clairvoyance: on aura and mesmeric attraction, 21; on electricity and shells, 25-26; 502. | |||
Doctrine: fundamental, prior to Vedas, 401; source of esoteric, 402. | |||
Dodecagon, and the twelve great gods, 319. | |||
Dogme. See Levi, E. | |||
Dolgorukov, Princess: 166; Elder line of Family, 167 fn. | |||
Dolgorukov, Princess Helen P., H. P. B.’s grandmother, 444, 446, 447 fi. See Yurievsky. | |||
Donaldson, 453 fn. | |||
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Dondukov-Korsakov, Prince: 389; sends certificate about H. P. B. to Bombay, 445. | |||
Doong-ting, relic-cupboard, 321. Dosabhoy, D., and astrology, 190. Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov, H. P. B. translates excerpt from, 324. | |||
Draper, History of the Conflict, etc., on methods of Plato and Aristotle, 196; 502. | |||
Dreams: and brain impressions, 430-31; some, prophetic, 431- 32; and Spiritual Ego, 435-36; and Spiritual visions, 437; verses on, 429. | |||
Drummond, Oedipus Judaicus, on age of Zoroaster, 461; 502. | |||
Drunkenness, 228. | |||
Druses: and Buddhism, 179; and brotherhood of Khelang, 177; and China, 187; divide man in three parts, 181 fn.; five “Messengers,” of, 183-84; and Lamaism, 175 et seq., 186; messenger of, goes through Bombay to Tibet, 187; religion of, a survival of Wisdom-Religion, 180- 81; sacred works of, and Petis de la Croix, 177 fn.; secrets of, jealously guarded, 182, 183, 185; true origin of, 176. | |||
Dryden, Fables, etc., on dreams, 433; 503. | |||
Du ad, why not a sacred number, 316-17, 318. | |||
Duality: and interlaced triangles, 313, 318; of man’s nature, 434, 438; of principal spirits of man, 321. | |||
Du Barry, Comtesse, 129; 503. | |||
Du Bois-Reymond, 22, 23; 503. Dukhobors, 205. | |||
Dupanloup, Bishop, and Littre, 255-56. | |||
Dupotet: 30; on T. S., 72; 503. | |||
Durga, 329. | |||
Duty, 141, 142. | |||
Dyadin, 213, 216. | |||
{{Style P-Subtitle|E}} | |||
Earth: as mother, 459; sphericity and rotation of, denied by clergy, 311-12. | |||
Earthquakes: 199; accurately predicted by Falb, 147 et seq. | |||
Ebers, George, 131. | |||
Eccles. History. See Eusebius. | |||
Edda, 460. | |||
Eddy, Wm., 15, 28. | |||
Editors: as Bashi-Boozooks of Mrs. Grundy’s Army, 232. | |||
Edmunds, Dr., and Dialectical Society, 234 fn. | |||
Eek, Dr. Sven, Damodar, etc., 505. Egeria, and cave, 465. | |||
Eglinton, Wm., test séances with, 143-46, 488; 503-505; portrait, fac. 123. | |||
Ego: astral, and 7th principle in sleep, 436; earthbound, in devachan, 295; suicides, 210-11; of spiritually evil men, 298; potential rebirth of, after death, 292; capacities of inner, 437; spiritual, and its effect on sleeping brain, 435-36; spiritual, or Self, determines tone of life, 434-35. | |||
Egypt: and Gen. R. de Fadeyev, and India, 420; Massey on, 484 et seq. | |||
Egypt's. See Bunsen. | |||
Eidolon, personification by the, or elementary, 395. | |||
Eighth, planet, 298. | |||
Eleatics, 62. | |||
Eleazar, Moses and census, 117-18. Electricity: and astral light, 376; discharged by fishes, 22; generated in muscles, 22-23; insanity by, 285; stored in some people, 23 et seq. | |||
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Electro-magnetic, terrestrial, induction and mediums, 247 fn. | |||
Element(s): non-human beings in, 338; twenty-five, making up a man, 321-22; the One, 423. | |||
Elementáis: and elements, 252-53; nature of, 248; or nature-spirits, 477; supply molecular force to mediums, 248; term used prior to Theosophists, 251; and trained clairvoyance, 248; will live some day on earth, 270. | |||
Element ary (i es): fashion apparitions or psychic shells, 477; or bhûtas, 424, 425; personification by, or eidolon, 395; and suicides, 210-11; term applied to some Egyptian gods, 478. | |||
Elementary. See Falb. | |||
Elias Levita, on Masorah, 453 fn.; 505. | |||
Elijah, a Nazarene, 451 fn. Elixir, Red, 335, 336, 338. | |||
Emanations: in Codex Nazaraeus, 322; of the 24 divine powers, 321; triune, of En-Soph, 313. | |||
Emperor. See Gribble. | |||
Emptiness, or Space, 423. | |||
Enchantment, and crime, 352. Endor, rationale of witch of, 284. Energy (ies): faith and will in curing illness, 253; triune Cosmic, 314. | |||
England, Russia and India, 75-77. Enlightenment, Buddha made, open to all, 399. | |||
Enoch. See Kenealy. | |||
En-Soph [Ain-Soph]: emanates Aur or Primordial Light, 457; Hokhmah & Sephiroth, 319; NoThing, 456 fn.; triune emanations of, 313. | |||
Entities, or principles in man, 406, 407. | |||
Epidemics, and sunspot cycle, 193 & fn. | |||
Epiphany, 461. | |||
Episcope, Egyptian, and astrology, 191. | |||
Equilibrium, and the One Law, 313. | |||
Er (or Enis), may be Zoroaster, 451. | |||
d’Escayrac de Lauture, on Marimbas, 42; 505. | |||
Esdraelon, 189. | |||
Esoteric: philosophies agree on the whole, 270; source of, doctrine, 402, 419; trans-Himalayan, doctrine, 419. | |||
Essence, immutable, 61-62. | |||
Etchmiadzin, Monastery of, 459. Eternity, pan-aeonic, 296, 317. Ether, or astral light, 376. | |||
Europe, stones her true prophets, decries ancient science, 208. | |||
Eusebius, the Munchausen of patristic hierarchy, 175. | |||
–, Eccles. History, 175 fn. | |||
Eutychius, misrepresents Zoroaster, 459. | |||
Evil: as abstract principle among Druses, 187; and Good, 349; Kabalistic meaning of, 314; and matter eternal, 299 fn.; necessitates a second deity, 423. | |||
Evocation, of astral images, 293 fn. | |||
Evolution: 62; and “creation,” 380; known long ago to Eastern occultists, 383; and six higher principles in man, 384; six periods of, in Magianism, 462; spiritual, paripassu with physical, 384. | |||
Existence, three kinds of, 422. | |||
Exodus, 130. | |||
Exorcisms, and bhutas, 483. | |||
Expectation, and memory, 410. | |||
Ezra, and Scriptures, 67. | |||
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{{Style P-Subtitle|F}} | |||
F, middle, and sound of nature, 434 fn. | |||
Faber, G. S., On the Mysteries, etc., on Zoroaster, 455, 465; 505. | |||
Fables. See Dryden. | |||
Fact(s): decisive influence of, 233; and fictions, 222-23; irrefutable, 31; only tribunal recognized by Theosophists, 225; outside of physics, 393; what is a, 367 et seq. | |||
Fadeyev, Andrey Μ., implied, 445, 446, 447 fn. | |||
Fadeyev, Mme. N. A.: defends H. P. B., 444-45; and document about de Saint-Germain, 129 & fn.; on the Council of T. S., 445. | |||
Fadeyev, Gen. R.: 389, 445, 50607; certificate from, on the identity of H. P. B., 446-48 & fn.; portrait, fac. 442. | |||
Faith: blind, 261; will and energy, 253. | |||
Falb, Dr. R.: on deluges, 149-50; predicts earthquakes, etc., 147 et seq.; 507-08. | |||
–, The Elementary, etc., 14748. | |||
–, Thoughts, etc., 148. | |||
–, Von den Umwälzungen, etc., 149, 150. | |||
Falernian, wine and entrails of Roman Consul, 102-03. | |||
“Fallen Angels,” copied from Siva’s story, 402 fn. | |||
Fan, space, 423. | |||
Faridunji, N., T ar eekh-i-Z or tosh- tee, on date of Zoroaster, 454; 508. | |||
Farr, Dr., Registrar, 117. | |||
Father-Cause, 326. | |||
Feast of the Dead, and earthbound souls, 483. | |||
Fechner, G. T., 15, 236, 508; portrait, fac. 138. | |||
Fecundation, artificial, of Comte, 329. | |||
Feodor Kusmitch, 124 fn. | |||
Ferho, Lord, 322. | |||
Fern three-leaved, and devil, 352. | |||
Fichte, 112, 236 & fn. | |||
Figuier, G.-L., The Day After Death, 472; 509. | |||
Firdousi, on Divine Light, 462. | |||
Fire: Divine, and red dress of Cardinals, 461, 462; God is, 460, 462; inextinguishable, 460; magi rekindle altar without, 462; worship of Sabaeans, 467. | |||
First Section, Brothers of the, and T. S., 274, 303. | |||
Fish: as symbol of Messiahs, 188 fn.; as symbol of Supreme Wisdom, 189 fn.; son of the, or Annedotus, 215. | |||
Five, Buddhas, 183, 185. | |||
Flamens, and Fire, 462. | |||
Flammarion, 93, 112; 509. | |||
Fletcher, Mrs.: and mediumship, 110; case of, 227. | |||
Flint, Anti-Theistic Theories, 355, 509. | |||
Fludd, R.: 264; on chaos, 284; on non-human beings, 338. | |||
Fo: as abstract Principle, 179 fn.; and Taley-Lama, 185. | |||
Fohat: and active conscious life, 423; as Sakti, 405 fn. | |||
Fokien, old books in, and Tibet, 418. | |||
Folie. See Calmeil. | |||
Force(s): elementáis as halfblind, of Nature, 270; eternal, and space, 423; molecular, and mediums, 248; of nature and miracles, 277; six primary, 413; universal expansive, of Nature, 424; unknown correlations of, {{Page aside|556}}producing seemingly miraculous effects, 151, 246 et seq. | |||
Form(s): materialized, at seances are copied from a record, 474; not different from space, 406 fn.; outer, and design in Nature, 385. | |||
Foster, as medium, 15. | |||
Founders: advocate untiring search for Truth, 306; are neither Yogis or associates, 5; as Buddhists, 241; chief object of the, 5; collect slanders and abuses from missionaries, 366; derided by educated class, 104; do not believe in miracles, 61; do not teach Yoga-Vidya, 26; journeys of, in 1880, 2-3; no “adventurers,” 448; misrepresented and abused, 78 et seq.; resist bigotry and conceit, 306; select Henry Slade for Committee, 19-20; -slandered by J. Cook, 489-91; try to revive philosophical self-respect of Hindus, 448. | |||
