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from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 7, p. 72
vol. 7 (March-September 1878)
page 72


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  • <Editors note>
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< Indian Mysticisms (continued from page 7-71) >

where they came from, was a puzzle to us. The men had nothing with them; they were naked to the waist. They also produced cocks’ heads alive in a similar manner. They then asked for four bed sheets, which they fixed up in the open, so as to form a kind of cabinet. An old man entered this cabinet, which was taken down a minute afterwards. The old man was then perceived sitting cross-legged in the air, apparently on nothing. Officers slashed their swords underneath, to cut away the supposed invisible machinery he was sitting upon; but, no, he still sat in the air. The sheets were then re-erected, and the old man descended to earth once more. I could write a book full of things of this kind, which I have seen in Ceylon and India. Suffice to say, I never came across any person capable of explaining these marvels to me or any one else.

J. Cain.

8, Bloomfield-row, Bow, London.

Misrepresentations of Spiritualists


E. Kisligbury

Answers to Correspondents


Paul, the Founder of Christianity


<... continues on page 7-73 >

Editor's notes

  1. image by unknown author
  2. Misrepresentations of Spiritualists by Kislingbury, E.
  3. E. Kisligbury by unknown author
  4. Answers to Correspondents by unknown author
  5. Paul, the Founder of Christianity by Wilder, Alexander, Evolution, The, September, 1877