Zirkoff B. - Index (BCW vol.4): Difference between revisions

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Adultery, and Bible, 236.
Adultery, and Bible, 236.

Advaitee(s), beliefs of learned, identical with those of Theoso-phists, 336.
Advaitee(s), beliefs of learned, identical with those of Theosophists, 336.

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Advaitism, esoteric, 305, 451, 567.
Adversus Haereses. See Irenaeus.
Adyar, property secured, xxiv-v, xxvi.
Affection, most powerful attraction, 122.
Affinities, and numbers at base of occult doctrine, 303.
Agni, symbolical description of, 366.
Agnohotri, S.N., errors of, 471- 72fn., 474.
Agrippa, C., The Three Books of Occult Philosophy, on souls and shells, 594-95, 619.
Aguna[Aguna], 582.
Ahamatma [Ahamatman], 7th principle, 99.
Aham eva Parabrahman, 100.
Ahankara [ Ahamkara]: 550fn.; belongs to Manas, 581; can be destroyed when personal, 582; produced from Buddhi, 581.
Ahmi, I am, 523.
Ahriman: as lower human principles, 522; had no beginning, 420-21; man’s ignorance & selfishness, 508; and Ormazd, 263; 420, 521.
Ahura Mazda: as father of Arne- sha Spentas, 523; as 7th principle or Monad, 520, 522; on the Nasa, 508; our Spiritual Essence or personal God, 521-22.
Air, composition of, 212 & fn.
Airyana-Vaego: Adepts in, 515fn.; Brahmans in, 529; identical with Sambhala, 526fn.; nature & location of, 526-27.
Akasa[ [Akasa]: and ether, 489; imperishable records in, and psychometry, 555 et seq.; and phlogiston, 218; and rappings, 144; reflections from the, & subjective mind-pictures, 356; seventh state of matter, 264; and Sound, 164 et seq.
Alchemy, became chemistry, 313.
Alcohol, abstinence from, 544.
Aleim, 335.
All: absorption into the One, 121; the Infinite, 52.
Allopaths: fail at Leipzig, 75-76; and homeopaths in West Indies, 74-75; and homeopaths should combine, 319.
Almora, Swami of, and his arguments, 560 et seq.
Ambition, and selfishness as curses, 419.
America, connection with Atlantis, 446.
American, noblest and grandest feature of the, Republic, 70.
Americans, cool self-confidence of some, 147.
Arnesha Spentas, our six principles, 523.
Amita-pho, or Amita-Buddha, 18 Ammianus Marcellinus, History, on Hystaspes in India, 529; 620.
Ampere, A. M., 222, 620.
Amrita Bazaar Patrika: endorses Olcott’s work, 5; on events at Lahore, 476; shows appreciation for work of T.S. in India, 23-24.
Amulam mulam [Amúla-múla], rootless root, 580.
Analogy, importance of, 317.
Anandamaya, as 5th principle, 582.
Anarchists, bloody, & nihilists, 419 Anathema, Pope’s, against Spiritualists, 394-95.
Ancient. See Smith, Geo.
Andrews, Stephen Pearl, and Free Love, 143.
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Anganta Yene, and bhuta, 122
Angelology, Pharisaical, originated in Babylonia, 527
Angra-Mainyu: 508, 519fn., 523; as kama or lust, 522; as matter, 520
Animalculae, allegedly singing, 154-55
Animals, care for, in Bombay, 28182, 299
Annamaya: 565; as gross material body, 582
Annihilation: of conscious personal principle, 559; of egos, 251; of personality and the Higher Ego, 571 et seq.
Anquetil Duperron, and Avesta, 525
Antaratma [ Antaratman], latent spirit, 336
Antaskarana [ Antaskarana], and Manas as organs of personal consciousness, 548
Apavarga, emancipation from births, 609
Apocalypse, 265
Apollonius of Tyana, last of the Initiates of old, 516fn.
Apothecary, licensed leech for bleeding people’s pockets, 73
Apparatuses, to hear and see people at any distance, 112
Apparitions: involuntary, 248; of disembodied Ego rare, 246
Arabian Nights, and Jinn, 103; 620
Ardeshir Babagan, and Avesta, 524
Ardvi-Sura Anahita, same as Sarasvati, 521 & fn.
Arhat, esoteric, doctrine & Northern Buddhism, 305, 569
Aristotle, on light, 221
Arne, T. A., Rule Britannia, 541, 620
Arnold, Sir Edwin, Light of Asia, q. 281
d’Ars, Curé. See Viannay, J. B.
Art, works of, in somnambulic state, 294
Arupa LokafArupaloka], 185
Arya, The: 277; first issue, 65 et seq.; indiscretions of, re Dayananda, 270-72, 512-13; jumps down its own journalistic throat, 127
Aryan [Aryan], esoteric, school and Subba Row, 191
Arya Samaj [Arya Samája]: as a sect, 66-67; relation of, to T.S., 95, 127, 467; why alliance between, & T.S. broken, 93-94
