
From Teopedia
Revision as of 11:39, 6 December 2022 by Pavel Malakhov (addition | contribs) (+images)
vol. 4, p. 166
from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 4 (1875-1878)


  • HPB note
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<Untitled> (Strange thing)

Slade's arrival to St. Petersburg. (“Novoe Vremya” St. Petersburg newspaper, January 17, 1878, No. 678)

Original in Old Russian

Slade's arrival to St. Petersburg. ("Новое Время" С. Петергбуркская Жу Газета 17 Января. 1878. № 678)


A letter from Alexander Nikolaevich Aksakoff concerning this case had been received.

Original in Old Russian

Получено отъ Александра Николаевича Аксакова письмо объ этомъ дҍлҍ.

Editor's notes

  1. Strange thing by unknown author. In Russian. Slade's arrival to St. Petersburg
  2. image by unknown author
  3. The Intruding Camel by unknown author
  4. image by unknown author