Zirkoff B. - Index (BCW vol.1)

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Index (BCW vol.1)
by Boris de Zirkoff
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writtings, vol. 1, page(s) 541-570


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[References to definitions of terms are in italics]

Abdul Ghafur, character and activities of, 369 et seq.

Abdul-Hamid, 259.

Abhava, and padartha, 332.

Abhayadeva Suri, Commentaries of, 373.

Adam, as Tree of Life, 288.

Adams, Chas. F., 98.

Adept (s): connected with T.S., 375 fn.; cryptograph of, 421, 439; doppelgangers of, 242; guard nature’s secrets, 108; moral courage of, 102;—psychologist working through disembodied soul, 352; surpass mediums in phenomena, 363(367).

Adi-Granth, sacred volume of Sikhs, 373; 443.

Afghans, and Sikhs, 373.

Agardi, Endreinek: on de Lassa, 160-61; pupil of Master M., 162.

Aged of the Aged, 112.

Agrippa, Cornelius: 138; biogr., 443-44.

Ain-soph, and Sephira, 111-12.

Aitareya-Brahmana, on doctrine of evolution and earth, 227.

Ajnana, 336.

Aksakov, A. N.: 1, 2, 210, 211, 212, 213, 413; instructs H.P.B. to select mediums for Russian investigation, 91, 94, 264; noble defender of spiritual cause, 204; on a new Commission for investigating Spiritualism, 213; on geometrical figures, 359, 360; on Zollner’s experiments with Slade, 314-315; report and protest of, on Russian investigation, 205 et seq.; biogr., 444-46.

Albertus Magnus, 138.

Alchemists, 106.

Alden, Wm. L., biogr., 446-47.

Alexander, Otho, of Corfu, 409, 414, 418, 427, 436.

Alexander II: and Turkish barbarities, 256-57; character of, 259, 262.

Alexandrian School, 141.

Allen, Judge, and the Holmeses, 69.

Allgemeine. See Haug, C.F.

Al Rezi Pasha, 14, 19, 23.

American Bibliopolist, and Soth- eran, 121.

Amicis, Pietro d’, 137.

Amîr-al-Mu’minîn, as a title, 371. Amîr-al-Sûrî, as a title, 371.

Amphitheatrum. See Khunrath. Anacalypsis. See Higgins.

Analogy: law of, and harmony, 289: only rule of evidence accepted by Theosophists, 296.

542 Analysis, unemotional, of facts. 300.

Anania, instant death of, 159.

Anastasis, Paul on, 293.

Ancient. See Folger.

Ancient. See Inman.

Ancients, knowledge of, and modem science, 116; reliability of, 232.

Angad, Sikh teacher, 373.

Angels, handed down mysterious doctrines, 110.

Animals: absorb particles of excarnate men, 294-95; and real meaning of metempsychosis, 362-63(366-67); Dr. Rotura and suspension of life in, 38990.

Anima Mundi, or Svabhavat, 293.

Animus, ethereal substance of the soul, 292-93.

Annihilation: and role of will, 298-99; belief in, and afterdeath states, 364(368); of soul, 284, 287, 288-89, 295; or destruction, 333-34.

Anthony, Senator, 306.

Antidotes, Nature provides, against moral poisons, 380.

Anvaya, 336.

Apocalypse, Cabalistic treatise, 132, 223.

Apollonius of Tyana: a mediator, 299; magical evocation of, by Eliphas Levi, 144 et seq.

Apparitions: child—, and Dr. Monck, 351; occult facts behind, 35.

Appletons Cyclopaedia of Biography, on James Mill’s work, 240.

Ardahan, siege of, 255, 258.

Arj an, Sikh teacher, 372, 373.

Art Magic. See Hardinge-Britten.

Arts, lost, 231.

Arya Samâj: 409, 410, 411, 414, 415, 418, 421, 425; nature of its ideas, 382-84; T.S. as Western representative of, 381.

Ashes, Baron de Palm’s, cast into the sea, 421.

Asiatic Journal, 241.

Asmodeus, and Satan, 111.

Astral: emanations of circle and medium, and materialized spirits, 286; fluid compared with spirit, 361(366); man feeds, forms of lower kingdoms, 294-95, 363(367); interchanges, 351-52.

Astral Light: and first envelope of the soul, 284; everything impressed on, 268; pictures in the, and phantasmas, 299.

Astrology, and the Adi-Granth, 373.

Atom(s): becomes a man or living soul, 334; each, imbued with vital principle and latent spark of divine life, 330-31; indestructible, 299.

Atrya, and Hilarion, 90.

Attractions, interplanetary magnetic, and gravitation, 244.

Auction, at the “Lamasery,” 428. Aurungzeb, tortures Arjan, 373. Authority, nature of, 116.

Avatars, 328.

Avoca Mail, H.P.B.’s translation in, 413, 438.

Ayton, Rev., 410, 421.


Babinet: denies levitation, 243, 245; biogr., 447.

Babouches, 182.

Bacon, Roger, 138.

Badagas, and Todas, 357.