Zirkoff B. - Acknowledgements

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by Boris de Zirkoff
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writtings, vol. 1, page(s) xxi-xxii


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In the course of this literary undertaking, a great deal of volunteer help has been received from many individuals and several distinguished Institutions. Contacts established with them have been the cause of many pleasant associations and friendships of a lasting nature. The Compiler wishes to express his indebtedness to each and every one of them. In particular, a debt of gratitude is due to the following friends and associates:

Gottfried de Purucker, late Leader of the Point Loma Theosophical Society, for his constant encouragement, his invaluable hints concerning H. P. B.’s writings, and the opportunity to share his profound learning on subjects pertaining to Occultism; Henry T. Edge and Charles J. Ryan, for assistance in determining the authorship of many unsigned articles; Bertram Keightley, who, in the closing years of his life, provided valuable information regarding certain articles in the volumes of Lucifer, on whose editorial staff he served in H. P. B.’s time; E. T. Sturdy, member of H. P. B.’s Inner Group, for suggestive data and information; C. Jinarajadasa, President of The Theosophical Society (Adyar), for his many years of collaboration and his moral and material support; A. J. Hamerster and Mary K. Neff, for their meticulous care in the transcription of material from the Adyar Archives; Marjorie M. Tyberg, whose trained editorial abilities were an important factor in the production of the earlier volumes; Joseph H. Fussell, Sec’y-Gen. of the Point Loma Theosophical Society, for his co-operation in connection with the Society's Archives; A. Trevor Barker and Virginia Barker, London, and Ronald A. V. Morris, Hove, Sussex, for editorial work on portions of the MSS and their role in the business transactions with Rider and Co.; Sven Eek, onetime Manager of the Publications Department, Point Loma, Calif., for valuable assistance in the sale of earlier volumes; Judith Tyberg, for helpful suggestions in connection with Sanskrit technical terms; Helen Morris Koerting, New York; Ernest Cunningham, Philadelphia; Philip Malpas, London; Margaret Guild Conger, Washington, D. C.; Charles E. Ball, London; J. Hugo Tatsch, President, McCoy Publishing Company, New York; J. Emory Clapp, Boston; Ture Dahlin, Paris; T. W. Willans, Australia; W. Emmett Small, Geoffrey Barborka, Mrs. Grace Knoche, Miss Grace Frances Knoche, Solomon Hecht, Eunice M. Ingraham, and others, for research work, checking of references, copying of the MSS and assistance with various technical points connected with the earlier volumes; Mary L. Stanley, London, for painstaking and most able research work at the British Museum; Alexander Petrovich Leino, Helsingfors, Finland, for invaluable assistance in securing original Russian material at the Helsingfors University xxiiLibrary; William L. Biersach, Jr., and Walter A. Carrithers, Jr., whose thorough knowledge of the historical documents connected with the Theosophical Movement has been of very great assistance; and Mrs. Mary V. Langford, whose most careful and intelligent translation of Russian material provided a major contribution to the entire Series.

The Compiler is also indebted to the following Institutions, and their officials who have contributed information essential to the production of this Series: Stanford University, and the Hoover Institute, Palo Alto, Calif.; British Museum, London; The American-Russian Institute, New York; Avrahm Yarmolinsky, Chief of the Slavonic Division and Paul North Rice, Chief of the Reference Department, New York Public Library; University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif.; Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.; Mary E. Holmes, Librarian, Franklin Library, Franklin, Mass.; Foster M. Palmer, Reference Librarian, Harvard College Library, Cambridge, Mass.; University of Pennsylvania Library, Philadelphia, Pa.; Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris; Lenin State Library, Moscow, U.S.S.R.; Kungliga Biblioteket, Stockholm; Universitetsbiblioteket, Upsala; Boston Public Library; Columbia University Library, New York; Yale University Library, New Haven, Conn.; Grand Lodge Library and Museum, London; American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass.: Public Library, Colombo, Ceylon; The Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Library, Boston, Mass.; The Boston Athenaeum; Imperial Library, Calcutta, India; London Spiritualist Alliance; Massachusetts State Association of Spiritualists, Boston, Mass.; California State Library, Sacramento, Calif.; Library of the Philosophical Research Society, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif.

Other individuals from time to time have contributed in various ways to the success of this literary work. To all of these a debt of appreciation is due, even if their names are not individually mentioned.

Boris de Zirkoff. Compiler.

Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

September 8th, 1950.

[Beginning with Volume VII, the publication of the Collected Writings was taken over by The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, Madras, India, at the suggestion of our esteemed Brother and Friend. N. Sri Ram, President of The Theosophical Society, Adyar.]