Fourth, dimension, 14 et seq., 220. “Fragments,” etc. See Hume, A. 0. Freethought, spread of, 64 et seq. Freethought. See Tyerman. | |||
Friend of India, share of the, in Indian Mutiny, 153. | |||
Fu-hi, 197. | |||
{{Style P-Subtitle|G}} | |||
Gahambars, or six periods, 462. Galileo, on the earth, 303, 312. Galvani, 22. | |||
Gandisri Mnts., and Sambhala, 421, 422 fn. | |||
Gardner, Mrs. Cornelia, 359, 361, 362. | |||
Garfield: and Guiteau, 361; killed, 255. | |||
Gathas, 455. | |||
Gaulois, Le, on death of Littre, 250. | |||
Gauss, K. F., and fourth dimension, 15. | |||
Gazette, Police, 94. | |||
Geary, Grattan, 234. | |||
Gehenna, 295. | |||
Gelfmann, Jessie, 362. | |||
Gematria, and numbers, 195, 202. Gendrikoff, Count, 123. | |||
Genesis: 45; incomprehensible without Kaba!a, 456 fn. | |||
Gerbovnik, 80, 509. | |||
Germs: Brahma and Prakriti as, of life, 405, 406; in ether, 405; of disease and thoughts, 425. | |||
Gian Jin, founded Persepolis, 460. Gladstone, W. E., and Russia, 77. –, Rome, etc., on Papal abusive language, 68-69; 509. | |||
Gleichen, Baron C.-H. von, on de Saint-Germain, 527. | |||
Globe, symbology of, and calf, 130-31. | |||
Gobi (Shamo) Desert: once an inland sea, 402, 420, 467; and Sambhala, 421. | |||
God: absorption into, and nirvana, 89; and “creation,” 380 fn.; and Devil, 299 fn.; as Fire, 460; commands violence, 11617; humorous appeal to, 330; Jehovah not the One Supreme, 457; lamb of, and Iamb cutlet, 330; made an administrative mistake, 261; no one has proved the existence of a, 112; no personal, apart from man, 410 fn.; personal, absolutely improvable, 203, 261; personal & impersonal, 27; personal or Isvara, 424; seven-rayed, 453; sons of, 187, 189, 215 fn.; universal, as Augoeides, 321. | |||
Gods: Eight, of Egypt called elementaries, 478; Persian ideas about, 450; twelve great, 319. | |||
{{Page aside|557}} | |||
Goldenberg, 157, 159. | |||
Golos, 49. | |||
Gompa, lamasery, 321. | |||
Good, and Evil equilibrated, 186, 349. | |||
Gordon, Mrs. Alice: 146-504; san K. H., 332. | |||
Gorodek, Rabbi, and number 666. 85. | |||
Gougenot des Mousseaux, Les Hauts phénomènes, etc., q. di Raulica on Satan, 91, 278; 510. ------, Moeurs et pratiques, etc., on Devil as Pillar of Faith, 91, 278; 509. | |||
Grand Küren, 185. | |||
Granth, Sikh Scripture, 177, 182; 510. | |||
Great Beast, number of the, 84-85, 120, 186, 200. | |||
Great Year, or six saros and cataclysms, 150. | |||
Gregoire, Father, denies heliocentric system, 312. | |||
Gregory the Illuminator, 216. | |||
Gribble, Fr., Emperor and Mystic, 124 fn.; 510. | |||
Grihastha [Grihastha], and Yoga- Vidya, 27. | |||
Grihastha-Bairagis, 206. | |||
Grinevizky, I. I., 156 & fn. | |||
Grishhom, Dr. and hypnotism, 42 et seq. | |||
Grodekoff, Col. N. I., 48 fn. | |||
Grundy, Mrs., and Editors, 232. | |||
Gualdi, Signor, 125. | |||
Guebers, 212. | |||
Guison-Tamba [Jebtsun-Damba], King-Lama at Great Küren, 185. | |||
Guiteau, and Garfield, 361. | |||
Guppy-Volckmann, Mrs., as medium, 15. | |||
Gupta-Vidyâ, universal, 266. | |||
Guru, and disciple, 27. | |||
Gushtasp, 466. | |||
Guyon, Mme. Jeanne, 229. | |||
Gya-Pheling [Phyiling], British India, 421. | |||
{{Style P-Subtitle|H}} | |||
Ha, as a letter, 413. | |||
Hahn, Family von, 444, 446 & fn. | |||
Hahn, Peter A. von, 446 & fn. | |||
Hahn, Senator Y. F.: biogr., 510; portrait, fac. 315. | |||
Haig, Haigs, 214 et seq. | |||
Haimavatas, Great Teachers of the, 421. | |||
Hamlet. See Shakespeare. | |||
Hammond, Dr. J. H., and stored up electricity, 24. | |||
Hammond, Dr. W. A., On Sleep, etc., on dreams, 429; 510. | |||
H’amza (al-Hamma), 177 fn., 178, 179, 181, 183, 183 fn., 184,185, 187. | |||
Han urn an, 205. | |||
Haoma, and Yggdrasill, 460. | |||
Hara-Deva, Hari, 460. | |||
Harbinger of Light, 29, 241. | |||
Hare, Robert: 93, 112, 219, 247; becomes a Spiritualist, 233. | |||
–, History of Spiritualism, on Spiritualism as a madness, 233; 510. | |||
Haris, 460. See also Charis. | |||
Harisinghji Rupsinghji, Prince, portrait of, facing 458. | |||
Harrison, W. H., editor of The Spiritualist, 74. | |||
Hatha Yoga, 403. | |||
Hathor, and solar globe, 131. | |||
Haug, Martin, 458. | |||
–, Aitareya-Brahmana, on Brahm and its 12 manifestations, 319 fn.; 510. | |||
Hausset, Mme. Du, on de Saint- Germain, 527-28. | |||
Hauts. See Gougenot. | |||
Hawker s Morning and Evening Portion, 354. | |||
{{Page aside|558}} | |||
Healing, mesmeric, 285. | |||
Health, as magnetic equilibrium, 285. | |||
Heart Sutra, q. 405-06 fn.; 498. | |||
Heat, radiant, and akasa, 103. | |||
Heathen, abused by clergy in India, 119-20. | |||
Heber, Bishop R., and the Heber- ists, 118; 511. | |||
Hebron, Kabeiri worshipped at, 453 fn. | |||
Hegel, and Boehme, 34. | |||
Heliocentric system: denied, 312; taught by Pythagoras, 356. | |||
Hell: and Church, 353;—fire, 344; and Nirvana, 88 et seq.; or absolute matter, 296 fn. | |||
Heilenbach, Baron L. von, 236; 511. | |||
Hemsa, Mohammed’s uncle, 183 fn. | |||
Henrizzi, and von Offen, devise new airship, 70-71. | |||
Heptaktys, in Apocalypse, 453. | |||
Heraclitus, ideas of, 62. | |||
Heres, same as Char-is, 460. | |||
Heretics, become later orthodox, 471. | |||
Hermippus of Alexandria, on Zoroaster, 451. | |||
Herodotus, on Persian religion, 450. | |||
–, History, on Pigmies, 41. | |||
Hessen-Kassel, Prince Carl von, on de Saint-Germain, 527. | |||
Higgins, G., Celtic Druids: on secret doctrine in Tibet, 186; on wisdom, 180; 511. | |||
Hillarion Smerdis: final initiation of, 212; finds a library of cylinders, 458; and H. P. B.’s occult stories, 211; and Light on the Path, 212; on Armenians and their traditions, 212 et seq., 460. | |||
Hillel, Rabbi, 453. | |||
Himalayan: Brotherhood, 421; Fraternity, 264. | |||
Himalayas [Himalayas]: ancient continent from, to Tasmania, 420; many adepts gone beyond, 487; slopes of the, once part of ocean floor, 422. | |||
Hindostán, 179. | |||
Hindu(s): in minority among adepts, 304; revival of philosophy, 105-06; sceptical of spiritual knowledge, 105. | |||
Hindu Sabha, 2, 242, 304. | |||
Hippocrates, 438. | |||
Hiranyagarbha [Hiranyagarbha], 462. | |||
Histoire. See Rebold. | |||
Historia. See Hyde. | |||
History. See Draper; Hare; Herodotus; Oliver; Smith, Geo.; C. B. Waite. | |||
Hiuen-Tsang (also Hsüan Tsang, Yuan-Chwang), 420. | |||
Hoffman, von, 236. | |||
Hokhmah, and En-Soph, 319. | |||
d’Holbach, P. H. D., on chimeras, 261. | |||
Hollis-Billing, Mrs. Mary, 143. | |||
Holy Ghost, and other “ghosts,” 113. | |||
Home, D. D., 235. | |||
Honover, 461. | |||
Hooris, 476. | |||
Horace, Satires, on vice and fools, 225; 511. | |||
Horns, and deities, 131. | |||
Horse: and Asvamedha rite, 463; white, of the sun and Saviours, 462-63. | |||
Hospitality, Russian, 47. | |||
Hubilgans, 179, 182, 183, 185, 189 fn. | |||
Hue, Evariste, Travels, etc., q. on impolite treatment of the Grand Lama. 182-83; 511. | |||
Hugo, Victor, on Religion, 226. | |||
{{Page aside|559}} | |||
Humanity, initiated, and Pamir, 187. | |||
Humboldt, A. von, 22. | |||
Hume, A. 0., able metaphysician and logician, 393; portrait, fac. 314. | |||
–, “Fragments of Occult Truth” 322 fn., 346, 384 & fn., 391, 393, 435 fn., 436 fn., 468, 471, 473-74. | |||
Hunt, C. L., Private Instructions, etc., 339 fn.; 511. | |||
Hyde, Thos., wrong on age of Zoroaster, 461; 511-12. | |||
–, Historia, etc., 464. | |||
Hyderabad, 388. | |||
Hygienic Clairvoyance. See Dixon. | |||
Hypnotism: effects of, 42 et seq.; same as Trataka of Yogis, 44. | |||
Hypocrisy: society riddled with, 232; and sophistry, 109, 114-15. | |||
Hypotheses: and authorities, 224; unproved, and proofs, 468-70. | |||
{{Style P-Subtitle|I}} | |||
lamblichos. See Wilder. | |||
lamblichus, on the icosagonus, 320. | |||
Icosagonus, lamblichus on, 320. | |||
Iddhi, dhyana practices of, 399. | |||
Ideas: dragged down by men, 63; evolution of, or design in Nature, 385. | |||
Idee fixe, 425. | |||
Idol. See Beke. | |||
Idrah Rabbah, on Long Face, 319; 512. | |||
Illuminati, 267. | |||
Images, evocation of astral, 293 fn. | |||
Imagination, and divination, 432. | |||
Immaculate, conception of Saoshyant, 461. | |||
Immortality: conditional, 295 fn.; in good and evil, 296, 297, 298. | |||
“Imperator +,” does not materialize objectively, 394-95. | |||
Impersonations, by elementarles, 395. | |||
Incarnates, of Supreme Wisdom among Druses, 184 & fn. | |||
Incarnation, definite length for each, 210. | |||
Incense, meaning of, 462. | |||
India: adepts have forsaken, 487; as alma mater of later civilizations, 420; danger of Russians visiting, 83; generic name used by ancient Western nations, 420; must be regenerated by her own sons, 6; Mutiny in, and missions, 69-70; reliable medium requested by, 142; religions of, and Christianity, 119-20, 439; research in, destroyed by officialism, 153; Russia and England, 75-77; some adepts in Southern, 487; and study of Russian, 46 et seq. | |||
