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vol. 8, p. 178
from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 8 (September 1878 - September 1879)


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< Spirit Messages Upon Mesmerism and Mediumship (continued from page 8-178) >

the force spoken of. Harmony of condition is needed before benefit can arise. Certain temperaments, or mesmerisms, are out of all harmony with some other temperaments or mesmerisms. If the medium for healing and the patient should be repelled one from the other, the conditions may be so disturbed as to hinder any good result arising from the spirit power. . . . There is a wide difference between the spiritual realities and the earthly ones. True, one is the type of the higher or more developed; but this does not remove the difficulty.

“One grand law of the mystery of the intercommunion between the two worlds is constantly violated. It is impossible for all spirits to become completely on rapport with all mediums. If each medium could by any means be kept entirely to the one set of spirits immediately en rapport with his sphere of mesmerism, so many mistakes would not occur.

“Spirits are as anxious to communicate to you on earth as you are to hear from them all they would say. And as spirits are not much wiser than men on earth about these laws, much error comes. Of course, evil spirits will lie; but very often, on the other hand, what looks like lying is not intended for that, but merely arises from the difficulty there is to express the right ideas...There are so many difficulties in the control of mediums. I wish to fathom the philosophy of it. It is to us here a system of telegraphy which we want to understand better. But in dealing with the laws of individual mediumship, we find it far more intricate than in dealing. merely with other laws of nature. Each medium was, as it were, a law to himself.

“’Tis true that in the lower physical manifestations the laws are more simple, having to do with the nerve power, the muscles, and the external body. But when it comes to the higher psychological laws, there is no law working without interference, for it has to do with the brain tissues in its ramifications throughout the body; the mental in place, of the physical.

“Mental conditions cannot be fully controlled by us or by the medium, because the individual mind and groove of thought can but receive what can run in these grooves if you are to receive a clear, lucid message.

“If we attempt to instilknowledge that is not capable of flowing into the groove it will come forth disfigured, distorted, injured.

“The time approaches when matter will be subservient to spirit, and then knowledge of a far purer, higher, and clearer type will be given.”


St. Leonard’s-on-Sea.

The Abolition of Capital Punishment


Spiritualism in United States


Editor's notes

  1. The Abolition of Capital Punishment by Williamson,A.E., Spiritualist, The, March 21, 1879
  2. Spiritualism in United States by Cooper, Robert, Spiritualist, The, March 21, 1879