Aryavarta [ Aryavárta], 336
Asceticism, sham, 351-52
Ashburner, J., 380, 620
Ashta Siddhis, of Hatha Yoga, 31fn.
Asiatic: esotericism and R. Catholicism, 295; people have compassion for brutes, 282; thought and The Theosophist, 158-59
Asiatic Researches, on Magianism, 515
Asoka: 13fn., 15, 16 & fn.; edicts of, 430-31; inscriptions of, on religious tolerance, 26
Asramas[Asramas]: secret philosophy hidden in Southern, 547; and Yogis, 544
Astral: bodies cast no shadows, 489; double can kill, 566; impressions on material surroundings, 247-48, 592-93; magnetoelectrical projection of, images, 489; Serpent of Lévi, 245; and Spiritual Monad, 184-86; Virgin and Akasa, 264;
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Astral Light: and Astral Fire, 165; crown of, 166; and occult sounds, 298
Astrology, as science and quackery, 302-03
Asuchi. impure, 553fn.
Asura, living spirit in man, 523. See also Ahura Mazda
Asvatthama, 367
Atharva Veda: 99; number seven in, 575, 579; and psychometry, 554; 621
Atheists, high morals of, 498
Athravan(s): 508; Zoroaster one of the first, 529
Atkinson, H. C., liberal freethinker, 157; and Tyndall, 599 et seq.
–, Letters to Miss Martineau, 157, 621
Atlantis: connection between Central America and, 446; dwelling place of 4th race, 447; Egyptians not a colony of, 447; struggle in, between Adepts and Magicians, 263
Atlantis. See Donnelly
Atma Bodha [Atma-Bodha]. See Samkaracharya
Atman [Atman]: as highest Monad, 580; as Sutratman, 582; and Buddhi as Monad, 582, 595; is nirguna, 581; or Jivat- man as 7th principle or unmanifested life, 547
Atmosphere, composition of, 212 & fn.
Atom(s): disintegrated in occult transport, 125; individual, and life, 226; “Master Atom” as term for 6th principle, 558; spark of life in, 216; transmigration of life-, 559-60
Atonement: occult meaning of, 265; vicarious as cause of misery, 449
Attachments, earthly, cause of rebirth, 342
Attavada: delusion of self, 173, 537
Attraction, and gravitation, 222
Aura: human mesmeric and flowers, 312fn.; magnetic, and psychometry, 545; magnetic, of several forming strong battery, 27; of living medium and images impressed on it, 62
Austin, R. Barnes, and “J.K.,” 34 et seq.
Avalokitesvara: 11fn.; incarnates in Taley-Lamas, 18; or Atman, 608
Avatara(s) [Avataras]: 361; Trivikrama, 367
Averroes, 97
Avesta. See Zend-Avesta
Avichi, none for Spiritual Individuality, 548fn.
Avidya [Avidya]: and five sheaths, 582; mistaken for wisdom, 259; and Schopenhauer’s views, 491
Avogadro’s Law, 217
Avyakta, unevolved evolver, 580, 582
Avyaktabrahm, stands for 7th principle, 166
Ayah, 326
Ayangar, C. A., 133, 136
Azot, 7th state of matter, 264
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Babusthan, 145
Bactriana: emigration from, to Indus, 529; Hystapes in, 525fn.
Bacon, Francis, and lunar eclipses, 397
–, Promus, etc., 602, 621
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Badarayana [Badarayana], on Kri- tsita-sarira, 53fn.
Bailey, Dr. J., Records of Longevity, 448, 621
Bain, A., The Correlations, etc., on electricity, 219, 226; 621
Balfour Stewart, 206
–, The Conservation of Energy. on electricity, 219; on energy and matter, 213; on molecules, 214; q. Le Conte on force, 214
Bali, not an individual, 367
Baly, Archdeacon, 4
Bamboo-staff, seven-knotted, 104
Banerjee, Nobin K., 230
Banner of Light·, on Dr. Geo. Beard. 393; on Frothingham, 81
Banon, Capt. A.: and Rev. Cook, 69; on Tibet, 160 et seq.
Baphomet, or Satan is merely Pan, 263
Baptism, and initiation, 265
Barbier. See Beaumarchais
Bar-do, state of, follows gestation period, 121
Barlow, Peter, 222, 621
Barrett, Sir Wm. F., 286, 622-25
Basantis, 238
Battery: formed by magnetic auras, 27, 29, 30; human, may be charged like a galvanic, 31
Bavaria, King of, a melomaniac, 328
Baylis. Dr., and “faith cures,” 384fn.
Beale. Prof. L., on materialism, 167
Beale, Rev. S., on the Masters, 131
Beans, magnetism of, deadening, 297
Beard, Dr. Geo., dies and is apt to become a “spirit,” 393
Beattie, John, on spirit-photographs, 63-64
Beaumarchais, P.A.C. de, Le Barbier de Séville, 33fn., 625
–, Le Manage de Figaro, 33fn., 625
Becher, J. J., phlogiston, 218fn.
Beecher, Rev. H. W., on Jesus in New York, 74
Beelzebub, 389