India. See Temple. | |||
Indian: Founders to revive philosophical self-respect of, people, 448; people passionately devoted to ancestors, 153; philosophy, key to greatest psychological truths, 52; revival of ancient, philosophy, 105-06. | |||
Individuality: foundation of, 410; and personality, 437; and séance room apparitions, 414 et seq.; seat of, in an occult power, 411; sense of, remains unaltered, 411; survives destruction of brain, 411. | |||
Indore, Holkar of, and Christians, 151-52. | |||
Induction, magnetic, and medium’s body, 248. | |||
Inertia, versus inner self, 73. | |||
Infallibility, not claimed by Theosophists, 137. | |||
{{Page aside|560}} | |||
Ingersoll, Col. Robert: 65, 90, 232; eulogizes Beecher, 138. | |||
Initiates: as “Sons of God,” 189; do not live among crowds, 260; form vast body, 473; have forsaken India, 487; and plateau of Pamir, 187; test each other’s diccoveries, 473; two kinds of, 297. | |||
Initiation: continuity of, preserved, 473; and Himalayan Fraternity, 264. | |||
Innocents. See Twain. | |||
Inquisition: 258, 353; and Dostoyevsky’s novel, 324. | |||
Inquisitor, Grand, of Dostoyevsky, 324-25. | |||
Insanity, by electric current, 285. Intellect, high, may co-exist with absence of spirituality, 417. | |||
Intelligence: physical, 408, 410, 411; spiritual, 412. | |||
Intelligences, non-human, 368. lôannês, lonah, Jonah, 217 fn. Irakliy (Herakleios), Emperor, 218. | |||
Isaiah·, latter portion of, 452 fn.; lived 200 years before Cyrus, 452; on Cyrus, 450. | |||
Island, Sacred, of inland sea, 402; referred to in Chinese historical records, 420, 421; and Sam- bhala, 421-22. | |||
Ismail (al-Tamîmî), 184. | |||
Israel, and Medianites, 116-17. | |||
Israelite. See Jost. | |||
Israelites, monotheism of, only vulgarized Magianism, 456. | |||
Isvara [îsvara]: 62, 328, 329; an afterthought, 142. | |||
Itinerary. See Pausanias. | |||
{{Style P-Subtitle|J}} | |||
Jackasses, as voluntary undertakers of attacked reputations, 209. | |||
Jacolliot, Louis, 57. | |||
Jadookhana [Jadukhana], 275. | |||
Jajmow [Jajmau], 82. | |||
Jannes & Jamb res, 51. | |||
Jatakas, birth stories, 427; 512. | |||
Javidan Kherad, 463-64 & fn., 512. | |||
Jehovah: and Ahuramazda as third in deistic evolution, 457; feminine passive potency, 457. | |||
lejunio. See Tertullian. | |||
Jennings, H., The Rosicrucians: 125, 195 fn.; pentagram in, 312. | |||
Jericho, and Jesuits, 118. | |||
Jesuits: alleged ancient origin of, 115 et seq.; expelled from France, 65, 199; H. P. B. accused of connivance with, 364; and Jericho, 118. | |||
Jesus: and Inquisition in Dostoyevsky’s novel, 324; letter of, to Abgarus, 175; Levi on nature of, 209; no historical evidence of, 174-75. | |||
Jews: as Talmudists, 453; and Ghetto, 87; initiated, and Chaldean Kabala, 456 fn.; may not have been in Palestine before Cyrus, 453; Persian colony imbued with Magianism, 453; “return” of, from Babylonian captivity questioned, 451, 453; true religion of, prior to our era, 453. | |||
Jiva: 409, 422; and 7th principle, 423. See also Life. | |||
Jivatma [Jivatman] : 106, 325-26, 407, 409, 460 fn., 422. | |||
Joannes, Count, and hell, 90. | |||
John, St., a Kabalist, 85. | |||
John’s, St., day and three-leaved fem, 352. | |||
John the Baptist, Nazarene, 451 fn. | |||
{{Page aside|561}} | |||
Johnson, Dean, and prophecies of Bible, 67. | |||
Jonah, and whale, 217 fn. | |||
Jones, J., The Natural and the Supernatural, on electricity and shells, 25, 26; 512. | |||
Jones, Sir William, 64. | |||
Josephus, Antiquities: 512; on beliefs of Pharisees, 453. | |||
Jost, I. M., Israelite Indeed, 451 fn., 512. | |||
Journal of the Hindu Sabha, 303. Judaism: as popular vulgar magic, 456 fn.; nature of, 180; not contemporary with Zoroastrianism, 451. | |||
Judge, W. Q., portrait, fac. 330. Judges, on dance, 205. | |||
{{Style P-Subtitle|K}} | |||
Kabalah, Kabbalah, Kabala: Chaldean, holds key to understanding of Avesta, 456; Christian, a fraction of Universal Occult Science, 266, 268; and cycles, 194; distorted, 267; Eastern and Western are basically one, 288; numerical methods of symbolical, 195, 202; and occultism, 181; on state of suicides, 210-11; on Virgin and six-pointed star, 461; and pentagram, 251; relation to Zarathushtra, 456 fn.; studied by Pharisees, 453; Three Faces of, 313, 314, 319. | |||
Kabalists: and occultists, 266-67; secret doctrine of Jewish, offshoot of Aryan esotericism, 400; true, reveal knowledge but to conceal it, 264; Western and Jewish lost true key, 288-89. | |||
Kabeiri, worship of, and Pharisees, 453. | |||
Kabirim, 453. | |||
Kailas (or Tisse), 422 fn. | |||
Kali-vuga: 49; adepts and India, 487. | |||
Kalki, Avatara, 185, 463. | |||
Kama [Kama]: as desire to live again, 397 fn.; desire and thought, 283. | |||
Kama-rupa [Kama-rupa): creates ethereal form, 416; fashions apparitions, 474; of medium and materializations, 347; or perisprit, 407, 409; projection of, at death, 283, 376. | |||
Kant, E., and fourth dimension, 15. | |||
Kanya [Kanya], Virgin, as term for Astral Light, 326. | |||
Kapila, 318 fn., 329, 336, 400. | |||
Karamazov. See Dostoyevsky. | |||
Katia. See Bibesco. | |||
Kellar, Harry, and Eglinton, 488. | |||
Kenealy, E. V. H., Enoch, etc., on loannes, 217 fn.; 512. | |||
–, The Book of God. An Introduction, etc.: q. 178 fn.; on Ramdagon, 189; 512. | |||
Kennicott No. 154, oldest Hebrew MS of O.T., 453 fn.; 512. | |||
Kepler, Johann, held astrology a true science, 194. | |||
–, The Principles of Astrology, proves astrological predictions, 194 & fn.; 512-13. | |||
Kerman, 212. | |||
Keshub Chunder Sen: 203, 204, 286-87; new avatara, 57-60; not a Yogi, 60-61. | |||
K. H. See Koot Hoomi. | |||
Khai, Hai, and year 1881, 202. | |||
Khalwehs, Druse meeting places, 177 fn., 178. | |||
Kham, Province, 419. | |||
Khelang: Brotherhood of, 177, 419; missionaries of, 419. | |||
Khiu-ti, Book of, 296 fn., 297; 513. | |||
S5. Khiva, Col. Olcott on, 154. Khunrath, Henry, 264, 312; 513. Kimosas, and missing link, 42. King, Katie, 234. | |||
{{Page aside|562}} | |||
I Kings, on dance, 205. | |||
II Kings: on Elijah, 451 in.; on horses of the Sun, 463. | |||
Kislingbury, Miss Emily, describes test seances with Eglinton, 143-45. | |||
Knocke, and Lourdes, 113, 275. | |||
Knowledge: as Divine Fire, 461, 462; conditions required for acquisition of highest, 268; continuity of occult, among adepts, 472; higher, and sacrifices, 4; and ignorance are relative terms, 357-58; occult, based on facts, 393-94; mighty mountain of occult, 476; most world’s, comes from specialists and ideologists, 485; secret, and Logos, 461. | |||
Kobilyansky, 157. | |||
Kohn, Julius: 263 et seq., 289 & fn.; criticisms of, discussed, 332 et seq. | |||
Kolhapur, superstitions at, 348, 352. | |||
Konstantin Niko’ayevich, Grand Duke, involved in regicide, 164 et seq. | |||
Koot Hoomi Lal Singh: 264; annotations by, on Levi’s art., 292- 300; relations with Sinnett & others, 274; seen by seven Theosophists, 332; suggests translation from Dostoyevsky, 325. | |||
Koran [Ar. al-Qur'an], 181. Koros, title of Bacchus, 460. Kosmos, and the Decad, 327. Kotzebue, 160. | |||
Kropotkin, 157. | |||
Kshatra, basis, 405, 406. | |||
Kubla Khan. See Coleridge. | |||
Kuen-Lun Mnts., and Sambhala, 421. | |||
Kumbeg-Dag, 213. | |||
Kumbum: 182; Tree of, 186 fn. | |||
Kunduz, and Sambhala, 421. | |||
Kunte, M. M., on Yoga, 106, 107, 108. | |||
Kura, title of Sun, 460. Kurds, 176, 213, 218. | |||
Kuropatkin, Gen. A. N., 48 fn. Kutch-Behar, 60. | |||
{{Style P-Subtitle|L}} |
Revision as of 09:48, 18 December 2024
Also at:
In other languages:
Abathur, or Narayan, 188 fn.
Absolute: as Brahman, 424; Brahman as emanation from, 407; Buddhist, is Space, 423; consciousness, 297, 436 & fn.; matter, 296; no, Being in Buddhism, 423; and relative consciousness, 423; unconscious, 435 fn.
Abul-Faraj (Bar Hebraeus), Book of Dynasties, on Zaratusht and Virgin, 461; 495.
Abuse, unmerited, by enemy is best advertisement, 69.
Adam: as intellectual world, 457; legend of, and Eve, 187.
Adam-Kadmon: and Sephiroth, 457; and waters, 188 fn.
Adept (s): as living men, 369; check each other’s conclusions, 473; continuity of occult knowledge among, 472; do not choose to live among crowds, 260; do not reveal themselves to profanes, 265; form organized body of seers, 473; have forsaken India and gone beyond Himalayas, 487; and hidden libraries, 485; Highest, and 7th principle, 414; in direct communication with intelligence of Nature, 294; must avoid leading others into temptation, 342 fn.; not exactly Yogis, 304; omnipotence of, 267; simile about condition of complete, 417; some, remain in So. India, 487; subjugate outer to inner man, 437; true and false, 263 et seq.; white and black, 298.
