Property:CTD term short description

From Teopedia

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Baal or Adon (Adonai) was a phallic god. “Who shall ascend unto the hill (the high place) of the Lor...  +
Baptism and the Eucharist have their direct origin in pagan Egypt. There the “waters of purification...  +
Basis; a principle in which some other principle inheres. Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms...  +
Being, or state of being; the world, a birth, and also a name of Siva Category: Theosophical Glossar...  +
Believed by the Orientalists to be the site of the Tower of Babel. The great pile of Birs Nimrud is ...  +
Belonging to the Macrocosmic principles Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)<span style="colo...  +
Benevolent “gods”, i.e., “spooks” of the lower world ''(Kâmaloka)''; the deified shades of the dead—...  +
Bliss, joy, felicity, happiness. A name of the favourite disciple of Gautama, the Lord Buddha Catego...  +
Body; physical form; also written Gof Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)<span style="color:...  +
Bondage; life on this earth; from the same root as Baddha Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms...  +
Born in 1524. The best astrologer in the XVlth century and a still better Kabbalist. He spent a fort...  +
Borrowed by the Hebrews for the name of their Adah, father of Jubal, etc. But Adah meaning the first...  +
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Both in the English and Hebrew alphabets the fourth letter, whose numerical value is four. The symbo...  +
Bound, conditioned; as is every mortal who has not made himself free through Nirvâna Category: Theos...  +
Brahmanical writings on the occult science of incantations Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD term...  +
Breath of life. ''Anima, Mens, Vita, ''Appetites. This term is used very loosely in the Bible. It ge...  +
Buddhism is now split into two distinct Churches : the Southern and the Northern Church. The former ...  +
Bulwer Lytton calls it the “Luminous Self ”, or our Higher Ego. But Occultism makes of it something ...  +
By Jewish tradition a demon who was the first wife of Adam, before Eve was created: she is supposed ...  +
By tradition an Atlantean word of the fourth Race, to denote a mysterious Cosmic fire, or rather For...  +