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vol. 10, p. 124
from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 10


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< "The Theosophist" (continued from page 7-19) >


not daring to move for fear of being carried off again by the surges. Finally they were picked up by a foreign vessel and carried to Portugal, whence they were just then taking ship to England. The mother’s vision was shortly corroborated to the very letter; and the son, arriving at home, said that if his mother had been present in body she could not have more accurately described the circumstances.”

The Weighing Machine Experiments




Editor's notes

  1. The Weighing Machine Experiments by Massey, C.C.; Goad, George C., Spiritualist, The, Oct. 31, 1879
  2. Spiritualism by unknown author, Spiritualist, The, Oct. 31, 1879