Adeptship: attained by will and soul-power, 28; Buddha opened, to all, 399; germ of, in everyone, 29.
d’Adhemar, Contesse, on de Saint- Germain, 526.
Adhishthana [Adhishthana], Aka- sa as, 413.
Aditi, 326.
Aeneid. See Virgil.
Aeons, emanation of, 322.
Aga Khan, 198 & fn.
Agamas [Agamas], 401, 403.
Agapae, and dancing, 205.
Age, our, rather unscientific, 35859.
Agel (or Egel), as Hebrew term, 130-31.
Ages, four, in Magianism, 464, 465.
544 Agonaces (Agon-Ach), teacher of Zoroaster, 451.
Agrippa, H. Cornelius, 208, 209, 264.
–, De occulta philosophia, on abstract power of numbers, 196; 495.
–, Numbers: on occult virtue of numbers, 196; on universal values, 195.
Ahankára [Ahamkára] : and Chi- dagnikunda, 414; individuality, 410, 411.
Ahuramazda (Ormazd) : 467; and Jehovah, both third in deistic evolution, 457; not the Supreme, but spiritual totality of the Amshaspands, 457.
Ahuru-asters, 467.
Ai on, 296.
Airgiod-Lamh, 462.
Airship: new type of, by Russian inventors, 70-71; war by means of, foretold, 71.
Aitareya. See Haug.
Aiyar, T. A. Swaminatha: biogr., 522-23; portrait, fac. 139.
Akáli, Sikh, 178.
Aka^a [Ákása]: and astral light, 323; and Prakriti, 405, 409, 413, 413 fn.; 423; as Space, 413 fn.; as Virgin, 461; radiant heat & magnetism, 103-04.
Ákása-Sakti, 405 fn.
Akkadians, 419.
Akkas, of Africa, 41-42.
Aksakoff, Alex. N., 19-20.
Ala-Dag, 212 et seq.
Alexander I, mysterious disappearance of, 124 fn.
Alexander II: assassination of, 121 et seq., 155 et seq., 162 et seq., 207, 361; and Lincoln, 125; numerical factors in life of, 201-02; and Princess Yur- yevsky, 167-68 fn., portrait, fac. 170.
Alexander III: and numbers, 201; and Princess Yuryevsky, 169.
Alexander Polyhistor, on Pythagoras, 451.
Alexandra, lossifovna, Grand Duchess, 166.
Al-Hakim, 176, 183 fn.
All, Incomprehensible, 456.
All the Year Round, on de Saint- Germain, 126-28; 495.
Alphonso X, Astrological Tables of, 194 & fn.; 495-96.
–, Las Siete Partidas, 194.
Altai, Mountains, 185.
Al-Tamîmî, Supreme Wisdom, 181, 184 & fn.
Altitudes, Yogi living in high, 140-41.
American Journal of Science, q. 24.
Ammianus Marcellinus, 466.
Amon-Chnemu, meaning and horns of, 131.
Amshaspands: identical with Seph- iroth, 456; Ormazd as spiritual totality of, 457.
Anâhatachakra, 409.
Anakim, 453 fn.
“Ancient of Ancient,” 314.
Andhakâra, abode of darkness, 402 fn.
Angel(s) : and God, 261; guardian, as universal belief, 272.
Angelology, Persian, adopted by Pharisees, 453.
Animal, magnetism, psychological effects of, 246-47.
Annêdotus, 215 et seq.
Annihilation, or individuality in cosmic matter, 293 fn.
Anquetil-Duperron, 458.
Anthony, St., 243.
Anthropoid, derived from man, 40.
Antiquities. See Josephus.
Antiquity. See Montfaucon.
Anti-Theistic. See Flint.
545 Apocalypse: borrows from Eastern legends, 402 fn.; and Hep- taktys, 453; on White Horse, 463.
Apollonius Tyanaeus, facts and legends about, 174-75 & fn.
Apollonius. See Mead.
Apparitions: 282 et seq.; fashioned by Elementaries and the Kâma-rûpa, 474; nature of, deceptive, 414 et seq., 471-72; of Virgin Mary, 354; rationale of, 284, 376; role of Astral Light in séance, 395.
Apuleius, on Pythagoras and Zoroaster, 452.
Apurva, 319 fn.
Aql, intelligence, wisdom, 178.
Arago, on the “impossible,” 226. AraHm, and Binah, 457.
Aranyakas [Aranyakas], hermits, 421.
Ararat, location of, 214 & fn.
Arati [Arati]: bathing festival, 58; praise-giving, 57.
Ardeshan, 459.
Arhat, Arahat, 406 fn., 409 fn., 410 fn.
Aristotle: method of, 196; on date of Zoroaster, 451, 454.
Armageddon, and Ramdagon, true meaning of, 188-89.
Armenia, traditions in, 212 et seq., 458.
Armenians: at first Parsees, 214; Chronicles of, 216.
Arnold, Sir E., Light of Asia, 88.
Aryan [Aryan]: and Chaldeo-Tibetan doctrines, 400; philosophy to be revived, 7.
Aryan-Arhat [Aryan-Arhat], tenets on sevenfold principle in man, 400 et seq.
Aryans [Aryans]: anticipate modem discoveries, 141; our progenitors in most useful arts, 71.
Arya Samajes [Ary a-Sama jas], 2, 305.
Aryavarta [Aryávarta], 403, 406. Ashlar, Ista, Esta, same as Vesta, 460.
Asoka, King, 358.
Ass, and Balaam, 230.
Astarte, and globe, 131.
Astral: body, 404; body of medium and materializations, 393; Ego and 7th principle in sleep, 436; projection of, soul at death, 282-83; soul, 313; soul and dreams, 435.
Astral Light: and divination, 431- 32; as Virgin, 461; glimpses of, as result of concentration, 328; objectivization of, pictures, 376; preserves photographs of all images, 293 fn., 294 fn.; and seance-apparitions, 395; and seven principles, 326.
Astrologer(s): ancient magi were, 214; Chinese, 197; Kepler, Tycho Brahe, Alphonso X as, 194; must be philosopher and psychologist also, 192.
Astrology: and chastity, 190; as science and as superstition, 190- 92, 192-93; system based on mathematics, 202-03; will rebecome a sublime science, 45.
Asvamedha, as sacrifice, 463. Atharvana-Veda, 403.
Atkinson, H. G.: 234; on pantheism, 355-56.
Atlantis: as part of unbroken continent from Himalayas to Tasmania, 420; Vedas and knowledge of occult powers, 402.
Atma [Atman], as inner God, 27, 304, 321, 329, 414.
Atmabodha, or Bodha, 412.
Atmosphere: at high altitudes, 140-41; conditions of the, and 546objectivization of astral pictures, 376.
Augoeides, or Atm a, as personal God of every man, 321.
Augustin, St., and agapae, 205.
Aur, Primordial Light, 457.
Aura: and effect of poison, 37-38; and mesmeric attraction, 21; human magnetic, 98 et seq.; of magnet felt by sensitives, 98.
Authorities, and hypotheses, 224. Avalokiteshwara [Avalokitesvara] 406 fn.
Avatara [Avatara]: 60, 64; and Druse “messengers,” 183 fn., 184 fn.; Kalki, 185; Matsya as first, 188 fn.
Avatarism, evils of, 286.
Avesta, Zend-Avesta: 450, 465, 496; and Epiphany, 461; key to, in the Kabala, 456; no mention in, of nations which later adopted magianism, 452, 467; not the oldest Zoroastrian Scripture, 452.
Avyaktabrahma, unman- ifested deity, 315.
Baba Kheim Singh Vedi, 60. Babylon, and Jews, 451, 453. Babylonia: and India, 420; rites in, similar to Bon, 419.
Bacchus, as Koros, 460.
Bactria, Bactrians, 452 fn., 456, 466.
Baddha, 326, 423.
Badrinath: 140; figures seen at, 458.
Bagh-o-Bahar, 49.
Baital Pachisi, 49 & fn., 535.
Baliri, Jorie, and earthquakes, 149.
Ban-dhe-chan [Panchhen?] Rimpoche, 185.
Banner of Light: 29, 174, 287, 371; on seances with Eglinton, 143-46; praised, 346-47.
Banon, Capt., and J. Cook, 490.
Bar-nang, Space, 423.
Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire, 256.
Baryatinsky, Prince V., Le Mystère d' Alexandre 7, 124 fn.; 496.
Bayazid, 213.
Beal, Rev. S., A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures: on Tian-Ta’i School and the Great Teachers of the Snowy Mtns., 421; on dhyana, 430; 496.
Beecher, Rev. H. W., eulogizes Ingersoll, 137-38.
Behedin, 212, 214.
Being, implies something organized, 477 fn.
Beke, Chas. T., Origines Biblicae, 130; 496-97.
–, The Idol in Horeb, on “calf” worshipped by Israelites, 130-31.
Bel (or Baal), and Bon rites, 419; 496-97.
Belief (s): blind, and religion, 113; and facts, 367 et seq.; should never be forced upon others, 225-26.
Bellachini, Samuel, testimony of, on phenomena, 238.
Bells, astral, and magnetism, 103-04.
Belor Tagh, and hidden cave, 467.
Belus, Sun-God, 214 fn., 218.
Berger, Dr., and hypnotism, 43.
Bernard, J.-Fr. See Religious Ceremonies.
Berosus: 215, 218; on date of Zoroaster, 466; on saros and the Great Year, 150.
Berzelius: urges study of magnetism, 99; 497.
Bhagavad-Gita, on fire, 462.
Bhagavant, manifestations of, 319 fn.
Bhagvan (or Ditza-van), 216.
547 Bhojapatra, J. R., 36.
Bhuta(s): earthbound spirit and intense thought, 424; and elementals, 477; and exorcisms, 483.
Bibesco, Princess Martha, Kolia, 168 in., 497.
Bible: 277; comforting for murderers, 249; and cremation, 301; Egyptian parentage of, myths, 485-86; foolish glorification of, 450; indecent language in, 366; may be obliterated in near future, 67; miracles in, and spiritual phenomena, 230; old exploded legends, 208; recommends violence, 11617; revised edition of, upsets theological stronghold, 66; and septenary system, 453; weeds of, to last another century, 213; yvorship of the, 286.
Bigot, preferred to hypocrite, 115.
Bilu (Belus), King, 214.
Binah, Intelligence, 457.
Blaine, Mr., Amer. Sec’y of State, 124-25.
Blantyre, flogging missionaries of, 153.
Blavatsky, H. P.: a Buddhist, 481 fn.; admires Vedas & Vedanta, 310; and astral bells, 103-04; at Cawnpore, 82; claims right of thinking for herself, 310; constant correspondence with’ relatives, 445; declared a widow, 444; defends Olcott & his record, 11-13; and experiments in occult forces, 136-37; heathen name of, acts as fly in communion cup, 120; is combative, 239; knows real cause of Spiritualistic phenomena, 240; learned English colloquially in childhood, 273; never lectured in life, 481 fn.; not a medium in Spiritualistic sense, 275; not a Spiritualist, 112; not a worker of wonders, 8; not penniless in India, 80; on shores of So. India around 1857, 372; personal knowledge of, regarding mediumistic phenomena, 146; portraits, fac. 186, 443; and Simla phenomena, 8-9; supplies means for T.S., 442, 446; suspected as a “spy,” 83; two portraits of, 445; vilified and abused, 363-64, 364, 387 et seq.; will not return to America, 490.