Being: guiding nascent human races, and Magianism, 514; matter and spirit, 420-21
Bennett, D. M.: 393; agent used by Adept-Brothers, 369fn.; biogr., 625-33; claimed as “spirit-control,” 353 ; defended by H.P.B., 79-80, 285-86; membership of, in T.S. endorsed by Masters, 369 & fn.; Olcott on, 79; self-made man, 147-48; slandered by Rev. J. Cook, 69 –, A Truth-Seeker Around the
World: debunks alleged events in Palestine, 285-86; favorable appraisal of, 146-48, 368-69
Bergh, Henry, zoophile, 282
Beroea, 238
Berthelot, M. P. E., and gases, 215 Besant, Annie: and Bradlaugh slandered by Rev. Cook, 69; great orator, 124; in error about T.S. & Olcott, 171-72; steadfastness of purpose, 157
“Besant and the Theos. Society, Mrs. Annie,” 171
Bhagavad-Gita: 99, 569; and ini- ated Brahmans, 192; record of teaching during Mystery Initiation, 124; and Subba Row, 191
Bhâravi, Kirâtârjunîya, on conquering passions, 614
Bhisti, water carrier, 326
Bhola Deva Sarma, 230
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Bhons: 10; offshoot from Chaldea, 15fn.; practice necromancy, 12
Bhopa Raja, on commentators as perverters, 285
Bhuta, possession by, 122, 175, 553
Bhutan [ Bhutan] : Dharma Raja of, 17-18; triple incarnations in Buddhism of, 10, 17
Bhutanese, tributaries of Taley-Lamas, 12
Bible: contradicted by worldly customs, 235; and events in Palestine debunked by Bennett, 28586; and number seven, 578; production of a hundred anonymous scribes, 241
Bigandet, Rev. P. A., The Life, or Legend, of Gaudama, on celibacy, 7; 633-34
Bigotry: and Bradlaugh, 231; and professional rapacity, 72
Binah(Jehovah), and Hokhmah, 421
Birds, flight of, and polarity, 168-69
Bishop of Bombay, controversy with, on Gospels, 232 et seq.
Bixby, James T., and Gladstone, 237
Black, Judge Jere S., and Ingersoll, 80
Blasphemy, def. by Ingersoll, 457fn.
Blavatsky, H. P.: acknowledges loosing temper, 114fn.; arrives in U.S.A., 137 & fn.; at Ghum monastery, xxvi; beliefs of, same as those of learned Ad- vaitees, 336; Buddhist and metaphorically an atheist, 95, 231, 305-06; commanded to explain about reincarnation and principles, 186; denies any malice or hatred, 117; directed to
go to Paris, 136; experienced formerly a type of mediumship, 593; experienced personal ordeal, 590; has no faith in divinely inspired prophets, 413; labored once under spiritualistic delusion, 590; not a nastika, 335-36; on the Saint-Simoniens’ prophecy, 479-80; on Treme- schini, 481-82; outspoken endorsement of Bennett, 79-80; pokes fun at editors and writers, 148-49, 150-52, 154-55; publishes Hume’s letter under protest, 227; recognizes Brothers of Light and those of Shadow, 590; sent to Chittenden, Vt., 137; spends 48 hours with the Brothers, 272, 300; studied Kabala with learned Rabbi, 38; taken to task for strong language, 113 et seq.; thoroughly acquainted with American mediums, 142
–, Isis Unveiled: 349, 362fn. 378, 416, 516fn.; 525fn., 615; bridged gap between old and new presentation, 376; criticized by Hume, 228; explanations of mysteries in, lie half-buried, 253; first literary production of a foreigner, 184; intended to deal in generalities as regards reincarnation, 186; no discrepancy between teachings in, and later ones, 122; on Atlantean magicians, 263; on color and sound, 179; on cycles and evolution, 376; on levitation, 30; on Nazars, 265; on reincarnation, 183; on the One Truth, 295; on truth and its many rays, 426; Preface to Vol. II and Christianity, 97; some passages in, incomplete and vague, 184; teachings in, derived from Adept-Brothers, 182; written under specific direction to give {{Page aside|679}}hints rather than methodical expositions, 253
–, Scrapbooks, 479, 480, 481, 482
Blech, Charles, Contribution, etc., 479, 634
Blood: attracts evil powers, 265; brain and, -flow, 511; meaning of Baptism of, 265; not coagulated when body killed by lightning, 225; and occult phenomena, 476 et seq.
Bochart, S., Canaan, 532, 634
Bodhisattva(s): reincarnation of a, in Tashi-Lama, 161; overshadowed by Celestial Buddha, 11
Bodhyanga, Wisdom, 378 fn.
Body, exercises deceptive suggestions on consciousness, 594
Bod-yul, Tibet, 16, 34
Bogle, Geo., 11, 14fn., 634-35
Bohme, Jakob, erroneous classification of, 51 et seq.
