Template:Style P-Title level

From Teopedia
Revision as of 08:38, 11 December 2020 by Pavel Malakhov (addition | contribs) (+level 0)

This style is to design paragraph in text. To highligt just several symbols use templates for symbol styles.

Title of certain level. This style is used to design titles and subtitles of levels 1 trough 9 and add them to table of contents. Uses tag <h>. See also {{Style P-Title}}.


  • text-align: center
  • font-weight: bold
  • border-bottom: 0px solid grey
  • font-family: 'Droid Sans', Arial, sans-serif

To copy:

{{Style P-Title level|||}}


{{Style P-Title level |Level| Title | Anchor}}


  • Level - number from 0 up to 6, for 1-6 uses tag <h>; for 0 – <div>, so it does not reflect in table of contents; default = 1, optional
  • Title - text of a title, mandatory
  • Anchor - aditional anchor, wich could be used in references, f.e.: Article name#anchor_name, optional. Note that headers of any level set by equal sign already have full text anchors. This parameter allows to give an additional short version.

! Note, that level number has to be set without spaces! Other parameters do not depend on this.


  • 1-st level title without additional anchor
{{Style P-Title level || Title name}}
  • 2-nd level title with anchor
{{Style P-Title level |2| Title name | short_anchor}}