–, Durbar in Lahore, 170.
–. From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan: 82 & fn.; allegedly translated. 82 & fn.; on Cant. Seymour, 152 fn.
–, Isis Unveiled: 49 fn., 177 fn., 273, 377, 402, 403 fn., 477; criticised, 337; doctrines in, translated from Asiatic language, 273; imperfections of, 273-74; on cataclysms, 150; on universe, 318 & fn.
–, Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett, 383 fn., 385 fn.
–, Scrapbooks: 75, 78, 155, 162, 311; as collection of printed vituperations against T. S., 68.
Blavatsky, Nikifor V., 444, 446, 447 fn.
Bodha, or Atmabodha, 412. Bodhi: 397; esoteric religion, 185. Bodhisattvas, and the Five Buddhas, 183.
Bod-yul, or Tibet, 180 fn. Boehme, Jacob, 33, 34, 229.–, Aurora, etc., 34; 497.
Boethius, S.: on numbers, 195-96; 497-98.
Boha-eddin, 177 fn., 183 fn., 184, 186.
548 Bombay: Bishop of, and native religions, 119-20; troubles in, T. S., 2, 133.
Bombay Gazette: 200, 234, 390, 488; art. of “Peripatetic” discussed, 109 et seq.
Bombay Guardian: catches “a Tartar,” 121; unreasonable demands of, 151; and year 1881, 120-21.
Bon, aboriginal religion of Tibet, 419.
Book of Dynasties. See Abul-Faraj.
Book of God. See Kenealy.
Book of Numbers, 267, 498.
Book of Sin-King. See Heart Sutra.
Book of the Beginnings. See Massey, G.
Book of the Dead, 428, 498. Bradlaugh, Chas., 65, 232, 234. Brahm, and its 12 manifestations, 319 fn.
Brahma [Brahman], the One Self, 422.
Brahma: as germ, 405 fn.; creative energy, 322; Days and Nights of, 270; or Isvara as personal God, 424; Tarakasurs rebel against, 402 fn.; Vishnu and Siva, 314.
Brahmachari Bawa, on the Vimana Vidya of Aryans, 71 & fn.
Brahman: 407, 408-09, 411, 412 & fn., 413 fn.; as Absolute of Vedanta, 424.
Brahmanda, as universe, 318.
Brahmanism: and esoteric Buddhism are one, 399; imported into India, 420.
Brahmaputra, or Tsampu, 303-04. Brahmo Public Opinion, 204, 258. Brahmo-Samaj: 199, 229; origin and current state, 55 et seq., 204-06, 257-59, 286-87, 329-30. Brahmo Samajists: not Christians, 74; not Theosophists, 9, 73.
Brain: effect of thoughts of dead upon the, of sensitives, 426; impressions on, and dreams, 430-31; and last thoughts of dying man, 173; and memory, 410; nature of, and science, 438; nerve-matter of, spinal cord and electric current, 285; physical and spiritual, 435; undergoes complete transformation, 411.
Brih, to grow, increase, as root of term Brahman, 424.
British T. S., 260.
Britten, Mrs. E. Hardinge—, on sub-human spirits, 477-78.
–, Modern American Spiritualism, 477 fn.; 498.
Brothers of the Shadow, 298.
Brotherhood: Chief of Esoteric Himalayan, 401 & fn.; Himalayan, 421; in the, of Adepts Hindus are in minority, 304; of living men, 274; T. S. a, of Humanity, 309; Universal, 448, 479.
Brown-Sequard, 22.
Bruce, H., and Olcott go to Ceylon, 154.
Brugsch-Bey, 131.
Buchner, 437 fn.
Buck, Dr. J. D., 498-99; portrait, fac. 331.
Buddha: manifested, 406 fn.; one who has Atmabodha in completeness, 412.
Buddha, Gautama: 185; as Saviour, 241; greatest Illuminati, 267; H. P. B.’s high veneration for, 310; Maya as mother of, 187 fn., 189 fn.; most important feature of his reform, 399; successive incarnations of, 414, 458.
Buddha. See Lillie.
Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas, 183, 185.
549 Buddha-la, 189 fn.
Buddhi, as seat of Bodha, 412.
Buddhism: as rational or radical Vedantism, 241, 422; esoteric, one with Brahmanism, 399; final goal of, 89; and idea of hell, 88 et seq.; more scientific than Western religions, 358; refuses to admit a creator or God, 380 fn.; and role of Buddha, 242; and Spiritualism, 396 et seq.; and T. S., 241; no Theism in, 242.
Buddhist. See Olcott.
Buddhists, Founders of T. S. are, 241.
Budea, is Minerva, 184.
Budha, bodha, bodhi, buddha, 182 fn., 185, 187 fn.
Bundy, Col., 364.
Bunsen, C., Egypt’s Place, etc., on Central Asian deluge, 452 fn.; 499.
Burton, Capt. R. & Mrs., 176; 499. –, Vikram and the Vampire, 49 fn.
Bushin, and missing link, 42.
Butleroff: 93, 112; experiments with Home, 235; on reality of mediumistic phenomena, 23536; 499.
Cagliostro, Alessandro di, and forged Catholic biography, 125.
Cahagnet, Alphonse: Fellowship of, in T. S., 31-32; work and character of, 33-35; on T. S., 72; 499-500.
–, Celestial Telegraph, 30, 34. –, Cosmogony and Anthropoid ogy: 31; comments on, 61-64.
–, Révélations d’Outre-Tombe, 63.
Caius Septimus embalmed entrails of, 102-03.
Calcutta Review, art. on “Diwali,” 179.
Calf, or globe worshipped by Israelites, 130-31.
Calmeil, De la Folie, etc., 280 fn.; 500.
Calumny, and slander of unusual people, 125, 128.
Cancer, conjunction of three planets in, 198.
Canonization, of Benoit Labre, 243-44.
Capricornus, 325.
Carlyle, on knowledge and faith, 207.
Carpenter, Dr., 172.
Carpenter, Mary, on Ram Mohun Roy, 56; 500.
Castes, and Races, 463.
Cataclysms, and deluges, 150.
Catholic Church: anathematizes those who break away, 207; falsely claims some atheists, 256-57; fears true magic, 254; and Littre, 255 et seq.; only pillars of the, in Paris, 256.
Catholic Messenger, 311.
Catholic Mirror: on boy-medium, 98; on miracles, 275 et seq.; on miracle-working leaf, 354.
Catholic Review, abusive, 67-68.
Caucasus, 46 et seq.
Cause: and effect, their interrelation, 408; the One, 457.
Caves: 82, 455 fn., 458, 464, 465; tablets hidden in, on Tien-Shan, 467.
Cawnpore, caves at, 82.
Celestial. See Cahagnet.
Celtic Druids. See Higgins.
Censorinus, on Heliacal or Great Year, 150; 500.
Censorship, in Russia, 163.
Census, Mosaic and in Bombay, 117-18.
Cerebellum, and sleep, 435.
Cérémonies, etc., 500. See also 550Relig. Ceremonies.
Ceres, Keres, 460.
Ceylon: Christians in, alarmed by Olcott’s success, 302-03, 480-82; slanders in, against T.S., 10; work in, 2-3, 154.
Ceylon Observer, attacks Olcott, 302-03.
Ceylon Times, 241, 302.
Chaitanya, 59, 106, 259.
Chakrav artins, 177.
Chaldea: radiating center of magic, 150; secret wisdom of, 194.
Chaldeo-Tibetan: and Aryan doctrines identical, 400, 406 fn; doctrine as Universal WisdomReligion, 419; name for trans- Himalayan esoteric doctrine, 419; points of difference between them, 409 fn.
Chambers' Journal: 427; on a dream, 428-29.
Chaney, W. H., on astrology and chastity, 191; 500-501.
Chaos: and “creation,” 379-80 & fn.; R. Fludd on, 284.
Char, Char-is, City of Fire, 460.
Chariot, represents body, 463.
Chela, 336.
Cherub, implied as sitting on its ears, 221.
Chidagnikunda, 414.
Chidakasa [Chidakasa], 414.
Chimborazo, 140.
China, tradition about, and souls of Druses, 187.
Chin-che-K’hai, school of, 421.
Chinese: anticipated later inventions, 420; and astrology, 197.
Choang-Long [Chuang-lang], near Kumbum, 182.
Chohan-Lama, of Rinch-cha-tze. 398.
Chorea, and aura of magnets, 98. Christ, teachings of, versus Christian sects, 134.
Christian: Church loses outstanding people, 135; converts in Ceylon, 154; and Holkar of Indore, 151; Jesuits as the most ancient of, orders, 115 et seq.; sects in India, 133, 134; term of low repute in India, 490; what constitutes a, 91.
Christian Vernacular Educ. Society, real motive of, 69-70.
Christianity: based on Spiritualism, 112, 113; Bishop of Bombay on, 114; bloody record of, 198; and crime, 248-49, 349-50; and native religions of India, 119-20; nature of, 180; opium and toddy, 439; opposes theurgy, 181; repels outstanding thinkers, 135; Theosophists do not hate, 134; versus Christians, 134.
Church: alleged miracles and violence, 137; Congress and Spiritualism, 344-46.
Circle: cross within, 316; surrounding double triangle, 317.
Civil and Military Gazette·. 80, 441; acts as sewer for literary garbage, 78.
Clairvoyance: ordinary and trained, 248; unreliable, 472.
Classes, in society and materialism, 104.
Clement of Alexandria, Stromaieis: on Er, son of Armenius, 451; on Nazaratus, 451 fn.; 501.
Clergy: and Christianity in India, 439; Western and crimes, 386.
Codex Nazaraeus: emanations in, 322; on birth of Adam-Kadmon, 188 fn.; 500.
Colby, L., praised, 347.
Coleridge, on acorns and men, 298-99.
–, Kubla Khan, result of a dream, 431; 501.
551 Collins, boy-medium, 98, 101.
Collins, Mabel, Light on the Path, 212.
Combinations: algebraic, 406; and principles, 407.
Commentary of the Sephiroth, 456, 501.
Communication: subjective, between spirits, 211; with spirits, 392 et seq.
Comte, A.: and artificial fecundation, 329; and Littre, 255.
Concentration, psycho-physiological effects of, 328.
Confucius, Praise of the Abyss, 423; 501.
Conjunction, of planets, 197-98.
Conscience, T. S. a Republic of, 226.
Consciousness: absolute, 423, 436 fn.; and unconsciousness, 423.
Continent, unbroken from Himalayas to Tasmania, 420.
“Control,” or guide deludes sensitive, 426.
