< Indian Mysticisms (continued from page 7-71) >
where they came from, was a puzzle to us. The men had nothing with them; they were naked to the waist. They also produced cocks’ heads alive in a similar manner. They then asked for four bed sheets, which they fixed up in the open, so as to form a kind of cabinet. An old man entered this cabinet, which was taken down a minute afterwards. The old man was then perceived sitting cross-legged in the air, apparently on nothing. Officers slashed their swords underneath, to cut away the supposed invisible machinery he was sitting upon; but, no, he still sat in the air. The sheets were then re-erected, and the old man descended to earth once more. I could write a book full of things of this kind, which I have seen in Ceylon and India. Suffice to say, I never came across any person capable of explaining these marvels to me or any one else.
8, Bloomfield-row, Bow, London.
Misrepresentations of Spiritualists
E. Kisligbury
Answers to Correspondents
Paul, the Founder of Christianity
<... continues on page 7-73 >
Editor's notes