
From Teopedia
vol. 1, p. 164
from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 1 (1874-1876)


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< The Kobolds have Come (continued from page 1-163) >


(from Woodhall and Cloflin's Weekly and of all the hellish criticis for wickedness this is one! By C. Sotheran
July 6. 1876

A Letter from D. D. Home.


… “I have ever striven to be an honest man, and I never condescended to write an anonymous letter, or to make charges sotto voce against anyone. What I say I can prove: * I sign my name. Sign yours!”


* Except in the case of anonymous and infamous letters sent to a poor lady at Geneva, traced to him (D. D. Home) and for which an English officer, a friend of Prince Wittgenstein went to flog him. His behaviour was so cowardly that the officer left in disgust, “without even whipping him a little” adds the Prince who wrote the facts to Col. Olcott.

Editor's notes

  1. A Letter from D. D. Home. by Home, D. D., Spiritual Scientist