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Table of contents
Page Title Author Source Date Type Notes
37, 38, 39, 40 Annals of the War
ID: 07-037-04
Olcott, H. S. Weekly Times, Philadelphia, Saturday, March 30, 1878 1878-03-30 article
41 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-041-01
41 A Carninal of Fraud
ID: 07-041-02
Evening Express, The, Friday Evening, April 5 article
43 Occultism
ID: 07-043-01
Religio-Philosophical Jornal, Chicago, Ill. March 30, 1878 1878-03-30 article
43 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-043-02
image colored iguana
43 <untitled> (Beyond the Veil...)
ID: 07-043-03
Truth Seeker, The, New York, Saturday, March 30, 1878 1878-03-30 article
43 The Theosophic Discussion
ID: 07-043-04
Religio-Philosophical Jornal 1878-03-30 article
43 A Spiritualist fishing – for facts
ID: 07-043-05
43 <untitled> (On page 255 of the Spiritualist, Vol. XI...)
ID: 07-043-06
44 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-044-01
image colored picture
44, 45, 46 Madame Blavatsky on Indian Metaphysics
ID: 07-044-02
Blavatsky, H. P. London Spiritualist, No. 291, March 22, 1878, pp. 140-1 1878-03-22
article In section Correspondence
45 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-045-01
image colored picture
45 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-045-02
image colored picture
45 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-045-03
image colored picture
45 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-045-04
image colored picture
45 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-045-05
image colored picture
46 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-046-01
46 "Isis unveiled"
ID: 07-046-02
Showers, Frederica London Spiritualist, No. 291, March 22, 1878, p. 143 1878-03-22 article
46 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-046-03
image colored cat
46, 47 Spiritualism in Foreign Countries
ID: 07-046-04
Kislingbury, Emily London Spiritualist, No. 291, March 22, 1878, p. 144 1878-03-22 article
47 <untitled>
ID: 07-047-01
image colored vignette
47 <untitled> (We desire to recieve no more...)
ID: 07-047-02
47 <untitled> (Serutator, otherwise M.A. (Cantab)...)
ID: 07-047-03
47 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-047-04
image colored harlequin
47 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-047-05
image colored musician
47 Birthday of the Spirits
ID: 07-047-06
World, The, Monday, April 1, 1878 1878-04-01 notice
47 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-047-07
image colored figures of woman and man
48 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-048-01
image colored beatle
48 Growth of the Theosophical Society
ID: 07-048-02
Illustrated Newspaper, April 13, 1878 1878-04-13 article
48 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-048-03
image colored fairy bird
48 <untitled> (The last number of the Journal...)
ID: 07-048-04
Morse, J. J. Religio-Philosophical Jornal, April 6, 1878 1878-04-06 article
48 <untitled> (The London Spiritualist is devoting...)
ID: 07-048-05
48 <untitled> (The London Spiritualist says...)
ID: 07-048-06
48 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-048-07
image Colored picture of lizard grabbing a beetle.
49 The Capture of " Old Shep's Ghost " by Three Officers of the River Police off East Seventeenth Street
ID: 07-049-01
New York Illustrated Times, The, April 6, 1878 1878-04-06 image
49 Members of The Theosophical Society Watching for " Old Shep's Ghost " on the Thirty-Eighth Street Pier
ID: 07-049-02
New York Illustrated Times, The, April 6, 1878 1878-04-06 image
49 An East River Ghost Mystery
ID: 07-049-03
New York Illustrated Times, v. 3, No. 78, April 6, 1878, p. 416 1878-04-06 article
49 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-049-04
image colored waiter
3 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-003-01
image Ante and post natal history of the Theosophical Society and the mortifications tribulations and triumphs of its fellows.
50 Will Theosophy Please Explain?
ID: 07-050-01
Jornal, April 6, 1878 1878-04-06 article
50 Slade and the Astronomer
ID: 07-050-10
Sun, The, Sunday April 14, 1878 1878-04-14 article
50 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-050-02
image colour picture
50 <untitled> (The Religio-Philosophical Journal commences a new feature...)
ID: 07-050-03
50 Miss Kislingbury
ID: 07-050-04
50 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-050-05
image coloured fox and rooster
50 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-050-06
50 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-050-07
50 The Spiritualists' Anniversary
ID: 07-050-08
Telegram, Tuesday April 2, 1878 1878-04-02 article
50 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 07-050-09
image colored picture
51 <untitled> (A letter from J. S. Cobb about Felt's lectures...)
ID: 07-051-01
, New York, April 4, 1876 1876-04-04 letter