Cook, Canon, and Moses, 67.
Cook, Joseph, slanders Founders, 489-91.
Cooper-Oakley, Isabel, on de Saint-Germain, 526.
Coquerel, A. J., 32, 501.
Corpses, evil of preserving, 294.
Corregio, on Raphael, 268.
Correspondences, magnetic, 220.
Correspondents, newspaper, as mischief breeders, 83.
Cosmogonic. See Cahagnet.
Cotapaxi, 140.
“Council of Ten,” 258.
Courage, moral, required to face criticism, 220.
Creation: misnomer for successive re-evolution, 270; outward manifestation of unmanifested matter, 380 & fn., 474.
Cremation: 294 fn.; spread of, 301-02.
Crime (s): based on superstition, 350 et seq.; and Christianity, 248-49, 349-50, 386.
Crookes, Sir Wm.: 52, 93, 103, 112, 219, 247 & fn.; and Katie King, 230.
–, Researches, etc.: 220; on Katie King and psychic force, 234; 501.
Cross: mystic, in ancient symbolism, 188 fn.; number ten and term lama, 178 fn.; within circle, 316.
Crow’s Nest, group photo at, Bombay, fac. 459.
Crux ansata, 315-16.
Crystals, and magnetism, 100.
Csoma de Koros, 177, 501.
Cup and saucer, phenomenon, 380.
Cures, induced by psychological effects, 36-38, 252 et seq.
Cursing, in proportion to the hurt, 68.
Cycles: and cyclic necessity, 415; Great Year and cataclysms, 150; and Kabala, 194; and return of beliefs, 478; six, of evolution in magianism, 462; and sunspots, 193 & fn.
Cyrus the Great: and Jews, 453; name of, 460; Zoroastrian 450.
Czar, and Russian people, 159-60.
Daghdai, Dagh-dae, Day-dae, Holy Wisdom, 188 fn., 465.
Dagon, man-fish or perfect wisdom, 189 & fn.
Daimon, of Socrates, 272, 278-79.
Damodar, 462; same age as Eglinton, 503; portrait, fac. 187.
Dance, as religious practice, 20406.
Danevsky, on Russia & England, 76.
Daniel: chief of magi, 456 fn.; existence of, doubted, 454.
552 Darazi, pupil of H’amza, 178.
Darius Hystaspes: 454, 466; hierophant of magianism, 452, 467.
Darkness, in Kabalistic sense, 314. Davenports, as mediums, 15.
David: guilty of murder and adultery, 27; and mistress, 249; and mystic dance, 204.
Day. See Figuier.
Dayanand Saraswati, 332. –, Veda Bhashya, 305, 502.
Death: and after-death apparitions, 173-74, 275 et seq.; afterdeath states & sentient life, 295; dissociation of lower principles at, 415; intense thought at, 424 et seq.; and Kama, 397; Levi on, and Satan, 292 et seq.; projection of astral soul at, 282 et seq.; and subjective intercourse, 346, and thoughts, 173, 275 et seq., 426.
Decad, 318, 327.
Deezy, Chas., on man’s evolution, 40-41.
Deity: as the One, 318; Buddhist Arahat recognize no, 410 fn.; nature of, and evil, 62, 63, 423; no conscious, in Upanishads, 424; unmanifested, 315.
Deluge(s): acc. to Vishnu-Parana, 188 fn.; Armenian tradition on, 214; date of Central Asian, 452 fn., 467; past and future, and six saros, 149-50; and sari, 215, & fn.
Democritus, 356.
Denton, Wm., The Soul of Things, 29; 502.
Desatir, on Zaratusht, 465, 467; 502.
Desire: to see dead person is to evoke the image, 293 fn.; and thought at death, 283.
Deuteronomy, 132.
Devachan [Tib. bde-ba-chan], and Ego, 295.
Devas: must live in every sphere before leading conscious earthlife, 269-70.
Devil: as “monkey of God,” 355; chief pillar of faith, 91; and God, 299 fn.; legitimatized, 67; principal prop of Christianity, 181, 278, 350, 353; rationale of belief in, 353; and threeleaved fern, 352.
Devotion, true, to a cause is neither bought nor sold, 389.
Dewel, female demon, 402 fn. Dharma, 141, 142.
Dharma. See Shraddha Ram.
Dhyana [Dhyana]: 142, 304; and Iddhi, 399; and recognition of Truth, 430.
Dialectical Society, Report on Spiritualism, acknowledges phenomena, 234; 502.
Dickens, Chas., 125 fn.
Diogenes Laertius, on Pythagoras, 451-52.
Diritto, on the Ghetto, 87.
Discoveries, all, of natural law are honorable, 136.
Divination, Levi on, and astral light, 431-32.
Divine. See Warburton.
Dixon, J., Hygienic Clairvoyance: on aura and mesmeric attraction, 21; on electricity and shells, 25-26; 502.
Doctrine: fundamental, prior to Vedas, 401; source of esoteric, 402.
Dodecagon, and the twelve great gods, 319.
Dogme. See Levi, E.
Dolgorukov, Princess: 166; Elder line of Family, 167 fn.
Dolgorukov, Princess Helen P., H. P. B.’s grandmother, 444, 446, 447 fi. See Yurievsky.
Donaldson, 453 fn.
553 Dondukov-Korsakov, Prince: 389; sends certificate about H. P. B. to Bombay, 445.
Doong-ting, relic-cupboard, 321. Dosabhoy, D., and astrology, 190. Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov, H. P. B. translates excerpt from, 324.
Draper, History of the Conflict, etc., on methods of Plato and Aristotle, 196; 502.
Dreams: and brain impressions, 430-31; some, prophetic, 431- 32; and Spiritual Ego, 435-36; and Spiritual visions, 437; verses on, 429.
Drummond, Oedipus Judaicus, on age of Zoroaster, 461; 502.
Drunkenness, 228.
Druses: and Buddhism, 179; and brotherhood of Khelang, 177; and China, 187; divide man in three parts, 181 fn.; five “Messengers,” of, 183-84; and Lamaism, 175 et seq., 186; messenger of, goes through Bombay to Tibet, 187; religion of, a survival of Wisdom-Religion, 180- 81; sacred works of, and Petis de la Croix, 177 fn.; secrets of, jealously guarded, 182, 183, 185; true origin of, 176.
Dryden, Fables, etc., on dreams, 433; 503.
Du ad, why not a sacred number, 316-17, 318.
Duality: and interlaced triangles, 313, 318; of man’s nature, 434, 438; of principal spirits of man, 321.
Du Barry, Comtesse, 129; 503.
Du Bois-Reymond, 22, 23; 503. Dukhobors, 205.
Dupanloup, Bishop, and Littre, 255-56.
Dupotet: 30; on T. S., 72; 503.
Durga, 329.
Duty, 141, 142.
Dyadin, 213, 216.
Earth: as mother, 459; sphericity and rotation of, denied by clergy, 311-12.
Earthquakes: 199; accurately predicted by Falb, 147 et seq.
Ebers, George, 131.
Eccles. History. See Eusebius.
Edda, 460.
Eddy, Wm., 15, 28.
Editors: as Bashi-Boozooks of Mrs. Grundy’s Army, 232.
Edmunds, Dr., and Dialectical Society, 234 fn.
Eek, Dr. Sven, Damodar, etc., 505. Egeria, and cave, 465.
Eglinton, Wm., test séances with, 143-46, 488; 503-505; portrait, fac. 123.
Ego: astral, and 7th principle in sleep, 436; earthbound, in devachan, 295; suicides, 210-11; of spiritually evil men, 298; potential rebirth of, after death, 292; capacities of inner, 437; spiritual, and its effect on sleeping brain, 435-36; spiritual, or Self, determines tone of life, 434-35.
Egypt: and Gen. R. de Fadeyev, and India, 420; Massey on, 484 et seq.
Egypt's. See Bunsen.
Eidolon, personification by the, or elementary, 395.
Eighth, planet, 298.
Eleatics, 62.
Eleazar, Moses and census, 117-18. Electricity: and astral light, 376; discharged by fishes, 22; generated in muscles, 22-23; insanity by, 285; stored in some people, 23 et seq.
554 Electro-magnetic, terrestrial, induction and mediums, 247 fn.
Element(s): non-human beings in, 338; twenty-five, making up a man, 321-22; the One, 423.
Elementáis: and elements, 252-53; nature of, 248; or nature-spirits, 477; supply molecular force to mediums, 248; term used prior to Theosophists, 251; and trained clairvoyance, 248; will live some day on earth, 270.
Element ary (i es): fashion apparitions or psychic shells, 477; or bhûtas, 424, 425; personification by, or eidolon, 395; and suicides, 210-11; term applied to some Egyptian gods, 478.
Elementary. See Falb.
Elias Levita, on Masorah, 453 fn.; 505.
Elijah, a Nazarene, 451 fn. Elixir, Red, 335, 336, 338.
Emanations: in Codex Nazaraeus, 322; of the 24 divine powers, 321; triune, of En-Soph, 313.
Emperor. See Gribble.
Emptiness, or Space, 423.
Enchantment, and crime, 352. Endor, rationale of witch of, 284. Energy (ies): faith and will in curing illness, 253; triune Cosmic, 314.
England, Russia and India, 75-77. Enlightenment, Buddha made, open to all, 399.
Enoch. See Kenealy.
En-Soph [Ain-Soph]: emanates Aur or Primordial Light, 457; Hokhmah & Sephiroth, 319; NoThing, 456 fn.; triune emanations of, 313.
Entities, or principles in man, 406, 407.
Epidemics, and sunspot cycle, 193 & fn.
Epiphany, 461.
Episcope, Egyptian, and astrology, 191.
Equilibrium, and the One Law, 313.
Er (or Enis), may be Zoroaster, 451.
d’Escayrac de Lauture, on Marimbas, 42; 505.
Esdraelon, 189.
Esoteric: philosophies agree on the whole, 270; source of, doctrine, 402, 419; trans-Himalayan, doctrine, 419.
Essence, immutable, 61-62.
Etchmiadzin, Monastery of, 459. Eternity, pan-aeonic, 296, 317. Ether, or astral light, 376.
Europe, stones her true prophets, decries ancient science, 208.
Eusebius, the Munchausen of patristic hierarchy, 175.
–, Eccles. History, 175 fn.
Eutychius, misrepresents Zoroaster, 459.
Evil: as abstract principle among Druses, 187; and Good, 349; Kabalistic meaning of, 314; and matter eternal, 299 fn.; necessitates a second deity, 423.
Evocation, of astral images, 293 fn.
Evolution: 62; and “creation,” 380; known long ago to Eastern occultists, 383; and six higher principles in man, 384; six periods of, in Magianism, 462; spiritual, paripassu with physical, 384.
Existence, three kinds of, 422.
Exodus, 130.
Exorcisms, and bhutas, 483.
Expectation, and memory, 410.
Ezra, and Scriptures, 67.
F, middle, and sound of nature, 434 fn.
Faber, G. S., On the Mysteries, etc., on Zoroaster, 455, 465; 505.