Bolletino, of Grand Orient of Italy, 56, 58, 59
Bombay Gazette: 111, 132, 281; and Rev. J. Cook, 21-22, 68, 92
Bon Sens, Le, on spirit-message from Gambetta, 392
Book of Abad. See Desatlr
Book of Changes. See Yi-King
Book of Job, record of Egyptian mysteries and judgment of the soul, 124
Book of Khiu-ti (or Kiu-ti): 250 378fn. 654; on qualifications of chelas, 678
Book of Numbers, and number seven, 578fn.
Book of the Arhats, on Universal Intelligence, 453
Book of the Dead, and number seven, 575
Boscovich, R. J., and occult views on spirit, 558; 635
Bose, Rajnarain, views on religion, 439 et seq.
Bouillaud, J. B. B., 314, 636
Bourbon, Adelberth de, 87
Bradlaugh, Chas.: 172, 279, 280; and A. Besant slandered by Rev. Cook, 69; H.P.B. defends, against attacks, 231 ; Olcott on, 79; victim of bigotry, 157
Brahma ( Brahm ): Day and Night of, 99; Isvara and Jiva, 422 et seq.; and Parabrahm, 337
Brahmajàla Sutta, 402, 636
Brahmans [Brâhmanas]: in Air-yana-Vaêgo, 529; initiated, know when Hindu Scriptures were written, 192; migrations of, 529; oppose Buddhism, 15; origin of Magi and, same, 515fn.; orthodox, lost key to Oriental System, 493 ; venal, encourage superstitions, 302
Brahmarakshasa [ Brahmarâk-shasa], 175
Brahmo Public Opinion, on K. C.
Sen, 327, 439
Brahmo Samaj: corruption of, discussed, 406 et seq.; origin and divisions of, 108 et seq.; Sir R. Temple on, 346
Braid, James, Neurypnology, etc., 294; 636
Brain: and blood-flow, 511; can assimilate great ideas and affect cognate ones, 457 ; evolution of astral, 247 ; molecules of medium’s, and shells, 591; spiritual life of, and death, 246-47; stupefied, and body clogged with food, 297; weight of, intellect and eyesight, 509 et seq.
Branches, of T.S. neglect experimental research, 131
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Brihaspati[Brihaspati], a nastika, 515
Britten, Dr. S. B., 393
Broca, Dr. 314; on weight of brain, 509; 636
Brodie, Sir B., Psychological Inquiries, 294; 636-37
Brotherhood: basic platform of T.S., 502-03; of Adepts, and Sinnett’s testimony, 132; risks connected with establishing in India Society based on, 97; T.S. a nucleus of, in theory and practice, 415; T.S. a Universal, 25, 470
Brothers: admit esoteric meaning of Vedas, 366; blessings and protection from the, 354-55; criticized by Wm. S. Moses, 273 et seq.; of Light and Shadow, 590; spoken of long before Founders left for India, 354; testimony about, by Ramalinga Pillai, 134-36; trans-Himalayan, 4-5
Brownrigg, Lieut. Gen., and religious freedom, 433fn., 434
Buchanan, Dr. J. R., discovered psychometry, 555, 637
Bucher. See Keyser
Buck, Dr. J. D., on mediums and “spirits,” 293-94
Buddha, enlightened one, 603
Buddha, Gautama: did not claim divine inspiration, 106; doctrine of, very broad, 190; historical character, 25fn.; rejected the idea of a God, 106; renounced every form of theism, 100
Buddha. See Lillie
Buddhi: 582; as intellection, 608; and Atman, 582, 595; produced
from Tattva, 581; produces Ahankara and Manas, 581
Buddhism: basic beliefs of, 173; different views on, among Western scholars, 403-04; esoteric, 378fn., 404, 463; esoteric, established early in Tibet, 15-16; esoteric, identical with real Ad- vaitism, 305, 451, 474, 567; key to understanding of, lies in Secret Doctrine, 404; non-violent and tolerant, 430-31; no special fasts in, 297; not propagated in India by Founders, 283-84; opposed by Brahmans, 15; philosophy, not a religion, 202; popular & esoteric, 201; reveals esotericism of Brahmans, 463; rising interest in England for, 402; secret doctrines of Tibetan, 573; and suicide, 301; universal tolerance and brotherly love of, 25-26
Buddhist(s) : clergy and chastity, 6 et seq.; Prachchhana, 451; views of, on Buddha, 190
Buddhist. See Olcott
Bulletin Mensuel, etc., 479 et seq.
Bulwer-Lytton, A Strange Story, 344, 613, 637
–, Zanoni, 341, 613, 637
Bundahish, and the Airyana-Vaego, 526fn., 527fn.; 637
Bunsen, Baron C. C. J.: 363; on age of Zoroaster, 529
Burials, and epidemics, 507 Burq, Dr. V. B., 132, 637
Bushell, Prof., mesmerises Indians, 357
Butler, Alban, and Jerome, 241; 637
Byang-tsiub, Brotherhood of, in Tibet, 16
Byron, brain of, 509
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Revision as of 16:06, 19 December 2024

