Semantic search

Table of contents
Page Title Author Source Date Type Notes
311, 312, 313, 314 Mr. Bright of India
ID: 08-311-01
Deccan Star, The, Sunday August 24, 1879 1879-08-24 article
314 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 08-314-01
314 Decay of Spiritual Life
ID: 08-314-02
314 How Art is Enjoyed and Realized
ID: 08-314-03
315 <untitled> (The executive committee......)
ID: 08-315-01
Indian Gerald, The, Allahabad, Monday, August 11, 1879 1879-08-11 article
315 The "Teosophist" a Success...
ID: 08-315-02
315 <untitled> (We have read with......)
ID: 08-315-03
Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, Friday, July 25, 1879 1879-07-25 article
315 <untitled> (The following paragraph......)
ID: 08-315-04
Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, Tuesday, July 31, 1879 1879-07-31 article
316 Powerful Spiritual Manifestations in India
ID: 08-316-01
Massey, A.A. Spiritualist News, The, London, Friday, August 8, 1879 1879-08-08 article
316, 317 Sir,-The following...
ID: 08-316-02
Spiritualist News, The, London, Friday, August 8, 1879 1879-08-08 correspondence
317 The Open Windows of the Soul
ID: 08-317-01
Ubodha Patrika, Bombay, August 31, 1879 1879-08-31 article
317 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 08-317-02
318 <untitled> (The "Theosophist"......)
ID: 08-318-01
Subodha patrika, Bombay, 7 September, 1879 1879-09-07 article
318 <untitled> (Seeing God...)
ID: 08-318-02
Subodha patrika, Bombay, 7 September, 1879 1879-09-07 article
318 Brown"s Hall - Inspiration and Will
ID: 08-318-03
318 From the cold dim coach one looks her last in the theatre lights and the joyous past
ID: 08-318-04
318 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 08-318-05
Trowbridge, J.T. poetry
318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327 Experiences du professeur Wagner avec des Mediums desinteresses
ID: 08-318-06
Gtodzinski, F. Revue Spirite, Aout 1879 article
32 The Spiritualist Newspaper, The Ghost of a Dog
ID: 08-032-01
Von Vay, Adelma Spiritualist, The, No. 318, September 27, 1878 1878-09-27 image, article
32, 33 Professor Zollner's Experiments With Ddr. Slade
ID: 08-032-02
Spiritualist, The, No. 318, September 27, 1878 1878-09-27 article
322 <untitled> (Death of Bayard Taylor at Berlin, December 19...)
ID: 08-322-01
327 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 08-327-01
327 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 08-327-02
327 "Let us go!" She entreats. "I am ill!" And unnoticed withdraws".
ID: 08-327-03
327 What is called...
ID: 08-327-04
Bombay Gazette, The, Friday, July 25, 1879 1879-07-25 correspondence
328 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 08-328-01
328, 328.1 A Russian Critic on "Asiatic Turkey"
ID: 08-328-02
Times of India, The, Friday, August 8,1879 1879-08-08 article
328 S.E. Shevitch
ID: 08-328-03
National literary gazette, The article
328.1 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 08-328.100-01
328.1 S.E. Shevitch
ID: 08-328.100-02
National literary gazette, The article
329 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 08-329-01
329 Dr. Carter Blake writes...
ID: 08-329-02
Arya Samaj correspondence
329 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 08-329-03
329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335 Evenings with Indwellers of the World of Spirits
ID: 08-329-04
Spiritualist, The, August 15, 1879 1879-08-15 article
33 <untitled>
ID: 08-033-01
335, 336 The Impending Difficulties in New Zealand
ID: 08-335-01
Spiritualist, The, August 15, 1879 1879-08-15 article
336 Psychical Experiences During a Period of Apparent Death
ID: 08-336-01
Spiritualist, The, August 15, 1879 1879-08-15 article
337 The Theosophist
ID: 08-337-01
Bombay Review and Indian Advertiser, Saturday,September 6, 1879 1879-09-06 article
337 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 08-337-02
337 Modern sciense is worth...
ID: 08-337-03
Indian Spectator,The, Sunday, September 7, 1879 1879-09-07 correspondence
337 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 08-337-04
338, 339 The Hierophant in India
ID: 08-338-01
Sun, The, Sunday, August 3, 1879 1879-08-03 article
339 Lily White thinks she will try her hand at making bread when Bridget goes out
ID: 08-339-01
339 Proceeds immediately to business by turning-in a pail of water
ID: 08-339-02
339 Gets right into it with a will, also with her feet
ID: 08-339-03
339 But the mistress come in, and business is suspended
ID: 08-339-04
339, 340 Black Forest Legends
ID: 08-339-05
Spiritualist, The, August 22, 1879 1879-08-22 article
34 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 08-034-01
34 Baltimore Underweriter
ID: 08-034-02
1878-10-05 article
34 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 08-034-03