Fables. See Dryden.
Fact(s): decisive influence of, 233; and fictions, 222-23; irrefutable, 31; only tribunal recognized by Theosophists, 225; outside of physics, 393; what is a, 367 et seq.
Fadeyev, Andrey Μ., implied, 445, 446, 447 fn.
Fadeyev, Mme. N. A.: defends H. P. B., 444-45; and document about de Saint-Germain, 129 & fn.; on the Council of T. S., 445.
Fadeyev, Gen. R.: 389, 445, 50607; certificate from, on the identity of H. P. B., 446-48 & fn.; portrait, fac. 442.
Faith: blind, 261; will and energy, 253.
Falb, Dr. R.: on deluges, 149-50; predicts earthquakes, etc., 147 et seq.; 507-08.
–, The Elementary, etc., 14748.
–, Thoughts, etc., 148.
–, Von den Umwälzungen, etc., 149, 150.
Falernian, wine and entrails of Roman Consul, 102-03.
“Fallen Angels,” copied from Siva’s story, 402 fn.
Fan, space, 423.
Faridunji, N., T ar eekh-i-Z or tosh- tee, on date of Zoroaster, 454; 508.
Farr, Dr., Registrar, 117.
Father-Cause, 326.
Feast of the Dead, and earthbound souls, 483.
Fechner, G. T., 15, 236, 508; portrait, fac. 138.
Fecundation, artificial, of Comte, 329.
Feodor Kusmitch, 124 fn.
Ferho, Lord, 322.
Fern three-leaved, and devil, 352.
Fichte, 112, 236 & fn.
Figuier, G.-L., The Day After Death, 472; 509.
Firdousi, on Divine Light, 462.
Fire: Divine, and red dress of Cardinals, 461, 462; God is, 460, 462; inextinguishable, 460; magi rekindle altar without, 462; worship of Sabaeans, 467.
First Section, Brothers of the, and T. S., 274, 303.
Fish: as symbol of Messiahs, 188 fn.; as symbol of Supreme Wisdom, 189 fn.; son of the, or Annedotus, 215.
Five, Buddhas, 183, 185.
Flamens, and Fire, 462.
Flammarion, 93, 112; 509.
Fletcher, Mrs.: and mediumship, 110; case of, 227.
Flint, Anti-Theistic Theories, 355, 509.
Fludd, R.: 264; on chaos, 284; on non-human beings, 338.
Fo: as abstract Principle, 179 fn.; and Taley-Lama, 185.
Fohat: and active conscious life, 423; as Sakti, 405 fn.
Fokien, old books in, and Tibet, 418.
Folie. See Calmeil.
Force(s): elementáis as halfblind, of Nature, 270; eternal, and space, 423; molecular, and mediums, 248; of nature and miracles, 277; six primary, 413; universal expansive, of Nature, 424; unknown correlations of, 556producing seemingly miraculous effects, 151, 246 et seq.
Form(s): materialized, at seances are copied from a record, 474; not different from space, 406 fn.; outer, and design in Nature, 385.
Foster, as medium, 15.
Founders: advocate untiring search for Truth, 306; are neither Yogis or associates, 5; as Buddhists, 241; chief object of the, 5; collect slanders and abuses from missionaries, 366; derided by educated class, 104; do not believe in miracles, 61; do not teach Yoga-Vidya, 26; journeys of, in 1880, 2-3; no “adventurers,” 448; misrepresented and abused, 78 et seq.; resist bigotry and conceit, 306; select Henry Slade for Committee, 19-20; -slandered by J. Cook, 489-91; try to revive philosophical self-respect of Hindus, 448.
Fourth, dimension, 14 et seq., 220. “Fragments,” etc. See Hume, A. 0. Freethought, spread of, 64 et seq. Freethought. See Tyerman.
Friend of India, share of the, in Indian Mutiny, 153.
Fu-hi, 197.
Gahambars, or six periods, 462. Galileo, on the earth, 303, 312. Galvani, 22.
Gandisri Mnts., and Sambhala, 421, 422 fn.
Gardner, Mrs. Cornelia, 359, 361, 362.
Garfield: and Guiteau, 361; killed, 255.
Gathas, 455.
Gaulois, Le, on death of Littre, 250.
Gauss, K. F., and fourth dimension, 15.
Gazette, Police, 94.
Geary, Grattan, 234.
Gehenna, 295.
Gelfmann, Jessie, 362.
Gematria, and numbers, 195, 202. Gendrikoff, Count, 123.
Genesis: 45; incomprehensible without Kaba!a, 456 fn.
Gerbovnik, 80, 509.
Germs: Brahma and Prakriti as, of life, 405, 406; in ether, 405; of disease and thoughts, 425.
Gian Jin, founded Persepolis, 460. Gladstone, W. E., and Russia, 77. –, Rome, etc., on Papal abusive language, 68-69; 509.
Gleichen, Baron C.-H. von, on de Saint-Germain, 527.
Globe, symbology of, and calf, 130-31.
Gobi (Shamo) Desert: once an inland sea, 402, 420, 467; and Sambhala, 421.
God: absorption into, and nirvana, 89; and “creation,” 380 fn.; and Devil, 299 fn.; as Fire, 460; commands violence, 11617; humorous appeal to, 330; Jehovah not the One Supreme, 457; lamb of, and Iamb cutlet, 330; made an administrative mistake, 261; no one has proved the existence of a, 112; no personal, apart from man, 410 fn.; personal, absolutely improvable, 203, 261; personal & impersonal, 27; personal or Isvara, 424; seven-rayed, 453; sons of, 187, 189, 215 fn.; universal, as Augoeides, 321. Gods: Eight, of Egypt called elementaries, 478; Persian ideas about, 450; twelve great, 319.
557 Goldenberg, 157, 159.
Golos, 49.
Gompa, lamasery, 321.
Good, and Evil equilibrated, 186, 349.
Gordon, Mrs. Alice: 146-504; san K. H., 332.
Gorodek, Rabbi, and number 666. 85.
Gougenot des Mousseaux, Les Hauts phénomènes, etc., q. di Raulica on Satan, 91, 278; 510. ------, Moeurs et pratiques, etc., on Devil as Pillar of Faith, 91, 278; 509.
Grand Küren, 185.
Granth, Sikh Scripture, 177, 182; 510.
Great Beast, number of the, 84-85, 120, 186, 200.
Great Year, or six saros and cataclysms, 150.
Gregoire, Father, denies heliocentric system, 312.
Gregory the Illuminator, 216.
Gribble, Fr., Emperor and Mystic, 124 fn.; 510.
Grihastha [Grihastha], and Yoga- Vidya, 27.
Grihastha-Bairagis, 206.
Grinevizky, I. I., 156 & fn.
Grishhom, Dr. and hypnotism, 42 et seq.
Grodekoff, Col. N. I., 48 fn.
Grundy, Mrs., and Editors, 232.
Gualdi, Signor, 125.
Guebers, 212.
Guison-Tamba [Jebtsun-Damba], King-Lama at Great Küren, 185.
Guiteau, and Garfield, 361.
Guppy-Volckmann, Mrs., as medium, 15.
Gupta-Vidyâ, universal, 266.
Guru, and disciple, 27.
Gushtasp, 466.
Guyon, Mme. Jeanne, 229.
Gya-Pheling [Phyiling], British India, 421.
Ha, as a letter, 413.
Hahn, Family von, 444, 446 & fn.
Hahn, Peter A. von, 446 & fn.
Hahn, Senator Y. F.: biogr., 510; portrait, fac. 315.
Haig, Haigs, 214 et seq.
Haimavatas, Great Teachers of the, 421.
Hamlet. See Shakespeare.
Hammond, Dr. J. H., and stored up electricity, 24.
Hammond, Dr. W. A., On Sleep, etc., on dreams, 429; 510.
H’amza (al-Hamma), 177 fn., 178, 179, 181, 183, 183 fn., 184,185, 187.
Han urn an, 205.
Haoma, and Yggdrasill, 460.
Hara-Deva, Hari, 460.
Harbinger of Light, 29, 241.
Hare, Robert: 93, 112, 219, 247; becomes a Spiritualist, 233.
–, History of Spiritualism, on Spiritualism as a madness, 233; 510.
Haris, 460. See also Charis.
Harisinghji Rupsinghji, Prince, portrait of, facing 458.
Harrison, W. H., editor of The Spiritualist, 74.
Hatha Yoga, 403.
Hathor, and solar globe, 131.
Haug, Martin, 458.
–, Aitareya-Brahmana, on Brahm and its 12 manifestations, 319 fn.; 510.
Hausset, Mme. Du, on de Saint- Germain, 527-28.
Hauts. See Gougenot.
Hawker s Morning and Evening Portion, 354.
558 Healing, mesmeric, 285.
Health, as magnetic equilibrium, 285.
Heart Sutra, q. 405-06 fn.; 498.
Heat, radiant, and akasa, 103.
Heathen, abused by clergy in India, 119-20.
Heber, Bishop R., and the Heber- ists, 118; 511.
Hebron, Kabeiri worshipped at, 453 fn.
Hegel, and Boehme, 34.
Heliocentric system: denied, 312; taught by Pythagoras, 356.
Hell: and Church, 353;—fire, 344; and Nirvana, 88 et seq.; or absolute matter, 296 fn.
Heilenbach, Baron L. von, 236; 511.
Hemsa, Mohammed’s uncle, 183 fn.
Henrizzi, and von Offen, devise new airship, 70-71.
Heptaktys, in Apocalypse, 453.
Heraclitus, ideas of, 62.
Heres, same as Char-is, 460.
Heretics, become later orthodox, 471.
Hermippus of Alexandria, on Zoroaster, 451.
Herodotus, on Persian religion, 450.
–, History, on Pigmies, 41.
Hessen-Kassel, Prince Carl von, on de Saint-Germain, 527.
Higgins, G., Celtic Druids: on secret doctrine in Tibet, 186; on wisdom, 180; 511.
Hillarion Smerdis: final initiation of, 212; finds a library of cylinders, 458; and H. P. B.’s occult stories, 211; and Light on the Path, 212; on Armenians and their traditions, 212 et seq., 460.
Hillel, Rabbi, 453.
Himalayan: Brotherhood, 421; Fraternity, 264.
Himalayas [Himalayas]: ancient continent from, to Tasmania, 420; many adepts gone beyond, 487; slopes of the, once part of ocean floor, 422.
Hindostán, 179.
Hindu(s): in minority among adepts, 304; revival of philosophy, 105-06; sceptical of spiritual knowledge, 105.
Hindu Sabha, 2, 242, 304.
Hippocrates, 438.
Hiranyagarbha [Hiranyagarbha], 462.
Histoire. See Rebold.
Historia. See Hyde.
History. See Draper; Hare; Herodotus; Oliver; Smith, Geo.; C. B. Waite.
Hiuen-Tsang (also Hsüan Tsang, Yuan-Chwang), 420.
Hoffman, von, 236.
