vol. 3, p. 171
from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 3 (1875-1878)
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<Untitled> (By all the doubts and trials that so vex us)

By all the doubts and trials that so vex us,
By all the falls and failures that annoy,
By all the strange delusions that perplex us,
And yield no fruit of joy,

< Plain Statements and Explanations (continued from page 3-170) >


<Untitled> (Letter to Spiritual Scientist)


The Archbishop of Toulouse on Spiritism


Editor's notes

  1. By all the doubts and trials that so vex us by unknown author
  2. Letter to Spiritual Scientist by Olcott, H. S., Spiritual Scientist
  3. The Archbishop of Toulouse on Spiritism by unknown author. From the "Revue Spirite" of March