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from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 3, p. 107
vol. 3 (1875-1878)
page 107


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Chinese Spirits as Described in Chinese Fiction


Another Child Medium

Hand-writing When Nine Days Old

A correspondent asks for details concerning the child medium, a brief notice of which appeared last week. As fully as we can give them, they are as follows: Some months since Baron Kirkup, of Italy, became a grandfather, and the spirits wished to give a proof of their power by writing through the mediumship of the infant Accordingly, when it was nine days old, the mother seated herself with the child in the Baron's room, in the presence of six witnesses. In an instant the baby was seen to have a long ivory pencil (previously concealed in the room) in its hand, which it held like a dagger while it wrote the four letters R. A. I. D., the initials of the four literary spirits who conducted the spirit correspondence to which we referred last week. The pencil fell from the child’s hand, but was again placed there by the invisibles, when the following message was written: “Non mutare questa e buona prova fue cosa ti abhiamo! detto. Addio.” (Do not change; this is a good test, it is what we promised you, Adieu.) The account is dated and signed by the six witnesses, as well as by Baron Kirkup.

Editor's notes

  1. Chinese Spirits as Described in Chinese Fiction by unknown author, Spiritualist, The, 1876-02-18. From "The Globe"
  2. Another Child Medium by unknown author, Spiritual Scientist, v. 1, No. 23, February 11, 1875, p. 267
