Semantic search

Table of contents
Vol. Page Title Author Source Date Type Notes
10 271, 272 "Angels or Demons, Which?"
ID: 10-271-04
Banner of Light, The, February 14, 1880 1880-02-14 article
10 272, 273 Materializing Mediums
ID: 10-272-01
Times, The, January 1880 article
10 274 Abdul Rahman Khan
ID: 10-274-01
Petrovsky N. Pioneer, The, March 2, 1880 article
10 276, 277 The Inpediments to the of Spiritualism
ID: 10-276-01
Mind and Matter, v. 2, No. 10, January 31, 1880, pp. 4-5 1880-01-31 article
10 277 The Bengal Magazine...
ID: 10-277-01
Indian Spectator, The, March 7th. 1880 1880-03-07 Reviews
10 277 Of all the unfortunate...
ID: 10-277-02
Pioneer, The, March 8th. 1880 1880-03-08 article
10 278 Honi Soit Qui Mal y Pense
ID: 10-278-01
Bazar Patrika, The, March 4, 1880 1880-03-04 article
10 278 <untitled>
ID: 10-278-02
Times of Indian, The, March 2, 1880 1880-03-02 news
10 278 <untitled>
ID: 10-278-03
Times of Indian, The, March 2, 1880 1880-03-02 news
10 279, 280 Anzeigen
ID: 10-279-02
Olcott Henry S. Licht, mehr Licht!, No. 12, December 21, 1879 1879-12-21
10 281 Mr. Conder, the General...
ID: 10-281-01
10 281 The Theosophist...
ID: 10-281-02
Indian Spectator, The, March 14, 1880 1880-03-14 reviews
10 281, 282 Are All Human Souls Immortal?
ID: 10-281-03
Murray Case J. Religio-Philosophical Journal, January 31, 1880 1880-01-31 article
10 281 Lettre du Baron du Potet a la Societe Theosophique a Bombey (Indes-Orientales)
ID: 10-281-04
Baron du Potet Revue Spirite, No. 2, Fevrier 23, 1880 1880-02-23 article
10 283 The Amrita Bazar Patrika...
ID: 10-283-01
Bombay Review and Indian Advertiser, March 13, 1880 1880-03-13 article
10 283 Reply to Mr. James Burgess
ID: 10-283-02
Mitra Rajendralal Bombay Review and Indian Advertiser, March 13, 1880 1880-03-13
10 284 The May number...
ID: 10-284-01
Amrita Bazar Patrika, March 13 article
10 284 The May number...
ID: 10-284-02
Indian Spectator, The, May 30, 1880 article
10 284 Die theosophische Gesellschaft oder allgemeine Bruderschaft
ID: 10-284-03
Dr. G. v. L. article
10 284 Ode an Indien
ID: 10-284-04
Dr. G. v. L. article
10 284 Benachrichtigungen
ID: 10-284-05
10 285 The Efficacy of Prayer
ID: 10-285-01
Massey C. C. London Spiritualist, No. 392, February 27, 1880, pp. 97-8 1880-02-27
10 285 A fortnight ago Mrs. Murray...
ID: 10-285-02
Bombay Gazette, The, March 19, 1880 1880-03-19 article
10 285 The Mesmerising of Animals
ID: 10-285-03
London Spiritualist, No. 392, February 27, 1880, p. 101 1880-02-27 article
10 285 The Hon J. L. O'Sullivan...
ID: 10-285-04
London Spiritualist, No. 392, February 27, 1880, p. 101 1880-02-27 news
10 285, 286.1 Mr. Rajendralala Mitra on the Ajanta Paintings
ID: 10-285-05
Mitra Rajendralala Bombay Gazette, The, March 20, 1880 1880-02-20
10 286, 287 My Mediumship*
ID: 10-286-01
London Spiritualist, No. 291, February 20, 1880, pp. 90-1 1880-02-20 article
10 286.1 Disengagement of the Soul...
ID: 10-286.100-01
10 287, 288, 289, 290 On the Food of the Theosophist*
ID: 10-287-01
London Spiritualist, No. 291, February 20, 1880, pp. 91-4 1880-02-20 article
10 290 A Theory of Sin
ID: 10-290-01
London Spiritualist, No. 291, February 20, 1880, p. 94 1880-02-20 article
10 290 Mrs. Hardinge-Britten...
ID: 10-290-02
London Spiritualist, No. 291, February 20, 1880, p. 94 1880-02-20 article
10 291, 292, 293, 294 Farewell Soiree to Mrs. Hollis-Billing
ID: 10-291-01
Medium and Daybreak, The, February 20, 1880 1880-02-20 article
10 294 Mrs. Billing's Farewell and Departure
ID: 10-294-01
Medium and Daybreak, The, February 20, 1880 1880-02-20 article
10 295 Under The Heading...
ID: 10-295-01
Pioneer, The, March 18, 1880 1880-03-18 article
10 295, 296 Spiritualism
ID: 10-295-02
Gordon A. Pioneer, The, March 18, 1880 1880-03-18 article
10 296 The Successful Magazine
ID: 10-296-02
Bombay Review and Indian Advertiser, March 20, 1880 1880-03-20 article
10 297, 298 Our Times...
ID: 10-297-01
Purusharthaprathaini, v. VIII, November & December 1879 1879 article
10 31, 32 Studies in Psychometry
ID: 10-031-01
Bloede. G. Religio-Philosophical Journal, Chicago, ILL., August 23, 1879 1879-08-23 article
10 37 Mr. R. Palmer Thomas, of London...
ID: 10-037-01
1879-08-25 article, image
10 37 An Ounce of Fact and a Ton of Fiction
ID: 10-037-03
10 37 A Case in Point
ID: 10-037-04
10 37, 38 Prof. Buchanan and the Religion of Jesus Christ
ID: 10-037-05
J. J. C. 1879-08-10 article
10 38 We have received the first...
ID: 10-038-02
Bombay Review and Indian Advertiser 1879-10-04 article
10 38 We have received a copy...
ID: 10-038-03
Indu-Prakash 1879-10-06 article
10 39 Miscellaneous news
ID: 10-039-04
10 39 We had the pleasure the present...
ID: 10-039-05
10 45, 46 Snake Charmers of India
ID: 10-045-01
H.S.O. Sun, The, Sunday, August 31, 1879 1879-08-31 article
10 46 The first number of the Theosophist...
ID: 10-046-01
, October,1879 article
10 46 The Age of Prophecies
ID: 10-046-02
Indian Spectator, the, Sunday, October 12, 1879 article
10 46 Colonel Olcott has just received...
ID: 10-046-03