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Table of contents
Vol. Page Title Author Source Date Type Notes
10 169 The Pioneer says...
ID: 10-169-03
Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, Thursday, January 8, 1880 1880-01-08 article
10 169 <untitled>
ID: 10-169-04
Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, Thursday, January 8, 1880 1880-01-08 article
10 17 Postscript
ID: 10-017-01
10 17 Address
ID: 10-017-02
10 170 An Acceptable New Year's Present the Christmas Number of the "Medium"
ID: 10-170-01
10 171, 172, 173, 174 "Skiwaukie", the Indian Spirit-Guide
ID: 10-171-02
Medium and Daybreak, The, London, December 19, 1879 1879-12-19 article
10 174 The Living and the Dead
ID: 10-174-02
Medium and Daybreak, The, London, December 19, 1879 1879-12-19 article
10 174, 175 Historical Controls
ID: 10-174-03
Hollis-Billing,Mary J. Medium and Daybreak, The, London, December 19, 1879 1879-12-19 article
10 175 A Strange Adventure of Marshal Mc.Mahon
ID: 10-175-01
E.B. Medium and Daybreak, The, London, December 19, 1879 1879-12-19 article
10 176 Groupes ou massifs detaches
ID: 10-176-01
10 177 Theosophical Society
ID: 10-177-01
10 177 Armenians
ID: 10-177-02
Pioneer, The, Allahabad, Tuesday, January 20, 1880 1880-01-20 article
10 178 Yhe Economist...
ID: 10-178-02
Times of India, The, Thursday, January 22, 1880 1880-01-22 anonce
10 178 The Charge of Murder
ID: 10-178-03
Times of India, The, Thursday, January 22, 1880 1880-01-22 article
10 178 The Charge Against Mr. Scott
ID: 10-178-04
Bombay Gazette, The, Friday, January 23, 1880 1880-01-23 article
10 178 Armenians and Russians
ID: 10-178-06
Bombay Gazette, The, Friday, January 23, 1880 1880-01-23 article
10 179 <untitled>
ID: 10-179-01
10 18, 19 A Victory ...ained by a Test Medium in Kansas City, Mo.
ID: 10-018-01
Banner of Light, Boston, Saturday, August 30, 1879 1879-08-30 article
10 181, 182 To His Highness, Magaraj Sagaji Rao
ID: 10-181-01
10 184 We learn from Theosophist...
ID: 10-184-01
Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, Thursday, January 22, 1880 1880-01-22 correspondence
10 184 Contemporary Opinion
ID: 10-184-03
Times of India, The, Monday, January 26, 1880 1880-01-26 article
10 184 The London Economist...
ID: 10-184-04
Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, Thursday, January 22, 1880 1880-01-22 correspondence
10 185, 186 Mr. Dinsha Ardeshir on the Original Religion on the World, and its Influence on the Present and Future of Mankind
ID: 10-185-02
Indian Spectator, The, January 25, 1880 1880-01-25 article
10 186, 186 It is well...
ID: 10-186-01
Bombay Review and Indian Spectator, January 24, 1880 1880-01-24 article
10 187 Quis Custodes Custodiet?
ID: 10-187-02
Religio-Philosophical Jornal article
10 187, 188 Are All Human Souls Immortal?
ID: 10-187-03
Case, J. Murray Religio-Philosophical Jornal article
10 188 Replay by Hudson Tuttle, Letter from an American Medium in London
ID: 10-188-01
Hollis-Billing, Mary Religio-Philosophical Jornal article
10 188 The Better Way
ID: 10-188-02
Buchanan, J.R. Religio-Philosophical Jornal article
10 189 Prayer.-The office...
ID: 10-189-01
Prayer notice
10 189 The Theosophist...
ID: 10-189-02
Theosophist, The notice
10 189 Colonel Olcott - the Theosophical Hierophant
ID: 10-189-03
Mind and Matter, Philadelphia, Saturday, December 27, M.C., 32 article
10 189, 190 What Victor Hugo Says of Spiritualism
ID: 10-189-04
Hugo, Victor article
10 19, 20, 31 Studies in Psychometry
ID: 10-019-01
Bloede. G. Religio-Philosophical Journal, Chicago, ILL., August 16, 1879 1879-08-16 article
10 190 Something like forty yars...
ID: 10-190-01
Nichols, S.B. Banner of Light, Boston, Saturday, December 20, 1879 1879-12-20 correspondence
10 191 Special Notices
ID: 10-191-01
Theosophist, The, Bombay, February, 1880 1880-02 article
10 191 To Subscribers
ID: 10-191-02
Theosophist, The, Bombay, February, 1880 1880-02 article
10 191 A respectable Anglo-Indian journal...
ID: 10-191-03
Batten, G.H.M. Theosophist, The, Bombay, February, 1880 1880-02 article
10 192, 193, 194 The Brethern of the Rosy Cross, Our party should...
ID: 10-192-01
Wilder, Alexander Theosophist, The, February, 1880 1880-02 notice, article
10 192 Some months ago...
ID: 10-192-02
Theosophist, The, February, 1880 1880-02 notice
10 192 All the speakers...
ID: 10-192-03
Theosophist, The, February, 1880 1880-02 notice
10 195, 196 Our Duty to India
ID: 10-195-01
Theosophist, The, February, 1880 1880-02 notice
10 196, 197 Lo! The "Poor Missionary"
ID: Lua error in Module:SB at line 18: bad argument #2 to 'format' (number expected, got string).
Melmoth the Wanderer Theosophist, The, February, 1880 1880-02 article
10 196 Sonnets
ID: 10-196-01
Theosophist, The, February, 1880 1880-02 Poem
10 197 An Indian Patriot's Prayer
ID: 10-197-01
Theosophist, The, February, 1880 1880-02 Poem
10 197 A Bengali friend writes...
ID: 10-197-02
Theosophist, The, February, 1880 1880-02 article
10 198 English Ghost Stories
ID: 10-198-01
Theosophist, The, February, 1880 1880-02
10 199 The Great Pyramid Again
ID: 10-199-01
Fishbough Free Thought, The 1879-12-07 article
10 199 Bombay, India
ID: 10-199-02
Blavatsky H. P. Banner of Light, The 1879-12-27
10 199, 200 The Rosicrucians
ID: 10-199-04
10 201 The Philosophy of "The Theosophist"
ID: 10-201-01
Wilder, Alexander Philosophic Inquirer,The, Madras, Sunday, January 25,1880 1880-01-25 article