Property:Theosophist item title
This property set in {{Theosophist item}} and has type Text.
(Comment on "Practical Work for Theosophists") +
(Draft?) Rules & Bye-Laws (of a Branch) +
(Editorial of St Thomas Times) +
(Extracts) From a Letter of an Old Friend & Theosophist +
(Fossil) Specimens to Exchange +
(From the <em>Indian Mirror</em>) (" We hear that Colonel Olcott's mission is a success in every way.") +
(Having been delegated ...) +
(Henry G Atkinson's Erroneous impressions regarding Theosophy) +
(I consider it the highest honor ...) +
(I have come from Calcutta ...) +
(I have much pleasure to ...) [Letter (read outloud) to HS Olcott - help needed in Ceylon] +
(I know the <em>Theosophist</em> is not the organ of the Theosophical Society) +
(I rise to address you ...) +
(In Response) +
(In the Theosophist of 1880 ...) +
(In view of the coming conference ...) [Letter to HP Blavatsky - <em>Eastern</em> vs <em>Western</em> Theosophy] +
(It gives me great pleasure ...) +
(It is now nearly five years since theosophy first ...) +
(Leaving for London) +
(Letter, re W Oxley) +