by Boris de Zirkoff
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writtings, vol. 4, page(s) 673-718


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[In the alphabetical arrangement of sub-entries of various chief headings, the word “and” has been disregarded. References to definitions of terms are in italics. References to pages above 618 are to Biographical and Bibliographical information.]


Aaron, initiated by Moses, 265.

Aba, the Father, as initiator, 265.

Abbott (or Abott), 78, 81-82.

Abercrombie, J., Intellectual Powers, 294, 619.

Abhava [Abhava], non-being, 580 d’Abrew, Peter, on Kotahena riots, 428fn.

Absolute: does not create karma, 194; or limitless unity, 52; relation of, to man, 195; we need not elbow each other on way to the, 47.

Academy of France, Committee of, for study of psychic phenomena, 132, 145, 175.

Accidents, victims of, and death, 189.

Adept(s): as rare as flower of Vogay tree, 170; Brotherhood of, and Sinnett’s testimony, 132; commands elemental forces by occult sounds, 166; do not transport themselves bodily, 176; first hand knowledge of, 484(487); and founding of T.S., 133; and Gurus, 229; how to become an, 342; know the extent of occult science, 583; longevity of, 448; and magicians in Atlantis, 263; moral qualities of true, 38-39; naturalborn, very rare, 607; no, in T.S. since Spring 1881, 39; not animated mummies, but happiest of mankind, 342; not infallible, 484(487) ; original hierarchy of, and later subdivisions, 515fn.; perfect, 228; personal relationships of, 4 & in.; physical organism of, 405; practical, always unmarried, 47, 266; proofs of existence of, should be examined, 294; protect chelas, 476-77; some ancient, incarnate in Tibet, 367; studies invisible agencies in full consciousness, 594; true, prevented by false, from publicly asserting their knowledge and existence, 40; what love means to, 341.

Adept-Brothers: criticized in Light, 274; criticized by Hume and Chelas’ protest, 229-30; H.P.B. with the, 272; modesty of, 228; source of teachings, 122, 182.

Adeptship, or ignoble martyrdom, 611-12.

Adi Brahmo Samaj: 109, 110, 406; English organ of, 146.

Adi-Buddha [more corr. Adi-Budha], and Dhyanis, 99-100.

Adi-Buddaship, perfect, 228.

Adrishta[Adrishta], 580.

Adultery, and Bible, 236.

Advaitee(s), beliefs of learned, identical with those of Theosophists, 336.

674 Advaitism, esoteric, 305, 451, 567.

Adversus Haereses. See Irenaeus.

Adyar, property secured, xxiv-v, xxvi.

Affection, most powerful attraction, 122.

Affinities, and numbers at base of occult doctrine, 303.

Agni, symbolical description of, 366.

Agnohotri, S.N., errors of, 471- 72fn., 474.

Agrippa, C., The Three Books of Occult Philosophy, on souls and shells, 594-95, 619.

Aguna[Aguna], 582.

Ahamatma [Ahamatman], 7th principle, 99.

Aham eva Parabrahman, 100.

Ahankara [ Ahamkara]: 550fn.; belongs to Manas, 581; can be destroyed when personal, 582; produced from Buddhi, 581.

Ahmi, I am, 523.

Ahriman: as lower human principles, 522; had no beginning, 420-21; man’s ignorance & selfishness, 508; and Ormazd, 263; 420, 521.

Ahura Mazda: as father of Arne- sha Spentas, 523; as 7th principle or Monad, 520, 522; on the Nasa, 508; our Spiritual Essence or personal God, 521-22.

Air, composition of, 212 & fn.

Airyana-Vaego: Adepts in, 515fn.; Brahmans in, 529; identical with Sambhala, 526fn.; nature & location of, 526-27.

Akasa[ [Akasa]: and ether, 489; imperishable records in, and psychometry, 555 et seq.; and phlogiston, 218; and rappings, 144; reflections from the, & subjective mind-pictures, 356; seventh state of matter, 264; and Sound, 164 et seq.

Alchemy, became chemistry, 313.

Alcohol, abstinence from, 544.

Aleim, 335.

All: absorption into the One, 121; the Infinite, 52.

Allopaths: fail at Leipzig, 75-76; and homeopaths in West Indies, 74-75; and homeopaths should combine, 319.

Almora, Swami of, and his arguments, 560 et seq.

Ambition, and selfishness as curses, 419.

America, connection with Atlantis, 446.

American, noblest and grandest feature of the, Republic, 70.

Americans, cool self-confidence of some, 147.

Arnesha Spentas, our six principles, 523.

Amita-pho, or Amita-Buddha, 18 Ammianus Marcellinus, History, on Hystaspes in India, 529; 620.

Ampere, A. M., 222, 620.

Amrita Bazaar Patrika: endorses Olcott’s work, 5; on events at Lahore, 476; shows appreciation for work of T.S. in India, 23-24.

Amulam mulam [Amúla-múla], rootless root, 580.

Analogy, importance of, 317.

Anandamaya, as 5th principle, 582.

Anarchists, bloody, & nihilists, 419 Anathema, Pope’s, against Spiritualists, 394-95.

Ancient. See Smith, Geo.

Andrews, Stephen Pearl, and Free Love, 143.

675 Anganta Yene, and bhuta, 122

Angelology, Pharisaical, originated in Babylonia, 527

Angra-Mainyu: 508, 519fn., 523; as kama or lust, 522; as matter, 520

Animalculae, allegedly singing, 154-55

Animals, care for, in Bombay, 28182, 299

Annamaya: 565; as gross material body, 582

Annihilation: of conscious personal principle, 559; of egos, 251; of personality and the Higher Ego, 571 et seq.

Anquetil Duperron, and Avesta, 525

Antaratma [ Antaratman], latent spirit, 336

Antaskarana [ Antaskarana], and Manas as organs of personal consciousness, 548

Apavarga, emancipation from births, 609

Apocalypse, 265

Apollonius of Tyana, last of the Initiates of old, 516fn.

Apothecary, licensed leech for bleeding people’s pockets, 73

Apparatuses, to hear and see people at any distance, 112

Apparitions: involuntary, 248; of disembodied Ego rare, 246

Arabian Nights, and Jinn, 103; 620

Ardeshir Babagan, and Avesta, 524

Ardvi-Sura Anahita, same as Sarasvati, 521 & fn.

