from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
< "Isis Unveiled" and Theosophy (continued from page 7-20) >
Alpha (*)
(*) Now, what may be the meaning in brief of this lengthy trash? H.P.B.
<Untitled> (In your number of March 8th, page 115)
Sir,–In your number of March 8th, page 115 ...
Daily Newspaper Misrepresentations
The Inspiration of the Hebrew Prophets
Editor's notes
- ↑ image by unknown author. color picture
- ↑ In your number of March 8th, page 115 by O'Sullivan, J. L., Spiritualist, The, March 15, 1878
- ↑ Daily Newspaper Misrepresentations by Fitz-Gerald, Desmond G., Spiritualist, The, March 15,1878
- ↑ The Inspiration of the Hebrew Prophets by unknown author, Spiritualist, The, March 15,1878