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Table of contents
Page Title Author Source Date Type Notes
171 Y-e Bellman
ID: 07-171-04
172 Variations in the Weight of a Medium During Manifestation
ID: 07-172-01
William H. Harrison London Spiritualist, No. 299, May 17, 1878, p. 235 1878-05-17 article
172 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-172-02
172 <untitled> (Fig. 1....)
ID: 07-172-03
172 <untitled> (Fig. 2....)
ID: 07-172-04
172 <untitled> (Fig. 3....)
ID: 07-172-05
173 Occultism at the Polls
ID: 07-173-01
World, The, New York, Wednesday July 10, 1878 1878-07-10 article
173 That Newly Naturalized Personage Explains Some Interesting Matters
ID: 07-173-02
Blavatsky, H.P. Daily Graphic, Thuersday July 9, 1878 1878-07-09 article
173 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-173-03
Spiritualist, The article
173 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-173-04
New York Times, The, Tuesday, July 9, 1878 1878-07-09 article
173 Civile Notes
ID: 07-173-05
New York Daily Tribune, Tuesday, July 9, 1878 1878-07-09 article
173, 174 The Czar's Humiliation
ID: 07-173-06
World, The, New York, Thursday Joly 11, 1878 1878-07-11 article
174 Under the American Flag
ID: 07-174-01
New York Star, Wednesday July 10, 1878 1878-07-10 article
174 Metropolitan Unemployed
ID: 07-174-02
Illustrated Newspaper, Frank Lesly, New York , July 20, 1878 1878-07-20 article
17 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-017-02
Evening Express, The, Tuesday, July 9, 1878 1878-07-09 article
175 <untitled> (But, Masters,Remember that I am an Ass, Thow in be not Written Down, Yet Forget not that I am an Ass...)
ID: 07-175-03
175 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-175-04
article written black ink
175 The Theosophs' Doing
ID: 07-175-05
Sun, The, Saturday,July 18, 1878 1878-07-18 article
175 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-175-06
175 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-175-07
article written black ink
75 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-075-01
Commercial Advertiser, Tuesday, Afternoon, July 9, 1878 1878-07-09 article
176 A Theosoph and a Citizen
ID: 07-176-01
New York Stile, Sunday July 14, 1878 1878-07-14 article
177, 178 The Rebiewer
ID: 07-177-01
Banner of Light, Sunday July 20, 1878 1878-07-20 article
178 Villainous Comparisons
ID: 07-178-01
New York Dramatic News, The, Saturday, July 13, 1878 1878-07-13 article
178 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-178-02
article written black ink
178 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-178-03
178 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-178-04
article written black ink
179 In the Streets of Baltimore
ID: 07-179-01
London Spiritualist, No. 306, July 5, 1878, p. 7 1878-07-05 article
179 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-179-02
article written black ink
179 Lady Chatterton's Spiritualism
ID: 07-179-03
Oxon, M.A. Ist Newspaper, July 5, 1878 1878-07-05 article
18 The Golden Temple, Amritsir
ID: 07-018-01
18 Caves of Elephanta, Bombay
ID: 07-018-02
180 Psyhography
ID: 07-180-01
London Spiritualist, No. 306, July 5, 1878, p. 4 1878-07-05 article
180 Answer to Correspondents
ID: 07-180-02
London Spiritualist, No. 306, July 5, 1878, p. 12 1878-07-05 article
181 The Innermost of Spiritualism
ID: 07-181-01
Ditson, G.L. article
182, 183 The Spiritual Offering
ID: 07-182-01
183 A Bit of Amagansett
ID: 07-183-01
183 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-183-02
article written black ink
184 The Phonograph ????
ID: 07-184-01
Brosnan, T.J. Sun, The, Monday, July 23 1878 1878-07-23 article
184, 185 Dr.Mackenzie and Spiritualism
ID: 07-184-02
Stainton-Moses,W. London Spiritualist, No. 307, July 12, 1878, pp. 20-1 1878-07-12 article
185 A Perfect Cow
ID: 07-185-01
185, 186 Indian Jugglery Extraordinary
ID: 07-185-02
London Spiritualist, No. 307, July 12, 1878, p. 14 1878-07-12 article
186 THe Magic Wand - How it Works
ID: 07-186-01
Knowles, J.P. Phrenological Jornal article
187, 188, 189 The Psychological Influence of Material Objects Upon Sensitives
ID: 07-187-01
London Spiritualist, No. 307, July 12, 1878, pp. 15-7 1878-07-12 article
189 Immortal Longings
ID: 07-189-01
19 Thanks
ID: 07-019-01
image lion colored picture
19 "Isis Unveiled" and Theosophy
ID: 07-019-02
Massey, Gerald London Spiritualist, No. 290, March 15, 1878, p. 127 1878-03-15 article
19, 20 <untitled> (Sir,-It appears to me that self-justification......)
ID: 07-019-03
Kislingbury, Emily London Spiritualist, No. 290, March 15, 1878, pp. 127-8 1878-03-15 article
19 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-019-04
image colored picture
190 Review of Our Foreign Spiritualistic Exchenges
ID: 07-190-01
Ditson, G.L. Spiritualism Abroad, Boston, Saturday, July 27, 1878 1878-07-27 article