Arhat, esoteric, doctrine & Northern Buddhism, 305, 569

Aristotle, on light, 221

Arne, T. A., Rule Britannia, 541, 620

Arnold, Sir Edwin, Light of Asia, q. 281

d’Ars, Curé. See Viannay, J. B.

Art, works of, in somnambulic state, 294

Arupa LokafArupaloka], 185

Arya, The: 277; first issue, 65 et seq.; indiscretions of, re Dayananda, 270-72, 512-13; jumps down its own journalistic throat, 127

Aryan [Aryan], esoteric, school and Subba Row, 191

Arya Samaj [Arya Samája]: as a sect, 66-67; relation of, to T.S., 95, 127, 467; why alliance between, & T.S. broken, 93-94

Aryavarta [ Aryavárta], 336

Asceticism, sham, 351-52

Ashburner, J., 380, 620

Ashta Siddhis, of Hatha Yoga, 31fn.

Asiatic: esotericism and R. Catholicism, 295; people have compassion for brutes, 282; thought and The Theosophist, 158-59

Asiatic Researches, on Magianism, 515

Asoka: 13fn., 15, 16 & fn.; edicts of, 430-31; inscriptions of, on religious tolerance, 26

Asramas[Asramas]: secret philosophy hidden in Southern, 547; and Yogis, 544

Astral: bodies cast no shadows, 489; double can kill, 566; impressions on material surroundings, 247-48, 592-93; magnetoelectrical projection of, images, 489; Serpent of Lévi, 245; and Spiritual Monad, 184-86; Virgin and Akasa, 264;

676 Astral Light: and Astral Fire, 165; crown of, 166; and occult sounds, 298

Astrology, as science and quackery, 302-03

Asuchi. impure, 553fn.

Asura, living spirit in man, 523. See also Ahura Mazda

Asvatthama, 367

Atharva Veda: 99; number seven in, 575, 579; and psychometry, 554; 621

Atheists, high morals of, 498

Athravan(s): 508; Zoroaster one of the first, 529

Atkinson, H. C., liberal freethinker, 157; and Tyndall, 599 et seq.

–, Letters to Miss Martineau, 157, 621

Atlantis: connection between Central America and, 446; dwelling place of 4th race, 447; Egyptians not a colony of, 447; struggle in, between Adepts and Magicians, 263

Atlantis. See Donnelly

Atma Bodha [Atma-Bodha]. See Samkaracharya

Atman [Atman]: as highest Monad, 580; as Sutratman, 582; and Buddhi as Monad, 582, 595; is nirguna, 581; or Jivat- man as 7th principle or unmanifested life, 547

Atmosphere, composition of, 212 & fn.

Atom(s): disintegrated in occult transport, 125; individual, and life, 226; “Master Atom” as term for 6th principle, 558; spark of life in, 216; transmigration of life-, 559-60

Atonement: occult meaning of, 265; vicarious as cause of misery, 449

Attachments, earthly, cause of rebirth, 342

Attavada: delusion of self, 173, 537

Attraction, and gravitation, 222

Aura: human mesmeric and flowers, 312fn.; magnetic, and psychometry, 545; magnetic, of several forming strong battery, 27; of living medium and images impressed on it, 62

Austin, R. Barnes, and “J.K.,” 34 et seq.

Avalokitesvara: 11fn.; incarnates in Taley-Lamas, 18; or Atman, 608

Avatara(s) [Avataras]: 361; Trivikrama, 367

Averroes, 97

Avesta. See Zend-Avesta

Avichi, none for Spiritual Individuality, 548fn.

Avidya [Avidya]: and five sheaths, 582; mistaken for wisdom, 259; and Schopenhauer’s views, 491

Avogadro’s Law, 217

Avyakta, unevolved evolver, 580, 582

Avyaktabrahm, stands for 7th principle, 166

Ayah, 326

Ayangar, C. A., 133, 136

Azot, 7th state of matter, 264


Babusthan, 145

Bactriana: emigration from, to Indus, 529; Hystapes in, 525fn.

Bacon, Francis, and lunar eclipses, 397

–, Promus, etc., 602, 621

677 Badarayana [Badarayana], on Kri- tsita-sarira, 53fn.

Bailey, Dr. J., Records of Longevity, 448, 621

Bain, A., The Correlations, etc., on electricity, 219, 226; 621

Balfour Stewart, 206

–, The Conservation of Energy. on electricity, 219; on energy and matter, 213; on molecules, 214; q. Le Conte on force, 214

Bali, not an individual, 367

Baly, Archdeacon, 4

Bamboo-staff, seven-knotted, 104

Banerjee, Nobin K., 230

Banner of Light·, on Dr. Geo. Beard. 393; on Frothingham, 81

Banon, Capt. A.: and Rev. Cook, 69; on Tibet, 160 et seq.

Baphomet, or Satan is merely Pan, 263

Baptism, and initiation, 265

Barbier. See Beaumarchais

Bar-do, state of, follows gestation period, 121

Barlow, Peter, 222, 621

Barrett, Sir Wm. F., 286, 622-25

Basantis, 238

Battery: formed by magnetic auras, 27, 29, 30; human, may be charged like a galvanic, 31

Bavaria, King of, a melomaniac, 328

Baylis. Dr., and “faith cures,” 384fn.