Hokhmah, and En-Soph, 319.
d’Holbach, P. H. D., on chimeras, 261.
Hollis-Billing, Mrs. Mary, 143.
Holy Ghost, and other “ghosts,” 113.
Home, D. D., 235.
Honover, 461.
Hooris, 476.
Horace, Satires, on vice and fools, 225; 511.
Horns, and deities, 131.
Horse: and Asvamedha rite, 463; white, of the sun and Saviours, 462-63.
Hospitality, Russian, 47.
Hubilgans, 179, 182, 183, 185, 189 fn.
Hue, Evariste, Travels, etc., q. on impolite treatment of the Grand Lama. 182-83; 511.
Hugo, Victor, on Religion, 226.
559 Humanity, initiated, and Pamir, 187.
Humboldt, A. von, 22.
Hume, A. 0., able metaphysician and logician, 393; portrait, fac. 314.
–, “Fragments of Occult Truth” 322 fn., 346, 384 & fn., 391, 393, 435 fn., 436 fn., 468, 471, 473-74.
Hunt, C. L., Private Instructions, etc., 339 fn.; 511.
Hyde, Thos., wrong on age of Zoroaster, 461; 511-12.
–, Historia, etc., 464.
Hyderabad, 388.
Hygienic Clairvoyance. See Dixon.
Hypnotism: effects of, 42 et seq.; same as Trataka of Yogis, 44.
Hypocrisy: society riddled with, 232; and sophistry, 109, 114-15.
Hypotheses: and authorities, 224; unproved, and proofs, 468-70.
lamblichos. See Wilder.
lamblichus, on the icosagonus, 320.
Icosagonus, lamblichus on, 320.
Iddhi, dhyana practices of, 399.
Ideas: dragged down by men, 63; evolution of, or design in Nature, 385.
Idee fixe, 425.
Idol. See Beke.
Idrah Rabbah, on Long Face, 319; 512.
Illuminati, 267.
Images, evocation of astral, 293 fn.
Imagination, and divination, 432.
Immaculate, conception of Saoshyant, 461.
Immortality: conditional, 295 fn.; in good and evil, 296, 297, 298.
“Imperator +,” does not materialize objectively, 394-95.
Impersonations, by elementarles, 395.
Incarnates, of Supreme Wisdom among Druses, 184 & fn.
Incarnation, definite length for each, 210.
Incense, meaning of, 462.
India: adepts have forsaken, 487; as alma mater of later civilizations, 420; danger of Russians visiting, 83; generic name used by ancient Western nations, 420; must be regenerated by her own sons, 6; Mutiny in, and missions, 69-70; reliable medium requested by, 142; religions of, and Christianity, 119-20, 439; research in, destroyed by officialism, 153; Russia and England, 75-77; some adepts in Southern, 487; and study of Russian, 46 et seq.
India. See Temple.
Indian: Founders to revive philosophical self-respect of, people, 448; people passionately devoted to ancestors, 153; philosophy, key to greatest psychological truths, 52; revival of ancient, philosophy, 105-06.
Individuality: foundation of, 410; and personality, 437; and séance room apparitions, 414 et seq.; seat of, in an occult power, 411; sense of, remains unaltered, 411; survives destruction of brain, 411.
Indore, Holkar of, and Christians, 151-52.
Induction, magnetic, and medium’s body, 248.
Inertia, versus inner self, 73.
Infallibility, not claimed by Theosophists, 137.
560 Ingersoll, Col. Robert: 65, 90, 232; eulogizes Beecher, 138.
Initiates: as “Sons of God,” 189; do not live among crowds, 260; form vast body, 473; have forsaken India, 487; and plateau of Pamir, 187; test each other’s diccoveries, 473; two kinds of, 297.
Initiation: continuity of, preserved, 473; and Himalayan Fraternity, 264.
Innocents. See Twain.
Inquisition: 258, 353; and Dostoyevsky’s novel, 324.
Inquisitor, Grand, of Dostoyevsky, 324-25.
Insanity, by electric current, 285. Intellect, high, may co-exist with absence of spirituality, 417.
Intelligence: physical, 408, 410, 411; spiritual, 412.
Intelligences, non-human, 368. lôannês, lonah, Jonah, 217 fn. Irakliy (Herakleios), Emperor, 218.
Isaiah·, latter portion of, 452 fn.; lived 200 years before Cyrus, 452; on Cyrus, 450.
Island, Sacred, of inland sea, 402; referred to in Chinese historical records, 420, 421; and Sam- bhala, 421-22.
Ismail (al-Tamîmî), 184.
Israel, and Medianites, 116-17.
Israelite. See Jost.
Israelites, monotheism of, only vulgarized Magianism, 456.
Isvara [îsvara]: 62, 328, 329; an afterthought, 142.
Itinerary. See Pausanias.
Jackasses, as voluntary undertakers of attacked reputations, 209.
Jacolliot, Louis, 57.
Jadookhana [Jadukhana], 275.
Jajmow [Jajmau], 82.
Jannes & Jamb res, 51.
Jatakas, birth stories, 427; 512.
Javidan Kherad, 463-64 & fn., 512.
Jehovah: and Ahuramazda as third in deistic evolution, 457; feminine passive potency, 457.
lejunio. See Tertullian.
Jennings, H., The Rosicrucians: 125, 195 fn.; pentagram in, 312.
Jericho, and Jesuits, 118.
Jesuits: alleged ancient origin of, 115 et seq.; expelled from France, 65, 199; H. P. B. accused of connivance with, 364; and Jericho, 118.
Jesus: and Inquisition in Dostoyevsky’s novel, 324; letter of, to Abgarus, 175; Levi on nature of, 209; no historical evidence of, 174-75.
Jews: as Talmudists, 453; and Ghetto, 87; initiated, and Chaldean Kabala, 456 fn.; may not have been in Palestine before Cyrus, 453; Persian colony imbued with Magianism, 453; “return” of, from Babylonian captivity questioned, 451, 453; true religion of, prior to our era, 453.
Jiva: 409, 422; and 7th principle, 423. See also Life.
Jivatma [Jivatman] : 106, 325-26, 407, 409, 460 fn., 422.
Joannes, Count, and hell, 90.
John, St., a Kabalist, 85.
John’s, St., day and three-leaved fem, 352.
John the Baptist, Nazarene, 451 fn.
561 Johnson, Dean, and prophecies of Bible, 67.
Jonah, and whale, 217 fn.
Jones, J., The Natural and the Supernatural, on electricity and shells, 25, 26; 512.
Jones, Sir William, 64.
Josephus, Antiquities: 512; on beliefs of Pharisees, 453.
Jost, I. M., Israelite Indeed, 451 fn., 512.
Journal of the Hindu Sabha, 303. Judaism: as popular vulgar magic, 456 fn.; nature of, 180; not contemporary with Zoroastrianism, 451.
Judge, W. Q., portrait, fac. 330. Judges, on dance, 205.
Kabalah, Kabbalah, Kabala: Chaldean, holds key to understanding of Avesta, 456; Christian, a fraction of Universal Occult Science, 266, 268; and cycles, 194; distorted, 267; Eastern and Western are basically one, 288; numerical methods of symbolical, 195, 202; and occultism, 181; on state of suicides, 210-11; on Virgin and six-pointed star, 461; and pentagram, 251; relation to Zarathushtra, 456 fn.; studied by Pharisees, 453; Three Faces of, 313, 314, 319.
Kabalists: and occultists, 266-67; secret doctrine of Jewish, offshoot of Aryan esotericism, 400; true, reveal knowledge but to conceal it, 264; Western and Jewish lost true key, 288-89.
Kabeiri, worship of, and Pharisees, 453.
Kabirim, 453.
Kailas (or Tisse), 422 fn.
Kali-vuga: 49; adepts and India, 487.
Kalki, Avatara, 185, 463.
Kama [Kama]: as desire to live again, 397 fn.; desire and thought, 283.
Kama-rupa [Kama-rupa): creates ethereal form, 416; fashions apparitions, 474; of medium and materializations, 347; or perisprit, 407, 409; projection of, at death, 283, 376.
Kant, E., and fourth dimension, 15.
Kanya [Kanya], Virgin, as term for Astral Light, 326.
Kapila, 318 fn., 329, 336, 400.
Karamazov. See Dostoyevsky.
Katia. See Bibesco.
Kellar, Harry, and Eglinton, 488.
Kenealy, E. V. H., Enoch, etc., on loannes, 217 fn.; 512.
–, The Book of God. An Introduction, etc.: q. 178 fn.; on Ramdagon, 189; 512.
Kennicott No. 154, oldest Hebrew MS of O.T., 453 fn.; 512.
Kepler, Johann, held astrology a true science, 194.
–, The Principles of Astrology, proves astrological predictions, 194 & fn.; 512-13.
Kerman, 212.
Keshub Chunder Sen: 203, 204, 286-87; new avatara, 57-60; not a Yogi, 60-61.
K. H. See Koot Hoomi.
Khai, Hai, and year 1881, 202.
Khalwehs, Druse meeting places, 177 fn., 178.
Kham, Province, 419.
Khelang: Brotherhood of, 177, 419; missionaries of, 419.
Khiu-ti, Book of, 296 fn., 297; 513.
S5. Khiva, Col. Olcott on, 154. Khunrath, Henry, 264, 312; 513. Kimosas, and missing link, 42. King, Katie, 234.
562 I Kings, on dance, 205.
II Kings: on Elijah, 451 in.; on horses of the Sun, 463.
Kislingbury, Miss Emily, describes test seances with Eglinton, 143-45.
Knocke, and Lourdes, 113, 275.
Knowledge: as Divine Fire, 461, 462; conditions required for acquisition of highest, 268; continuity of occult, among adepts, 472; higher, and sacrifices, 4; and ignorance are relative terms, 357-58; occult, based on facts, 393-94; mighty mountain of occult, 476; most world’s, comes from specialists and ideologists, 485; secret, and Logos, 461.
Kobilyansky, 157.
Kohn, Julius: 263 et seq., 289 & fn.; criticisms of, discussed, 332 et seq.
Kolhapur, superstitions at, 348, 352.
Konstantin Niko’ayevich, Grand Duke, involved in regicide, 164 et seq.
Koot Hoomi Lal Singh: 264; annotations by, on Levi’s art., 292- 300; relations with Sinnett & others, 274; seen by seven Theosophists, 332; suggests translation from Dostoyevsky, 325.
Koran [Ar. al-Qur'an], 181. Koros, title of Bacchus, 460. Kosmos, and the Decad, 327. Kotzebue, 160.
Kropotkin, 157.
Kshatra, basis, 405, 406.
Kubla Khan. See Coleridge.
Kuen-Lun Mnts., and Sambhala, 421.
Kumbeg-Dag, 213.
Kumbum: 182; Tree of, 186 fn.
Kunduz, and Sambhala, 421.
Kunte, M. M., on Yoga, 106, 107, 108.
Kura, title of Sun, 460. Kurds, 176, 213, 218.
Kuropatkin, Gen. A. N., 48 fn. Kutch-Behar, 60.