from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
"Isis Unveiled" and the Todas
<Untitled> (Sir,-—Allow me to say...)
<Untitled> (Sir,—Captain Burton’s...)
<Untitled> (We think that those...)
<Untitled> (Goethe's Psychological Sensitiveness...)
Editor's notes
- ↑ "Isis Unveiled" and the Todas by Baikie, R., Spiritualist, The, March 22, 1878
- ↑ Sir,-—Allow me to say... by H.M., Spiritualist, The, March 22, 1878
- ↑ Sir,—Captain Burton’s... by Blake, Carter C., Spiritualist, The, March 22, 1878
- ↑ We think that those... by unknown author, Spiritualist, The, March 22, 1878
- ↑ Goethe's Psychological Sensitiveness... by unknown author, Spiritualist, The, March 22, 1878