Beale. Prof. L., on materialism, 167

Beale, Rev. S., on the Masters, 131

Beans, magnetism of, deadening, 297

Beard, Dr. Geo., dies and is apt to become a “spirit,” 393

Beattie, John, on spirit-photographs, 63-64

Beaumarchais, P.A.C. de, Le Barbier de Séville, 33fn., 625

–, Le Manage de Figaro, 33fn., 625

Becher, J. J., phlogiston, 218fn.

Beecher, Rev. H. W., on Jesus in New York, 74

Beelzebub, 389

Being: guiding nascent human races, and Magianism, 514; matter and spirit, 420-21

Bennett, D. M.: 393; agent used by Adept-Brothers, 369fn.; biogr., 625-33; claimed as “spirit-control,” 353 ; defended by H.P.B., 79-80, 285-86; membership of, in T.S. endorsed by Masters, 369 & fn.; Olcott on, 79; self-made man, 147-48; slandered by Rev. J. Cook, 69 –, A Truth-Seeker Around the World: debunks alleged events in Palestine, 285-86; favorable appraisal of, 146-48, 368-69

Bergh, Henry, zoophile, 282

Beroea, 238

Berthelot, M. P. E., and gases, 215 Besant, Annie: and Bradlaugh slandered by Rev. Cook, 69; great orator, 124; in error about T.S. & Olcott, 171-72; steadfastness of purpose, 157

“Besant and the Theos. Society, Mrs. Annie,” 171

Bhagavad-Gita: 99, 569; and ini- ated Brahmans, 192; record of teaching during Mystery Initiation, 124; and Subba Row, 191

Bhâravi, Kirâtârjunîya, on conquering passions, 614

Bhisti, water carrier, 326

Bhola Deva Sarma, 230

678 Bhons: 10; offshoot from Chaldea, 15fn.; practice necromancy, 12

Bhopa Raja, on commentators as perverters, 285

Bhuta, possession by, 122, 175, 553

Bhutan [ Bhutan] : Dharma Raja of, 17-18; triple incarnations in Buddhism of, 10, 17

Bhutanese, tributaries of Taley-Lamas, 12

Bible: contradicted by worldly customs, 235; and events in Palestine debunked by Bennett, 28586; and number seven, 578; production of a hundred anonymous scribes, 241

Bigandet, Rev. P. A., The Life, or Legend, of Gaudama, on celibacy, 7; 633-34

Bigotry: and Bradlaugh, 231; and professional rapacity, 72

Binah(Jehovah), and Hokhmah, 421

Birds, flight of, and polarity, 168-69

Bishop of Bombay, controversy with, on Gospels, 232 et seq.

Bixby, James T., and Gladstone, 237

Black, Judge Jere S., and Ingersoll, 80

Blasphemy, def. by Ingersoll, 457fn.

Blavatsky, H. P.: acknowledges loosing temper, 114fn.; arrives in U.S.A., 137 & fn.; at Ghum monastery, xxvi; beliefs of, same as those of learned Ad- vaitees, 336; Buddhist and metaphorically an atheist, 95, 231, 305-06; commanded to explain about reincarnation and principles, 186; denies any malice or hatred, 117; directed to go to Paris, 136; experienced formerly a type of mediumship, 593; experienced personal ordeal, 590; has no faith in divinely inspired prophets, 413; labored once under spiritualistic delusion, 590; not a nastika, 335-36; on the Saint-Simoniens’ prophecy, 479-80; on Treme- schini, 481-82; outspoken endorsement of Bennett, 79-80; pokes fun at editors and writers, 148-49, 150-52, 154-55; publishes Hume’s letter under protest, 227; recognizes Brothers of Light and those of Shadow, 590; sent to Chittenden, Vt., 137; spends 48 hours with the Brothers, 272, 300; studied Kabala with learned Rabbi, 38; taken to task for strong language, 113 et seq.; thoroughly acquainted with American mediums, 142

–, Isis Unveiled: 349, 362fn. 378, 416, 516fn.; 525fn., 615; bridged gap between old and new presentation, 376; criticized by Hume, 228; explanations of mysteries in, lie half-buried, 253; first literary production of a foreigner, 184; intended to deal in generalities as regards reincarnation, 186; no discrepancy between teachings in, and later ones, 122; on Atlantean magicians, 263; on color and sound, 179; on cycles and evolution, 376; on levitation, 30; on Nazars, 265; on reincarnation, 183; on the One Truth, 295; on truth and its many rays, 426; Preface to Vol. II and Christianity, 97; some passages in, incomplete and vague, 184; teachings in, derived from Adept-Brothers, 182; written under specific direction to give 679hints rather than methodical expositions, 253

–, Scrapbooks, 479, 480, 481, 482

Blech, Charles, Contribution, etc., 479, 634

Blood: attracts evil powers, 265; brain and, -flow, 511; meaning of Baptism of, 265; not coagulated when body killed by lightning, 225; and occult phenomena, 476 et seq.

Bochart, S., Canaan, 532, 634

Bodhisattva(s): reincarnation of a, in Tashi-Lama, 161; overshadowed by Celestial Buddha, 11

Bodhyanga, Wisdom, 378 fn.

Body, exercises deceptive suggestions on consciousness, 594

Bod-yul, Tibet, 16, 34

Bogle, Geo., 11, 14fn., 634-35

Bohme, Jakob, erroneous classification of, 51 et seq.

Bolletino, of Grand Orient of Italy, 56, 58, 59

Bombay Gazette: 111, 132, 281; and Rev. J. Cook, 21-22, 68, 92

Bon Sens, Le, on spirit-message from Gambetta, 392

Book of Abad. See Desatlr

Book of Changes. See Yi-King

Book of Job, record of Egyptian mysteries and judgment of the soul, 124

Book of Khiu-ti (or Kiu-ti): 250 378fn. 654; on qualifications of chelas, 678

Book of Numbers, and number seven, 578fn.

Book of the Arhats, on Universal Intelligence, 453

Book of the Dead, and number seven, 575

Boscovich, R. J., and occult views on spirit, 558; 635

Bose, Rajnarain, views on religion, 439 et seq.

Bouillaud, J. B. B., 314, 636

Bourbon, Adelberth de, 87

Bradlaugh, Chas.: 172, 279, 280; and A. Besant slandered by Rev. Cook, 69; H.P.B. defends, against attacks, 231 ; Olcott on, 79; victim of bigotry, 157

Brahma ( Brahm ): Day and Night of, 99; Isvara and Jiva, 422 et seq.; and Parabrahm, 337

Brahmajàla Sutta, 402, 636

Brahmans [Brâhmanas]: in Air-yana-Vaêgo, 529; initiated, know when Hindu Scriptures were written, 192; migrations of, 529; oppose Buddhism, 15; origin of Magi and, same, 515fn.; orthodox, lost key to Oriental System, 493 ; venal, encourage superstitions, 302

Brahmarakshasa [ Brahmarâk-shasa], 175

Brahmo Public Opinion, on K. C.

Sen, 327, 439

Brahmo Samaj: corruption of, discussed, 406 et seq.; origin and divisions of, 108 et seq.; Sir R. Temple on, 346

Braid, James, Neurypnology, etc., 294; 636

Brain: and blood-flow, 511; can assimilate great ideas and affect cognate ones, 457 ; evolution of astral, 247 ; molecules of medium’s, and shells, 591; spiritual life of, and death, 246-47; stupefied, and body clogged with food, 297; weight of, intellect and eyesight, 509 et seq.

Branches, of T.S. neglect experimental research, 131

680 Brihaspati[Brihaspati], a nastika, 515

Britten, Dr. S. B., 393

Broca, Dr. 314; on weight of brain, 509; 636

Brodie, Sir B., Psychological Inquiries, 294; 636-37

Brotherhood: basic platform of T.S., 502-03; of Adepts, and Sinnett’s testimony, 132; risks connected with establishing in India Society based on, 97; T.S. a nucleus of, in theory and practice, 415; T.S. a Universal, 25, 470

Brothers: admit esoteric meaning of Vedas, 366; blessings and protection from the, 354-55; criticized by Wm. S. Moses, 273 et seq.; of Light and Shadow, 590; spoken of long before Founders left for India, 354; testimony about, by Ramalinga Pillai, 134-36; trans-Himalayan, 4-5

Brownrigg, Lieut. Gen., and religious freedom, 433fn., 434

Buchanan, Dr. J. R., discovered psychometry, 555, 637

Bucher. See Keyser

Buck, Dr. J. D., on mediums and “spirits,” 293-94

Buddha, enlightened one, 603

Buddha, Gautama: did not claim divine inspiration, 106; doctrine of, very broad, 190; historical character, 25fn.; rejected the idea of a God, 106; renounced every form of theism, 100

Buddha. See Lillie

Buddhi: 582; as intellection, 608; and Atman, 582, 595; produced

from Tattva, 581; produces Ahankara and Manas, 581

Buddhism: basic beliefs of, 173; different views on, among Western scholars, 403-04; esoteric, 378fn., 404, 463; esoteric, established early in Tibet, 15-16; esoteric, identical with real Ad- vaitism, 305, 451, 474, 567; key to understanding of, lies in Secret Doctrine, 404; non-violent and tolerant, 430-31; no special fasts in, 297; not propagated in India by Founders, 283-84; opposed by Brahmans, 15; philosophy, not a religion, 202; popular & esoteric, 201; reveals esotericism of Brahmans, 463; rising interest in England for, 402; secret doctrines of Tibetan, 573; and suicide, 301; universal tolerance and brotherly love of, 25-26

Buddhist(s) : clergy and chastity, 6 et seq.; Prachchhana, 451; views of, on Buddha, 190

Buddhist. See Olcott

Bulletin Mensuel, etc., 479 et seq.

Bulwer-Lytton, A Strange Story, 344, 613, 637

–, Zanoni, 341, 613, 637

Bundahish, and the Airyana-Vaego, 526fn., 527fn.; 637

Bunsen, Baron C. C. J.: 363; on age of Zoroaster, 529

Burials, and epidemics, 507 Burq, Dr. V. B., 132, 637

Bushell, Prof., mesmerises Indians, 357

Butler, Alban, and Jerome, 241; 637

Byang-tsiub, Brotherhood of, in Tibet, 16

Byron, brain of, 509